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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Frisky - nothing happened to him from the 3 top losers of ffu, a young guy who does stupid shit, oh well - more popular after the cuntstorm
Vexxed - normal dude, most likely wrongfully outed and wrong person, not too noticed before, after cuntstorm his status has risen greatly
Monique - failed in all regards, afraid to post as lizzie, still lying all the time, helped make frisky and vexxed more liked here while maintaining her usual level of ignorance, met with the 2 losers of the site to complete the triangle of the "no life club", all were outed, no surprise there
semantics Wrote:
> Frisky's house is 13 years older than Lizzie's,
> you're not helping your case any.
Friskys house is not his hangout spot, he is constantly away at party's and raves. Not at home, sitting around with losers.
loser troll Wrote:
> ...says the anonymous turd, who truly is the
> biggest loser and failure at life, simply by
> starting threads like these.
LOL! Right?! Everyday with this shit! It's so old and tired! What's so funny about this thread is, this idiot bumped up and commented on 3 threads of mine saying the same shit, LOL! And when they realized they were getting ignored, they had to make a thread on me! Boohoo! Wahh Liz won't pay attention to me! Gotta make the same thread over and over that I make everynight, LOL! You know you've won when they can't stop making threads on you!
> loser troll Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ...says the anonymous turd, who truly is the
> > biggest loser and failure at life, simply by
> > starting threads like these.
> LOL! Right?! Everyday with this shit! It's so old
> and tired! What's so funny about this thread is,
> this idiot bumped up and commented on 3 threads of
> mine saying the same shit, LOL! And when they
> realized they were getting ignored, they had to
> make a thread on me! Boohoo! Wahh Liz won't pay
> attention to me! Gotta make the same thread over
> and over that I make everynight,
baby eating dingo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > loser troll Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > ...says the anonymous turd, who truly is the
> > > biggest loser and failure at life, simply by
> > > starting threads like these.
> >
> >
> > LOL! Right?! Everyday with this shit! It's so
> old
> > and tired! What's so funny about this thread
> is,
> > this idiot bumped up and commented on 3 threads
> of
> > mine saying the same shit, LOL! And when they
> > realized they were getting ignored, they had to
> > make a thread on me! Boohoo! Wahh Liz won't pay
> > attention to me! Gotta make the same thread
> over
> > and over that I make everynight!
Haha. Glad to see you're using it to your advantage instead of making counter threads!
So true Wrote:
> baby eating dingo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > loser troll Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > ...says the anonymous turd, who truly is
> the
> > > > biggest loser and failure at life, simply
> by
> > > > starting threads like these.
> > >
> > >
> > > LOL! Right?! Everyday with this shit! It's so
> > old
> > > and tired! What's so funny about this thread
> > is,
> > > this idiot bumped up and commented on 3
> threads
> > of
> > > mine saying the same shit, LOL! And when they
> > > realized they were getting ignored, they had
> to
> > > make a thread on me! Boohoo! Wahh Liz won't
> pay
> > > attention to me! Gotta make the same thread
> > over
> > > and over that I make everynight!
> Haha. Glad to see you're using it to your
> advantage instead of making counter threads!
LOL! Exactly! Ain't nobody got time for that! I already made it clear I don't care anymore. You don't see me commenting on that main thread, any frisky threads or making any new threads about anyone but myself because that's the only person who matters here, LOL!
Yeah, although I've said that many times, no one cares anymore except you. Hence the reason why you're the only one still talking about it and making these types of threads. Everyone knows who he is already. Old news! We've all moved on, if you hadn't noticed!
Duhh Wrote:
> Yeah, although I've said that many times, no one
> cares anymore except you. Hence the reason why
> you're the only one still talking about it and
> making these types of threads. Everyone knows who
> he is already. Old news! We've all moved on, if
> you hadn't noticed!
You cant move on, you prove to the class every day that you are the one obsessed with frisky. Tomorrow or the next day, you'll have some new crazy rant, or vow more revenge. Face it, you cant move on. You are stuck on his nuttts.
Which would explain why he stalks me, got rejected by me, I'm not commenting on his threads or my own and yet you're the only one bringing it up. Fascinating! Sorry no one cares anymore but you! LOL! failure!
You failed at everything you said you were going to do..
Frisky didnt get arrested as you said he would.
Frisky clearly didnt give a shit about you freaks comming to his house (TWICE)
Frisky clearly doesnt care that he was outted, seeing as how he keeps posting here.
As predicted by someone else a month ago, you would fail at everything and have a bunch of excuses. Looks like that prediction was right, you are always wrong, everyone laughs at you, you got no friends, and your a liar.
The only proof that you have friends are the same grainy vids and pics of a campfire you have been posting for the past month. Posting the same pictures over and over and over again of 4 losers around a fire doesnt make you have a life. It actually makes you look like you have absolutly no life at all.
I dont want to bust your bubble, but most of the people that know you from FHS think your a strange, dykish, loser. And thats the truth.
Im out for tonight, but you are still fail at everything. You are a laughing stock of this forum and a laughing stock amongst your peers in the real world. Probably why you put on this grand persona here, its the only bit of actual control you have in your life. Sad but so true. The saddest part is that everyone, I mean everyone can see it but you. It sucks so much, but its so funny, because you dont even see it.
I went to FCHS with Mike, he was really popular and had TONS of friends! We would smoke zips in Mr. Davenports class and do burnouts in my old e39 //M5.
ffx yuppie //m5 Wrote:
> I went to FCHS with Mike, he was really popular
> and had TONS of friends! We would smoke zips in
> Mr. Davenports class and do burnouts in my old e39
> //M5.
Re: Massive police roadblock on both sides of 495 overpass heading into Annandale Posted by: ffx yuppie //m5 () Date: February 28, 2013 02:19PM
Dude is too old to be doing stupid shit like that, good riddance. If it was Mike Cutts I could maybe understand.
Except the fact that the idiot who made this thread was also "playing" he gave up, because I wasn't responding like he wanted to thus, I win! It's the exact reason he made this thread. Because I didn't respond to the 3 threads he bumped about me and said the same shit in, LOL!
boop boop Wrote:
> Except the fact that the idiot who made this
> thread was also "playing" he gave up, because I
> wasn't responding like he wanted to thus, I win!
> It's the exact reason he made this thread. Because
> I didn't respond to the 3 threads he bumped about
> me and said the same shit in, LOL!
THere were 2 or three people in here attacking you.
FCHS '09 Wrote:
> Mike actually was pretty popular
@eesh - In the new generation M5, it sharpens the throttle response, stiffens the suspension, and steering. In the older gen e60, it gave the car an extra 100hp when you hit the M button.
eesh Wrote:
> Do the mentally retarded still graduate at 21? I
> remember way back when the retarded kids stayed an
> extra three years in high school.
Its the september birthday thing, you can choose to be either young in one grade or older in the next class. September kids will always either be the oldest in their grade or the youngest. I guess they chose for him to be the oldest.
Maybe, but I dont think so, I know about the september sittuation because I was born in september also. Im on the other side of it, Im younger than everyone else I graduated with.
And he was all wahh no friends no life loser fail sad blah blah same stuff everyday wahh why won't she fight with me Wahh fuck this I'm gonna pretend to leave and keep posting about other stuff Wahh
> semantics Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Frisky's house is 13 years older than Lizzie's,
> > you're not helping your case any.
> Friskys house is not his hangout spot
Probably because his house is too old, shitty and small to hang out at, LOL!
OH the M power, yeah.. I can feel it. I hit the M button last night on the key bridge and hit a buck ten, I sure as hell felt the power in between my legs.
The jealous baby dick troll said I only had the same 4 people but if you look closely, you can see there's more than 30 different people in all these photos, LOL! fail! Most people at my house before was 54!
Come spring, there will be plenty of photos and videos to hate on! And especially in the summer when I find and make time to be here with my fans, LOL!
Lizzie isn't afraid to post as Lizzie, Lizzie said Lizzie would be retired after 5,554 posts and that has held true.
You should find a job, life or other hobby besides being so preoccupied about what Lizzie is doing all the time. It's really unhealthy to be this fixated on an online personality that you claim is so horrible yet create several threads a week about.
Maybe it's not Lizzie who has the problem, but maybe it's you!
boop boop Wrote:
> Except the fact that the idiot who made this
> thread was also "playing" he gave up, because I
> wasn't responding like he wanted to thus, I win!
> It's the exact reason he made this thread. Because
> I didn't respond to the 3 threads he bumped about
> me and said the same shit in, LOL!
HAHA - I posted this last night and then left the forum, which Monique can not do because she is obsessed with winning some imaginary game.
kill yourself already Wrote:
> I haven't made or posted in any frisky threads you
> Dumbass! Kill yourself already!