Cary Wrote:
> Since eesh's "outing" post has been reported 50+
> times by everyone except
> ile.php?2,6622">svennestle himself I suppose I
> should provide an explanation for its continued
> existence.
> I just provided the following explanation (via
> email) to the user who started the threads
> /40/1290130/1290130.html">Dear Cary: Time for the
> Ban Hammer and
> /40/1290452/1290452.html">ANNOUNCEMENT: 30 Day Ban
> for Eesh(since removed):
> -- Begin email --
> I shouldn't even dignify you with a response, but
> so be it.
> You were banned for IMPERSONATION. Your thread
> "ANNOUNCEMENT: 30 Day Ban for Eesh" was signed by
> "- Cary".
> Impersonation, ESPECIALLY of the administrator, is
> always a ban-on-sight offense.
> The rules of Fairfax Underground are: no spam, no
> complete garbage, no impersonation, no personal
> attacks.
> The "outing" rule almost always falls into the
> "personal attacks" category, which is why they're
> prohibited. The only way to be "outed" on Fairfax
> Underground is to tell another user your real
> identity and have them violate that trust; or to
> be extremely sloppy and reveal an email address.
> Eesh's post is not a personal attack. He simply
> googled the username "svennestle" and posted the
> results. There was no conjecture, speculation, or
> attacks in his post, he simply posted what a
> google search of the username revealed.
> MANY users have reported eesh's message for
> moderation, but none of them have standing. The
> moment the user "svennestle" requests removal it
> will certainly be removed. The "outing" rule is
> to prevent the dissemination of privileged
> information, not to punish a user who performs
> research and brings to light easily accessible
> correlations. I don't blame you entirely for
> making this assumption as many others have also
> reported the message in question; I'll likely post
> a similar explanation in the forums to quell the
> speculation.
> Per your request your IP address '[redacted]' has
> been completely banned from Fairfax Underground.
> If you feel that you can behave feel free to email
> me back and request reinstatement.
> - Cary Wiedemann
> --Curator,
> -- End email --
The great and powerful wizard of eesh has spoken.
Don't look behind that curtain//