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No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: want postal ()
Date: March 26, 2013 08:25PM

I feel for all the postal service people who will lose their jobs but it is a natural trend. Snail mail needs to reinvent itself if it is to survive. In it's current form it will continue to decline.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: in the gutter ()
Date: March 26, 2013 08:34PM

Postal workers have the best retirement plans outside of Congress. Most letter carriers make six figures for what is really a mindless job, even then they still deliver mail to the wrong place frequently.
Its an expensive dinosaur.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: for real? ()
Date: March 26, 2013 08:58PM

Well, I think the mail question is an interesting one.

I get maybe 3-5 items in the mail, per day. Small home based business.

Over a period of 10 + years, I had one item that did not get delivered. It was from Canada. So, concievably, Canada f'ed up. Who knows.

I get more orders f'ed up at restaurants. Ranging from Mcdonalds to high-end places. I'd say for every 5 times I go out, there is some f-up, ranging from minor, to major, as in, didn't bring the appetizer. Or, the food was completely f'ed up.

But, for the my entire life, even the 10 years I lived overseas, I could put a stamp in the corner of a letter, write 3 lines of info, and within 1-5 days, usually, the item was delivered to some place across the country, or, across the world. And pretty frickin cheaply.

I think complaining about postal service has become cliche. But for my entire life, it has given me better results than any other low cost service. Way better.

The interesting thing is now that they are considering cutting service, there are many small business "advocates" coming out of the woodwork, you know, those pro business (typically conservative) groups coming out and saying you can't cut postal service, it'll make life difficult for these small businesses! So much for that idea that government doesn't help business.

Do you really think the postal service is f'ed up, or, is it just an easy thing to complain about, like some old vaudeville act?

For me, it has run very cleanly for years when compared to other low margin business, even though what they do is far more complex than flippin a cheeseburger.

By the way, I am fairly conservative in my views. Just like to call it the way I see it.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: yDD4t ()
Date: March 26, 2013 09:36PM

for real? Wrote:

> But, for the my entire life, even the 10 years I
> lived overseas, I could put a stamp in the corner
> of a letter, write 3 lines of info, and within 1-5
> days, usually, the item was delivered to some
> place across the country, or, across the world.
> And pretty frickin cheaply.

now you can do the same in a split second and the person can respond immediately

no paper, gas for trucks, pollution, chance for it being delivered to the wrong place or lost and so much more

no one is "complaining" about the US mail, it is just not needed in anyway

fedex and ups are better to send any type of package and email makes the postal service irrelevant

(excluding junk mail <only ones who would miss the US postal service

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: okey dokey ()
Date: March 26, 2013 09:41PM

So, I can send a package via e-mail?

Man, that is frickin great!

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Uwpnw ()
Date: March 26, 2013 09:45PM

okey dokey Wrote:
> So, I can send a package via e-mail?
> Man, that is frickin great!

learn to read the entire post retard

"fedex and ups are better to send any type of package"

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 26, 2013 09:48PM

yDD4t Wrote:

> fedex and ups are better to send any type of
> package and email makes the postal service
> irrelevant

Fedex and UPS both use the USPS to actually deliver a lot of their packages that they have deemed isnt worth it their effort to send trucks for. Whether it be in rural areas or a certain type of service, a good portion of their packages get delivered by dropping them off with the local USPS office.

I do believe washington either has or currently is working on a bill though that tells the USPS they have to keep 6 day delivery.

Youre right a good amount of mail has been replaced by email and texting but if the USPS went thered be more consequences than people realize. The biggest issue is that UPS and Fedex are all about making money which is fine. But that would leave many rural areas without mail service if they deemed delivery to those areas not to be profitable.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: don't care ()
Date: March 26, 2013 10:02PM

I love people that complain about taxes.

I make enough money that I've never really worried about them. I understand that it is pretty much all relative...if I'm paying a lot, so is everyone else, percentage wise.

My advice? Make more money.

What the f do I care.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Zippy ()
Date: March 26, 2013 10:19PM

Liberal Logic 102 Wrote:
> yDD4t Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > fedex and ups are better to send any type of
> > package and email makes the postal service
> > irrelevant
> Fedex and UPS both use the USPS to actually
> deliver a lot of their packages that they have
> deemed isnt worth it their effort to send trucks
> for. Whether it be in rural areas or a certain
> type of service, a good portion of their packages
> get delivered by dropping them off with the local
> USPS office.
> I do believe washington either has or currently is
> working on a bill though that tells the USPS they
> have to keep 6 day delivery.
> Youre right a good amount of mail has been
> replaced by email and texting but if the USPS went
> thered be more consequences than people realize.
> The biggest issue is that UPS and Fedex are all
> about making money which is fine. But that would
> leave many rural areas without mail service if
> they deemed delivery to those areas not to be
> profitable.

Not many realistic people are saying get rid of them. More that they need to be restructured in a big way. They have way too many people, with very expensive benefits, and too much property. Because of the union which pretty much runs the entire service protecting jobs and benefits always are the number one concerns even if it means that the numbers don't really work. The cost saving that they try to do mostly all is in areas other than personnel where more of it really needs to be. Any other similar business would have cut staff significantly long ago.

I use them a lot too and for the most part think they're great for smaller/lighter packages.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: USPS+1 ()
Date: March 26, 2013 10:32PM

There are a lot of good points in this thread. I realize e-mail has effectively replaced personal snail mail except maybe for specialty cards like Christmas and birthdays. However, I still use snail mail for anything financial (bills, tax returns, etc.). I am too uncomfortable with hackers like Anonymous and the PRC trolling around the web.

for real? is right. I can count on one finger the times USPS has failed me. This is probably a lost cause, but I will keep buying stamps

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: still don't get it ()
Date: March 26, 2013 10:34PM

As for the people that are saying the postal service needs to be restructured, that is what I don't get.

Again, I hear people saying it needs to be privatized, we need to get rid of pensions, etc...

It seems to run pretty smoothly to me. Are we paying a sh**load of tax $ for it?

Like I said before, any other low margin/low cost business I go into will f*** stuff up much more frequently than the post office.

And believe me, I am no protector of government spending or service.

I just don't get it. Seems like a pretty efficient and cheap operation to me.

You put some stuff in a box, slap a few stamps on it, 3 lines of info, they PICK IT UP from your house, and 1-3 days later it is somewhere across the country.

Pull up to a fast food drive through, and see how often they f up your order. And all they are doing is taking an order and handing the sh** through a window.

I'm always puzzled by people saying let's privatize the post office to make it run more smoothly...have they really thought about that? Those fast food people are the ones we'd get.

And I'm not after those people either...they are doing a job for low wages, so what do you expect? Low cost=low wage=higher potential for screw up.

Post office, though, seems to do things pretty well for what they are doing, when you think about it-like, $.40, they pick something up from my house, and in a day or two, it is across the country?

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: March 26, 2013 10:46PM

My mailman said he would love a two day weekend

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: fixed ()
Date: March 26, 2013 10:53PM

graymoose1 Wrote:
> My mailman said he would love a two day weekend get away with me and the slutty wife

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: March 26, 2013 11:02PM

fixed Wrote:
> graymoose1 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > My mailman said he would love a two day weekend
> get away with me and the slutty wife

Thank you my little troll, there will be some extra fish heads for your breakfast in the morning

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: March 26, 2013 11:07PM

Most White Male conservatives wouldn't care about government spending as much if the government wasn't basically a job bank for females, mud people and left-wing White people. And if our country wasn't so racially diverse in general. They just won't admit it because they're afraid of being accused of being loyal to their own race and gender - like everyone else is...\

The Left also won't admit that they support expanding government because they're closet communists who hate Whites and Males and want to steal their wealth and spread it to the whole fucking world.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Zippy ()
Date: March 26, 2013 11:10PM

still don't get it Wrote:
> As for the people that are saying the postal
> service needs to be restructured, that is what I
> don't get.
> Again, I hear people saying it needs to be
> privatized, we need to get rid of pensions,
> etc...
> It seems to run pretty smoothly to me. Are we
> paying a sh**load of tax $ for it?
> ..........

That 40 cents (actually 46 cents now) doesn't really cover the costs to pick up, sort, process, transport, receive, deliver, and all of the associated personnel and infrastructure costs involved. It's heavily subsidized by ad mail, package services, and other more expensive services. And volume for all continues to go down and as far as I know nobody really expects that to change for the better.

We don't pay taxes directly to support it but we do loan it money and back up losses and we're effectively on the hook for pension and other benefit costs not only for current employees but for all of the former and future employees. Which is why they made them start putting money aside to cover health benefits versus running on a pay-as-you-go basis as they were. Even after all of those payments are made, if I remember right in 2016, they'll still be far below what most would consider an acceptable level of funds in reserve versus future obligations.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Qwest ()
Date: March 26, 2013 11:31PM

I don't think they should do away w/ Saturday deliver. They should have M-W-F for even zip codes, T-Th-S for odd.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: C Claven ()
Date: March 27, 2013 04:23AM

Some of us are old enough to remember when mail was delivered twice on weekdays and just once on Saturday.

Really, twice a week would be just fine.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 27, 2013 05:50PM

Zippy Wrote:

> Not many realistic people are saying get rid of
> them. More that they need to be restructured in a
> big way. They have way too many people, with very
> expensive benefits, and too much property.
> Because of the union which pretty much runs the
> entire service protecting jobs and benefits always
> are the number one concerns even if it means that
> the numbers don't really work. The cost saving
> that they try to do mostly all is in areas other
> than personnel where more of it really needs to
> be. Any other similar business would have cut
> staff significantly long ago.

Some people have said to can it like the guy I was responding too but I dont think theres much serious talk of that.

Personally Im actually fine with the PO losing money. Not everything the government does has to make money and the PO at least provides a valuable service.

That said theres absolutely are ways the PO can cut back on its expenses. More of its being automated and they could probably cut back on the number of employees with new technology.

The biggest thing though is the pay and pensions. You dont exactly need a masters degree to work there, but at the same time you want to pay something where people wont just steal mail because they dont care. Somewhere in the middle there are reasonable pension numbers that can be supported without gutting the entire system.

A possible solution could be if youve been there more than 10 years leave it untouched and roll everyone else into the new system. If the union threatens a strike let them know anyone who strikes will be fired. There are more than enough people out of work right now that would gladly take those jobs and frankly unions have far outlived their use in terms of legitimate issues.

> I use them a lot too and for the most part think
> they're great for smaller/lighter packages.

I dont have a whole lot of complaints about the service they do provide and think UPS is overrated personally.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: norm ()
Date: March 27, 2013 05:55PM

Out of six days I get my neighbors mail at least three of them. Sometimes we dont get mail at all on the street. On a recent visit to the post office to mail a package the clerk didnt speak English, she was Asian. Had to wait for some fat white dude to stamp it for me.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: po folk ()
Date: March 27, 2013 05:56PM

I am not sure delivering mail justifies a six figure salary

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 27, 2013 05:57PM

The USPS is a make-work jobs program for losers who don't have the hustle in them to work for Fedex or UPS.

They should have discontinued Saturday service decades ago.

The direct marketing industry actually keeps the cost of a first class stamp lower than it would be, so THANK the junk mailers who bombard your elderly parents with reverse mortgage offers and sweepstake scams.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: Faggnut ()
Date: March 27, 2013 06:12PM

WingNut Wrote:
> The USPS is a make-work jobs program for losers
> who don't have the hustle in them to work for
> Fedex or UPS.
> They should have discontinued Saturday service
> decades ago.

Then how would you get gay love letters from your boyfriend?

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: March 27, 2013 07:03PM

C Claven Wrote:
> Some of us are old enough to remember when mail
> was delivered twice on weekdays and just once on
> Saturday.
> Really, twice a week would be just fine.

I don't remember twice a day mail delivery, I do remember when evening papers were around though.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: March 27, 2013 07:11PM

Faggnut Wrote:
> WingNut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The USPS is a make-work jobs program for losers
> > who don't have the hustle in them to work for
> > Fedex or UPS.
> >
> > They should have discontinued Saturday service
> > decades ago.
> Then how would you get gay love letters from your
> boyfriend?

Your father would gladly SKype with me if I told the old queen to do so, love letters are so last century.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: March 27, 2013 07:54PM

"The USPS is a make-work jobs program for losers who don't have the hustle in them to work for Fedex or UPS."

Quite possibly the dumbest thing you've posted yet. And you post alot of dumb things.

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Re: No more Saturday mail, thats okay.
Posted by: danny j ()
Date: March 27, 2013 08:01PM

If UPS and FedEx had the same level of customer service as the USPS both would be out of business. Postal workers have tenure like status. They can get away with just about anything as long as they belong to the union. I have heard the clerks curse out customers and when asked for a supervisor they refuse to get one. I just keep my mouth shut since I know after I leave they will destroy whatever I am mailing.

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