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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Hmm ()
Date: April 05, 2005 08:14AM

Alexandria is a city, not in the county of fairfax. Get it right.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 05, 2005 10:21AM

i suck. moved to the NoVA Underground folder

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 10, 2005 12:29AM

The distinction gets blurred for me every time I see FFX county sheriffs rolling through...

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: April 14, 2005 03:29PM

Hmm Wrote:
> Alexandria is a city, not in the county of
> fairfax. Get it right.

Of course it ain't, Fairfax ain't that Ghetto. Besides for the obvious Old Towne Alexandria, the rest of that city is Ghetto-tabulous.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Matt ()
Date: April 29, 2005 06:02PM

The suburbs of Alexandria use Alexandria in their mailing addresses, but are in fact part of FFX county.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Fairlexandria ()
Date: May 11, 2005 11:53AM

My address is Alexandria but live in Fairfax county. To clarify things a bit, there is an Alexandria section of ffx county, just like there's a hybla section, centreville section, etc. Can't believe folks get so wrapped up in the naming conventions. Geez!

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Ken ()
Date: August 23, 2005 06:58PM

Can't we all just get along?

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Saheed ()
Date: August 24, 2005 09:59PM

I live in Kingstowne, which is part of Alexandria in FFX county

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Paul ()
Date: August 31, 2005 07:16PM

I don't understand why parts of Fairfax call theselves Alexandria? Can anyone explain?

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: jason ()
Date: June 26, 2006 10:10PM

right-- you obviously havent seen the better parts of Alexandria-- it has some beautiful neighborhoods that are not close to popular destinations (as does DC).

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: jason ()
Date: June 26, 2006 10:12PM

if you live in Fx County, but your address says "alexandria", that means you are serviced by the Alexandria, VA post office district.

thats all that means.

if you live out near fair oaks mall, your address will still say "fairfax". same reason.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: June 27, 2006 02:43AM

Yes, this concept is the "Greater Area" concept.

Greater Clifton, Greater Fairfax, Greater Herndon, Greater Falls Church, this area is full of that kinda shit.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: mofo ()
Date: July 24, 2006 02:16AM

there is a city of alexandria, and a alexandria in Fairfax county just like there is the City of Falls Church and falls church in Fairfax county. Both the city of Alexandria and Falls church have there own court system, cops etc. and in my opinion are alot better than fairfax county

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: ghettoist ()
Date: November 16, 2006 01:20AM

> Of course it ain't, Fairfax ain't that Ghetto.
> Besides for the obvious Old Towne Alexandria, the
> rest of that city is Ghetto-tabulous.

Del Ray, Braddock Heights, Seminary Road, Rosemont, Fort Ward, Carlyle. I wish I could afford to live in some of those ghettos.


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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Legalize Fun ()
Date: October 27, 2007 06:02PM

I live in Rosemont and it's definitely no ghetto so I dont know what you're talking about. it's nicer then most of the places i've been into in Fairfax

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Dwight ()
Date: March 16, 2008 09:32AM

while there is a city of alexandria, there is also an alexandria that is part of fairfax, I know because I live in alexandria which is part of fairfax.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Mal ()
Date: May 03, 2008 02:16PM

I live in the Landmark section. I am served by an Alexandria post office though I live across the street from what is technically "Alexandria". According to official county lines I live in Fairfax.

The reason for this sob story is that this area happens to be part of Fairfax's WORST school district, where if I just lived across the street my kid could go to a very nice, clean, highly-ranked Alexandria school.


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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Ug ()
Date: May 05, 2008 04:57PM

Hmm Wrote:
> Alexandria is a city, not in the county of
> fairfax. Get it right.

... or pay the price.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Nova Kane ()
Date: July 16, 2008 08:45PM

You are wrong in a way there is Alexandria ,Fairfax county and there is Alexandria City Which is just Alexandria if u pay close attention Rt 1 Is located in Alexandria Fairfax count if If u look at the grid on a map U can see it clearly says the mt Vernon district of Fairfax which is in Alexandria Also if u Really know ya history Bout Nova u would Know that before Springfield was Springfield that use to be Called Alexandria was Larger then it used to be.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Nova Kane ()
Date: July 16, 2008 08:50PM

Nova Kane Wrote: Alexandria Rout 1 Thats what it says on the map You are The City of Alexandria Im the Alexandria of Fairfax Don't get mad at the fact their might b another side of Alexandria u never heard about or even seen on a map Rout 1 Is Located in Fairfax Which is Alexandria Fairfax !Certified
> You are wrong in a way there is Alexandria
> ,Fairfax county and there is Alexandria City Which
> is just Alexandria if u pay close attention Rt 1
> Is located in Alexandria Fairfax count if If u
> look at the grid on a map U can see it clearly
> says the mt Vernon district of Fairfax which is in
> Alexandria Also if u Really know ya history Bout
> Nova u would Know that before Springfield was
> Springfield that use to be Called Alexandria was
> Larger then it used to be.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: MMMMMMMM ()
Date: July 26, 2008 04:21PM

Alexandria is a postmark that happens to be located in Fairfax County, VA....confusing

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Alexandria City
Posted by: Latin Disciple ()
Date: December 21, 2010 02:55AM

Alexandria City is an independent city the 7th largest City in Virginia and like any other city has low income, high crime rate section 8 housing projects-------------------------------------------------------

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: December 21, 2010 08:10AM

I'm confused as to why Donald calls himself Alexandria

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Bill ()
Date: December 25, 2010 12:45PM

A highly ranked Alexandria School like TC Williams? Where Forbes Magazine last year rated it one of the 25 worst schools in the country?

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alexandria city
Date: October 11, 2011 11:07PM

Alexandria city is the only city in northern va that has REAL ghettos...Not proud of it but there's a difference between Alexandria City and alexandria South Fairfax We need to unify Alexandria STOP the violence Latinos and Blacks Stop It.

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Re: Alexandria City
Posted by: Alexandria City ()
Date: October 11, 2011 11:40PM

Look there good and bad parts...There is Alexandria City and Firfax Alexandria "South"

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Re: alexandria city
Posted by: Tyrone ()
Date: October 11, 2011 11:55PM

> Alexandria city is the only city in northern va
> that has REAL ghettos...Not proud of it but
> there's a difference between Alexandria City and
> alexandria South Fairfax We need to unify
> Alexandria STOP the violence Latinos and Blacks
> Stop It.

Screw that. Let them all kill each other off. It's better that way.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Henlarious ()
Date: March 03, 2012 12:18PM

Just to be clear. There is a section of Fairfax called Alexandria. There is also City of Alexandria. When you look at the map, everything south of 95/495 is Fairfax County. But, it is referred to as Alexandria until you reach Mount Vernon area. Everything north of 95 is City of Alexandria.

I live in the City of Alexandria and I'm a nine year fireman with Fairfax. I'm stationed down RT1 (Richmond Highway). We know our streets and areas :) Hope this clarifies things. Also, all mail in Alexandria on the Fairfax County side is through Fairfax County, NOT the City of Alexandria.

It is confusing because everyone calls north and south of 95/495 "Alexandria". But, if you look at the actual county lines it's very clear where both Counties are.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: James ()
Date: March 05, 2012 10:25PM

Fairfax County uses blue street signs while Alexandria uses green (besides Old Town which are blue). Alexandria is an independent city with only 1 police/fire dept and city govt. No citizen of Fairfax lives in the "Alexandria" part, the term Alexandria for Fairfax only means it's serviced by the Alexandria post office. Confusion about this resulted in people referring to some areas as the Alexandria part of Fairfax.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: hap ()
Date: March 19, 2012 11:08AM

lotsa fairfaxians wish they were in alexandria, it's jealosy.

nobody in alexandria pretends to be in fairfax.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Jimmy ()
Date: July 04, 2012 10:46PM

Alexandria is what you'd call an "independent city."

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: LH ()
Date: March 27, 2013 01:34PM

Clearly you don't know Alexandria! Alexandria has neighborhoods outside of Old Town that are beautiful and far from "ghetto." Don't post if you don't know what you are talking about!

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: dennishopper ()
Date: March 31, 2013 01:25AM

Who cares where Alexandria is, its mostly filled with Self hating trust fund brats and spanish slums.. Old town or not you can have Alexandria..

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: I'm from Alexandria ()
Date: April 01, 2013 09:45PM

I care where Alexandria is....I have to.....I live there.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Another DennisHopper ()
Date: April 06, 2013 01:02PM

Jealosy my ass, nobody pretends to associates themselves with Alexandria.. On one side you have spanish slums and the other side (which isnt that amazing) are sumg, liberal trust fund brats.. Self Hating losers that just want to alienate themselves from the rest of the county... You know, because there so exclusive..

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: FD11 ()
Date: April 14, 2013 08:27PM

Another DennisHopper Wrote:
> Jealosy my ass, nobody pretends to associates
> themselves with Alexandria.. On one side you have
> spanish slums and the other side (which isnt that
> amazing) are sumg, liberal trust fund brats.. Self
> Hating losers that just want to alienate
> themselves from the rest of the county... You
> know, because there so exclusive..

Old Town Alexanrdia
Del Ray
Cameron Station

All three of those areas are good or better than most of Fairfax.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: Another DennisHopper ()
Date: June 28, 2013 06:48PM

Cameron Station, The 200 or so townhouses shoved into a metro repair yard and a depressing industrial area..

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: AVA all day ()
Date: October 04, 2013 03:53AM

Eh yo f**k all y'all who think Fairfax is better than Alexandria. I was born and raised there and we got extreme wealth and poverty, just like any city. Honestly, I don't care who handles your mail or what the history is, stop stealing our name. There are parts of Fairfax I can respect, but mostly it's just typical suburban hell. Stop hatin' on that city life.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: LiberalZombies ()
Date: March 19, 2014 11:32PM

FD11 Wrote:
> Another DennisHopper Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Jealosy my ass, nobody pretends to associates
> > themselves with Alexandria.. On one side you
> have
> > spanish slums and the other side (which isnt
> that
> > amazing) are sumg, liberal trust fund brats..
> Self
> > Hating losers that just want to alienate
> > themselves from the rest of the county... You
> > know, because there so exclusive..
> Old Town Alexanrdia
> Del Ray
> Cameron Station
> All three of those areas are good or better than
> most of Fairfax.


Crime statistics for both locales are good too.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2014 11:32PM by LiberalZombies.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: ennairam ()
Date: June 05, 2014 06:09PM

asnpcwiz Wrote:
> Hmm Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Alexandria is a city, not in the county of
> > fairfax. Get it right.
> Of course it ain't, Fairfax ain't that Ghetto.
> Besides for the obvious Old Towne Alexandria, the
> rest of that city is Ghetto-tabulous.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: ennairam ()
Date: June 05, 2014 06:13PM

mofo Wrote:
> there is a city of alexandria, and a alexandria in
> Fairfax county just like there is the City of
> Falls Church and falls church in Fairfax county.
> Both the city of Alexandria and Falls church have
> there own court system, cops etc. and in my
> opinion are alot better than fairfax county

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: ennairam ()
Date: June 05, 2014 06:18PM

ennairam Wrote:
Not to mention the Barrio-fabuloso Arlandria.
I'd include Chirilagua, but that's in Arlington.
> asnpcwiz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hmm Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Alexandria is a city, not in the county of
> > > fairfax. Get it right.
> >
> >
> > Of course it ain't, Fairfax ain't that Ghetto.
> > Besides for the obvious Old Towne Alexandria,
> the
> > rest of that city is Ghetto-tabulous.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: ennairam ()
Date: June 05, 2014 06:20PM

Not to mention the Barrio-fabuloso Arlandria.
I'd include Chirilagua, but that's in Arlington.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: ennairam ()
Date: June 05, 2014 06:24PM

I agree.
Now I understand why my hood doesn't retrocede to Fairfax...Alexandria has enough hoodlums already. Fairfax has way more; who wants *those*?

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: in the 22312 ()
Date: December 03, 2014 06:00PM

Hmm Wrote:
> Alexandria is a city, not in the county of
> fairfax. Get it right.

I live in Alexandria, inside Fairfax county. It IS a part of the county. Just like Falls Church, and the City of Falls Church.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: C2H5OH ()
Date: July 22, 2015 07:08PM

Before the United States was established, Alexandria was made up of a good part of Fairfax and Arlington Counties. It eventually became part of D.C. The postal address just stuck over the years.

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Re: Alexandria ain't in Fairfax
Posted by: CelticCross74 ()
Date: March 20, 2016 07:58PM

this subject comes up once again. South Alexandria is part of Ffx Co. The fact that the areas mail is delivered via USPS Alexandria IS why its still called Alexandria. Doesnt make much sense really. Need to rename the area south of Hybla Valley all the way to Ft.Belvoir something else. I do not understand why not just name the area what it began as and that is Mt.Vernon. Mt.Vernon plantation originally covered most of south Alexandria anyways. The City of Alexandria is much nicer than south Alexandria. Despite an occasional quasi ghetto and some section 8 housing the City of Alexandria is pretty damn nice albeit with chaotic traffic patterns. South Alexandria is almost a no mans land between the City of Alexandria and Ft.Belvoir. Its a mess along the highway. Kinda gets better once you get off the highway on either side a couple blocks but still.

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