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web host recommendations
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: April 25, 2005 03:02PM

Looking for an inexpensive web hosting solution. Don't need anything too fancy. Problem is, last time I looked for a low-priced host, about 3 months into the site, his servers got confiscated by the FBI. (His biz was located in the phillipines(?) and his u.s. servers were based in dallas). I just checked and the URL (pachost.net) is empty and apparently available - according to a quick WHOIS. Too bad, the host was a hell of a nice guy.

Regardless, that's what happens I guess when you do your own research; what I'm wondering is, can anyone give me a good recommendation?

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 25, 2005 03:18PM

Well I guess I should plug the company I work for. Hosting plans: http://www.patriot.net/intservices/web/webhosting.htm

If you don't need all the fancy stuff patriot provides (linux shell access, sql, frontpage extensions, etc) you should go RackSpace for a big site or http://www.1and1.com for a simpler site

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: April 26, 2005 08:01AM

I used to be able to recommend AffordableHost.com, but not sure how their recent sale to a Canadian company is going to affect service... hopefully it won't. But try to find a provider that uses CPanel to configure your site... it provides a control panel to mail, stats, everything in one spot and makes administration easy.

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: ben ()
Date: April 26, 2005 10:47PM


I have been with them for two years, never had a problem. They use the aforementioned CPanel too.

Great service.

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: alive ()
Date: April 27, 2005 12:10AM

I don't personally use them, since I had two hosting accounts already when I heard of the site, but NearlyFreeSpeech.net looks like a good option for affordable non-fancy use.

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: April 27, 2005 03:42PM

that is wild. I'm def. going to look into them.

i've done a number of sites, and like cpanel, but for this site i really don't care. I just want a spot where i can toss up a bunch of pages and images. That looks like it might be the winner.

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: April 27, 2005 04:07PM

In that case, HOPEFULLY they will re-introduce their free accounts. One domain and like 50 megs.

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: butthole surfer ()
Date: May 26, 2011 12:55AM

Bump! for old time sake, Eh!? I miss 2005...what a good year....times were simpler back then.....the future sucks.

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: May 26, 2011 01:57PM

yes Wrote:
> whatever ffxu is hoested on

FairfaxUnderground.com is a privately owned and co-located server. It is not part of a "shared hosting" or VPS plan. The server hardware is privately owned and I make arrangements to host the entire physical server in datacenters with the necessary power and bandwidth.

The original host of FairfaxUnderground.com was my old employer PatriotNet. In the very beginning this site resided on a 400Mhz Celeron tower workstation running Linux 2.4.20 which sat under my desk connected to PatriotNet's office 1.5Mbps SDSL line.

As traffic grew, "langsam", the server hosting FairfaxUnderground.com was moved to PatriotNet's AboveNet collocation facility at 8110 Boone Blvd in Vienna.

After PatriotNet was sold to IceWEB and later Leros, a Leros Network Engineer incompetently mangled long-established routes (I had previously re-routed the /24 used for office SDSL to the AboveNet core router to avoid changing IPs when the physical server was moved) which brought this server down for nearly 36 hours. This outage was complicated by the fact that Leros had not paid the AboveNet bill and as such it was difficult to physically extract my (privately owned) server. This was heavily documented here:

After the Leros fiasco langsam/FairfaxUnderground.com moved to the Ashburn Equinix facility and was hosted by PullThePlug LLC, a terrific host. Unfortunately PullThePlug LLC was bought by Latisys (now Latisys Ashburn) and terminated my service based on an unscrupulous abuse complaint and frivolous lawsuit (I am still battling the individual who caused this). This situation caused significant downtime it was documented here:

As I have access to the Equinix's DC-2 facility I immediately made arrangements with my current host, Carpathia, to move the physical server from Latisys's Equinix Ashburn cage to Carpathia's Equinix Ashburn cage where it has remained since.

Just some history for those interested.

And yes, this thread will now be moved to Off-Topic.

- Cary (the admin)

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Re: web host recommendations
Date: May 26, 2011 02:05PM

Love the .jpg from one of those threads:


"...your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!"

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: May 26, 2011 02:56PM

Does the name Federici mean anything to you???

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Re: web host recommendations
Posted by: Go Daddy ()
Date: July 06, 2022 04:19PM

Go Daddy is great

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