Re: Look, NYT story about Eric Bonetti....
Posted by:
The Judge
Date: February 01, 2021 10:29AM
This quote from the "vexatious litigant" judgement against the stalker woman written about in the story is soooooooooooooooo Bonetti. His mental illness runs deep, just like hers.
"Serious mental illness must underlie this conduct: what person of sound mental health would throw away more than a decade of her life, her material prosperity, and risk her liberty, for such paltry visceral satisfaction: the obsession seems clear. When this conduct is placed alongside the apparent grievances that have spurred Atas on, the disproportionality – even as apparently apprehended by Atas herself – is so unbalanced as to impugn her grasp on reality: what mentally sound person would devote so much time and energy to such negative unproductive activities? And then one must consider some of the persons Atas has been willing to attack to cause harm to her primary victims: persons unknown to her, used by her as ammunition to hurt others. Her lack of empathy is sociopathic."