Mail delivery issues in Ashburn
Posted by:
Concernedin Ashburn
Date: November 21, 2013 03:55PM
Are any other of the Ashburn mail routes besides Ashburn Village having trouble getting their mail delivered to the correct mailboxes?
For the past several weeks, we have been getting other peoples mail in our cluster box, and they have been getting ours. We are getting mail from people that moved out several years ago, and when we make notations on the envelope to return to sender, forward, etc; the carriers just return it to our box over and over again.
It is like the sorters are just throwing a handful of mail into each cubbyhole and the delivery guys are just throwing it into the nearest box in the cluster without even matching the handful addresses with the numbers of the individual boxes. I get bunches of mail from a block up the street, and my neighbors have been dropping off my mail that they have fished out of their mailbox.
Has the zombie apocalypse arrived at the Ashburn Post Office?