Re: people who deserved to be banned
Posted by:
trident and true
Date: December 09, 2009 01:11PM
who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: blame game ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:01PM
A) Bill Clinton
B) George Bush Jr.
C) Barack hussein obama
vote now! Who gets the majority of the blame for 9/11. Perhaps it can be divided up, 30%-30%-30%?
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:06PM
A. Slick Willy
President Bush wasn't in office during the entire build-up to it (Which took years), and as much as I despise Obama, I don't see what he has to do with it.
"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: blame game ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:22PM
ThePackLeader Wrote:
> A. Slick Willy
> President Bush wasn't in office during the entire
> build-up to it (Which took years), and as much as
> I despise Obama, I don't see what he has to do
> with it.
good analysis
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: Reggie Voter ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:26PM
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:27PM
A + B
Although ultimately it falls on the assholes who flew the planes into our buildings.
Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/06/2009 07:29PM by Registered Voter.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: blame game ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:28PM
Although, no one should get the blame. By default, we can just blame Bush and the Republicans for everything bad. Failure seems to follow them everywhere.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: Frank ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:42PM
Osama Bin Laden.... how are you gonna place blame on a president.. he did not fly any airplanes that hit the WTT ...Idiots.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:48PM
Frank Wrote:
> Osama Bin Laden.... how are you gonna place blame
> on a president.. he did not fly any airplanes that
> hit the WTT ...Idiots.
I think it's ridiculous, and quite frankly, disgusting, to blame any president for what happened that day. Using a terrorist act as a divisive political issue- EXACTLY what the terrorists want.
It's people who say shit like this that ARE the problem with this country. They're more patriotic to the GOP than they are to America. They're fucking disgraceful and should be ashamed of themselves.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: blame game ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:51PM
TheMeeper Wrote:
> Frank Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Osama Bin Laden.... how are you gonna place
> blame
> > on a president.. he did not fly any airplanes
> that
> > hit the WTT ...Idiots.
> +1
> I think it's ridiculous, and quite frankly,
> disgusting, to blame any president for what
> happened that day. Using a terrorist act as a
> divisive political issue- EXACTLY what the
> terrorists want.
> It's people who say shit like this that ARE the
> problem with this country. They're more patriotic
> to the GOP than they are to America. They're
> fucking disgraceful and should be ashamed of
> themselves.
I have no allegiance to any part. I just put the issues on the table and let WE THE PEOPLE decide whos at fault. BTW, I vote A, B, and C, with the heaviest load on A, a little less on B, and just a few slivers on C. I think Clinton will ultimately be remembered as the one who dropped the ball
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 06, 2009 07:58PM
blame game Wrote:
> I think Clinton will ultimately
> be remembered as the one who dropped the ball
George W. Bush will forever bear the legacy of 9-11, whether conservatives like that or not.
But that does not mean he is to blame for a couple of guys sneaking knives onto planes and crashing them. That's ridiculous and it just goes to show you how far removed from reality conservative americans are today by thinking up this blame game shit.
Go to hell, all of you.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: Fair fax ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:08PM
TheMeeper Wrote:
> Go to hell, all of you.
Hey Meep...
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:10PM
Fair fax Wrote:
> TheMeeper Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Go to hell, all of you.
> Hey Meep...
I gotta admit, I sorta miss that goofy voice sometimes.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:10PM
No, of course. The Republicans pointed at Bill Clinton and said - "blame him!" correct?
LOL Meep. You act like the Republicans or other folks on that side started the blame game. It is called a deflection - and folks on both sides worked hard to make it happen. Ask Sandy Berger what he was doing destroying records in the archives and why that was so important. It seems that both the Bush and Clinton administrations worked to suppress information important to the investigation - I am guessing in their minds, they both feel they own the issue as far as government failures in dealing with the problem.
Ultimately though, it falls on the terrorists. But keep feeling good about getting in that parting shot to blame Bush in your responses - it makes your indignation all that more believable :)
Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:19PM
For the record RV, I do not blame Bush in any way. Not at all. Sure, I think he was a failure in many ways, but 9/11 has nothing to do with that. Bush is not to blame for what happened that day.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: PEN15 ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:23PM
TheMeeper Wrote:
> For the record RV, I do not blame Bush in any way.
> Not at all. Sure, I think he was a failure in
> many ways, but 9/11 has nothing to do with that.
> Bush is not to blame for what happened that day.
He is, however, accountable for all the BS that came after that fateful day.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: truth1 ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:26PM
9/11 was an inside job, the governments official fantasy account has more holes in it than swiss cheese.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:27PM
Well, now we have representatives from all sides lol.
Well if you said it, obviously it must make sense then.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: raunch ()
Date: December 06, 2009 08:52PM
TheMeeper Wrote:
> For the record RV, I do not blame Bush in any way.
> Not at all. Sure, I think he was a failure in
> many ways, but 9/11 has nothing to do with that.
> Bush is not to blame for what happened that day.
Not saying it was entirely GWB fault but the guy had 11mo. He had access to all the prior knowledge. If he brought in a new team that ignored certain data then, well, there's something to be said about being able to effectively manage the transition team.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 06, 2009 09:16PM
I'm not defending Bush's presidency. I just think it is entirely inappropriate, and wrong, to blame Bush for what happened that day. If anything, why not blame the security guards at Dulles and Logan? They're the ones who let those guys onto the airplanes with knives. Maybe we should hunt them down and string them up on lamp posts?
It's all just crazy talk that serves no purpose. To use it as a political liberal vs. conservative issue is simply disgusting.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: J35U5 ()
Date: December 06, 2009 09:21PM
TheMeeper Wrote:
> To use it as a political liberal vs. conservative
> issue is simply disgusting.
Very true.
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Re: who gets the blame for 9/11
Posted by: raunch ()
Date: December 06, 2009 09:30PM
TheMeeper Wrote:
> I'm not defending Bush's presidency. I just think
> it is entirely inappropriate, and wrong, to blame
> Bush for what happened that day. If anything, why
> not blame the security guards at Dulles and Logan?
> They're the ones who let those guys onto the
> airplanes with knives. Maybe we should hunt them
> down and string them up on lamp posts?
> It's all just crazy talk that serves no purpose.
> To use it as a political liberal vs. conservative
> issue is simply disgusting.