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The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Rute Boye ()
Date: July 09, 2012 06:12PM

Interesting article in the Patch...


BOS Preview: Equestrian Report

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors meets Tuesday.

The Fairfax County Equestrian Task Force will present its report on the county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator during the Tuesday meeting of the county’s Board of Supervisors.

The task force hopes that a full-time coordinator will be able to help the county’s equestrian culture thrive and combat a trend that has seen at least 50 equine-related businesses close in the last 20 years. (Patch published a four-part series on the equestrian industry in Fairfax County earlier this year.)

Some members of the equestrian community told Patch in February they had been disappointed with or unaware of the task force’s actions. They feared that a lack of outreach and poorly publicized meetings might lead to a missed opportunity for an industry that brought in $26.3 million to Fairfax County, Fairfax City and Falls Church in 2010.

The board will also vote on $937 million in roadway, spot improvement, pedestrian, bike and transit projects that comprise the county’s FY2013-FY2016 four-year transportation plan.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: UNREALZ ()
Date: July 09, 2012 06:32PM

Thats a bunch of horsehit!

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: *sigh* ()
Date: July 09, 2012 07:16PM

Give me a freaking break.

Cause the lack of equine-related business around here is due to the lack of coordination rather than the fact that THERE'S NO FUCKING PLACE LEFT FOR HORSES HERE ANYMORE DUMBSHITS. lol

$50 says that the person proposed to be nominated is in some way related to a board member - wife, girl friend...

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: July 09, 2012 07:48PM

The county had decided to put one in at Laurel Hill/Lorton/South County. Each BOS has a park authority rep. Silly waste of money just like Laurel Hill-should be a special tax district.

FX has riding facility at Turner Farm in Great Falls but it requires people to bring a horse. Seems like the county is just looking for more $ for Lorton yet again.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: taxpayer ()
Date: July 09, 2012 07:49PM

that meadowlark farms in vienna was supposed to have horses. but fx never followed through.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 09, 2012 08:04PM

The Equestrian Coordinator should have a degree in Equine Science, preferably from a school that had a low horse:student ratio.


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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: HR ()
Date: July 09, 2012 08:34PM

I looked for the job description on the county web site but all I could find was a picture

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: No Fucking Way ()
Date: July 09, 2012 09:59PM

Fucking Fairfax. Name me a handful of people that own a horse in Fairfax County? If you don't, you are being called upon to subsidize their standard of living by supporting their hobby with your tax dollars. Well, fuck that.

Are they out of their fucking minds devoting even a second to look at this? We have homeless people, people with mental disorders, illegal aliens, gangs, drug and sex-trafficking, gambling, traffic congestion, pollution, a 911 system that is not working, a school system that is suspect, suicides, environmental concerns, flooding, cops on the take, a broken judicial system and many, many more issues that should be dealt with before a fucking equestrian coordinator position is created.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Close ()
Date: July 10, 2012 12:52AM

*sigh* Wrote:
> $50 says that the person proposed to be nominated
> is in some way related to a board member - wife,
> girl friend...

Close. a Patch editor owns a horse and is a big supporter of the guy who runs his horse boarding operation at the government-owned stables in Lorton. You might be shocked to learn that Gerry Connolly and Jim Moran are involved in this... google to find the articles.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: *sigh* ()
Date: July 10, 2012 03:06AM

Close Wrote:
> *sigh* Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > $50 says that the person proposed to be
> nominated
> > is in some way related to a board member -
> wife,
> > girl friend...
> Close. a Patch editor owns a horse and is a big
> supporter of the guy who runs his horse boarding
> operation at the government-owned stables in
> Lorton. You might be shocked to learn that Gerry
> Connolly and Jim Moran are involved in this...
> google to find the articles.

Figured something like that. Such things don't just pop up out of the blue. Somebody somewhere always has a vested interest.

And I am SHOCKED. Absolutely SHOCKED to hear that our congressional overlords would be involved. SHOCKED!

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Mister Ed ()
Date: July 10, 2012 10:46AM

taxpayer Wrote:

> FX has riding facility at Turner Farm in Great
> Falls but it requires people to bring a horse.

WTF, i have bring my own horse? Why doesn't the county provide one? Seems like we should all be entitled to a government-provided horse. Otherwise, they are discriminating against the horse-less (or is that horse-free?) citizens.

And we wonder why we are so fucked. Can't mow the grass, but we can afford a horse coordinator and like 8 historians on the county payroll.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Revisionist ()
Date: July 10, 2012 12:08PM

Mister Ed Wrote:

> And we wonder why we are so fucked. Can't mow the
> grass, but we can afford a horse coordinator and
> like 8 historians on the county payroll.

We need the historians to keep track of how we got so fucked and then re-write it to blame whoever's not in charge at the time. It's a lot of work.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: July 10, 2012 12:47PM

Close - heck, you're not close, you're spot on. Both Moran & Connolly threatened the BLM's funds if the BLM closed the facility for renovations - so instead, guess who's on the hook for the horses that will stay there forcing the facilities to stay open...

"Moran and Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th) submitted a letter to BLM last month, requesting that horses remain at the aging barn during its renovation, thereby allowing three horse-related businesses to remain in business"

And yes, the Patch's editorial family keeps horses there. But according to them, there's "no need for a disclaimer"....

Quotes are from the Patch. I won't support their post count w/links.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: *sigh* ()
Date: July 10, 2012 01:50PM

Jess1 Wrote:

> And yes, the Patch's editorial family keeps horses
> there. But according to them, there's "no need for
> a disclaimer"....
> Quotes are from the Patch. I won't support their
> post count w/links.

Well, to be fair I see that Larson did include a disclaimer in her 4-part series(!) covering this subject:

"Full Disclosure: Burke Patch Editor Susan Larson has worked at boarding, breeding, lesson, trail riding, fox hunting and polo facilities in Illinois and Virginia. In 2005 the United States Capitol Police Horse Mounted Unit honored her for her support as barn manager during their tenure. She is a past member of Clifton Horse Society, former volunteer with Simple Changes Therapeutic Riding Center, and current member of the Mason Neck Horse Coalition. She boards her horse at The Stables at Meadowood."

Should be pretty clear to people that she's an advocate. I think it's money better spent elsewhere but I can't fault her for promoting what she's into. As long as she's out in the open about it. Now how the back scratching behind the scenes works might be a more interesting series. ;)

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Stoney ()
Date: July 10, 2012 04:58PM

I see nothing wrong with the county providing equistrian facilities. It's better than paying to educate illegals who shouldn't be in this country anyway or subsidizing deadbeat welfare mommies who are too lazy to work.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: No! ()
Date: July 10, 2012 06:10PM

Let's get our kids out of trailers in our FCPS first.

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Giddy Up ()
Date: July 12, 2012 08:35AM

Looks like another horsey place is biting the dust. Noticed Windswept(?) Farm on Braddock Road, just east of the Fairfax County Parkway interchange, is up for sale. 41 acres zoned PC(weti?)

list from june 2004


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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Talia ()
Date: July 12, 2012 05:14PM

Hi I currently board my horse at Windswept Farm and we are being sold out by the by the episcopal diocese of virginia. We were owned by the Church of the Apostles and they had a lawsuit with the diocese.the diocese won and we are being sold without any condisteration for the the 12 horses boarded there.it is the only co-op farm in this area.

Here is the link: http://www.thediocese.net/News/Property_Recovery/

Here is a link about our farm: http://www.thediocese.net/News/Property_Recovery/


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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Dear Talia ()
Date: July 13, 2012 09:14PM

Sell your hobby horse or buy some land.

You do know we are in a recession?

Your big puppy problems are NOT REAL problems.

Plus you rented from a for profit church.

Get real!

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: horsepoop ()
Date: July 13, 2012 10:18PM

Another spending entitlement means higher taxes! Better question is why we even have a Fairfax County Equestrian Task Force. I wonder which board member spearheaded this initiative?!

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Mr. Ed ()
Date: July 13, 2012 11:43PM

horsepoop Wrote:
> Another spending entitlement means higher taxes!
> Better question is why we even have a Fairfax
> County Equestrian Task Force. I wonder which board
> member spearheaded this initiative?!

I am guessing (hoping) that the task force is some group of volunteers. That being said, whatever they might be recommending that would involve taxpayer money would hopefully be at or near the bottom of what the County budget is funding. Any chance that this is the case?

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Re: The county’s need for a full-time equestrian coordinator
Posted by: Trigger ()
Date: July 14, 2012 02:00AM

Mr. Ed Wrote:
> horsepoop Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Another spending entitlement means higher taxes!
> > Better question is why we even have a Fairfax
> > County Equestrian Task Force. I wonder which
> board
> > member spearheaded this initiative?!
> I am guessing (hoping) that the task force is some
> group of volunteers. That being said, whatever
> they might be recommending that would involve
> taxpayer money would hopefully be at or near the
> bottom of what the County budget is funding. Any
> chance that this is the case?

About the Equestrian Task Force (ETF)

On September 14, 2010, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bulova introduced a Board Matter requesting the creation of an Ad Hoc Equestrian Task Force to identify opportunities for horses and their riders. The Board Matter further directed the Park Authority to work with members of Fairfax 4 Horses on the task force composition, mission, and framework with a report back to the Board. The County Executive provided that report back to the Board in February 2011 and the first full meeting of the Equestrian Task Force was held on March 29, 2011. The Task Force presented a Final Report containing findings and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on July 10, 2012.

Equestrian Task Force members are:

Breeana Bornhorst (Task Force Chairperson), Northern VA Therapeutic Riding
Bryant Dunetz (Task Force Vice Chairperson), Fairfax4Horses
Jan Hedetniemi, Fairfax4Horses
Brian Purdy
Robin Rentsch, Great Falls Horse Network
Rachel Rifkind
Matthew Stough, George Mason University Equestrian Team
Jean Voss, Clifton Horse Society


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