Re: Dog Barking
Posted by:
animal abusers go to hell
Date: May 08, 2016 02:42PM
daughterfucker Wrote:
> Draino meatballs work great.
You can fuck all the daughters you want but if I ever see you or anyone else harm a dog or other animal I will literally rip your head off and shit down your throat. I will kill your sorry fucking ass with my bare hands, feet, and teeth. Your carcass will then be thrown to the wild feral animals. There is nothing on this planet I detest more than someone who mistreats animals and not even the threat of jail or prison could stop me from permanently exterminating such a vile excuse for a human being. You might as well consider yourself a marked man because I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth to wreak a vengeance such as you have never experienced. I am dead fucking serious.