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SECRET NSA AND CIA info in here!
Posted by: SECRETNSACIA ()
Date: August 18, 2013 11:51AM

STNG Lt. Worfs faith is tested and he is sent by Captain Picard in hopes to find what he is seeking.

Apon calling for Kahless He appears before Worf.

This is a hidden message for NSA/CIA to find a jew that looks like Jesus so the fake temple can be built.

SATAN will arrive from the help of USA. He like Kahless will be fake and even when called out Israel will still demand we follow the fake messiah.

Earth is doomed.

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Re: SECRET NSA AND CIA info in here!
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: August 18, 2013 12:09PM

> STNG Lt. Worfs faith is tested and he is sent by
> Captain Picard in hopes to find what he is
> seeking.
> Apon calling for Kahless He appears before Worf.
> This is a hidden message for NSA/CIA to find a jew
> that looks like Jesus so the fake temple can be
> built.
> SATAN will arrive from the help of USA. He like
> Kahless will be fake and even when called out
> Israel will still demand we follow the fake
> messiah.
> Earth is doomed.

That's stupid.

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