Nova_Native Wrote:
> Troll or no troll, this should provide a bit of
> amusement while I'm taking a break..
> 1)"Will he be disbarred for lying to the Illinois
> State Bar about using a fake name?" Well,
> disbarrment doesn'lead to jail time, and if you
> knew more about the legal system in this country
> aside from what you glean off TV reruns, you might
> actually know that. Attorneys lose their license
> to practice generally for ethnical lapses in their
> relationships with clients and for felony actions
> they themselves commit. It would have to be shown
> that Obama willfully furnished fake
> indentification information with the intend to
> defraud. What was the purpose of this fraud, and
> what fake name did he actually use. Don't paint
> yourself into a corner if you answer.
You admit he did lie using the name Bary Barry Sotoros
> 2)"Will be punished for using a Connecticut
> Social Security number?" Using it for what?
> Here's a bit of information on the subject from
> SSA:
You admit he is using a fake SSN
> The Area Number is assigned by the geographical
> region. Prior to 1972, cards were issued in local
> Social Security offices around the country and the
> Area Number represented the State in which the
> card was issued. This did not necessarily have to
> be the State where the applicant lived, since a
> person could apply for their card in any Social
> Security office. Since 1972, when SSA began
> assigning SSNs and issuing cards centrally from
> Baltimore, the area number assigned has been based
> on the ZIP code in the mailing address provided on
> the application for the original Social Security
> card. The applicant's mailing address does not
> have to be the same as their place of residence.
> Thus, the Area Number does not necessarily
> represent the State of residence of the applicant,
> either prior to 1972 or since.
> If you don't understand this, it says that the
> scheme of using state references in prefixes
> stopped in 1972. Obama was 11 in 1972. It was
> unlikely he needed one for work until later.
> 3)"Will he be prosecuted for fraud against the
> Federal Student Loan Program?" What fraud did he
> commit? Surely you aren't going to claim that he
> received some sort of Federal Aid while he was in
> school AND that he was ineligitable for assistance
> as an F1 student. F1 students don't receive
> federal benefits, period. If, as some have
> claimed, Obama applied for F1 status from Kenya to
> get special consideration in the admissions
> process at Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard, he
> could not have gotten a load or a load guarentee.
> Foreigners pay full boat, and on time. In
> reality, his best bet would have been to apply as
> the American he was to schools that had a minority
> set aside program. Then he would have gotten in
> AND received Aid. As an FI, he would not be
> entitled to affirmative action, as a Foreign
> National is not classified as an American whose
> racial or ethnic group has experienced systematic
> discrimination in the nation's history.
You do admit he recieved student aid as a forgin student
> 4)"Any chance the new White House Secret Service
> will find trace narcotics?" Can't see why they
> would, sinse that is not their job. The Secret
> Service exists to provide personal protection to
> designated individuals in the U.S., and to ensure
> the integrity of the U.S. monetary system. They
> investigate counterfeiting and threats against the
> president, not your local 16 year drug dealer down
> the street. Maybe you were thinking of the DEA,
> but they aren't at the White House much.
Secret Service does check for trace chemicals/poisons
> 5)"How about the felony committed by obama when
> purchasing his house from fellow felon Tony
> Risko?" I know it is against the law to sell guns
> to a convicted felon, but I am unaware of such
> restrictions on houses. Would you be so kind as
> to cite the appropriate Illinois statute(s) and
> any case law. Just the citations are needed, as I
> have access to WestLaw and LexisNexus.
> Give me one case you know of where someone you know who got asweetheart deal from a fellon? 1.2 million house for 650 K