Re: towne centre
Posted by:
Mr. T's son
Date: April 08, 2015 09:26PM
I work at RTC and walk around the place on my break on different times on different days. During the day, you see a lot of yuppies that work in the office buildings and also a good number of middle aged folks who've been working for those companies longer.
The people who live in the Town Center are mostly narcissistic, snobby alcoholics with an undeserved aura of entitlement.
If you go to any of the middle of the run bars after 5 or 6 you'll run into plenty of alcoholic cougars, a couple of douchey guys adorned with dress shirts and kashmir scarves..lot of cigar smoking assholes.
I can't tell you specifically where I work, but I'm sure you'll figure it out after I tell you incognito that most of the residents of RTC are addicted to one or more pharmeceutical narcotic...mostly adderall and xanax with a fair amount of opiate users. These people are not "thugs" they're average citizens of Fairfax, but don't forget that $ does not always = happiness.
In terms of hoodlums and ghetto shit, yes, minorities hang out at the town center, some of the high schoolers. But don't forget, we live in a country where ethnic diversity is encouraged, especially in a so called "planned community" which was originally designed to accommidate everyone within the spectrum of the economic hierarchy.
Some routinely steal from the store I work at, usually in groups of three or four. If you look hard enough, I'm sure you can get some E, or at least some weed from these kids...but they're kids so uh..i don't suggest buying from them. Kids are fucking stupid. They either short you or get you busted because they aren't cautious or aware.
There are also about 20 homeless people who hang out at the town center, most of whom are bat shit crazy...a couple are alcoholics...and the minority of them just ordinary people who had some tough times...most of them stay out of your way.
Avoid the town center if you want to hang out somewhere that doesn't suck. You have to be rich, an alcoholic, and like yoga to hang out there. I prefer Herndon, better ethnic food and less expensive...or Richmond for the nigh life. Fuck DC and all that shit.