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Dog Barking
Posted by: BurkeResident005 ()
Date: March 29, 2016 11:02AM

To my neighbor on Fox Lair - you know who you are but please shut your dog up at night. I'm so tired of calling animal control/non emergency. NO reason for your dog to be barking continuously after 10pm outdoors. At least have the respect to take your dog into your house.

Keep your dog barking and I'll just keep calling animal control eventually you'll get tired of paying the fines.

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: daughterfucker ()
Date: May 04, 2016 03:47PM

Draino meatballs work great.

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: animal abusers go to hell ()
Date: May 08, 2016 02:42PM

daughterfucker Wrote:
> Draino meatballs work great.

You can fuck all the daughters you want but if I ever see you or anyone else harm a dog or other animal I will literally rip your head off and shit down your throat. I will kill your sorry fucking ass with my bare hands, feet, and teeth. Your carcass will then be thrown to the wild feral animals. There is nothing on this planet I detest more than someone who mistreats animals and not even the threat of jail or prison could stop me from permanently exterminating such a vile excuse for a human being. You might as well consider yourself a marked man because I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth to wreak a vengeance such as you have never experienced. I am dead fucking serious.

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: daughterfucker ()
Date: May 09, 2016 07:40AM

Is you daughter free for some balls deep ass fucking? When I am done I will let my dog have a go at her.

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: Cx6LJ ()
Date: May 09, 2016 03:49PM

daughterfucker Wrote:
> Is you daughter free for some balls deep ass
> fucking? When I am done I will let my dog have a
> go at her.

Keep it. Fucking keep it William. We'll give your fat ass something to cry about. You fat disgusting unemployed 33 yo pedophile

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: Supporter ()
Date: June 09, 2016 01:21AM

I know who you're talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, they are oblivious to the dark barking, day and night.

Good luck.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2016 01:23AM by Supporter.

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: Supporter ()
Date: June 09, 2016 01:24AM

animal abusers go to hell Wrote:
> daughterfucker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Draino meatballs work great.
> You can fuck all the daughters you want but if I
> ever see you or anyone else harm a dog or other
> animal I will literally rip your head off and shit
> down your throat. I will kill your sorry fucking
> ass with my bare hands, feet, and teeth. Your
> carcass will then be thrown to the wild feral
> animals. There is nothing on this planet I detest
> more than someone who mistreats animals and not
> even the threat of jail or prison could stop me
> from permanently exterminating such a vile excuse
> for a human being. You might as well consider
> yourself a marked man because I will hunt you down
> to the ends of the earth to wreak a vengeance such
> as you have never experienced. I am dead fucking
> serious.

Dude, wtf??? Do you really think the OP would do this? Take a Xoloft or something, dude.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2016 01:25AM by Supporter.

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: Supporter ()
Date: June 14, 2016 08:40PM

BurkeResident005 Wrote:
> To my neighbor on Fox Lair - you know who you are
> but please shut your dog up at night. I'm so
> tired of calling animal control/non emergency. NO
> reason for your dog to be barking continuously
> after 10pm outdoors. At least have the respect to
> take your dog into your house.
> Keep your dog barking and I'll just keep calling
> animal control eventually you'll get tired of
> paying the fines.

BurkeResident005...how do you like the new neighbors with their hot rod fixing cars on the weekends? Fox lair is going down the tubes quick!!!

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Re: Dog Barking
Posted by: 2wonf0 ()
Date: July 31, 2016 11:42AM

That 'animal abusers go to hell' poster sounds like one of those psychotic military-types who is a bottles short of a six-pack.

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