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Perjuring Priest Bob Malm By the Numbers
Posted by: Perjuring Priest Bob Malm ()
Date: January 09, 2020 01:43PM

This earned perjuring priest Bob Malm a $100,000 bonus.

Nice move!

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Re: Perjuring Priest Bob Malm By the Numbers
Posted by: How about some answers? ()
Date: January 09, 2020 05:57PM

a) What year was that picture taken?

b) What year was she asked to testify?

c) What year is it now?

You like to say ‘dragged into court’ as though she was on her deathbed. Except in other forums you post pictures of her drinking and yucking it up. This isn’t North Korea and our courthouses are actually pretty nice facilities. Bathrooms, cafeterias, nice waiting areas, etc.

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