Kittie Wrote:
> First of all...she looks stunning in that first
> picture. The second pic is just a bad shot and the
> third pic is fine. She is gorgeous with or without
> make-up.
Dude.......she looks hideous and disgusting and barf-inducing in all of those pictures. She really looks gross. She's cute. She's a cute girl, usually, when she's all made up.....not really hot, not beautiful, but good looking, pretty, sure. But in these pictures, she makes me want to puke. She looks like garbage here. She's really nothing special even when she is made up.
Come on, man. Just because she's really famous at the moment doesn't mean she's as physically attractive as she is famous. She's cute. That's all I'd say about her. In these pictures, she's disgusting. gotta pick up your running game,'re way hotter than Mila Milano on ANY day, dude......1,000 times hotter.....come on man......come on....