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Loud booms and bangs Friday 3/18/16 night?
Posted by: Sterling-ite ()
Date: March 21, 2016 01:24PM

Friday night, around 8 pm I heard 2-3 loud booms coming from the direction of Sterling Park (I live in a complex off of Drainsville). It was loud enough to wake up my kid. A few minutes later I thought I heard sirens, then I saw my neighbor outside and asked if he knew what it was and he said maybe a car backfiring but I've never heard one do it that loud - nor fireworks. He agreed that it would be odd that a car would be backfiring repeatedly.

About 15 or so minutes later there was a series of 4 less noisey bangs and that was it. About 10 years ago I had heard gunshots coming over from the parking lot in Giant but that was more like a popping sound. I checked the Loudoun police blotter and didn't see anything listed for Friday night. Anybody else hear it or know what it was?

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Re: Loud booms and bangs Friday 3/18/16 night?
Posted by: dont sweat it ()
Date: March 21, 2016 02:06PM

they are blasting for road improvements and building shit

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Re: Loud booms and bangs Friday 3/18/16 night?
Posted by: nothingwrong ()
Date: March 21, 2016 06:25PM

More than likely something would have came up in the public safety of Loudoun Times, don't sweat it mate.

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Re: Loud booms and bangs Friday 3/18/16 night?
Posted by: Dennis Miller ()
Date: March 22, 2016 04:17PM

My apologies. I had bad Mexican for dinner, and was making such a stink and commotion my wife told me I couldn't use the shitter and had to go outside. Tip; don't go to El Mercadito Hispano .

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Re: Loud booms and bangs Friday 3/18/16 night?
Posted by: clucklets ()
Date: May 24, 2016 09:07PM

I hear them during the day in Ashburn, sounds like they are blasting somewhere between Ashburn and the Potomac river. Maybe they are working on the secret underground mag-line tunnels and they have gotten out to Ashburn area with one of them..

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Re: Loud booms and bangs Friday 3/18/16 night?
Posted by: .gov ()
Date: May 30, 2016 03:29AM

I heard them late at night while walking on the W&OD near Sterling Park and Ashburn earlier this month. Wouldn't be surprised if the explosions were because of what the above poster mentioned.

Earlier in the night a fucking Washington Flyer taxi was driving on the bike path too. Wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of spooks left from the tunnel with the taxi as a cover. Who knows.



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