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Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Just wondering ()
Date: March 26, 2014 02:27PM

Are there any swingers in victory lakes?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: VL Resident ()
Date: March 26, 2014 02:57PM

Do you live in Victory Lakes?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Maybe We Are & Maybe Not ()
Date: March 30, 2014 07:24PM

A late Sunday afternoon walk is our regular routine, always passing by the clubhouse around 5:30. She - mid20s, 5'3", slim, long blonde, adventuresome. He - 30, 6' 2"' muscular. Usually have our retriever with us. You? (no white rocks in front of our house on the Loop)

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: justwondering ()
Date: March 31, 2014 10:33PM

voluptuous, strawberry blonde, ready to please, partner tall dark and handsome.

we like Shades of Gray, how about you two?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Maybe We Are & Maybe Not ()
Date: April 03, 2014 08:49PM

Sunday. ;)

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Maybe We Are & Maybe Not ()
Date: April 03, 2014 08:49PM

Sunday. ;)

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: BigMagnum ()
Date: April 10, 2014 07:10PM

Do they let black guys in?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: April 11, 2014 11:03AM

I love black guys. But you must bring your white wife.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: bigmagnum ()
Date: April 12, 2014 10:56PM

I've got a married white girl from Braemar that I satisfy all the time. When's the next party? I'm packing 9.5" and 4.5" width, I only need 10min to recharge and can go all night. This big magnum won't disappoint.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Joe Citizen ()
Date: April 13, 2014 12:42AM

I know a couple on one of the side streets off Edmonston Dr. I've had a girl along a few times, and attended alone a few times. They were good at hosting, but had to be a bit later after they put their kids to bed.

I'll have to post back later on the specifics to look for on the house. There's a few unique items to look for - but you have to look closely. More info to follow.

The wife there says bonus points for a hung black male. I don't think I could show up with another male to the night. They would most likely need another lady to accompany a black guy and myself. Need to balance out the action a bit.

Usually gets started about 11 P.M. and winds down at 4:00 a.m.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: rabidBeaver ()
Date: April 15, 2014 07:34PM

I'm in victory lakes, single but very into fetish play. Do you accept singles? No, IC but F2F & fetish play works for me.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: April 17, 2014 09:56AM

We do accept singles (females only) We are having a get together this saturday at our usual spot on Arcadia Park dr on Saturday starting around 11pm. Password and proper dress is required.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: milo and jedda ()
Date: April 18, 2014 07:11PM

we are a hot late 30's couple new to Bristow and looking for that "usual spot" and password. So tired of striking out on Craigs list.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: satisfy-you-asap ()
Date: April 19, 2014 08:16PM

come on Jack & charlene, give me a password so i can get into this party. i'm a single male, i'm having no luck looking for women in braemar.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: April 22, 2014 01:15PM

No single males. Also if you cant score in braemar then you are certainly not going to make it in victory lakes.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: VL Resident ()
Date: April 22, 2014 05:30PM

I think y'all are fake. It's Acadia park, not ARcadia--If you really lived in Victory Lakes (and had swinger parties on that street) you'd know that. You're probably Sheffield Manor posers.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Black Power Fist. ()
Date: April 22, 2014 11:52PM

355lb of snatch-filling dick throwing mayhem. Im new to the area and looking for some fun. Ive never been with a white woman before so this will be a new experience.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: TomThumb ()
Date: April 24, 2014 11:30AM

Are there any BBBW in the group? I like my women meaty and easy.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: April 24, 2014 01:01PM

No BBBW in the group. This weeks party is on Raging Water Dr. Please use the password provided as you departed last week.We have 3new couples joinging us this week

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: TomThumb ()
Date: April 24, 2014 03:12PM

I've got some raging waters of my own for all you women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want no dude lickin my peen though.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Black Power Fist ()
Date: April 24, 2014 06:45PM

So that's a no on my request.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: rapidbeaver ()
Date: April 24, 2014 07:04PM

tell me more about yourself?

Have you been part of the swinging scene before? I swang in a group in Rosslyn. I like when black men masterbate while I do girl on girl.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Black Power Fist ()
Date: April 26, 2014 05:51PM

I've participated in a few three-ways,but nothing to the degree of what these guys are describing.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: May 02, 2014 11:21AM

No meeting this weekend.Unicorn is not available.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: No shit colored ()
Date: May 13, 2014 03:57PM

Fucking shit talking niggers again. Don't think for a second that you are actually welcome anywhere. Especially VL or bristow. Silly apes

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Black Power Fist ()
Date: May 14, 2014 12:09AM

Already received my invite dicklicker. Take it easy.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: May 15, 2014 03:51PM

On the contrary. Black men are the only exception we make to the "no single men" rule, as long as they are hung well. Most of the women (and men) in our group have a great fondness for black men and we encourage them to join us.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: We know it's you..'Charlene'.. ()
Date: May 16, 2014 08:00AM

Jesus! You idiots think you are so clever and clandestine. The whole neighborhood knows that you are nothing but well dressed white trash. You and your faggot husband are a laughing stock. Oh, and by the way...niggers are 50 times more likely to contract and carry AIDs as well as all other STDs. Sources- world health organization, CDC and U.N.
And I'm calling the cops the next time one of your filthy craigslist hook-ups mistakenly wanders up to my door.
Good luck!!

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Jermaine Stubbs ()
Date: May 16, 2014 01:51PM

We know it's you..'Charlene'.. Wrote:
> Jesus! You idiots think you are so clever and
> clandestine. The whole neighborhood knows that you
> are nothing but well dressed white trash. You and
> your faggot husband are a laughing stock. Oh, and
> by the way...niggers are 50 times more likely to
> contract and carry AIDs as well as all other STDs.
> Sources- world health organization, CDC and U.N.
> And I'm calling the cops the next time one of your
> filthy craigslist hook-ups mistakenly wanders up
> to my door.
> Good luck!!

Yo, relax, G. Jus cuz u gots a small white dick an gots to pay fo dat ass aint no ecscuse to be hatin. We kno u be jellous of us soupbone niggas. Dem bitches jus doin they thang.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: EboniX ()
Date: May 16, 2014 02:33PM

They are like monkey children, aren't they? Must be the turd colored skin and the pubic hair on their heads that make them so awesome.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Black Power Fist ()
Date: May 16, 2014 05:57PM

I Love You.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: sexy cupl ()
Date: June 12, 2014 05:32PM

Charlene, how can we go about getting some info from you about your parties? We're an attractive! married clean couple, white male, 6'5, 190, athletic, her, Latina, 5'4, 115 lb, 36C, VERY HOT,


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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: tommy ()
Date: June 14, 2014 03:58PM

what is the signal to get invited? I met this girl at the pool this weekend and she was eying my package. She mentioned she's married. I was thinking that was the signal but I didn't know how to respond. I'm all up for some fun pleasing the sexy ladies of VL. I know a lot of their husbands travel and they needs some love. I'm not black, I hope they won't hold hat against me. I think adventure and freaky women. I shave my pubs and am clean. I need the deets on how to get in!

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: June 14, 2014 09:20PM

We're very picky about new couples, due to the recent gonorrhea and chlamydia outbreaks that infected nearly everyone in our group. If you see someone you like, you need to have your wife with you (as we do not normally accept single men.) Your wife needs to simply initiate conversation and if we're interested, we will invite you both to meet the rest of the couples first in a social setting. Single black men are the only exception and they are purely recruited by a few of the women in our group.

Latin women are acceptable as long as they are fit & clean shaven.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: BeaverMan ()
Date: June 15, 2014 06:40PM

Got any women with hairy bush and well endowed figures?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: yellow_wolf ()
Date: June 23, 2014 05:26PM

The password is AIDS

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: September 09, 2014 03:53PM

We are moving the party to Allaire Dr Gainesville this friday.Pool will be heated.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Bigbone ()
Date: November 11, 2014 01:11PM

Hey Charlene, where and when can I meet with someone that can invite me into the group. I am a black male very clean, in shape and have a universal tool that is free of any diseases. I live in VL as well. I see a lot of hot women VL and now I am curious as if my neighbor or someone I have spoken to in passing have the same sexual appetite as me.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: LickyLicky ()
Date: November 12, 2014 10:25PM

I can tell you all the VL women have an unnatural sexual appetite. Especially when it cums to black men that are not their husband. A hint is if they are prospecting you is if any ask if you work nights.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: November 14, 2014 07:41PM

This weekend is our annual "Drive to the city and find black men at the hip hop club" event. Kay T. has gracously volunteered her Suburban for us ladies to ride in. We will be leaving at 8pm on Friday. The husbands have a seperate poker meet up at the Wilson's house. We have 3 seats left for any other wives who wish to join us. Last year was a great success, each wife found herself a black stud (Collen W. brought back 2!) Lets make this year even better! Contact myself or Kay to reserve your seat.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Bigbone ()
Date: November 14, 2014 09:32PM

I will and can work when ever I'm needed to work. Where can they be found? Does anyone workout at One Life Fitness in Gainesville?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Cleo Shahateet ()
Date: November 18, 2014 03:17PM

I just thought I would pop in here and say Hi to all my Bristow neighbors. Although I can't join you for any of your adventures I must say that I found this thread entertaining. I never thought that would be happening here in Bristow where it seems that most of the people are very conservative and church goers.

If anyone is looking for a realtor in this area please contact me.

Thank you.

Cleo Shahateet

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: ungulo ()
Date: November 20, 2014 10:56PM

Cleo Shahateet Wrote:
> I just thought I would pop in here and say Hi to
> all my Bristow neighbors. Although I can't join
> you for any of your adventures I must say that I
> found this thread entertaining. I never thought
> that would be happening here in Bristow where it
> seems that most of the people are very
> conservative and church goers.
> If anyone is looking for a realtor in this area
> please contact me.
> Thank you.

>> Cleo Shahateet
> 703-609-7407
> http://www.cleosells.com

The stricter the religion the wilder the sex drive. When you try to hold down human nature the volcano will still erupt. And since the neighborhood has a lot of mature ex-hippies it helps out. Once menopause hits and no worries about unexpected pregnancies and hormone replacement treatment starts the sexual appetite is out of this world.

When a new guy shows up the women ravage his body like half-starved panthers. He'll be greeted with a mouth on his balls and a finger in his ass within 30 seconds of getting naked.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: November 21, 2014 06:12PM

Tonight Jenny K. is hosting, at the normal time. Women bring your toys! We might sneak away from the men for awhile.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: LadyLegs ()
Date: November 24, 2014 09:44PM

Charlene Wrote:
> Tonight Jenny K. is hosting, at the normal time.
> Women bring your toys! We might sneak away from
> the men for awhile.

I'm hoping we can run a train like we did a few meetings ago. I might wear my school girl costume from Halloween, hubby will wear his firefighter costume. We'll role-play with anyone else who comes dressed up.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: November 27, 2014 10:54AM

Cleo Shahateet Wrote:
> I just thought I would pop in here and say Hi to
> all my Bristow neighbors. Although I can't join
> you for any of your adventures I must say that I
> found this thread entertaining. I never thought
> that would be happening here in Bristow where it
> seems that most of the people are very
> conservative and church goers.
> If anyone is looking for a realtor in this area
> please contact me.
> Thank you.
> Cleo Shahateet
> 703-609-7407
> http://www.cleosells.com

Sweetie, thats what they all say at first. Once you have that first gigantic black penis entering your forbidden zone, your story will quickly change. I will call you and invite you to our next newcomers meet up.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Da'Mario ()
Date: January 11, 2015 12:42AM

I just want to say I think one of those VL bitches gave me herpes.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: concerned momma ()
Date: January 11, 2015 05:22AM

Please help my boy!!! As you can see, he is a bit different. Here, you can appreciate his attire for dinner this past thanksgiving!!!! He needs some loving.......NOW!!

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: VLBootyRunner ()
Date: January 11, 2015 10:07PM

Dammit who leaked pics from last weeks party????????????

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Mel ()
Date: March 28, 2015 05:45PM

Any clue how to get invited to the parties?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Mel ()
Date: March 28, 2015 05:48PM

HI there! We do not live in VL, but I am tired to going to DC for lifestyle parties. How does a couple get an invite?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: JackDaniels ()
Date: March 28, 2015 07:16PM

Mel Wrote:
> HI there! We do not live in VL, but I am tired to
> going to DC for lifestyle parties. How does a
> couple get an invite?

It's a discreet membership policy. My suggestion is to walk your dog or jog around once swim team practice starts up soon. You will see a lot of residents and hopefully can make a connection. The catch phrase is do you work at night. If you look pervy, diseased or like a horn dog you will NOT get an invite. Classy, discreet and private is a must! Many work in govt or public jobs and don't want their pics up on FFXU.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Young-n-Fit ()
Date: March 29, 2015 12:42PM

Mel Wrote:
> HI there! We do not live in VL, but I am tired to
> going to DC for lifestyle parties. How does a
> couple get an invite?

The above is good advice. Swim parents are a good connection, but not everyone there at practice is with the team. We meet regularly with VL folks and have friends at Braemar we party with, plus a few other local neighborhoods. It helps if your wife/gf is open to other women.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: JackDaniels ()
Date: April 05, 2015 06:05PM

Young-n-Fit Wrote:
> Mel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > HI there! We do not live in VL, but I am tired
> to
> > going to DC for lifestyle parties. How does a
> > couple get an invite?
> The above is good advice. Swim parents are a good
> connection, but not everyone there at practice is
> with the team. We meet regularly with VL folks and
> have friends at Braemar we party with, plus a few
> other local neighborhoods. It helps if your
> wife/gf is open to other women.

Right on Fit.

If you are a single lady and looking for lady to lady action there is usually always room for one more. No gawkers please. Come in prepared to play at least to some extent.

It would be great to get a few more ladies in that are use to DP or anal. Code for anal play is dark side of the moon.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: April 09, 2015 12:07AM

The third Friday of each month is now black Friday. One lucky lady will get her chance to ride the night train (4 very well-hung black men.) Hubby is more than welcome to watch and perform clean-up duties afterward.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Warts and herpes ()
Date: April 17, 2015 02:35PM

Stay away from these filthy whores and their faggot husbands. They all have some type of STD. When confronted, Charlene will simply keep telling you that all of the black spots around her rank pussy are moles and not warts. Beware or be next

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: BigBone ()
Date: April 20, 2015 05:41PM

Still Waiting for an invite. I have been running and walking. Have not met the correct person as of yet. When and where should I make myself available?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: April 21, 2015 02:11PM

meet me under the fountain at victory lakes tonight at 9.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: VL Resident ()
Date: May 05, 2015 06:36PM

Still any action in this area?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: May 06, 2015 04:09PM

We are meeting this Friday at Jen C's house. They are hosting and providing booze but feel free to bring your own. Bring toys and any furry costumes that you may have. 5 Single men invited (1st come/1st served) if you are fit. WE ARE THE JUDGE OF "FIT", NOT YOU.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: VL Resident ()
Date: May 08, 2015 10:51AM

LOL no way this is for real... Furry costumes? And how am I supposed to know where Jen C's house is?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: JCF ()
Date: May 09, 2015 04:04AM

I was one of the lucky men tonight. All I can say is WOW. Best time I have ever had. Thanks Charlene.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: BigBone ()
Date: May 09, 2015 11:32AM


I missed the meet up and party. Just back from a business trip. When is the next party?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: June 20, 2015 12:09AM

To the three black men we met outside of Target today, You are still welcome to come tomorrow night. All the couples agreed.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: KenniChesty ()
Date: July 21, 2015 12:07PM

Any firecrotch in the group. I like the flame pubes. How do I get to the party tomorrow?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: pickles ()
Date: August 19, 2015 03:46PM

I get freaky with these bitches down by dolphin beach on the regular. Occasionally, we had back to their place, they call their bedroom "the toy box", come join in on the fun!!

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: weknowyou ()
Date: August 28, 2015 02:58PM

the ashley madison leak had tons of names from Bristow Victory people, guess we know who many of the cheaters are now!

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: yosluts ()
Date: August 28, 2015 03:00PM

ALVIN ALEXANDER,12013 Lake Baldwin Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,
ANDREA G MORALES,12909 ness hollow ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,UN.PAISA88@GMAIL.COM
ANDREW BLANCHE III,12840 Noltland Castle Dr.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,
[edit by Cary: Name removed.]
ANTHONY M BRAUN,8491 coronation lane,bristow,VA,20136,US,SIXFOOTFIVE6971@AOL.COM
ANTHONY M BRAUN,8491 coronation lane,bristow,VA,20136,US,SIXFOOTFIVE6971@AOL.COM
B.L. LAWRENCE,12301 Tulane Falls Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BLUERIDGERYDER@GMAIL.COM
BRANDON A. WARD,13036 Shenvale Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRANDONAWARD@HOTMAIL.COM,
BRANDON A. WARD,13036 Shenvale Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRANDONAWARD@HOTMAIL.COM,
BRENT A JONES,9896 Solitary Pl.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRNT929@AOL.COM,
BRENT A JONES,9896 Solitary Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRNT929@AOL.COM,
BRIAN HUTCHISON,9249 Alvyn Lake Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,HUTCH7599@HOTMAIL.COM,
BRIAN KEEFER,8843 Stable Forest Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
BRUCE LAWRENCE,12301 Tulane Falls Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
BRYAN GENE BELL,9877 Dochart Sound Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRYGUY123@GMAIL.COM,
BRYAN GENE BELL,9877 Dochart Sound Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRYGUY123@GMAIL.COM,
BRYAN GENE BELL,9877 Dochart Sound Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRYGUY123@GMAIL.COM,
BRYAN GENE BELL,9877 Dochart Sound Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BRYGUY123@GMAIL.COM,
CHAD YOUNG,9740 Runner Stone Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CMYPSU@GMAIL.COM,
CHAD YOUNG,9740 Runner Stone Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CMYPSU@GMAIL.COM,
CHARLES BROWN,10008 Island Fog Ct.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CUTOP0891@GMAIL.COM,
CHARLES BROWN,10008 Island Fog Ct.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CUTOP0891@GMAIL.COM,
CHARLES J WHITE,9609 Scales Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
CHARLES L COOKE JR,10116 Pale Rose Loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
CHARLES SPANGLER,"12841 Braemar Village Plaza, PMB 22",Bristow,VA,20136,US,CSPANGL1@GMAIL.COM,
CHRIS ODDERSTOL,8505 Trade Wind Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,TCOIX@AOL.COM,
CHRISTOPHER D GUIDRY,9609 Looking Glass Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
CHRISTOPHER GUIDRY,9609 Looking Glass Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
CHRISTOPHER T. HENNIGH,9730 Lennice Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
CLINT BARG,9651 Innerwick Pl.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CRBARG@GMAIL.COM,
CLINT BARG,9651 Innerwick Pl.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CRBARG@GMAIL.COM,
DANA LOPRESTO,13192 Scottish Hunt Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
DANIEL E SHIELDS,13735 Denham Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
DAVID HESSLER,9001 Raging Water Dr,bristow,VA,20136,US,,
DAVID HESSLER,9001 Raging Water dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,DAVIDHESSLER@MSN.COM,
DAVID HESSLER,9001 raging Water Drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
DAVID M GREEN,1436 pentland hills way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,DGREENG0025@YAHOO.COM,
DAVID M GREEN,1436 pentland hills way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,DGREENG0025@YAHOO.COM,
DAVID MCFARLAND,9037 Roaring Spring Loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,LATINDOMINRI@YAHOO.COM,
DAVID MELTON,12393 Cold Stream Guard Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CZONEDAVE@YAHOO.COM,
DAVID SNARR,9512 Tarvie Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,DAVE_SNARR@YAHOO.COM,
DAVID WEBB,1304 Gary glen,Bristow,VA,20136,US,LAXDAVID97@YAHOO.COM,
DONAVAN S TAYLOR,9110 Weathersfield Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
EDDIE CHRISTIAN,9615saybrooke dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
EDWARD ALAN CHRISTIAN,9615 syabrooke dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,RAPTORED2000@YAHOO.COM,
EDWARD ALAN CHRISTIAN,9615 syabrooke dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,RAPTORED2000@YAHOO.COM,
EDWARD DANIS,13420 Cunard Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
EDWARD DANIS,13420 Cunard Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,RUD14MENOW@YAHOO.COM,
EDWARD DANIS,13420 Cunard Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,RUD14MENOW@YAHOO.COM,
EDWARD DANIS,13420 Cunard Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,RUD14MENOW@YAHOO.COM,
EDWARD N. KELLY,9174 Rilda Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ERIC R SYLVESTER,9058 Marble Falls Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,0000BH@GMAIL.COM,
ERNEST E BENNETT,9856 maitland loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ERNEST E MESSICK JR,8763 Grantham Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,EDWIDOWER@GMAIL.COM,
ERNEST E MESSICK JR,8763 Grantham Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,EDWIDOWER@GMAIL.COM,
GARY D WALKER,13545 Wansteadt Pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
GARY NETZER,12154 Caithness circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JOSEYWALES5555@GMAIL.COM,
GARY NETZER,12154 Caithness circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JOSEYWALES5555@GMAIL.COM,
GENERAL SUTTON III,11901 Benton Lake Rd,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
GIAO NGUYEN,10001 Three Sisters Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,GIAODNG@GMAIL.COM,
GIAO NGUYEN,10001 Three Sisters Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,GIAODNG@GMAIL.COM,
GUY MINCEY,12125 Sandown Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JAMES A CLELAND,10228 Broadsword Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JAMESSLIPS71@GMAIL.COM,
JAMES E MARSHALL,8489 Coronation Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JAMESMAR9@HOTMAIL.COM,
JAMES E MARSHALL,8489 Coronation Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JAMESMAR9@HOTMAIL.COM,
JAMES HENDRICKSON,12286 Tulane Falls Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,SWINGERS89@LIVE.COM,
JAMES HENDRICKSON,12286 Tulane Falls Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,SWINGERS89@LIVE.COM,
JAMES T. DOVE,12190 drum salute place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JTD426@YAHOO.COM,
JAMIE NITOWSKI,12705 Camden Park,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JASON KRUPINSKI,8756 dunstable lp,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JKRUP8@GMAIL.COM,
JASON MADDEN,12376 Iona Sound Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JASONMADDEN76@GMAIL.COM,
JASON MADDEN,12376 Iona Sound Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JASONMADDEN76@GMAIL.COM,
JASON MADDEN,12376 Iona Sound Drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JASONMADDEN76@GMAIL.COM,
JASON MADDEN,12376 Iona Sound Drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JASONMADDEN76@GMAIL.COM,
JAY E KORENY,13038 Shenvale Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,ARCANGL7@MSN.COM,
JAY E KORENY,13038 Shenvale Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,ARCANGL7@MSN.COM,
JENNIFER NEVARR,8696 Night Watch Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JEREMY JOHNSON,9013 Falcon Glen Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JOHN D ROBINSON,10009 orland stone dr,bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JOHN E ALDEN,12518 haltwhistle court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JOHN J ONEILL,12841 braemar village plaza,bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JOHN JAMESON,9802 Runner Stone Pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JOHN MINTO,12848 Noltland Castle Drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BOOMFA@GMAIL.COM,
JOHN R CARTER SR,12324 sherborne,Bristow,VA,20136,US,COACHROBBIE@MSN.COM,
JOHN R CARTER SR,12324 sherborne,Bristow,VA,20136,US,COACHROBBIE@MSN.COM,
JOHN ROBERT CARTER SR,12324 sherborne street,Bristow,VA,20136,US,COACHROBBIE@MSN.COM,
JOHN ROBERT CARTER SR,12324 sherborne street,Bristow,VA,20136,US,COACHROBBIE@MSN.COM,
JOHN SPINELLI,9668 tarvie cir,Bristow,VA,20136,US,ROBTHMPSN@GMAIL.COM,
JOHN SPINELLI,9668 tarvie cir,Bristow,VA,20136,US,ROBTHMPSN@GMAIL.COM,
JOHN SPINELLI,9668 Tarvie Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
JOSEPH PHILLIPS,10157 Elgin Way,Manassas,VA,20136,US,JFACE394EVER@YAHOO.COM,
KEITH FERENCZ,8751 Aycliffe Ln,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
KEVIN HILTON,10174 Elgin Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,NYCTONOVA2013@GMAIL.COM,
KEVIN HILTON,10174 Elgin Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,NYCTONOVA2013@GMAIL.COM,
KEVIN T WOODS,9620 Looking Glass,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
KEVIN T WOODS,9620 Looking Glass Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
LLOYD BRETT,10910 Ted Barclay lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,LLOYD.BRETT@YAHOO.COM,
LLOYD BRETT,10910 Ted Barclay lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,LLOYD.BRETT@YAHOO.COM,
LUIS A LOPEZ,12681 crabtree falls drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,ANDYDAD1962@YAHOO.COM,
MARIO J PEREIRA,10595 Andrew Humphreys Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MARK E ZIRKLE,8831 hepner ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MARK E. ZIRKLE,Unknown,Gainesville,VA,20136,US,,
MARK J COLEMAN,9887 solitary pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MARK J COLEMAN,9887 Solitary Pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JC9472@GMAIL.COM,
MARK J COLEMAN,9887 Solitary Pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,JC9472@GMAIL.COM,
MARK JASON COLEMAN,9887 solitary pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MASOUD A SHAHIDI,9132 Acadia Park Drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,AMMTMS6@GMAIL.COM,
MASOUD A SHAHIDI,9132 Acadia Park Drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,AMMTMS6@GMAIL.COM,
MATTHEW C HOFFMAN,9148 Big Springs Loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MATTHEW HOFFMAN,9148 Big Springs Loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,MAHOFFMAN0991@GMAIL.COM,
MATTHEW R NICHOLSON,9896 Airedale Court,bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MICHAEL CAFFO,10237 Peel Ring pl,bristow,VA,20136,US,NICK1SOFIA2@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL CAFFO,10237 Peel Ring pl,bristow,VA,20136,US,NICK1SOFIA2@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL CAFFO,10237 peel ring pl.,bristow,VA,20136,US,NICK1SOFIA2@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL CAFFO,10237 peel ring pl.,bristow,VA,20136,US,NICK1SOFIA2@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL K OHARA,12638 Magic Springs Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MICHAEL KOCHIS,12904 hunting cove pl,bristow,VA,20136,US,CHRIS05762@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL KOCHIS,12904 hunting cove pl,bristow,VA,20136,US,CHRIS05762@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL KOCHIS,12904 hunting cove pl,bristow,VA,20136,US,CHRIS05762@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL KOCHIS,12904 hunting cove pl,bristow,VA,20136,US,CHRIS05762@YAHOO.COM,
MICHAEL MARTIN PEREIRA,12360 Corn Crib Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MICHAEL NEVARR,8696 night watch court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MICHAEL P KOCHIS,12956 benedictine way,bristow,VA,20136,US,MICHAELKOCHIS@GMAIL.COM,
MR DONALD J EMILIAN JR,10202 peel ring place,bristow,VA,20136,US,,
MUNISH SAINI,9077 slate stone loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
NICHOLAS ARTHUR KALIN,9828 Upper Mill Loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,KATO8843@GMAIL.COM,
OSCAR KNOCK,9195 Ribbon Falls Loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,OSCARKNOCK@GMAIL.COM,
PATRICK R SCHNEIDER,14513 Swordale lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BOXTER88@HOTMAIL.COM,
PATRICK SCHNEIDER,14513 swordale lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BOXTER88@HOTMAIL.COM,
PATRICK SCHNEIDER,14513 swordale lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BOXTER88@HOTMAIL.COM,
PAUL W PETRILLA,12928 Aspire Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 Aspire Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 ASPIRE CT,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 Aspire Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 Aspire ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,PAUL5050@YMAIL.COM,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 Aspire ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,PAUL5050@YMAIL.COM,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 Aspire ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,PAULP928@GMAIL.COM,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 Aspire ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,PAULP928@GMAIL.COM,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12928 Aspire CT,Bristow,VA,20136,US,PJ928@HUSHMAIL.COM,
PAUL W. PETRILLA,12929 Aspire Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
[edit by Cary: Name removed.]
PETER L PISCITELLI,10037 Naughton Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,PISK2202@YAHOO.COM,
[edit by Cary: Name removed.]
PHILIP R DORN,10009 Broadsword Dr.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
PHREDD MATTHEWSWALL,12320 Indigo Springs Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
PHYLLIS T DELELLO,12841 Braemar village Plaza #197,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
QUENTIN C HARVEY,12204 Columbia Springs Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
QUENTIN C HARVEY,12204 Columbia Springs Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,GOLFER4312@YAHOO.COM,
QUENTIN C HARVEY,12204 Columbia Springs Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,GOLFER4312@YAHOO.COM,
RALPH MARK ASHER,10047 Dragoon guards Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,QDM1952@YAHOO.COM,
RAPHAEL L MIRABAL,12212 Wheat Mill Loop Bristow Va,Prince William,VA,20136,US,,
RAPHAEL L. MIRABAL,12212 Wheat Mill Loop,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
RICHARD J HERBEIN,12019 Vantage Point Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ROBBIE WELCH,10040 Lord Lovat Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ROBERT J NITOWSKI,12705 Camden Park Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BJ196791@YAHOO.COM,
ROBERT J NITOWSKI,12705 Camden Park Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BJ196791@YAHOO.COM,
ROBERT J NITOWSKI,12705 Camden Park Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BJ196791@YAHOO.COM,
ROBERT J WELCH,10040 Lord Lovat Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ROBERT J WELCH,10040 Lord Lovat Way,Gainesville,VA,20136,US,,
ROBERT J. NITOWSKI,12705 Camden Park Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ROBERT J. NITOWSKI,12705 Camden Park Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,BL196791@YAHOO.COM,
ROBERT M ALEXANDER,13407 Chardonnay Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ROBERT M ALEXANDER,13704 Chardonnay Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ROBERT WELCH,10040 Lord Lovat Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
ROBERT WELCH,10040 Lord Lovat Way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
RODNEY J HAYS,9816 Luck Penny Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,DEFCON256@YAHOO.COM,
ROGER D ASHLEY,14005 Rora Moss Pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,SHBDFF@YAHOO.COM,
ROGER D ASHLEY,14005 Rora Moss Pl,Bristow,VA,20136,US,SHBDFF@YAHOO.COM,
ROYCE ADAMS,13430 Catapult Lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,RAA8263@YAHOO.COM,
RUSS VERSAGE,8920 claret way,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
RUSSELL C BURKS,9191 Lost Feilds Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
RUSSELL C. BURKS,9191 Lost Fields Copurt,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
RUSSELL C. BURKS,9191 Lost Fields Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
[edit by Cary: Name removed.]
SCOT D. EISENHARD,13161 Flynn Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,REF7573@YAHOO.COM,
SHANNON VIREN,Unknown,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
SHANTA Y. WASHINGTON-SIMS,12937 Vixen Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
SHAWN LILLARD,9285 Alvyn Lake Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,PAGESPARKY@GMAIL.COM,
SHAWN O'ROURKE,545 longleaf road,Chantilly,VA,20136,US,MASSSAGEYOU@AOL.COM,
SHAWN PAGE LILLARD,9285 Alvyn lake Circle,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
SILVIO I GUERRERO,8676 Night Watch Ct.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
STANLEY A GRAY,12369 Cold Stream Guard Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
STEVEN P GRANT,13586 Rumsey Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,GMU1993@GMAIL.COM,
STEVEN VAN VEEN,8695 Ruby Rise Place,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
SUNTRUST,10237 peel ring pl.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,NICK1SOFIA2@YAHOO.COM,
SUNTRUST,10237 peel ring pl.,Bristow,VA,20136,US,NICK1SOFIA2@YAHOO.COM,
TD BANK GIFT CARD,12463 Iona sound drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,DISCOVERYMAN2009@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS B MULLINS,8875 tenbury ct,bristow,VA,20136,US,FM1369@AOL.COM,
THOMAS J TAYLOR,12326 cold stream guard ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,STLLWTRS@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS M KAINZ,"20 Eglinton Ave West, Suite 1200",Bristow,VA,20136,US,BIKERBOYZ542000@YAHOO.COM,
THOMAS MULLINS,8875 Tenbury Ct,Bristow,VA,20136,US,FM1369@AOL.COM,
TIMOTHY S ONEIL,12900 Correen Hills Drive,Bristow,VA,20136,US,VIKINGS_FAN@HOTMAIL.COM,
TODD C PATTERSON,8970 benchmark lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,TCPATTERSON@COMCAST.NET,
TODD C PATTERSON,8970 benchmark lane,Bristow,VA,20136,US,TCPATTERSON@COMCAST.NET,
TODD SHEA,12463 Hadrians Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,CURTISSMITH0322@GMAIL.COM,
TOMMIE C GAINES JR,123s Ct.53 Indigo Spring,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
TOUFIC RAHMAN,"37 Pidgeon Hill Dr., #332",Sterling,VA,20136,US,BURBERRYS2013@GMAIL.COM,
TOUFIC RAHMAN,"37 Pidgeon Hill Dr., #332",Sterling,VA,20136,US,BURBERRYS2013@GMAIL.COM,
TRAVIS J KOHLHOF,11976 Benton Lake rd,Bristow,VA,20136,US,TMAN31313@YAHOO.COM,
TRAVIS J KOHLHOF,11976 Benton Lake rd,Bristow,VA,20136,US,TMAN31313@YAHOO.COM,
WALTER KUHN,12408 Rochester Park Court,Bristow,VA,20136,US,KUHNDOGNY@LIVE.COM,
WAYNE B FOX,9221 Cascade Falls Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
WILLIAM E WELSH,12510,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
WILLIAM E WELSH,12151 hooe rd,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
WILLIAM K. EDWARDS,13460 Dodsworth Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,W.K.EDWARDS@COMCAST.NET,
WILLIAM K. EDWARDS,13460 Dodsworth Dr,Bristow,VA,20136,US,W.K.EDWARDS@COMCAST.NET,
WILLIAM N HARRISON,12212 Nokesville Road,Bristow,VA,20136,US,,
XINHUA DENG,9239 Rainbow Falls drive,Bristow,VA,2013

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: swingersORcheaters ()
Date: September 01, 2015 08:00AM

I don't think they are swingers but cheaters.
Their spouses have no clue what they do....right?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: September 09, 2015 12:28AM

All of the swingers in our group are couples who know each other. Every now and then we bring in other men, but they are usually only black men that we meet at DC night clubs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Victory Lakes Resident ()
Date: September 10, 2015 11:25AM

Charlene Wrote:
> All of the swingers in our group are couples who
> know each other. Every now and then we bring in
> other men, but they are usually only black men
> that we meet at DC night clubs.

This is all bullshit.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: SalamiBumper ()
Date: September 10, 2015 01:23PM

Victory Lakes Resident Wrote:
> Charlene Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > All of the swingers in our group are couples
> who
> > know each other. Every now and then we bring in
> > other men, but they are usually only black men
> > that we meet at DC night clubs.
> This is all bullshit.

Butt hurt because you weren't invited???

I know for a fact that there is a lot of pole sharing in that neighborhood.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Another Victory Lakes Resident ()
Date: September 11, 2015 08:47PM

Victory Lakes Resident Wrote:
> Charlene Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > All of the swingers in our group are couples
> who
> > know each other. Every now and then we bring in
> > other men, but they are usually only black men
> > that we meet at DC night clubs.
> This is all bullshit.

You obviously are not in the know. My wife and I attend every weekend.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: great white hope ()
Date: September 17, 2015 12:48AM

Have the VL women ever seen a giant white cock before?? Black guys have tiny or average sized cocks. The BBC thing is a myth. Oh, and fuck within your race..have some self respect.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Shizzle ()
Date: September 17, 2015 06:10PM

great white hope Wrote:
> Have the VL women ever seen a giant white cock
> before?? Black guys have tiny or average sized
> cocks. The BBC thing is a myth. Oh, and fuck
> within your race..have some self respect.

Asians are not black!!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: dixie ()
Date: September 22, 2015 03:35AM

If you really want the biggest cock...go fuck a horse and not a gorilla.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: HookMeUp ()
Date: September 23, 2015 02:48PM

is anyone having any luck getting into the swingers club? I've noticed braless joggers but they don't really seem interested when I try to chat them up.

All the young women don't seem interested. Is this run by cougars? Are they at least the hot ones and no the fatties?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: September 24, 2015 02:30PM

Order a Boston cream donut from the new bristow Dunkin donuts. Sit outside and one of members will walk by and drop a note off to you, letting you know where are next party is. Dont be offended if you dont get an invite ,we are very selective.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: *Spit Take* ()
Date: September 25, 2015 07:12PM

Charlene Wrote:
> Order a Boston cream donut from the new bristow
> Dunkin donuts. Sit outside and one of members will
> walk by and drop a note off to you, letting you
> know where are next party is. Dont be offended if
> you dont get an invite ,we are very selective.

LOL. Like some sort of classified info drop. Nigger please.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: mightywhitey ()
Date: October 07, 2015 03:48AM

The only thing swinging at dunkin donut is my huge white cock. Yes, my big fat white cock!!! Not the mythical BBC....but a cock like a wrist. And no, VL women have not had it. I'm married and looking.....just convince me to share it with your huge cock worshiping fine ass.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: 2up ()
Date: October 12, 2015 12:40AM

Charlene, can you post a pi or two. You sound amazing. Or can we get a T & A pic please.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: char char ()
Date: October 13, 2015 01:36AM

Here ya go, Char in the flesh....

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: True gentlemen finish last ()
Date: October 14, 2015 11:38PM

Wow char very impressive. Nothing more attractive then a sexy girl holding a gun!

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: lickyab4istickya ()
Date: October 18, 2015 05:15AM

Char,damn. Your pretty bold and smoke hot. Kudos!! Can we see more of you please?? You now have a fan club.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: swinging from the trees ()
Date: October 19, 2015 02:10AM

(•)(•)nice bod. Any Bj pics?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: pounds milfs ()
Date: October 20, 2015 03:01AM

Wow Charlene, that's a rock bod!! I could see that getting DP.

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Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: otherman10 ()
Date: October 21, 2015 12:29PM

So is anyone real and looking?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: October 21, 2015 01:00PM

I am 100% real. I dont need to look because the parties are about to start up again.Made a few more connections at the Victory Lakes club house this past weekend.

3 more women and 1 more stud will be attending this saturday.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Dumb Brute ()
Date: October 21, 2015 01:57PM

Lol this is so fake. You guys are so gullible.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Mr.Ocean ()
Date: October 21, 2015 07:35PM

Charlene answer this question since you are so real. What was going on at Victory Lakes this past weekend?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: October 22, 2015 11:52AM

Community party at the clubhouse on Saturday. Good beer and food. Met alot of good people.

Why do you ask Billy ?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Mr.Ocean ()
Date: October 23, 2015 11:52PM

I guess that's close enough. Not Billy though.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Dumb Brute ()
Date: October 24, 2015 02:07PM

Lol. Charlene if you're real, take a photo with your face in it with a sign saying "Fairfax Underground".

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: October 27, 2015 07:55PM

We all choose to remain anonymous for a reason. Many of us are professionals who have reputations to maintain, not entertain the fantasies of high school kids on this website.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Dumb Brute ()
Date: October 29, 2015 07:55AM

You're more than likely that high school kid posting on this forum, "Charlene". Lol.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: swingonme ()
Date: October 29, 2015 02:38PM

Looking for da Ho-lettes. Do them women take anal?

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: October 29, 2015 11:53PM

Dumb Brute Wrote:
> You're more than likely that high school kid
> posting on this forum, "Charlene". Lol.

You're more than likely That skinny desperate white guy that me and my hot married girlfriends passed over for the hot black guy. Why don't you ask him.

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: lisaspring ()
Date: October 30, 2015 11:20AM

Real or not, you crack me up! RHWVL . Sounds like fun! Keep doing what you do!

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Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Charlene ()
Date: October 30, 2015 10:44PM

If you're reading this Tyrone, we found your giant missing cock ring and gold teeth in the bottom of the punchbowl at Sally P's house. She said she will leave them out in her mailbox on Monday.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Swingers in Victory Lakes
Posted by: Bwah haha ()
Date: November 01, 2015 04:11PM

Charlene Wrote:
> If you're reading this Tyrone, we found your giant
> missing cock ring and gold teeth in the bottom of
> the punchbowl at Sally P's house. She said she
> will leave them out in her mailbox on Monday.


Now, 100% certain all of this is fake.

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