Re: Need help settling in
Posted by:
From FX City
Date: June 27, 2012 08:25AM
There isn't much difference from anywhere in Fairfax. Some places just have better amenities, closer to shopping, less traffic, more traffic, bike trails, assholes (we have plenty of those as you can tell by some previous posters) and culture.
North is filled with the uptight, soccer moms, McLean. Out west is Chantilly, suburbs filled with families and divorcees. South is newer in pockets so you never know what you will get and the East is Alexandria, which is more crowded but older. Central Fairfax is a good place to start. Fairfax city is nice, it's where I live. A new library but the rest of the city never really developed because our city council are turds that don't know what they are doing.
Wwelcome to fairfax. As a teacher, you shouldn't have much trouble getting a job with more than half the budget going to the school system and a University in the middle of the county (GMU).
Good luck.