Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by:
Alexander Smith
Date: August 08, 2012 09:21PM
Kilton Wrote:
> Alexander Smith Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It would be nice to have a
> > mega-thread of known traffic enforcement areas.
> How about just keeping your eyes open so that you
> see them in time? Would that be too difficult?
I certainly do pay full time and attention to the road. I never use a cell phone and drive, as I consider it more dangerous than drinking and driving. The only exception is at a stoplight, but only for a few seconds so I don't inadvertently miss the light turning back to green.
Yes I do admit to speeding though, but I do it in a controlled manner such as driving specifically in the farthest left lane on a highway.
The mega-thread would save motorists the hassle of getting pulled over for such minor infractions.