Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by:
RESton Peace
Date: October 14, 2006 03:04AM
wow, sweet sweet traffic for another 5+ years.
People could avoid the logjam by taking the toll road to 28 south, right on braddock west all the way to 15 (it's only a dirt road half the time, no big deal), or by jumping off braddock at Gum Spings (take a left), and take that to 234. Then take a right to get to 15...take that to 66 a few miles south. Clear sailing in both directions usually.
It beats sitting in traffic all the way from Vienna to 234. Or maybe not, but you feel a lot better when you are moving and seemingly making progress, and you get to see cows and shit. Time-wise it would probably work out the same.
Yeah, no way to win.