After reading some recent posts by Robert I have decided to go against my own
moderation guidelines and "hide" several semi-legitimate posts.
Examples of posts hidden:
Re: You Know You're From Northern Virginia When...
Posted by: Robert (x)
Date: May 30, 2007 08:42PM
143. Vinyl siding is a commodity to you.
144.When someone asks you where you are from, you say Washington, D.C. Because its easier than explaining that you live in a part of Virginia where hardly anyone is truly from Virginia
145.You saw the movie "Pleasantville" and thought it was about you.
Re: Is Arlington cool?
Posted by: Robert (x)
Date: May 25, 2007 09:34PM
Its not a bad place, but not quite as nice as Richmond.
This forum is designed to be as open and uncensored as possible, but I will not allow you to disrupt otherwise legitimate threads in the Fairfax General forum. If I allow you to continue every thread will become (even more of) a flamewar.
Please feel free to post whatever you wish in the Off-Topic forum as it is not moderated.
You are certainly not barred from posting in the other forums, but please pick your words carefully as I will not hesitate to remove your baiting posts.
This site is designed for communication between residents of Northern Virginia, not for external discussion about the area.
Questions? Comments? Complaints? Let me have em'