Mr. Ed Wrote:
> horsepoop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Another spending entitlement means higher taxes!
> > Better question is why we even have a Fairfax
> > County Equestrian Task Force. I wonder which
> board
> > member spearheaded this initiative?!
> I am guessing (hoping) that the task force is some
> group of volunteers. That being said, whatever
> they might be recommending that would involve
> taxpayer money would hopefully be at or near the
> bottom of what the County budget is funding. Any
> chance that this is the case?
About the Equestrian Task Force (ETF)
On September 14, 2010, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bulova introduced a Board Matter requesting the creation of an Ad Hoc Equestrian Task Force to identify opportunities for horses and their riders. The Board Matter further directed the Park Authority to work with members of Fairfax 4 Horses on the task force composition, mission, and framework with a report back to the Board. The County Executive provided that report back to the Board in February 2011 and the first full meeting of the Equestrian Task Force was held on March 29, 2011. The Task Force presented a Final Report containing findings and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on July 10, 2012.
Equestrian Task Force members are:
Breeana Bornhorst (Task Force Chairperson), Northern VA Therapeutic Riding
Bryant Dunetz (Task Force Vice Chairperson), Fairfax4Horses
Jan Hedetniemi, Fairfax4Horses
Brian Purdy
Robin Rentsch, Great Falls Horse Network
Rachel Rifkind
Matthew Stough, George Mason University Equestrian Team
Jean Voss, Clifton Horse Society