Re: OJ Simpson FINALLY found Guilty!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: December 06, 2008 03:42AM
pgens Wrote:
> The judge in the case said "we're talking about
> this case, not other ones." We're supposed to not
> talk about the "other case" when talking about
> this one. The judge was very hittable.
I do agree that nobody should be on trial for "prior bad acts", but only on trial for the act they were charged with.
But OJ definitely has a prior bad act.
So while I'm happy he got the shaft, I hate the fact that he's being judged on something he was, by law and by the basic system of justice in our country, found innocent of.
So I'm a little bit mixed.
But I'd prefer if he was only convicted and sentenced for being an arrogant prick who thought he could steal memorabilia he already sold, from the people he sold it to.