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lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Kevin86 ()
Date: July 05, 2012 12:03AM

Having lived briefly with one the parasites that frequents this place- all I can say to its supports is FUCK YOU.

You are NOT helping people in a pitch. You are NOT bettering people. You are allowing disgusting deadbeats to continue their morbid and parasitic existence in peace and comfort.

I worked a job that paid just above minimum wage. The only place I could move into had one of these 'people'. His entire life was subsidized by tax payers and "charities." He lived as well as I did- while I worked to scrap up rent. Not to mention he was one of the most repulsively fat individuals I've ever seen. Not dumb, not disabled- just really fat.

People of the Lamb Center and Fairfax in general- what the fuck is wrong with you?
Why do you not only tolerate, but support these awful human beings?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 05, 2012 12:10AM

So what is your point?

1) Don't give to charities.
2) Don't pay taxes.
3) Don't feed fat people.
4) Don't live in Fairfax.
5) Don't go to the Lamb Center.
6) Don't work a job that pays just above minimum wage.
7) Fuck ourselves.
8) Don't support awful human beings.

I'm willing to do any or all of the above. Which one do you want?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 05, 2012 12:38AM


Our friends met while homeless. As of a beautiful June wedding yesterday, they are happily married with housing and a stable income. Congratulations, blessing and best wishes!


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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: July 05, 2012 07:14AM

I need a offensive center for our football team. Is the bride available?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Stupid Poster ()
Date: July 05, 2012 03:08PM

BEH Wrote:
> I need a offensive center for our football team.
> Is the bride available?

Are you sure you don't need a defensive center? You moron

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 05, 2012 03:33PM

Is that a woman?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: free stuff ()
Date: July 05, 2012 04:10PM

The OP has a valid point. When you allow people to use these shelters as just a flop house then they become dependant on them. There is no incentive to ever get a job if this place allows you to crash there and the government gives you food stamps and welfare. Some people are perfectly happy having others take care of them. Living in crummy conditions is just the trade off for a life without working.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: NRA 75 ()
Date: July 05, 2012 04:37PM

Kevin86 Wrote:
> Having lived briefly with one the parasites that
> frequents this place- all I can say to its
> supports is FUCK YOU.
> You are NOT helping people in a pitch. You are
> NOT bettering people. You are allowing disgusting
> deadbeats to continue their morbid and parasitic
> existence in peace and comfort.
> I worked a job that paid just above minimum wage.
> The only place I could move into had one of these
> 'people'. His entire life was subsidized by tax
> payers and "charities." He lived as well as I
> did- while I worked to scrap up rent. Not to
> mention he was one of the most repulsively fat
> individuals I've ever seen. Not dumb, not
> disabled- just really fat.
> People of the Lamb Center and Fairfax in general-
> what the fuck is wrong with you?
> Why do you not only tolerate, but support these
> awful human beings?

Fuck you too-getting the C Lo Green song ready for you. How nice of you to be so judgemental.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Kevin86 ()
Date: July 05, 2012 05:51PM


1) Does this mean I can take photos of all the bums outside the center as counter-evidence? In terms of shear numbers, I have little doubt I"m correct.

2) Marriage isn't a sign of success, it just means that homeless people like to fuck too. Moreover, *everyone* who goes to the Lamb Center has "housing" and a "stable income," just not a job. So that tells me nothing.

I don't suppose the center ever bothered to record success/failure statistics- it's so much easier to just throw around a wedding picture.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 05, 2012 05:53PM

Kevin86 Wrote:
> Eesh,
> 1) Does this mean I can take photos of all the
> bums outside the center as counter-evidence? In
> terms of shear numbers, I have little doubt I"m
> correct.
> 2) Marriage isn't a sign of success, it just means
> that homeless people like to fuck too. Moreover,
> *everyone* who goes to the Lamb Center has
> "housing" and a "stable income," just not a job.
> So that tells me nothing.
> I don't suppose the center ever bothered to record
> success/failure statistics- it's so much easier to
> just throw around a wedding picture.

I don't care what you do, I had recently discovered TLC's Facebook page and I thought the pics were LOLOLOLOL funny.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Kevin86 ()
Date: July 05, 2012 05:55PM

free stuff Wrote:
> The OP has a valid point. When you allow people to
> use these shelters as just a flop house then they
> become dependant on them. There is no incentive to
> ever get a job if this place allows you to crash
> there and the government gives you food stamps and
> welfare. Some people are perfectly happy having
> others take care of them. Living in crummy
> conditions is just the trade off for a life
> without working.

This is the most reasonable thing I've heard all day. Thank you.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: A Question ()
Date: July 05, 2012 06:13PM

That is the most depressing looking wedding I've ever seen. Nonetheless, I hope they're happy.

Something I don't understand...it seems like some people are on welfare forever, but I thought that the timeframe was now limited to five years under welfare reform. Explanation?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: hoocoodanode ()
Date: July 05, 2012 06:50PM

Of course the wedding wasn't top notch; it's not like they are rolling in dough.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Alpha Male ()
Date: July 05, 2012 08:53PM

A Question Wrote:
> That is the most depressing looking wedding I've
> ever seen. Nonetheless, I hope they're happy.
> Something I don't understand...it seems like some
> people are on welfare forever, but I thought that
> the timeframe was now limited to five years under
> welfare reform. Explanation?

You won't hope they're happy when they start spitting out kids. Kids that will need to be supported by taxpayers' money and leeching off welfare for decades to come.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: ?curious ()
Date: July 05, 2012 10:02PM

Alpha Male Wrote:

> You won't hope they're happy when they start
> spitting out kids. Kids that will need to be
> supported by taxpayers' money and leeching off
> welfare for decades to come.

He said they had a stable income now. Why do you assume that the children will be on welfare?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: ronnie mund ()
Date: July 05, 2012 10:04PM

i'll bet the reception was catered by hungry man or swanson.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: someone ()
Date: July 05, 2012 10:21PM

OMG that bride is ffffuuuugly

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: photog ()
Date: July 06, 2012 03:41AM

The groom is one Dave Chappelle looking MF.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: 86 kevin ()
Date: July 08, 2012 02:16PM

Hey, kevin 86! How wonderfull of you to have the level of extremely higher intellect than ones like ito, 57 nra and the rest of the scuzzbuckets making posts on your newly created thread on the lc subject!

I am the creator of the original one, and can not express enough my gratitude of thankfullness for your lc2 thread creation.

Be prepared to tolerate the endless argumentation about the factually backed comment posts like yours with endless opinionated nonsense backed with endless falsehoods.

And I'll bet by the discript given, the huge, disgustingly obese one is none other than the already mentioned one in lc1, the super selfish hog himself, DEREK.

This walking pile of human garbage is about as deserving of the lc's or any other help center as Adolph HITLER, Satans right hand man himself.

His hugeness in flubberized obesity proves exactly what he is. A HOG. No, he's worse than a HOG. He is evil incarnate!


And heed the above warning! The lc's super-hustling operator's will be on you like fly' s on doo-doo now! Forever posting ullusioned backed argumentational fiction based opinions to boost up more ill-gotten donations for their greedy selves support, first, and the possibly little leftovers being discriminently doled out to the.most undeserving, most spoiled to the core behaving ones!

And if you do not believe this, well, just read thru carefully the lc1 thread. The factual proof is right there in you face!

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: bubbly ()
Date: July 08, 2012 02:33PM

I see the wonderfull church volunteer Bubbly in the wedding picture posted.

Now there IS a most wonderfull person!

(Standing to the far right forward inn the pict)

Can not say enough good about her!

Too bad we all have to suffer the extremely opposite in constrasted ones like this human hog derek as well!

It' s just shamefull!

Yay for the most wonderfully existing Holy Trinity and its staff and congregation!! God bless you all!

That church where the members actually conducts themselves like truly practicing Christians!

In totally opposite contrast to The Messiah churches members/congregation. Their true Messiah is Satan Himself, obviously.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: July 08, 2012 02:35PM

We should all just follow in God's footsteps and just give up on some people.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: groped into "dissability" programs ()
Date: July 08, 2012 02:57PM

The real scuzziest ones grope into the dissability programs. Anything to get away wit not having to work and continue bleeding the state aid taxpayer system and charities into oblivion with their hate based nothing better than spoiled rotten reasons.

And places like the lc promote this by spoiling even more rotten, the spoiled rotten ones perpetuating their own personal revenge upon all of society that had to finally punish them for their own wantonly relentless sinning!

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: NRA 75 ()
Date: July 08, 2012 03:11PM

57 Arn here I'm out drinking beers with Bill Abel. He's so much cooler!!!

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: NRA 75 ()
Date: July 08, 2012 03:13PM

BrandonG.M.U. Wrote:
> We should all just follow in God's footsteps and
> just give up on some people.

God gave up on who? Huh?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: gmu brandon ()
Date: July 08, 2012 03:35PM

Yeah! Just like the the lc staff does to innocent, scripture taught abiding ones pre-emptively in unwavering total support no matter what spoiled rotten ones!

Now, brandongmu, you must go back to the beggining of the lc1/2 thread, re-study it's contents in it's entirety.and if you still do not understand it's original intent as depicted, then you shouls just shut up your moronic mouth and quit posting fictional backed bull on this or it's sister thread, punk.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: July 08, 2012 04:08PM

Did you post that from the public library's free net access? And no, I will not give you my spare change so you can get drunk and/or high.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: NRA 75 ()
Date: July 08, 2012 04:24PM

BrandonG.M.U. Wrote:
> Did you post that from the public library's free
> net access? And no, I will not give you my spare
> change so you can get drunk and/or high.

Good point Brandon. I'm with you on that. In fact, that's why places such as the Lamb Center are important. They don't give away booze/dope, in fact they have AA/Al-Anon, and other groups that aren't even faith based, working on this issue.

Best bet is to give someone homeless food/water. That way, you aren't supporting a booze/dope habit, which I agree is wrong, and at the same time, deciding whether a person is for real, or abusing the system. Its not easy to tell, but this weeds them out :)

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: NRA 75 ()
Date: July 08, 2012 04:25PM

gmu brandon Wrote:
> Yeah! Just like the the lc staff does to innocent,
> scripture taught abiding ones pre-emptively in
> unwavering total support no matter what spoiled
> rotten ones!
> Now, brandongmu, you must go back to the beggining
> of the lc1/2 thread, re-study it's contents in
> it's entirety.and if you still do not understand
> it's original intent as depicted, then you shouls
> just shut up your moronic mouth and quit posting
> fictional backed bull on this or it's sister
> thread, punk.

LOL. This guy hasn't said anything about himself. Its always someone else. And someone else's fault. Funny. I've learned more about Bill Abel and what this individual thinks about Dave Larraby, then him. Why not tell us about yourself? Is violent tendencies a reason for being kicked out of the Lamb Center. Yep. Rules are rules. Go ahead, tell us your story, since you are so quick to try to write Bill, Dave's, and everyone else's.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 08, 2012 04:41PM

Why is the sequel always so much worse than the original?

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: NRA 75 ()
Date: July 08, 2012 05:38PM

Ito Wrote:
> Why is the sequel always so much worse than the
> original?

LOL, sequel. This is more like Talking in Psychotic Circles 88 :)

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: So sad ()
Date: July 08, 2012 05:55PM

I feel sad for those that live here making minimum wage. It must suck.

Hitch hike to Florida and start over.

Good luck.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 08, 2012 07:11PM

?curious Wrote:

> He said they had a stable income now. Why do you
> assume that the children will be on welfare?

Stable income can mean holding a $7.25 an hour job.....

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 08, 2012 07:12PM

Ito Wrote:
> Why is the sequel always so much worse than the
> original?

Wait for the trilogy....the Lamb Center franchise is just getting started. Maybe we can start an FFXU store and sell Lamb Center merchandise.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2012 07:12PM by eesh.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: thelcgaveuponthemostinnocentones ()
Date: July 09, 2012 12:50AM

Uh,duh, uh. It's, uh, kinda clear what the now two originator's of two separate threads trying to address a clear and present wrongfull ongoing travesty going on at this lc and places like it.

Uh, duh, uh. Self proclaimed to be walkin' on water holy roller's hidin' behind the same proclamations wreaking their own personal revenge sceam to get revenge on all of society.

Playin' it discriminatly sneaky, spoilin' the very ones that should be rodded instead. Makin' it impossible for the ones tryin' so hard to be better christians that fall into a position of real, honest need.

And the more you try and bring this ungodly like policy they are feverishly practicing so as to perpetuate their revenge sceam, the more and more difficult it makes it for the better practicing christians in their real and more honest need to acquire the help. Even to the point of utter futility, muting totally the so called help that is being proclaimed to be being offered to the much more innocent ones.

The message is clear and precisely detailed backed with factual, real truth to do so, yet the problem remains.

I have gone thru these very detailed facts and agree with the now two originators. Only a fool or equivically criminally minded cons running the lc, places like it and this facets hypo would argue against the heep of prevailing facts proving wht these now two originators have so very well proven to be true and correct.

Either the criminally supported policies need to be immediately, radically changed, or the donations should be stopped now if not yesterday and these places shut down for good.

Oh, and the fag hangin' out with the fag bill abel, uh, duh, uh. Watch yer back! He will sneak up behind you like the cowardice sucker punch punk bitch-ass he is , knock you out from behind after influencing you to get real allebriated with him after convincing you he's your bosom buddy 'ol pal and rob you for everything you got worth a plug nickel or more for his continued buzz-on illicit drug and boozin' it habits!

He's famous for this very thing and much worse. Everyone knows this FACT. Especially the ones running the lc and facets. Dave liarbe and heather thomas and the rest. Yet they keep spoiling him even more than before to keep this terrorist around to terrorize everyone in and around the places and all of society in the region to boot as part of their personalized sick twisted revenge scheme, obviously.

Now. Let us pray. Let us pray that this sick twisted minded revenge scheme ends soon. All of the donators to these places should stop now if not yesterday.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 09, 2012 01:02AM

This is why you don't walk out of a movie. The post above proves that sometimes a plot twist can save the film.

> The message is clear and precisely detailed backed with factual, real truth to do so, yet the problem remains.

If only the message were clear so I could agree with you.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Mr. Insensitive ()
Date: July 09, 2012 04:25AM

hoocoodanode Wrote:
> Of course the wedding wasn't top notch; it's not
> like they are rolling in dough.

The bride looks like she's been rolling around in cookie dough.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: July 09, 2012 01:37PM

Ever notice that everyone with something negative to say about The Lamb Center seems to be on the cusp of severe mental illness?

Their posts are saturated with hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: ram it up your ass , faggot ()
Date: July 09, 2012 01:53PM


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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: July 09, 2012 02:02PM


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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 10, 2012 01:54AM

ram it up your ass , faggot Wrote:
> Jackass

Looking for love in all the wrong places my friend.

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Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: July 10, 2012 07:18AM

He's not looking for love. He's looking for full support from the government.
Somehow he figures he's entitled. How?
We haven't figured that one out.
Our guess? Delusions of grandeur plus outright laziness.
Just another burden on society.
It's a shame..all those valuable shelter animals being put to sleep,
and here is a useless leech sucking all the social services dry that is
allowed to live.

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