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Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Fr. Hurley Blvd. ()
Date: July 07, 2012 01:43PM

Was out around Rolling Road and OKM area this am for a short time and saw so may police cars -- county, state trooper, and unmarked. Weird, almost as if they are being extra vigilant with the heat that someone/people doesn't/don't go nuts.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: who8thebeast ()
Date: July 07, 2012 01:57PM

Thanks for the heads up. That's where I'm heading out in a bit.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: GenGeezer ()
Date: July 07, 2012 06:17PM

Lot and Lots of old people around there

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: JustWondering ()
Date: July 07, 2012 06:19PM

You do realize there's a police station just down from that location on Rolling Road? Could have been a shift change?

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Alexander Smith ()
Date: July 07, 2012 06:26PM

Thank you Mr. Fr. Hurley Blvd. People do drivers a favor when you report places with heavy police presence. Luckily, I'm not drving through that area today so I can avoid a ticket there.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: FuzzBuster ()
Date: July 07, 2012 09:31PM

<Re: Fuzz out in force today?
<Posted by: Alexander Smith ()
<Date: July 07, 2012 06:26PM

<Thank you Mr. Fr. Hurley Blvd. People do drivers a favor when you report places <with heavy police presence. Luckily, I'm not drving through that area today so I <can avoid a ticket there.

Seriously? Why not drive the speed limit and obey the traffic laws so you don;t need to rely on threads like this on the Underground???

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Driving Force ()
Date: July 07, 2012 09:46PM

Saw lots of state troopers around Winchester and up and down US-522 today. Not sure what the deal is. It's a little early in the month for quotas.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: sti r + & L.I dual ()
Date: July 07, 2012 09:59PM

Yeah a lot of 35.5 ka out today, got some I/O from a statie and more C/O from fairfax city cops. Fairfax City cops all seem to have radar unlike normal county cops. No lidar seen, too hot for the piggies.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: July 08, 2012 03:03AM

I saw these two Mexican teens run out of the Annandale Safeway tonight. Minutes later like 10-12 police cruisers and a helicopter were flying down Little River Turnpike. These idiots, one who was holding up his baggy pants ran right towards the street lol. The police were setting up all over the place and some were flying through the various local parking lots. Wonder how fat they got.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Neo ()
Date: July 08, 2012 03:35AM

sti r + & L.I dual Wrote:
> Yeah a lot of 35.5 ka out today, got some I/O from
> a statie and more C/O from fairfax city cops.
> Fairfax City cops all seem to have radar unlike
> normal county cops. No lidar seen, too hot for the
> piggies.

Translation please?

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 08, 2012 08:43AM

I know it's a lot to ask but, just go the speed limit and try not to send any text messages while driving. I know, you'll get past them soon, so you can carry on your txt conversation.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Edward ()
Date: August 08, 2012 02:21PM

Are shift change times common knowledge for the road dogs around here- Arlington, Fairfax County and City; FC City, etc?

Would seem to be less presence at these times

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Date: August 08, 2012 03:15PM

Cue obligatory donut checkpoint comment in 5...4....3....2...........

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Alexander Smith ()
Date: August 08, 2012 05:39PM

Saw a few on 495 north bound today towards McLean posted on the shoulder. It would be nice to have a mega-thread of known traffic enforcement areas.

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: August 08, 2012 05:42PM

Alexander Smith Wrote:
> It would be nice to have a
> mega-thread of known traffic enforcement areas.

How about just keeping your eyes open so that you see them in time? Would that be too difficult?

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Re: Fuzz out in force today?
Posted by: Alexander Smith ()
Date: August 08, 2012 09:21PM

Kilton Wrote:
> Alexander Smith Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It would be nice to have a
> > mega-thread of known traffic enforcement areas.
> How about just keeping your eyes open so that you
> see them in time? Would that be too difficult?

I certainly do pay full time and attention to the road. I never use a cell phone and drive, as I consider it more dangerous than drinking and driving. The only exception is at a stoplight, but only for a few seconds so I don't inadvertently miss the light turning back to green.

Yes I do admit to speeding though, but I do it in a controlled manner such as driving specifically in the farthest left lane on a highway.

The mega-thread would save motorists the hassle of getting pulled over for such minor infractions.

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