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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Now I've got some sleep issues and I've been taking Ambien here and then, that is one helluva drug. Dreaming while your awake, crazy stuff! Anyone else have any stories?
Says a dude who doesnt quite understand the effects of most sleep disorders. I haven't slept 8 hours straight since I was in my teens and I'm now in my thirties. Thanks for the advice Doc
I've taken it and the results were not good. It is supposed to be used only on a temporary basis. Unfortunately my doc didn't tell me this and I was on it for eight years, the whole while building up a tolerance to it with my doc upping my daily dosage. It got to the point where I was like a zombie. I went off it cold turkey, bad rebound insomnia for about a week. Now I take 3 mg of Melatonin each night and it works great. Plus, Melatonin is not addictive nor does it give me a hangover effect.