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Confederate flag burning
Posted by: jakes on you ()
Date: August 10, 2012 03:15PM

There will be a confederate flag burning today in chantilly. All is welcome to perticipate in this. We will also be serving bbq ribs and chili beans.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Virginian ()
Date: August 10, 2012 03:20PM

The Federals won the Battle of Chantilly, no need to pile on.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Fruppie ()
Date: August 10, 2012 03:33PM

jakes on you Wrote:
> There will be a confederate flag burning today in
> chantilly. All is welcome to perticipate in this.
> We will also be serving bbq ribs and chili beans.

That's stupid.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: johnny rebel ()
Date: August 10, 2012 03:51PM


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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: get it right ()
Date: August 10, 2012 04:00PM

"perticipate"? Way to go JugHead

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Hard Core Confederate Biker ()
Date: August 10, 2012 04:15PM


Confederate Flag Burning?

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: john mosby's taint ()
Date: August 10, 2012 04:43PM

Hard Core Confederate Biker Wrote:
> WTF???
> Confederate Flag Burning?

if the south wooda won we'd have it made!!

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Confederate update ()
Date: August 10, 2012 05:44PM

It will take place next to chantilly high school. Where the baseball field is. It should begin around 8 pm. Police will be called to maintain the peace, we estimate around 50 to 80 people with be there.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Nupid Stigger ()
Date: August 10, 2012 06:28PM

can I ax a qwuestion? why you be havin dis on my berfday? and wo you be goin dere wif?

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: skinsfan ()
Date: August 10, 2012 07:36PM

Again, we know you're the same guy, and you're not fooling anybody. You even use the same "clever" anonymous handles, and copy/paste parts of your messages. Grow up and get a real job, buddy.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: longtime poster ()
Date: August 10, 2012 07:45PM

skinsfan Wrote:
> Again, we know you're the same guy, and you're not
> fooling anybody. You even use the same "clever"
> anonymous handles, and copy/paste parts of your
> messages. Grow up and get a real job, buddy.

The more you respond to this idiot the more he likes it. You are being trolled and you are falling for it bad.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: skinsfan ()
Date: August 10, 2012 07:52PM

I honestly don't care if he likes it or not, I don't see anybody else calling him out, so I'll do it a few times. It's the same idiot and he should know that everybody here thinks he's a sack of shit.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: david allen coe ()
Date: August 10, 2012 07:55PM

skinsfan Wrote:
> I honestly don't care if he likes it or not, I
> don't see anybody else calling him out, so I'll do
> it a few times. It's the same idiot and he should
> know that everybody here thinks he's a sack of
> shit.

you are getting just as annoying as him. fuck face.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: skinsfan ()
Date: August 10, 2012 08:01PM

david allen coe Wrote:
> fuck face.

Save the sophomore-in-high-school insults for somebody who gives a shit. Hope CHS is treating you well.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: skinnsfan ()
Date: August 10, 2012 08:50PM

Hey skinsfan we know you're the same guy, and you're not fooling anybody. You even use the same "clever" anonymous handles, and copy/paste parts of your messages. Grow up and get a real job, buddy boy.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Date: August 10, 2012 11:50PM

Sweet repeater gimmick you moron, I think I overestimated your age seeing as the last time the repeater was used was in 3rd grade... or in supertroopers, but I got a feeling you were trying to learn how to use the big boy toilet when supertroopers came out... that or you are actually mentally retarded and think that this is the Mavis Beacon typing program and are trying to practice your typing.... since the only job you will ever have in life involves mundane transcription.

LOLZ!!! YOU RULE DUDE!!! Hey guy, dont listen to what those kids in school say, that piss smell is barely noticable, and people have pretty much forgotten that time that you shit yourself in class... everyone except for every woman you will ever want to fuck but who will reject you like your fat ass cum covered mom rejected the condoms those 12 guys had that ran a train on her during your conception

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Date: August 11, 2012 12:03AM

Sweet repeater gimmick you phukkin moron, I think I overestimated your age seeing as the last time the repeater was used was in 3rd grade... or in supertroopers, but I got a feeling you were trying to learn how to use the big boy toilet when supertroopers came out... that or you are actually mentally retarded and think that this is the Mavis Beacon typing program and are trying to practice your typing.... since the only job you will ever have in life involves mundane transcription.

LOLZ!!! YOU RULE DUDE!!! Hey guy, dont listen to what those kids in school say, that piss smell is barely noticable, and people have pretty much forgotten that time that you shit yourself in class... everyone except for every woman you will ever want to fuck but who will reject you like your fat ass cum covered mom rejected the condoms those 12 guys had that ran a train on her during your conception


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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Wowzers ()
Date: August 11, 2012 07:25AM

The stupid . . . it burns.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: August 11, 2012 08:31AM

Virginian Wrote:
> The Federals won the Battle of Chantilly, no need
> to pile on.

How do you figure?

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: skinsfan ()
Date: August 11, 2012 10:04AM

Stonewall's army took heavy losses and the Union's didn't?

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: August 11, 2012 10:42AM

skinsfan Wrote:
> Stonewall's army took heavy losses and the Union's
> didn't?

Not sure if losses were reported in the OR, but most sources I've seen indicate higher losses for U.S. forces. Plus the U.S. lost two good generals, abandoned the field and withdrew from the position at Centreville to the defenses of Washington. Best argument for a U.S. victory is that Jackson was moving to cut off Pope's forces in Centreville from Washington and the battle gave Pope's troops the opportunity to effect their retreat. It's sort of like arguing that Dunkirk was a British victory.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: PBS ()
Date: August 11, 2012 10:44AM

Bill Nye the history guy!

Bill bill bill bill bill

History ruuuules

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: The Final Word ()
Date: August 15, 2012 04:27AM

Not In Virginia You Won't Burn The Flag. If you don't like the Confederate Flag, leave the South. PUNK!!!!!

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 15, 2012 07:13AM

@Final - oh, Shut the FUCK up with your traitor talk

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Arlingtonkid ()
Date: August 15, 2012 07:23AM

The people who want to burn Confederate Flags today will want to burn American Flags tomorrow. Why? Because they saw the Confederate Flag as an easy target and a way to rally support. Recall the number of cases of students being suspended for wearing Confederate Flag tee shirts etc. Now, it's just as common to see the American Flag at the center of controversy. Cases of students getting into trouble for wearing the American Flag tee shirts have increased and the number of schools who have removed the American Flag for fear of "offending" are increasing.

So while some may think what is wrong with burning the Confederate Flag are being used as pawns for those that hate everything about this Country and are working towards dismantling it. Once they are successful in getting rid of the Confederate Flag, they will turn all of their attention on attacking the American Flag. And you pawns will look pretty stupid at that point.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 15, 2012 07:30AM

@arlington - I'm sorry, but that is. .............
absolut bullshit.jpg

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: RayRay ()
Date: August 15, 2012 08:14AM


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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Arlingtonkid ()
Date: August 16, 2012 11:25AM

So you are telling me kids are not getting into trouble for wearing American Flag tee shirts to school? Are you telling me schools have not removed American Flags in order to not offend people?

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time to put down the pipe cause you are smoking waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much fox news
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 17, 2012 12:35AM

Arlingtonkid Wrote:
> So you are telling me kids are not getting into
> trouble for wearing American Flag tee shirts to
> school? Are you telling me schools have not
> removed American Flags in order to not offend
> people?


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Re: time to put down the pipe cause you are smoking waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much fox news
Posted by: Arlingtonkid ()
Date: August 17, 2012 07:24AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> Arlingtonkid Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So you are telling me kids are not getting into
> > trouble for wearing American Flag tee shirts to
> > school? Are you telling me schools have not
> > removed American Flags in order to not offend
> > people?
> http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/flagpoll.as
> p




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freebasing fox will mess with yr head, man.................
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 17, 2012 07:45AM

fox news is really beating Chubby Checker in teaching how to dance the Twist.

1) in the Minnesota, flags were put up in violation of State Law. And if you bothered to THINK and do a little more research that what the media spoon-fed you, you would know that the SAME agency who told VFW to take the flags down will also no be placing flags on overpasses by request - http://kstp.com/news/stories/S2699473.shtml?cat=1

2) hell, even in yr second news story, the mall (private company NOT a public entity) changed it's mind about it's decision.

3) Dunno why you posted this link but it's b.s as well. Headline focuses on school confidence but the poll actually is about confidence in America as a whole - even the article eventually points this out: The survey released Wednesday also found record lows in public confidence in churches or organized religion, banks and television news.

4) to specifically answer you, NO, it is not really happening. There is not a National persecution of the American flag. That is ONLY happening in yr head, m'man. Quit smoking the fox - everything is fine LoLz

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Arlingtonkid ()
Date: August 17, 2012 07:56AM

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 17, 2012 08:10AM

yeah-that's National persecution all wrapped up in a little nutshell LoLz. Cause you know Apache Junction, Arizona six years ago is the pulse of Modern America lol

it's more the fault of the punk thugs who wanted to use MY American Flag as a gang sign that it is the fault of a school system who is trying to diffuse racial tension.

you do know that NONE of those bans were permanent and have LONG since been over. I mean that news story was over half a decade old, m'man (or lady - I dunno LoLz)

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Arlingtonkid ()
Date: August 17, 2012 04:35PM

LOLz? Really? Are you older than 15?

Just keep making excuses for what you know is the truth, the same people going after the Confederate Flag are going after the American Flag now. They were able to get a name change for a school named after George Washington, because he was a slave owner. But, I suppose I should just listen to a person who used the phase lolz...

The American Flag should never ben banned in the Country it is a symbol of.

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the gub'mint coming to take away my BAY-BEES!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 18, 2012 08:18AM

if you really think the American flag is currently banned in this country, and if you really think ppl in Apache Junction, Arizona feel as as concerned over the Confederate flag as ppl over here....................then you, my friend, need to prolly seek some serious medical attention.

First off, flag isnt even banned even your own news story links pointed that out. But to even kick the argument up a notch - sometimes they ban cell phones in schools too and GUESS WHAT!?!? Citizens are still legally able to obtain and operate one without going to the Gulag you imagine in yr head the Gub'mint has..........

You are smoking too much Fox if you feel that what one or two school districts temporarily do means that ALL OF THE COUNTRY MUST FOLLOW THEIR LEAD! I'm assuming you dont have children since you seem incapable of understanding how their policies have little to do with law outside the campus. Heck, even a 15 yr old could understand that LoLz :) Nobody's trying to take away the flag, yo..........

pic unrelated

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2012 08:18AM by Gordon Blvd.

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Re: the gub'mint coming to take away my BAY-BEES!!!!
Posted by: Arlingtonkid ()
Date: August 19, 2012 01:31PM

The Flag has been prevented from being flown, displayed etc in many places in this Country. As I said, you can choose to not believe that, and that is your right. The attacks against the American Flag are all ones I've seen against the Confederate Flag. Give it another ten to twenty years, and it will be even worse.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: pee on white people ()
Date: August 19, 2012 04:28PM

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: The Real Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 28, 2012 10:23PM

The Flag Of The Confederacy Is A Symbol Of Heritage Not Hate And You Will Not Burn It Here In Dixie.

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Date: August 28, 2012 10:26PM

Only in a cowardly from behind sneak attack, as usual!

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: let it burn in hell ()
Date: August 28, 2012 11:05PM

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Re: Confederate flag burning
Posted by: Boo Boo will stay quiet on this ()
Date: August 29, 2012 03:22PM

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