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3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 26, 2008 10:54PM

Given the condition of our bridges we should be pressing our government officals to correct and reverse the damage of pollution and envirnmental warming.

The James, Shenadoah and the Potomac rivers are all polluted.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:04PM

well..the potomac is complicated byt e fact that we (VA) doesnt own it.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: October 26, 2008 11:42PM

Spunky...it's time to calm down. Put yourself on a ration of posting only one crazy new topic per day.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 27, 2008 12:16AM

Fine...if you insist!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2008 12:16AM by spunky.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: October 27, 2008 02:19AM

In all fairness, the Potomac River is much better than it was in the 1970's.

At least now if you fall in, and take a shower within a few minutes after getting out, you won't grow an extra arm out of your head or something.

Name one river in the world that isn't polluted, though.

Perchlorate is in almost every waterway in the US. It's a byproduct of rocket feuls, and can be found just about everywhere (even, possibly, in many bottled waters.)

Nitrogen and Phosphates are in almost every waterway, due to runoff not only from agriculture, but also the average homeowner fertilizing his lawn.

Not to mention all the pharmaceuticals. Trace amounts end up being discharged into the waterways anytime someone taking a drug pisses into a toilet. In London, they've done studies to determine how prevalent cocaine use is in the city by testing for traces of it in the lower thames. Other studies on many rivers have found estrogen from birth control pills and traces of anti-depressants, blood pressure medicines, etc.

We live in a fouled world. There's 6 billion of us out there eating, breathing, pissing and shitting.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2008 02:57AM by Bob.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 27, 2008 04:39PM

Bob Wrote:
> In all fairness, the Potomac River is much better
> than it was in the 1970's.
> At least now if you fall in, and take a shower
> within a few minutes after getting out, you won't
> grow an extra arm out of your head or something.
> Name one river in the world that isn't polluted,
> though.
> Perchlorate is in almost every waterway in the US.
> It's a byproduct of rocket feuls, and can be
> found just about everywhere (even, possibly, in
> many bottled waters.)
> Nitrogen and Phosphates are in almost every
> waterway, due to runoff not only from agriculture,
> but also the average homeowner fertilizing his
> lawn.
> Not to mention all the pharmaceuticals. Trace
> amounts end up being discharged into the waterways
> anytime someone taking a drug pisses into a
> toilet. In London, they've done studies to
> determine how prevalent cocaine use is in the city
> by testing for traces of it in the lower thames.
> Other studies on many rivers have found estrogen
> from birth control pills and traces of
> anti-depressants, blood pressure medicines, etc.
> We live in a fouled world. There's 6 billion of
> us out there eating, breathing, pissing and
> shitting.

So, because we pollute we should live in it? I don't believe or follow that logic. You can live in the toilet if you choose with the rest of the apathic 6 billion + people who think like you, but I choose otherwise, and I don't believe I'll be alone. With that logic, our air will get worse, global warming will overtake our planet, and forget water it will be gone. Your logic at the moment is frankly terribly foul.

You don't have children do you?

My son practiced CREW on the Occuqian and when a kid fell in he had to be rushed to the hospital because of the river being polluted. I never thought growing up on a river, swimming, playing, fishing, skiing and boating that one day I would ever say something like that, but it's a reality in my lifetime! This is scary and WE need to do something about it NOW!


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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: October 27, 2008 05:02PM

When they change the gas meter in your house they have to remove the regulator which is filled with mercury. It was funny, I was talking to an old timer with the Washington Gas who had been with them for over 25 years, and now he was doing "specialized" work replacing meters. He goes in, detaches the regulator, wraps a plastic bag around it, then deposits it in a bucket and seals the lid.

He jokes about this because when he started out, he says he can still remember when the mercury used to roll up and down on the floor boards in his panel van that he drove for the company from all the regulators they used to toss in the back. Note he has not had any ill effects from all his exposure.

The point being, many times the effect of "pollutants" is highly over-played by folks whose interest is more in making money to support their lobbyists and their paychecks. Not that all toxins are falsely portrayed, but many of them piggyback off the hysteria of others IMHO.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: October 27, 2008 05:05PM

I dont consider environmentalist as hysterical..they are more like canaries in the tunnel. Your friend was lucky...sooner or later luck always runs out.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: October 27, 2008 05:12PM

Not a friend, just one of the worker-bees.

Environmentalism has many flavors and forms. I am all for responsible use and management of the environment to both meet the needs of humanity, and also to protect and ensure species are not overtly harmed. We have learned a lot over the years, and it seems we can still move ahead and make it so our developments are more environment-friendly in the process for a small cost.

I always wanted a concrete house with a grass or landscaped roof (and proper drainage). It would be cool if our homes and neighborhoods looked like something out of the hobbit :)

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 27, 2008 08:56PM

I am going to humor you here.

Do you believe our PLANET has gotten better over the years or worse?

Your answer will say it all!

Do you believe our efforts to correct what problems we create are in direct proportion to what we fix within our environment?

Including the killing off of species, destruction of rain forest, polluting of waters and air?

In addition you are as I have proved MrMephisto, who is most likely Elliot.
Bob is also Elliot, see the thread, "DID YA KNOW?"
Elliot is an IDIOT!

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: October 27, 2008 09:01PM

I believe you are a fucking moron. What do bridges have to do with water pollution?

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: October 27, 2008 09:18PM

Spunster, don't you have other things to worry about? Like unmarked helicopters, men in black, and Mohommed Atta?

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: October 27, 2008 09:42PM

496 Wrote:
> Spunster, don't you have other things to worry
> about? Like unmarked helicopters, men in black,
> and Mohommed Atta?

Whatz it to you?

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Al ()
Date: December 10, 2008 01:48PM

The biggest problem is runoff from land operated as toxic waste landfills in Fairfax County. Because of protection of property rights over the environment, the County can't take action to stop it. The County is not allowed to force a clean up because of stays, hearings and re-hearings, along with appeals that allow the operator to continue the dumping of toxics and pathogens on property that is zoned residential.

Anyone can buy a house with a nice backyard and start dumping on it.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: December 10, 2008 03:57PM

I have been kayaking the rivers of Virginia for that last 10 years.
They have only become clearer and cleaner, especially the Shenandoah and many local streams.
The Potomac has improved greatly over the years up to a point. Anything above the fall line, approx around Chain bridge Rd is fine to swim in, but anything below I would only boat in.

The only stream I would not paddle anymore is Bull Run stream . It is fine from gum springs rd to Bull Run park, but after the park it smells like sewer.

BTW, "Spunky" - The water draft for drinking water on the Potomac is above the falls.

And you are crazy!>

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2008 06:07PM by Take a Stand.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 11, 2008 01:51AM

Take a Stand Wrote:
> I have been kayaking the rivers of Virginia for
> that last 10 years.
> They have only become clearer and cleaner,
> especially the Shenandoah and many local streams.
> The Potomac has improved greatly over the years up
> to a point. Anything above the fall line, approx
> around Chain bridge Rd is fine to swim in, but
> anything below I would only boat in.
> The only stream I would not paddle anymore is Bull
> Run stream . It is fine from gum springs rd to
> Bull Run park, but after the park it smells like
> sewer.
> BTW, "Spunky" - The water draft for drinking water
> on the Potomac is above the falls.
> And you are crazy!>


OK, "Take a Stand", you should do more reading then depending on what you think you see with your eyes. Check out this article that was in Saturday's edition, obviously a "crazy" newspaper and written by a "Crazy" author, from research done
by "crazy" paid scientist. I know they, nor I, for that matter, don't have the expertise unfortunately, that few like you do. It's really sad that you know so much and yet with no supporting documentation defame me and those with titles who are paid to study these things. Do you get your divine intelligence from Heaven, like mania or were you annoted, to see all and be all? I am just reporting what I uncovered through discovery, it's your choice to do what you want or not. But
what is crazy is that we are having this sort of conversation in the first place, it should be a non-issue especially for someone with a name as yours? But again, that's your choice and life is full of choices, which is why we are where we are?

If you are interested check out my thread under the Fairfax topic, regarding "Fairfax water gets their supply from the Potomac...etc." It's just people like you and I who can make a difference, do you care enough or not? Remember you are talking to a crazy person?

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 11, 2008 06:48AM

"They have only become clearer and cleaner, especially the Shenandoah and many local streams."

Actually, the Shenandoah is quite polluted. There have been consistent fish kills the last 5 yrs, most likely due to the poultry industry.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: December 11, 2008 07:20PM

I was referring to your general craziness. I can not take anything you have to say seriously.

1. You claim to have seen Mohamed Atta at Dave&Busters in a Navy uniform..
2. if you fall in the Occaquain you should call 911 since its so polluted.
3. And the winner would be anything from the "Here I thought I was talking to reasonable people but...http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/136385/page-1.html " thread..


I do know about the fish kills, however, you can read this from the VEPA site about fish kills. It shows they have not identified the cause for the fish kills in the shenandoah. I think you maybe confusing the poultry problems in the Chesapeake.

"Water quality data from these studies and from extensive sampling during previous fish kill seasons have not identified any contaminants at levels that exceed water quality criteria or known levels of concern for toxic chemicals"

Hell, in the 70's to early 80's some nylon manufacture used to dump waste water straight into the Shenandoah near front royal. I remember seeing green algae on everything. Now they have improved erosion control. No more dead spots from algae. No more industrial un-regulated sewer.

I definitely would not have swam in it then, but I would now.

Do I take a shower when I get home... Yes.
Do I eat fish from the river.. probably not.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 11, 2008 08:53PM

Take a Stand Wrote:
> Spunky..
> I was referring to your general craziness. I can
> not take anything you have to say seriously.

You made no reference, you just made a blanket statement, which shows your
stupidity. Now you come back some time later and try to clean it up, NO!
You were a fool then and are a fool now and will be fucking fool when you die
old man!

I can't take you seriously either, and I believe even 496 can't. Especially since you seem to twist everything you read.

> 1. You claim to have seen Mohamed Atta at
> Dave&Busters in a Navy uniform..

I never said this, if you care to re-read my thread then you will discover
how wrong you are yet again...

> 2. if you fall in the Occaquain you should call
> 911 since its so polluted.

This is the protocol for FCPS who use the river for crew training and events. Take this up with them, I only report what I know to be true.
So this is something the FCPS does, but you can't take me seriously because I reported it...do I have this correct? I thought so...You're a MORON!

> 3. And the winner would be anything from the "Here
> I thought I was talking to reasonable people
> but...http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read
> /40/136385/page-1.html " thread..

OK, now I am reponsible for what others post? I have been accused of not being reasonable on this site which led to that thread, but you take the cake man.

Not once did ypou mention my response to you with the Washington Post article, why? Maybe you don't have a leg to stand on, so think about changing your name
I bet you don't even "take a stand" to piss!

> 496,
> I do know about the fish kills, however, you can
> read this from the VEPA site about fish kills. It
> shows they have not identified the cause for the
> fish kills in the shenandoah. I think you maybe
> confusing the poultry problems in the Chesapeake.
> "Water quality data from these studies and from
> extensive sampling during previous fish kill
> seasons have not identified any contaminants at
> levels that exceed water quality criteria or known
> levels of concern for toxic chemicals"
> http://www.deq.state.va.us/info/srfishkill.html#an
> alyses
> Hell, in the 70's to early 80's some nylon
> manufacture used to dump waste water straight into
> the Shenandoah near front royal. I remember seeing
> green algae on everything. Now they have improved
> erosion control. No more dead spots from algae. No
> more industrial un-regulated sewer.
> I definitely would not have swam in it then, but I
> would now.
> Do I take a shower when I get home... Yes.
> Do I eat fish from the river.. probably not.

Remember to that these studies meet EPA standards which are friendly to corp. also numbers are just that and are subjective. If fish are dying and their make-up altering then there's a problem, we're just slow in the process of discovery, and there's a reason for that also.

"Take a Stand", how about, "On your Knees!" now that name has a nice ring to it, on this you CAN take me seriously! Next time you better come prepared or I'll shoot you down again, until then don't bother me with such nonsense!

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Take a Stand ()
Date: December 13, 2008 12:41PM


You know, all I said to start you on your tirade. Is that since I started kayaking many years ago, the rivers have become clearer and cleaner over the years. I was stating my experiences.

You go off asking me if I get my information from heaven.. wtf are you talking about...really!? I was just relating my experience.

Then you are telling me that I can not believe any "government" studies because they are now all biased due to a vast conspiracy to help the "corp."

Let me refresh your memory.. did you not type this?

Imagine...if in 9/2000, you saw Mahammed Atta at a military function?
Posted by: spunky2 ()
Date: August 31, 2008 03:10AM

Well, I did and I could use some help now, like you wouldn't believe

'It's one thing to see him out on the streets, and I did see two others at Dave and Busters at White Flint Mall in August 2001, which I reported, no follow-up. They were playing the games and leaving the tickets in the machines while I watched my daughter play""

God damn..you really are crazy. And to be clear, by crazy I mean mentally unstable.

And really why all the name calling?

Have a nice day.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 13, 2008 10:03PM

Take a Stand Wrote:
> Spunky,
> You know, all I said to start you on your tirade.
> Is that since I started kayaking many years ago,
> the rivers have become clearer and cleaner over
> the years. I was stating my experiences.

No that's not all you said. anyone who read your
posts knows that. Just to make my point here's
what you said.

Take a Stand Wrote:
> I have been kayaking the rivers of Virginia for
> that last 10 years.
> They have only become clearer and cleaner,
> especially the Shenandoah and many local streams.
> The Potomac has improved greatly over the years up
> to a point. Anything above the fall line, approx
> around Chain bridge Rd is fine to swim in, but
> anything below I would only boat in.
> The only stream I would not paddle anymore is Bull
> Run stream . It is fine from gum springs rd to
> Bull Run park, but after the park it smells like
> sewer.
> BTW, "Spunky" - The water draft for drinking water
> on the Potomac is above the falls.
> And you are crazy!>

Just so we are clear, you just lied! You stated no facts
and you are still wasting my valuable time and for what?
On top of that you claimed "I" was crazy? Go figure, I have
provided facts to support what I have said and then had a research
group and a news article come out behind me repeating what I
had said...are you senile?

> You go off asking me if I get my information from
> heaven.. wtf are you talking about...really!? I
> was just relating my experience.

Exactly you dumb fuck, your experiences don't mean shit, especially
now in light of the research supported Post article. My your experiences
you are saying you can see basically toxins, and you can't. Did you even read
the article? I am willing to bet you didn't due to your arrogance?

> Then you are telling me that I can not believe any
> "government" studies because they are now all
> biased due to a vast conspiracy to help the
> "corp."

Let's just say if the fish are changing there's a reason for it, and our
Gov't has a history of being truthful with us and protecting us or Corp.? Duh?

This is no news flash, unless you just dropped in here from another planet...Klingon?

How old are you? Who do you work for ?
You may have a motivation for being biased in wanting to just eyeball toxins. Are you a Corp. suit? A lobbyist? Everyone has an agenda, what's yours? Mine is to clean up our planet of toxins and toxic people.

> Let me refresh your memory.. did you not type
> this?

So, what's your point...It's the truth!

No where does it say I saw Atta at Dave and Buster's, you fucking dumbass!!

> Imagine...if in 9/2000, you saw Mahammed Atta at a
> military function?
> Posted by: spunky2 ()
> Date: August 31, 2008 03:10AM
> Well, I did and I could use some help now, like
> you wouldn't believe
> or
> 'It's one thing to see him out on the streets, and
> I did see two others at Dave and Busters at White
> Flint Mall in August 2001, which I reported, no
> follow-up. They were playing the games and leaving
> the tickets in the machines while I watched my
> daughter play""

No, I believe you are crazy and senile because you can't accurately report what
you read. Have you always been this stupid or do you work extremely hard to become this dumb? I believe it comes naturally!

> God damn..you really are crazy. And to be clear,
> by crazy I mean mentally unstable.

Let's see by starting a thread about an issue with supporting documentation, which is eventually written about in the Washington Post with a separate reseach
article to support my subject definitely sounds mentally unstable. HA!, Ha!, HA!,HA!,HA!,HA!,HA!,HA!,HA!...this against you, "Take a Stand" who just reports his experiences, with nothing to support your eyeball observations? Then you inaccurately recall postings and claim I am unstable, mentally and crazy? Based on your ramblings you did not appear reasonable or logical and I have proven such with my aforementioned arguement.
> And really why all the name calling?

You started the name calling. I just figured I would end it.
>The fact that you must ask makes you look all the more stupid!

Have a nice day.

You, sir, are an idiot of the most supreme breed. Don't expect a reponse from me in the future, simply because you aren't worth my precious time. Say what you will, I could care less. At least read the article, you won't look so foolish!

You controlled the tone of my reponse simply by calling me a name first. I bet you are also a man.

I hope you have a shit-eat'in day, all day, everyday for the rest of your long ass life!

Do we understand each other, "ON YOUR KNEES!"?

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: December 31, 2008 02:28PM

Here's hoping Spunky's New Year's Resolution is to swallow her fat pie face!

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 02, 2009 12:54AM

angelus42774 Wrote:
> Here's hoping Spunky's New Year's Resolution is to
> swallow her fat pie face!

Well, it's not! But it should be yours. How low can you go to make comments about someone when they aren't around? You are lower then a snake's belly in a well, no lower! I guess you missed me pie face?

Did you read the article in the Post last Saturday about how much worse the condition of the Bay is in then we were lead to believe? Now who told you that shit FIRST? Bow to me peeps!

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 02, 2009 02:54PM

but can we light them on FIRE?

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: EX- Mr. Spunky ()
Date: January 04, 2009 12:02AM

Court ordered mental evaluation?

spunky Wrote:
> I guess you missed me pie face?

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 04, 2009 02:59AM

EX- Mr. Spunky Wrote:
> Court ordered mental evaluation?
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I guess you missed me pie face?

For him....he was given an eval before joining the military where he lied...he passed. Took another with a TS and failed, alot like all you folks! You have had tons of separate individuals claim you're nuts, that's why this is such a dead board.

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Re: 3 major rivers in Virginia are polluted.
Posted by: Poiiuted ()
Date: June 26, 2022 09:36PM

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