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Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: IdnDat ()
Date: September 21, 2012 11:19AM

I'm looking for a part time job thats physically laborious. I used to be a part time baggage handler and that was tough. What's the most physically laborious job you've ever had?

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: ffx hick ()
Date: September 21, 2012 11:39AM

I have a standing offer to shovel elephant shit every time Ringling Bros comes to the Patriot Center. Those pachyderms can spit out some huge loads. They tried to give me the job of cleaning out the lion cages but I aint no fool.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: in the time before illegal immigrants ()
Date: September 21, 2012 12:26PM

laying patios in the summer for $5 an hour. the hard part of course was digging it out and doing the lifting and hauling off of the slabs.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Hard Work ()
Date: September 21, 2012 12:33PM

stocking sheetrock for apartment complex construction.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: September 21, 2012 12:35PM

Installing fences.
Posthole diggers and shale bars are not my friends.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Man up ()
Date: September 21, 2012 12:45PM

Try delivering water. Or paper if they still do that these days. Carrying shingles up a ladder all day is fun too.

Worst I ever had was running a baby jack hammer for about 4 - 6 hours a day standing in knee to waist deep water with a current to it doing bridge piling repairs. I don't care who you are that will just plain kick your ass.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: September 21, 2012 01:11PM

Ramp Agent at Dulles Airport - offloading TACA flights with their daggone floppy suitcases each holding 80 lbs of cheese.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: WMB ()
Date: September 21, 2012 01:15PM

Man up Wrote:
> Try delivering water. Or paper if they still do
> that these days. Carrying shingles up a ladder
> all day is fun too.
> Worst I ever had was running a baby jack hammer
> for about 4 - 6 hours a day standing in knee to
> waist deep water with a current to it doing bridge
> piling repairs. I don't care who you are that
> will just plain kick your ass.

I've carried shingles up the ladder before and it isn't pretty. Thought I was going to die. Middle of August and the temp was pushing 100 degrees. Filled sandbags and built bunkers in Nam until my hands were bleeding. Not fun either.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: September 21, 2012 01:20PM

Landscaper/Plant nursery gopher. Spent an ass hot summer working at a plant nursery watering all of the plants, loading bags of mulch, seed, manure, etc. into cars, loading trees/plants onto the trucks. Then, when someone would call out hungover sick, I had to go on the crews and help dig holes for trees, plant, lay patios/retaining walls. This was back when white trash did this type of work and those hillbillies were always drunk/hungover on a Thursday or Friday. For $4.25 and hour. It fucking sucked.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 21, 2012 02:52PM

IdnDat Wrote:
> I'm looking for a part time job thats physically
> laborious.

In northern Virginia, you have to stand outside a 7-11 in Dale City or Manassas if you want someone to offer you a physically demanding job.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: kardiac ()
Date: September 21, 2012 05:00PM

Driving a panel van delivering produce throughout NOVA. That was in the 70's. Had to go to Eastern Market at 0 dark 30 then head out to every fracking Hardees and Tippy Tacos in the area. Also had to wrap several hundred potatoes in foil first then deliver those to places. We would wrap those taters in foil so the place could just throw them in the oven. We never cleaned off that Idaho dirt. I'm sure its changed but think about that next you eat the skin of your potato. Of course if the place you are eating at serves the baked tater in foil then it's a pretty low rent joint

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Climbing GSer ()
Date: September 21, 2012 05:00PM

Acting like I am busy in my government job cubicle. Once the AC went out and I got a paper cut, never forget that day.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Coke truck delivery ()
Date: September 21, 2012 09:57PM

Hauling thousands of cases of 16-oz returnable cases of Coke bottles in the 70s. Damn they were heavy (when full).

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: I hated it ()
Date: September 21, 2012 10:56PM

Doing minor auto repairs. Wrestling tires on and off cars. Also changing the oil during the summer when the oil is boiling hot. No matter how careful you are some oil always runs out and down your arm. You could lose five pounds a day sweating under a car.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Tryit ()
Date: September 21, 2012 11:29PM

Try UPS loading packages they are always hiring around here

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Chris Matthews ()
Date: September 21, 2012 11:51PM

Carrying the water for Obama.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: niggerkiller ()
Date: September 21, 2012 11:53PM

raping ur mother after i slashed ur fathers fucking throat and bled her stupid fucking face out onto the persian rug in the front room of the home where i also raped ur grandmother and cut off ur grandpas cock and fed it to the fucking dog b4 i butchered the dog and pe peed in its hair after poo pooing the peepee face poopieheads

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Aristotle ()
Date: September 21, 2012 11:58PM

Not mine but a friend of mine told me about his summer job during
college in Pittsburg. He worked in a mushroom factory and it was his
first job to unload horse manure off trucks with a shovel
and pitchfork and fling it into wheelbarrows the other workers would
deliver to the individual growing drawers. It was in a warehouse that
was totally dark inside and they wore carbide lamps on their headgear
so they could see where they were going. After a month he was promoted
to wheelbarrow operator and then picked up loads of manure instead of
shoveling off the truck. This job paid .25 cents more per hour so he
was happy at first but he was a philosophy major and started questioning
his purpose in life then realized it was going to be transporting shit in
the dark. He graduated from college with a 4.0 gpa and went on to be a
cab driver.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: not my idea of fun ()
Date: September 22, 2012 12:32AM

Not sure if it is the most laborious but I see the guy driving the truck that goes around and empties the portable toilets. Whatever they pay him its not enough.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: George Felix Allen ()
Date: September 22, 2012 11:42AM

Getting a two story cross ready and soaked in turpentine is hard work, especially if you have to tie nooses afterwords. Of course, that's part of what being a senator and member of the Ku Klux Klan is all about-hard work.

Vote early and vote often.

George Felix Allen.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: September 22, 2012 04:55PM

Trying for that 3rd nut in a Beat Off Marathon

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Kings parker ()
Date: September 22, 2012 05:15PM

Coke truck delivery Wrote:
> Hauling thousands of cases of 16-oz returnable
> cases of Coke bottles in the 70s. Damn they were
> heavy (when full).

Yeah, did that for RC cola on port royal road when I was a kid in the late 70's when they put a ban on non-returnable bottles for a year or two. Every now and then someone would drop a case and I would have to clean up all the busted glass and grape nehi. I was so sore I could barely move after the first couple days. By the end of the summer I was in great shape.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Concensous ()
Date: September 22, 2012 07:33PM

I don't know about the rest of you but the asshole posting the picture of the picture of he idiot with the flag on his forhead is just about as anoying as the idiot posting the picture - he thinks that he is being cool and funny and really is just a loser.

Go away and get lost you fucking loser - post your crap on your own website and eat shit - nobody appreciates your input asshole.

Dick weed - get lost...

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Believerer ()
Date: September 22, 2012 07:56PM

Concensous Wrote:
> I don't know about the rest of you but the asshole
> posting the picture of the picture of he idiot
> with the flag on his forhead is just about as
> anoying as the idiot posting the picture - he
> thinks that he is being cool and funny and really
> is just a loser.
> Go away and get lost you fucking loser - post your
> crap on your own website and eat shit - nobody
> appreciates your input asshole.
> Dick weed - get lost...

Nice try but you're clearly the guy posting the Obama girl pictures. Face it, your schtick was funny at first, but now no one cares anymore so you make up fake responses from "butthurt liberals". Its gettin' old, bro.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: shane7898 ()
Date: September 22, 2012 08:33PM

Wildland firefighter

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Joe Sturgeon ()
Date: September 23, 2012 06:35PM

I once was a cavier taste tester. Phew let me tell you! The water crackers in between nibbles was just killing me!!

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: pathetic ()
Date: September 23, 2012 07:26PM

Humping a 136 lb mortar plate along with a 150 lb ruck, gear, weapons, and ammo up hill in very steep mountain terrain and desert heat while sweating through my underwear and getting shot at by stinky illiterate third world peasants who fuck goats, donkeys, and young children because we need to save them.

Stop whining you pussies!

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Sgt York ()
Date: September 23, 2012 07:37PM

pathetic Wrote:
> Humping a 136 lb mortar plate along with a 150 lb
> ruck, gear, weapons, and ammo up hill in very
> steep mountain terrain and desert heat while
> sweating through my underwear and getting shot at
> by stinky illiterate third world peasants who fuck
> goats, donkeys, and young children because we need
> to save them.
> Stop whining you pussies!

If true I would declare you the winner

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Pathetic ()
Date: September 24, 2012 07:18AM

No - the real winners are the thousands and thousands who did the same thing or are doing it now.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: dataminer ()
Date: September 24, 2012 08:06AM

Concensous Wrote:
> I don't know about the rest of you but the asshole
> posting the picture of the picture of he idiot
> with the flag on his forhead is just about as
> anoying as the idiot posting the picture - he
> thinks that he is being cool and funny and really
> is just a loser.
> Go away and get lost you fucking loser - post your
> crap on your own website and eat shit - nobody
> appreciates your input asshole.
> Dick weed - get lost...

Whatsa job.....ummmm


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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: September 24, 2012 11:24AM

2 tough summer jobs I had were: masonry laborer and house painter.

masonry laborer consisted of carrying piles of bricks/blocks and setting them up for the masons to lay. Also had to mix concrete in a wheelbarrow and roll it over for them and adjust it so it's always in arms reach while they're working. That was really tough, but my forearms looked like Popeye's by the time I quit.

House painter for University Painters. This really sucked, but I had a great crew. This was for exterior paint only, those damn 30 ft ladders suck when you climb up and there's a wasp's nest or something around where you're working. Also, got my earlobes almost burned of in the sun so bad I had scabs on them. After finishing a house, we then had to make cold calls, walking around the neighborhood soliciting.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Juan ()
Date: September 24, 2012 11:30AM

Landscaper by far was my worst labor intense job. Especially on a 90 degree day. Sweat burning your eyes and your arms about to give out.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: September 24, 2012 11:44AM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> 2 tough summer jobs I had were: masonry laborer
> and house painter.

Yep. I did the same every summer through high school and college. At the Jersey shore north of Seaside Heights there are these old towns, Bay Head, Point Pleasant, that were created in the late 1900s and early 20th Century. There are huge Victorian-style homes by the beach and on the bay. With the salt water and the salty air you need to repaint them pretty much every year or every other year.

These gingerbread houses are 3 and 4 stories high with crazy roof lines. Painting the overhangs was like rock climbing and the temperatures on the hot roofs during summer was intense. Looking back on it now I would hate to have to do this kind of work again. I don't mind painting rooms, but the exterior work like this was a pain in the butt. I tip my hat to anyone I see doing roofing, window cleaning or exterior painting to this day. Its alright when you are young, but I would hate to do it now that I am older.

One summer I worked a fishing boat for 3 months. Hauling pots and lines all day is some serious hard work. You work until you can't stand up anymore and it is heartbreaking when you don't catch much.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: September 25, 2012 02:32PM

Damn these are some good stories here. The most physically demanding job I ever had was a lifeguard which is nothing compared to what people here have been through. You do have to move deck chairs around and set shit up for swim meets and spend the whole day outside which is somewhat taxing.

Still I was 17-19 at the time, spent most of the day drunk and/or high (as did all the lifeguards, and I DON'T condone what I did) and, most importantly, was able to cool off in the pool any time I felt like it.

I even saved a girl once who was drowning when I was stoned...once I realized what was happening.


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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: ditchdiggerguy ()
Date: September 25, 2012 02:59PM

Ditch digging and pulling MCM wire.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: muffler ()
Date: September 25, 2012 03:27PM

Meade's roadie

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: lolzzzz ()
Date: September 25, 2012 03:56PM

Worked in stinky hot sewage treatment plant. Highlights were- Power washing the sludge buckets for hours, scraping endless amount of shit off pumps, shit splashing in your face and sometimes inside your mouth, filling trucks up full of tamponds and sweating a gallon a day in 100 degree plus main lines going into the plant wich smell like diarehea.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: September 25, 2012 04:00PM

lolzzzz Wrote:
> Worked in stinky hot sewage treatment plant.
> Highlights were- Power washing the sludge buckets
> for hours, scraping endless amount of shit off
> pumps, shit splashing in your face and sometimes
> inside your mouth, filling trucks up full of
> tamponds and sweating a gallon a day in 100 degree
> plus main lines going into the plant wich smell
> like diarehea.

We might have a winner here. What year and how much were you compensated for your efforts if you don't mind me asking?

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: goodquestion ()
Date: September 25, 2012 04:04PM

Once the flushed tampons reach the sewage treatment plant then what happens to the tampons? How do you get rid of them?

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: WOW!!!! ()
Date: September 25, 2012 04:06PM

Most physical and painful laborious job I had was when I was on the toilet and half the package got stuck on its' way out. Felt like the muscle gave out to "push".

I'm not kidding here, it was laborious and painful to get the rest of the package out!!! Even the toilet had problems of dispensing the package!!!

Friends say I'm full of shit and I guess they are correct.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: lolzzzz ()
Date: September 25, 2012 04:49PM

TheNorthman Wrote:
> lolzzzz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Worked in stinky hot sewage treatment plant.
> > Highlights were- Power washing the sludge
> buckets
> > for hours, scraping endless amount of shit off
> > pumps, shit splashing in your face and
> sometimes
> > inside your mouth, filling trucks up full of
> > tamponds and sweating a gallon a day in 100
> degree
> > plus main lines going into the plant wich smell
> > like diarehea.
> We might have a winner here. What year and how
> much were you compensated for your efforts if you
> don't mind me asking?

Guess around 7.50 a hour back in the early 1990.lol. Just a kid trying to pay for college at the time. One shitty job!

Tamponds, TP and the ocasional rock solid shit ( must have realy hurt coming out) were were picked up by a grate/conveyor belt into a hopper then dried out and then loaded onto a dump truck. I swear the heaviest flow of tamponds was around the 17th of each month and mornings were the worst.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Shovel never fit my hand ()
Date: September 25, 2012 05:25PM

ditchdiggerguy Wrote:
> Ditch digging and pulling MCM wire.

No ditch witch?
Sounds like a bitch.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: September 25, 2012 05:32PM

TheNorthman Wrote:
> Damn these are some good stories here. The most
> physically demanding job I ever had was a
> lifeguard which is nothing compared to what people
> here have been through. You do have to move deck
> chairs around and set shit up for swim meets and
> spend the whole day outside which is somewhat
> taxing.
> Still I was 17-19 at the time, spent most of the
> day drunk and/or high (as did all the lifeguards,
> and I DON'T condone what I did) and, most
> importantly, was able to cool off in the pool any
> time I felt like it.
> I even saved a girl once who was drowning when I
> was stoned...once I realized what was happening.
> HA!!!

Were you able to cop a feel while you saved her?

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: September 25, 2012 05:46PM

She was 13 so I didn't really try. She was black too!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2012 05:48PM by TheNorthman.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Nutter Fluffer ()
Date: September 26, 2012 10:30PM

Fluffer, porn film set.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Usmcdebunker ()
Date: September 04, 2013 11:28PM

So you had a baseplate that weighed 8 pounds more than a complete M2 50 caliber machine gun(barrel and tripod)? Last time I checked, base plates were 30 pounds. Not to mention heavy items are spread load amongst a squad so one guy doesnt get screwed. If you're humping 286 pounds... You're not a tough guy, you're a liability. An imagined liability. Cool story bro.

In other news my hardest job was as a Marine EOD tech. I had to hump around all day with 1,776 pounds of c4 on my back uphill both ways with desert rats snapping at my heels. But I did it for your freedom! Now bow down or carry on!

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Fairfaxian Esq. ()
Date: September 04, 2013 11:30PM

Counting my gold bullion coins.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Usmcdebunker ()
Date: September 04, 2013 11:31PM

pathetic Wrote:
> Humping a 136 lb mortar plate along with a 150 lb
> ruck, gear, weapons, and ammo up hill in very
> steep mountain terrain and desert heat while
> sweating through my underwear and getting shot at
> by stinky illiterate third world peasants who fuck
> goats, donkeys, and young children because we need
> to save them.
> Stop whining you pussies!

The above comment was in response to this load of

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: svennestle ()
Date: September 05, 2013 11:36PM

taking out and replacing fiberglass insulation in a tight but large crawlspace that was wet without tearing the insulation (for pest control). without any safety measures and with fiberglass getting in my wet clothes and was a kid at the time.

definitely worst job i was paid to do.

last year. had to get off a roof without help and ladder was not right. wasn't sure i'd make it had to balance on the razor's edge. maybe scariest job. but not really a job i wasn't paid. correction: only people ilkely to help first had harassed and maybe tried to make me fall off ladders: i'd rather have taken fate in my own hands.

but many jobs have put me at the razors edge of maybe not making it through. or even threatened me. for instance - having a car that might fall on me someone else racked. many jobs have dangers.

harrrdest most sweaty? mmm. dunno have to think.

i'm sure my hardest jbos were by family or taken on byself rather than by boss and pay actually

Target stocking shelves or ups or unloading trucks? well. that's hard but not a "hardest". and it depends on who you are, totally, what your mileage is.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/05/2013 11:50PM by svennestle.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Thomas Drayton ()
Date: September 06, 2013 12:22PM

The most physically demanding job I ever had was a roadie for a major recording artist. The artist was the one and only Meade Skelton. I was with him from 2008-2012 from. I was very involved with setting up the stage and tearing down the stage after his shows. Going from city to city was very strenuous and very demanding.

I was also in charge of catering for the band. The food requests were through the roof. Making sure to satisfy the band and Meade were very difficult. Making sure the band had hamburgers, Kripsy Kreme donuts, ice cream, fried chicken, mashed potatoes etc. I was let go after a back injury in 2012. I hurt my back by lifting very heavy jugs of sweet tea. It was a good experience and a great resume a builder.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: September 06, 2013 04:40PM

Tarring roofs, although doing archaeology in the sun is no picnic. Did one dig in a corn field along the Dan river and as the summer wore on, it got hotter and the corn got taller. Tall corn = no breeze - it got so bad they instituted a rule that anybody who needed to could go sit in the Dan anytime, no questions asked.

Then again, I knew a guy who did crime scene cleanup for a bit. That's worse.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 06, 2013 08:08PM

abelard Wrote:
> although doing archaeology in the
> sun is no picnic.

That's not really a job, per se. It's not like people are archaeologists because they responded to a job ad in order to pay some bills.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2013 08:08PM by eesh.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Atom ()
Date: September 06, 2013 08:31PM

I actually do need someone to deliver water throughout the DC metro. My custom made water weighs about 8lbs a gallon and I'm usually dropping off 15 gallons per client site.

No carts allowed and I'm going to time you. Slave wages for qualified applicants.

Out here in the fields
I farm for my meals
I get my back into my living

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2013 08:33PM by Atom.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Atom ()
Date: September 06, 2013 08:37PM

Roughing in plumbing on new buildings and residences in the Deep South during summer.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Roy Rogers Jr. ()
Date: September 07, 2013 01:23AM

Ranch hand at a horse farm. Mucking the horse shit in the stables when its 110. More flies than you can ever imagine. Smell of horse shit and stubborn horses that would step on your feet, they can weigh 900 pounds, if you were not careful when cleaning their hooves. You had to watch them, yes horses bite and can easily take off a finger. The bigger ones could knock you over. While you are feeding them on one end they are shitting non stop out the other.

If there was a plus it was watching some of the hot women in their riding habits.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Peter Laidmore ()
Date: September 07, 2013 09:11AM

I was a stable boy at the Sweetbriar college when I was young. One night I nailed three different chicks in the hayloft. I was buying condoms like crazy.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: RoadApples ()
Date: September 07, 2013 11:12PM

It is a tossup between these two jobs: a third shift Short Bay Steel Grinder in a mill or The Bicycle Safety Instructor for Summer Camps.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: Lynch Burger ()
Date: August 17, 2014 06:56AM

Peter Laidmore Wrote:
> I was a stable boy at the Sweetbriar college when
> I was young. One night I nailed three different
> chicks in the hayloft. I was buying condoms like
> crazy.

Thanks for using condoms.

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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: bumptard ()
Date: May 12, 2018 05:38AM


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Re: Most physically laborious job you've had
Posted by: bumptard ()
Date: August 28, 2024 04:25PM

bumptard Wrote:
> bump

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