Re: lamb center 2 (I'll just leave this here)
Posted by:
Date: July 09, 2012 12:50AM
Uh,duh, uh. It's, uh, kinda clear what the now two originator's of two separate threads trying to address a clear and present wrongfull ongoing travesty going on at this lc and places like it.
Uh, duh, uh. Self proclaimed to be walkin' on water holy roller's hidin' behind the same proclamations wreaking their own personal revenge sceam to get revenge on all of society.
Playin' it discriminatly sneaky, spoilin' the very ones that should be rodded instead. Makin' it impossible for the ones tryin' so hard to be better christians that fall into a position of real, honest need.
And the more you try and bring this ungodly like policy they are feverishly practicing so as to perpetuate their revenge sceam, the more and more difficult it makes it for the better practicing christians in their real and more honest need to acquire the help. Even to the point of utter futility, muting totally the so called help that is being proclaimed to be being offered to the much more innocent ones.
The message is clear and precisely detailed backed with factual, real truth to do so, yet the problem remains.
I have gone thru these very detailed facts and agree with the now two originators. Only a fool or equivically criminally minded cons running the lc, places like it and this facets hypo would argue against the heep of prevailing facts proving wht these now two originators have so very well proven to be true and correct.
Either the criminally supported policies need to be immediately, radically changed, or the donations should be stopped now if not yesterday and these places shut down for good.
Oh, and the fag hangin' out with the fag bill abel, uh, duh, uh. Watch yer back! He will sneak up behind you like the cowardice sucker punch punk bitch-ass he is , knock you out from behind after influencing you to get real allebriated with him after convincing you he's your bosom buddy 'ol pal and rob you for everything you got worth a plug nickel or more for his continued buzz-on illicit drug and boozin' it habits!
He's famous for this very thing and much worse. Everyone knows this FACT. Especially the ones running the lc and facets. Dave liarbe and heather thomas and the rest. Yet they keep spoiling him even more than before to keep this terrorist around to terrorize everyone in and around the places and all of society in the region to boot as part of their personalized sick twisted revenge scheme, obviously.
Now. Let us pray. Let us pray that this sick twisted minded revenge scheme ends soon. All of the donators to these places should stop now if not yesterday.