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Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Date: February 06, 2018 08:36PM
Chalk up another one for world-class loser Bob Malm as he tries to intimidate a dying woman and her family with bogus police reports, restraining orders and more.
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Date: February 08, 2018 03:11PM
Again I will say to you, my Husband has never met your Mother. You admitted that in court. You also admitted that Bob has never met any of your so called family members except your father. So how is my husband abusing your Mother. You alone are writing these blogs. You have hurt members, terrorized parents of the dayschool. You have become threatening. You also admitted driving by my house! Never mind trashing my name, my sons name, and my husbands name all over the internet! You are the BULLY and your constant blogs and lies are nothing but harassment. A 91 yr old on her death bed is not going to be writing a blog. Please stop all this!
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Leslie Malm
Date: March 01, 2018 10:01PM
I noticed you blocked me on Twitter, it’s hard to hear the truth. You blame my husband for everything going wrong in your life. You created this problem yourself with your blogs! You terrorized parishioners who are afraid to come to church now because of your threatening posts. You have scared parents from the day school who wonder if there children are safe. You admitted in court that you drive by my house and have threatened to show up at Church. You have a restraining order against you because of YOUR actions and the police are monitoring your blogs. Only you can change your behavior and only you can make this right. You have to stop blaming other people for your actions!
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Matthew XXXX
Date: March 15, 2018 12:04PM
I have known the Malm family for 35 years. I was baptized by Father Malm. I find it personally disgusting that someone would attack a nice family like this on the internet. And while there are some clear Slander, defamation of character issues here, that is not why I reply today.It is the fact that his hate is causing people at the church to be afraid for their families.
Anyone who has this type of time and energy to put into bullying a priest and his family online has serious psychological issues. He is definitely a danger to himself and the community at large. He is clearly lying and making a much bigger deal out of something than it needs to be. The police and city should be very afraid of Mr. Bonetti.
As an active Christian, I also find it hard to understand all of this hate. You front like an active Christian, and yet you spread hate around to everyone you encounter. I pray for you daily, as that is what being a man of faith is all about. Being a Christian is about loving everyone you meet. Regardless of if they have wronged you in anyway. We are all part of the same puzzle. Our lord and savior does not approve of hateful words or actions.Have you ever asked yourself where God stands in all of this? Have you ever asked him to take the wheel and let your own ego stand aside? Even if you think you are right, isnt it better to love than to fill your heart with darkness and hate on a daily basis.
My recommendation would be to pray for Bob Malm and his family. It will make you feel better, let go of resentment, and maybe move on with your life. Dont you want that? Wouldnt it be nice to wake up and not have to fill the internet with more hate than we already have there?
I will continue to pray for spiritual growth in this process. I pray that you may find God and inner peace Mr. Bonetti.
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Eric Bonetti
Date: June 12, 2018 02:14PM
So glad, Matthew, that you are a mental health expert as well as a Christian. It is people like you and your smug condescension that are the very reason neither my family nor I have anything to do with The Episcopal Church.
And for the record, calling someone out for psychological abuse -- which is what shunning is -- is not being a bully.
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Eric Bonetti
Date: June 12, 2018 04:00PM
PS Gotta love the juxtaposition between accusations of mental illness and Christian-babble about “loving everyone you meet.”
If that is your definition of love, 1) you can keep it 2) you prove my underlying point, which is that the real reason Grace Episcopal is in trouble is that it has become toxic. People see right through the hollow professions of faith when, as here, they are not accompanied by sincerity.
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Eric Bonetti
Date: June 14, 2018 10:33AM
Dr. Diane Landberg says this of her counseling center, which addresses the trauma caused by spiritual, emotional and sexual abuse in the church:
Trauma is the mission field of the 21st century. Trauma disrupts life, dissolves relationships & hinders faith development wherever it is experienced. As an expression of the Gospel, missional Christians follow Jesus into the world to care for the least of these suffering the effects of trauma.
Newsflash, Matthew: Caring for people does not involve accusing them of mental illness. And yes, people in my family are traumatized by Bob Malm’s actions. And no, they will not be returning to the Christian faith. They’ve seen too many hypocrites like you unquestioningly defend Bob’s actions, with no understanding of the events that actually transpired.
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
You are a waste of space
Date: June 15, 2018 12:33AM
Give up your narcissistic crusade. You are not wanted there, and nobody here cares about your whiney assed complaints. "Boo hoo, they don't like me and won't do what I want them to do". Well fucking grow up and move on like any sane adult would do.
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Eric Bonetti
Date: June 15, 2018 08:35PM
Actually, I couldn’t care less if anyone at Grace church likes me, nor do I care what “they” do. And comments like yours prove yet again why Grace church is a waste of space, not to mention time, talent, and money.
And if you’re checking out Grace church, check out comments like the one above before you make your decision.
Comments and attitudes like the one above are why the parish is cratering.
Re: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm Files Restraining Order Over Richmond Classic Rock Band Name “The Killer B’s,” Say Name Frightens Him
Posted by:
Eric Bonetti
Date: June 15, 2018 08:37PM
You are a waste of space Wrote:
> Give up your narcissistic crusade. You are not
> wanted there, and nobody here cares about your
> whiney assed complaints. "Boo hoo, they don't
> like me and won't do what I want them to do".
> Well fucking grow up and move on like any sane
> adult would do.
BTW, if no one cares, you must be a no one, since you cared enough to respond.