Take a Stand Wrote:
> Spunky..
> I was referring to your general craziness. I can
> not take anything you have to say seriously.
You made no reference, you just made a blanket statement, which shows your
stupidity. Now you come back some time later and try to clean it up, NO!
You were a fool then and are a fool now and will be fucking fool when you die
old man!
I can't take you seriously either, and I believe even 496 can't. Especially since you seem to twist everything you read.
> 1. You claim to have seen Mohamed Atta at
> Dave&Busters in a Navy uniform..
I never said this, if you care to re-read my thread then you will discover
how wrong you are yet again...
> 2. if you fall in the Occaquain you should call
> 911 since its so polluted.
This is the protocol for FCPS who use the river for crew training and events. Take this up with them, I only report what I know to be true.
So this is something the FCPS does, but you can't take me seriously because I reported it...do I have this correct? I thought so...You're a MORON!
> 3. And the winner would be anything from the "Here
> I thought I was talking to reasonable people
> but...
> /40/136385/page-1.html " thread..
OK, now I am reponsible for what others post? I have been accused of not being reasonable on this site which led to that thread, but you take the cake man.
Not once did ypou mention my response to you with the Washington Post article, why? Maybe you don't have a leg to stand on, so think about changing your name
I bet you don't even "take a stand" to piss!
> 496,
> I do know about the fish kills, however, you can
> read this from the VEPA site about fish kills. It
> shows they have not identified the cause for the
> fish kills in the shenandoah. I think you maybe
> confusing the poultry problems in the Chesapeake.
> "Water quality data from these studies and from
> extensive sampling during previous fish kill
> seasons have not identified any contaminants at
> levels that exceed water quality criteria or known
> levels of concern for toxic chemicals"
> alyses
> Hell, in the 70's to early 80's some nylon
> manufacture used to dump waste water straight into
> the Shenandoah near front royal. I remember seeing
> green algae on everything. Now they have improved
> erosion control. No more dead spots from algae. No
> more industrial un-regulated sewer.
> I definitely would not have swam in it then, but I
> would now.
> Do I take a shower when I get home... Yes.
> Do I eat fish from the river.. probably not.
Remember to that these studies meet EPA standards which are friendly to corp. also numbers are just that and are subjective. If fish are dying and their make-up altering then there's a problem, we're just slow in the process of discovery, and there's a reason for that also.
"Take a Stand", how about, "On your Knees!" now that name has a nice ring to it, on this you CAN take me seriously! Next time you better come prepared or I'll shoot you down again, until then don't bother me with such nonsense!