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I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: Rubberneck ()
Date: April 11, 2005 01:42AM

I remember late last summer the estimated time for completion of the widening project would be spring of 2005. Here it is spring of 2005 and I'm now reading the estimated completion is FALL OF 2006??? WHAT WHAT WHAT???

Does it really take 2 friggin years to widen 3 miles of highway? Every morning I pass through the construction zone and I NEVER NEVER see more than 5 people on the work site. What's up with that? This hour and a half evening commute is WAY OLD!

Anyone else sick of it?

Now on the upside, when it is finally done it will be money!

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 11, 2005 01:42PM

been sick of it for years, finally just doped myself to forget

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: harold manback ()
Date: June 30, 2005 08:16PM

they're still working on that?
I moved to the area 3 months ago and learned quickly to just go around. I'm a back-roader. At least if I get stuck in traffic on a back road there might be some shade.

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: Rubberneck ()
Date: April 06, 2006 11:58AM

Still going a year after my original post!
Last two nights have been a NIGHTMARE! Leaving Tyson's Corner at 6pm and getting home at 8:30. This is beyond ridiculous anymore with no end in sight. I am fed up with wasting 2.5 hours of my life every night just creeping along the anus of NOVA that is I-66.

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: § ()
Date: April 10, 2006 04:38PM

As was I going from Fairfax to DC on I-66. Big reason why I left the city for a pay-cut in Reston. It's not worth the aggrivation. -§

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 02, 2006 03:22PM

They really have been working on it too long. Most of the road is done, I think they are just working on the draining system now

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: RaginCajun ()
Date: October 13, 2006 01:24AM

My God this is getting out of hand!!!!
Last night at about 6pm I checked the WTOP traffic cams for 66 and it was a mess from 7100 all the way to Gainesville. So I decided to hang out late at my Tyson's Corner office to let the traffic ease up. An hour later at 7pm I checked the traffic cams again and it looked alot better and traffic was up to speed. So I decided to hit the road. Now to my surprise I was hit with inredibly horrific traffic through Tysons, Vienna and Oakton. Very strange for 7pm to hit that kind of traffic. Took me 45 mintues to creep from Tyson's to the 66 onram from 123. I lost my mind but was fully expecting a clean shot up 66. Boy was I wrong! I hit heavy traffic again just a couple miles up 66 at the FFX County Pkway! This at almost 8 friggin O'clock! I didn't get home to Gainesville until just after 9pm. No real helpful details on the WTOP traffic report other than there was a backup (yeah, thanks alot, I figured out that much). I was expecting to see an accident or a lane closure and there was none as traffic picked up once inside the construction zone between Manassas and Gville.

This project has gone on way too long and look forward to the completion at the end of the month or so they are saying.

WHAT IN THE HELL was the traffic problem tonight that late into the evening? It's just ridiculous anymore the amount of time I waste sitting still on 66! Maddening I say!

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: 333 ()
Date: October 13, 2006 10:36AM

Move back to the reservation than ya tool.

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: SE ()
Date: October 13, 2006 08:48PM

Actually they had everything down to one lane, ending at 2pm. So that caused all of the a$$holes on 66 to panic, drive slow, break, stop and look...which resulted in a traffic jam from hell. It took me 1 hr 5 min to get from Nutley to Centreville.

I am building a house in Gainesville...and now I am wishing I wasnt. I read on the VDOT site that once this widening is finished, they will start widening from the 234 bypass 5.8 miles west. Estimated completion: 4 years.

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: October 14, 2006 03:04AM

wow, sweet sweet traffic for another 5+ years.

People could avoid the logjam by taking the toll road to 28 south, right on braddock west all the way to 15 (it's only a dirt road half the time, no big deal), or by jumping off braddock at Gum Spings (take a left), and take that to 234. Then take a right to get to 15...take that to 66 a few miles south. Clear sailing in both directions usually.

It beats sitting in traffic all the way from Vienna to 234. Or maybe not, but you feel a lot better when you are moving and seemingly making progress, and you get to see cows and shit. Time-wise it would probably work out the same.

Yeah, no way to win.

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: SE ()
Date: October 16, 2006 11:11AM

Reston- I have taken that way also...and although Gum Springs is clear sailing...it's hell getting there from 28 or 50. It's usually better to just stay on 66 unfortunately :(

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: m4ilm4n ()
Date: November 02, 2006 05:04AM

The new lanes are scheduled to open next Wednesday, Nov. 8. But don't worry - they start construction on the section between the 234 bypass and Rt. 29 in Gainesville next spring, scheduled to run for another two years.

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: Rubberneck ()
Date: November 02, 2006 04:19PM

m4ilm4n Wrote:
> The new lanes are scheduled to open next
> Wednesday, Nov. 8. But don't worry - they start
> construction on the section between the 234 bypass
> and Rt. 29 in Gainesville next spring, scheduled
> to run for another two years.

Well hey, at least we get a couple months of traffic ease right?
Where did you hear about the Nov 8th date? Half the frustration is not having any updates. The VDot site has no updates that I can find. Very frustrating to see the lanes all painted and ready to go but have cones/barrels keeping you out of them. This nightly 2 hour drive home bullshit is old. OPEN THE FRIGGIN ROAD ALREADY!

Hey 333...go F yourself!

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: m4ilm4n ()
Date: November 02, 2006 07:30PM

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: SE ()
Date: November 10, 2006 12:28AM

Yayyyyyyyyyy it's open!! And I made it from Merrifield to Manassas in 27 minutes at 530pm!!!! ;-)

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: m4ilm4n ()
Date: November 10, 2006 05:22PM

Watch out on those back roads - I've seen all kinds of critters (horses, deer, cows) but yesterday was the first time I saw a black bear run across the road in front of me. Big as a desk, too...

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: SE ()
Date: November 13, 2006 05:19PM

Damn, I have lived here 20 years and still havent seen a bear in VA :(

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Re: I-66 Widening completion date?
Posted by: sdfsfds ()
Date: August 12, 2016 03:23PM

Just an FYI, they're still widening 66 out West.

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