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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: welid ()
Date: June 07, 2008 01:54AM

Ok my cousin was charged with money laundering because he wired few thousand bucks to his family in overseas. Where can we get him the best lawyer in the country, cuz its a bullshit charge and we want to fight it all the way, even to the supreme court.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: ha ()
Date: June 07, 2008 02:23AM

welid Wrote:
> Ok my cousin was charged with money laundering
> because he wired few thousand bucks to his family
> in overseas. Where can we get him the best lawyer
> in the country, cuz its a bullshit charge and we
> want to fight it all the way, even to the supreme
> court.

wow this is definitely the best place to ask

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: motto ()
Date: June 07, 2008 09:09AM

Man, this site is absolutely priceless!

I am trying to think of a good motto for the site.

What do you guys think of these?

1. Fairfax Underground: Criminals Helping Criminals Since 2004

2. Fairfax Underground: Aiding and Abetting Since 2004

3. Fairfax Underground: Gladly Assisting "Friends" of the "Wrongly Accused" Since 2004

4. Fairfax Underground: Educating More Criminals than South Lakes High School Since 2004

5. Fairfax Underground: More Criminals Than You Can Shake a Pair of Handcuffs at Since 2004

6. Fairfax Underground: Riding the Backs of More Losers Than a 300 Pound Jockey at Pimlico Since 2004

7. Fairfax Underground: Official Sponsor of Meade Skelton Since 2004

8. Fairfax Underground: Inundating the Court System Since 2004

It's kind of humorous to follow the development of this site on Archive.org. Going way back to the beginning this was one of the first posts ever (with apologies to the site admin):

been in jail, site back up
Posted by: site admin (IP Logged)
Date: September 9, 2004 03:37AM

Yikes, well it's September 9th and I've been up in ADC for the past month and some change. This site was down for awhile while I was in if anyone noticed. I'll actually try to get back to work on it. Not much here at the moment but it's hard to reach a local audience using fark and slashdot sigs. Although I'm still getting mad hits, just everyone glances over and moves on. I'll work on putting some useful info for fairfax county residents here and the posts will come. Anyone facing jail or anything and want to know what it's like? Not bad, as long as you're in the non-violent "direct supervision" block. Want more info let me know.

- Admin

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: June 07, 2008 09:47AM

Money laundering????

First, unless it was over $10,000 nobody would care. Wire-ing money is, by itself, not a crime. If it is over $10,000 a simple form needs to filed with the IRS to say this is my money and I earned it legitimately and I pay taxes occasionally or something very similar to that.

The bank or financial institution that did the wiring must provide you with the form or they cant wire the money.

But "money laundering" would involve, say for instance, three wires of $9,999.99 in a 2 hour period or something like that.

I remember there was a car dealership in PG County that was nailed for money laundering because they were selling high end cars for cash without necessary IRS paperwork. For Instance, Marcus from the hood would come in and buy 4 used cars each for just under $10k each and pay cash. Marcus would return a day later and decide he did not want the 4 cars and swap them for a BMW.

So "money laundering" is the tip of the iceberg. Wait till the IRS starts asking questions...

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Calgon! ()
Date: June 07, 2008 12:13PM

welid Wrote:
> Ok my cousin was charged with money laundering
> because he wired few thousand bucks to his family
> in overseas. Where can we get him the best lawyer
> in the country, cuz its a bullshit charge and we
> want to fight it all the way, even to the supreme
> court.

Find out who Ben Kuehne is using and get the same lawyer:


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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: June 07, 2008 12:24PM

Welcome to the wacky world of post 9/11. Feel safer?

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 07, 2008 12:58PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> Welcome to the wacky world of post 9/11. Feel
> safer?

a) these measures were put in place long before 9/11.
b) i do feel safer... except from the expanded and trigger happy fcpd who have always been a menace.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Janz ()
Date: June 07, 2008 02:10PM

If I am not mistaken, under the provisions of the Patriot Act, the amount has been lowered to $5,000. Also keep in mind that banks and other financial institutions are required by law to fill out a (SAR) whenever unusual financial activity arises, but that in itself is a grey area, since most people are unaware of what financial transactions are defined as unusual, or suspicious.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: June 07, 2008 05:15PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> Welcome to the wacky world of post 9/11. Feel
> safer?

You do realize that millions upon millions of tax dollars are lost annually due to corporations funneling taxes offshore, individuals funneling taxes offshore, and money laundering is the prime way criminal and terrorist orgs make money.

So the question is why would you not support greater oversight of those who don't pull their fair share?

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Tbats ()
Date: June 07, 2008 06:38PM

Get a GOOD lawyer. Preferably one referred by THIS FORUM. A good LAWYER can solve anything and who cares HOW MUCH you have to pay. Whatever a good lawyer from this forum will tell you is true and whatever he charges-it's worth it! Sell your lungs,kidneys or kids and give all the money to a lawyer, NOW!!!

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: LuLU ()
Date: June 07, 2008 06:38PM

motto Wrote:
> Man, this site is absolutely priceless!
> I am trying to think of a good motto for the site.
> What do you guys think of these?
> 1. Fairfax Underground: Criminals Helping
> Criminals Since 2004
> 2. Fairfax Underground: Aiding and Abetting Since
> 2004
> 3. Fairfax Underground: Gladly Assisting
> "Friends" of the "Wrongly Accused" Since 2004
> 4. Fairfax Underground: Educating More Criminals
> than South Lakes High School Since 2004
> 5. Fairfax Underground: More Criminals Than You
> Can Shake a Pair of Handcuffs at Since 2004
> 6. Fairfax Underground: Riding the Backs of More
> Losers Than a 300 Pound Jockey at Pimlico Since
> 2004
> 7. Fairfax Underground: Official Sponsor of Meade
> Skelton Since 2004
> 8. Fairfax Underground: Inundating the Court
> System Since 2004
> It's kind of humorous to follow the development of
> this site on Archive.org. Going way back to the
> beginning this was one of the first posts ever
> (with apologies to the site admin):
> been in jail, site back up
> Posted by: site admin (IP Logged)
> Date: September 9, 2004 03:37AM
> Yikes, well it's September 9th and I've been up in
> ADC for the past month and some change. This site
> was down for awhile while I was in if anyone
> noticed. I'll actually try to get back to work on
> it. Not much here at the moment but it's hard to
> reach a local audience using fark and slashdot
> sigs. Although I'm still getting mad hits, just
> everyone glances over and moves on. I'll work on
> putting some useful info for fairfax county
> residents here and the posts will come. Anyone
> facing jail or anything and want to know what it's
> like? Not bad, as long as you're in the
> non-violent "direct supervision" block. Want more
> info let me know.
> - Admin

I vote for Number One! It's the most to the point, but they are all true!

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Ronald Mexico ()
Date: June 07, 2008 07:00PM

Find out whomever Congressman Jim Moran uses to defend himself from the frequent finacial crimes he's accused of.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch ()
Date: June 07, 2008 07:43PM

Lionel Hutz has never steered me wrong. I don't know his number off the top of my head, but he's got an office in Springfield, I'm pretty sure.

If he can't help you, maybe Rusty Shackelford can.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: June 08, 2008 08:24AM

welid Wrote:
> Ok my cousin was charged with money laundering
> because he wired few thousand bucks to his family
> in overseas. Where can we get him the best lawyer
> in the country, cuz its a bullshit charge and we
> want to fight it all the way, even to the supreme
> court.

Why don't you come out and say how much money he "wired to family overseas". You don't get charge with money laudering unless you have been doing something ilegal for a while to the point that it raised a flag somewhere.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Jo ()
Date: May 18, 2009 07:54AM

Bunch of my friendz got those chargez in that lil operation. any goed lawyerz is appreciated. Thankz

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: britdrnva ()
Date: May 18, 2009 08:20AM

Taking it at OP's face value, if indeed the charge is a sham then usually such things are placed in order to get to a bigger fish or greater information/cooperation.

Your cousin may have indeed broken some rather vague law that the cops have slapped the books on him for, but then ask if he was a part of something bigger that they police may want.

If the OP is incorrect and the cousin did indeed commit some degree of money laundering - it is a fairly serious offence. Dependent on his prior record, the length of laundering and the amount it would have very dire repercussions. If you don't get any good leads here in Fairfax Underground =)...then call a few criminal lawyers ask them to drop names of those that specialise in this sort of thing - perhaps they will give you some leads.

Best of luck!

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: May 18, 2009 08:42AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2015 10:01PM by WingNut.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 18, 2009 08:46AM

USA PATRIOT Act = Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.

Info on money laundering aspects:


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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Bonfire ()
Date: May 18, 2009 03:48PM

I guess next time use a bleach alternative

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Happy camper ()
Date: June 05, 2011 01:10AM

I always wire few hundred bucks to family overseas. Never rose any suspicous. But the gov't is right to crack down on people sending huge amount of money to foreign countries. Takes money from our economy.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: ktodadoubled ()
Date: June 05, 2011 01:36AM

Welid, your cousin is a fu@king terrorist. He needs to go to jail.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: t ()
Date: August 31, 2011 01:10AM


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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: twerer ()
Date: April 30, 2012 12:38AM


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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Officer Bill Gannon ()
Date: April 30, 2012 08:47AM

Drop by your neighborhood nail salon, asian massage parlor, Thai restaurant, Super Pollo joints, etc. I bet they know some good lawyers that deal with money laundering cases. Then again maybe not since FCPD and county government keep head in sand about such matters.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Qosol ()
Date: July 23, 2015 05:11PM


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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: meh too ()
Date: October 03, 2016 11:59AM

facing similar problems.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: Ask TRUMP ()
Date: January 08, 2018 01:09PM

He can recommend good lawyers after his conviction for ML.

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Re: Money laundering charges. Need advice.
Posted by: 6fvuk ()
Date: January 09, 2018 12:37AM

get a lawyer

it will only cost you a few thousand

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