Yucky24. Wrote:
> And the lulz just keep on coming:
> za-convoy-activists-were-raped-in-front-of-their-f
> ather-in-benghazi/
> Raped in front of their own father. And in the HQ
> of the "arab spring" "freedom fighters".
> At least they were immigrants from Chimpistan and
> not real Brits. Which just adds yet even more
> lulz.
> Gotta love how muslimes constantly bash the West
> for their lack of morals and modesty while at the
> same time giving nigs a serious challenge for the
> title of rape capital of the world.
> Not to mention the a-rab muslime Middle East
> having the most fucked up porn search traffic in
> the world:
> Lebanon - Shit Orgy
> lulz lulz lulz
Traci Lords was # 6 in Viet Nam. Makes you wonder about time warps.