Re: motorcycle liscense age?
Posted by:
Date: May 25, 2008 04:00PM
Seanjohn Wrote:
> NoEvilKneivel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I had a really nice motorcycle when I moved
> here
> > but quickly sold it
> > due to the fact that riding one here is
> suicidal.
> > Drivers (of cars) here
> > have no respect or common sense. After a few
> near
> > death experiences it
> > was time to get rid of it. If you value your
> life,
> > find something else.
> I will still ride I just carry Batteries or
> Marbles in my pocket if you get too close to me or
> something i don't like. I haven't had to go that
> extreme yet. But if its a nice summer day and a
> cager does something that puts me at risk and
> theres a stop light better believe me ill ride up
> to your window. I had some teenager behind me the
> other day and they were right on my rear tire. if
> i hit the brakes they would've hit me. Luck for me
> a motorcycle cop saw them and pulled them over.
Consider yourself very fortunate. However, if you feel the need to carry
batteries or marbles in the first place, that should tell you
something. If you ride regularly, you will have these experiences
and its my feeling that no amount of public/driver education will get
the attention of the inconsiderate jerks who tailgate bikers or
pass them on the left within an inch of their footpedals. Scary!
Not to fear though. With gas prices escalating, someday we will all
be on Mo-Peds or bicycles. Then, maybe people will wake up and
show some respect.