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Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: Warfare ()
Date: October 02, 2008 03:28PM

In a confidential internal memorandum, the Colorado Democracy Alliance outlines a roster of "operatives" who worked for Democratic victory in the 2006 general election. The document outlines specific tasks for various members of the state's liberal infrastructure, including a campaign to "educate the idiots," assigned to the state's AFL-CIO union. Among the operation's intended targets: "minorities, GED's, drop-outs."
Class and race warfare at its finest

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: Off-topic ()
Date: October 02, 2008 03:35PM

Maybe you should educate yourself on what off-topic means.

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: RePUBElickin' ()
Date: October 02, 2008 04:11PM

That's asking way too much of a Republican.

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: October 02, 2008 05:22PM

“There’s class warfare, all right,”but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” Warren Buffett

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: pumkinseed ()
Date: October 02, 2008 05:30PM

If I had Warren Buffet's money I could afford to be liberal too.

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 02, 2008 07:47PM

pumkinseed Wrote:
> If I had Warren Buffet's money I could afford to
> be liberal too.

Capitalism was just fine on getting Wareen and Soros rich, but now its apparently there duty to scold others with ambition and preach their socialism.

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: October 02, 2008 11:56PM

WingNut Wrote:
> pumkinseed Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If I had Warren Buffet's money I could afford
> to
> > be liberal too.
> Capitalism was just fine on getting Wareen and
> Soros rich, but now its apparently there duty to
> scold others with ambition and preach their
> socialism.

Or preach the use of There or THEIR?

I ran some numbers, and overall billionaires in this country do not give a lot to political parties. Of 78 or so billionaires, since 1978, gave a total of $14.6 million to Democrats, $20.2 million went to Republicans.

George Soros ($916,000 to Democrats) and Warren Buffetts ($96,000 to Democrats) is far outshadowed by T Boone Pickens ($882,000 to Republicans) and Jack Taylor's ($706,000 to Republicans) contributions.

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: October 03, 2008 10:29AM

Given trends in unemployment, wages, and inflation, I wonder how many people can afford to be Republicans these days.

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: Anonymous Researcher ()
Date: October 03, 2008 10:44AM

Radiophile Wrote:
> I ran some numbers, and overall billionaires in
> this country do not give a lot to political
> parties. Of 78 or so billionaires, since 1978,
> gave a total of $14.6 million to Democrats, $20.2
> million went to Republicans.
> George Soros ($916,000 to Democrats) and Warren
> Buffetts ($96,000 to Democrats) is far outshadowed
> by T Boone Pickens ($882,000 to Republicans) and
> Jack Taylor's ($706,000 to Republicans)
> contributions.

What if we replaced Warren Buffet with convicted felon and Democratic financier Charles Kushner? I don't think anyone would be far outshadowed. Once again, either because you failed to do adequate research or you are just being dishones with the facts, you have been made the fool.

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Re: Dem Strategy - Educate the Idiots
Posted by: BigDog ()
Date: October 03, 2008 02:47PM

Why would the Dems want to educate the idiots? If they did that there would be no Dems left, everyone would be a smart Republican.

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