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Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: McGruff - The Crime Dog! ()
Date: June 23, 2012 07:05AM

Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
At Dunn Loring Metro, officers handed out tickets for failure to cross in crosswalk, yield to pedestrians.
By Andre L. Taylor
June 20, 2012

Since beefing up their intersection enforcement near the Dunn Loring Metro station in Merrifield on Gallows Road on June 4, Fairfax County police have handed out 30 tickets carrying $250 fines a piece.

Lucy Caldwell, a police spokeswoman, said the tickets were handed out to motorists who failed to yield to pedestrians and pedestrians who failed to cross the busy intersection in the crosswalk.

“Since the beginning of the initiative, we’ve issued 468 warnings,” Caldwell said. “These have been both verbal, as well as handing out pedestrian safety brochures to walkers.”

Caldwell said pedestrians are asked to veer in a slightly different route towards a crosswalk, which may take approximately three minutes longer to walk. The change in the cross pattern is due to construction around the Metro station.

Construction around the Metro station is expected to continue through the next four years.

Credit AndreL.Taylor

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Paul B ()
Date: June 23, 2012 07:29AM

Yeah, but those stupid pedestrians are still crossing anywhere on Prosperity they want. They come out of the condos and don't even look before crossing.

The ones that do use the crosswalk at the far end of Propperity near the ICE office with the flashing lights just step out onto the street without looking to see if cars are coming.

Same thing on Gallows by the temp bus stops.

All in all, it's a pedestrian problem, not a driver problem.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Neville ()
Date: June 24, 2012 10:40PM

You're right Paul B, it's not at all a law-abiding motorist's problem. Law-abiding motorists know that pedestrians have right of way at most crosswalks.

The problem is that at least half the drivers and pedestrians out there are below average.

Paul B, have you tried as a pedestrian to cross a street at a crosswalk without a traffic light lately? A good number of drivers seem to be ignorant of the law.

Any pedestrian or bicycle rider has right-of way over vehicular traffic at a crosswalk or trail-crossing crosswalk without a signal. The Virginia Code says that drivers shall yield to bicycle riders and pedestrians at crosswalks and at most intersections, unless there is some traffic control device or law enforcement person directing traffic otherwise. At lights, in other words, the bicycle rider/pedestrian has to follow the standard light signals, but the bicycle rider and pedestrian has right of way at all other crosswalks (regardless of traffic speed) and at intersections without signals (if the speed is less than 35 mph).

The law specifically talks about "at" crosswalks, not "in" crosswalks, thus including the area where someone is waiting to cross the road. The MUTCD-based definition of "crosswalk" is brutally dense, but it also can be read to include the section on the side of the road where pedestrians stand as "crosswalk" area. Here is the Virginia Code:

§ 46.2-904. Use of roller skates and skateboards on sidewalks and shared-use paths; operation of bicycles, electric power-assisted bicycles, and electric personal assistive mobility devices on sidewalks and crosswalks and shared-use paths; local ordinances.

A person riding a bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device, or an electric power-assisted bicycle on a sidewalk, shared-use path, or across a roadway on a crosswalk, shall have all the rights and duties of a pedestrian under the same circumstances.

§ 46.2-924. Drivers to stop for pedestrians; installation of certain signs; penalty.

A. The driver of any vehicle on a highway shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian crossing such highway:

1. At any clearly marked crosswalk
, whether at mid-block or at the end of any block;

2. At any regular pedestrian crossing included in the prolongation of the lateral boundary lines of the adjacent sidewalk at the end of a block;

3. At any intersection when the driver is approaching on a highway or street where the legal maximum speed does not exceed 35 miles per hour.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A of this section, at intersections or crosswalks where the movement of traffic is being regulated by law-enforcement officers or traffic control devices, the driver shall yield according to the direction of the law-enforcement officer or device.

No pedestrian shall enter or cross an intersection in disregard of approaching traffic.

The drivers of vehicles entering, crossing, or turning at intersections shall change their course, slow down, or stop if necessary to permit pedestrians to cross such intersections safely and expeditiously.

Pedestrians crossing highways at intersections shall at all times have the right-of-way over vehicles making turns into the highways being crossed by the pedestrians.

At a crosswalk Virginia courts have held “the pedestrian has a superior right -- that is, the right to cross from one side of the street to the other in preference or priority over vehicles -- and drivers of vehicles must respect this right and yield the right of way to the pedestrian. The pedestrian's right of way extends from one side of the street to the other. It does not begin at any particular point in the intersection nor does it end at any particular point. It begins on one side of the street and extends until the pedestrian has negotiated the crossing.” (Marshall v. Shaw. Supreme Court of Virginia, 1955) (http://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=2476417758289562501&hl=en&as_sdt=2&as_vis=1&oi=scholarr)

"The duty of a motor vehicle driver on approaching an intersection is to keep a vigilant lookout for pedestrians between curbs on the traveled portion of the highway, and when pedestrians are negotiating the crossing, or about to step from the side into traffic lanes, to operate his car at such speed and under such control that he can readily turn one way or the other, and, if necessary, bring his machine to a stop in time to avoid injury to pedestrians." (Sawyer v. Blankenship, Supreme Court of Virginia, 1933) (http://va.findacase.com/research/wfrmDocViewer.aspx/xq/fac.19330615_0040113.VA.htm/qx)

None of this, naturally gives the pedestrian/bicyclist the right to jump in front of traffic too close to stop. The police will probably only interview the driver in such a case.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: HooLeo ()
Date: June 25, 2012 12:11AM

Een Mehico we no have crosswalk. Only donkey path. You people
crazy. You racist if you wan me obay you law. I tell Gerry Conly you
bad peeple. Gringos

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: What the hell ()
Date: June 25, 2012 07:43AM

And not one friggin' bicyclist was ticketed? Jesus Christ that is bullshit.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Hank Moody ()
Date: June 25, 2012 08:29AM

I understand that pedestrians have the "superior" right of way, but jesus fucking christ most pedestrians are complete fucking idiots. I see so many assholes on their power walks that march across an intersection without so much as a glance over their left shoulder to see if some jackass taking a right turn is about to flatten their ass. Do they really have that much trust in the drivers in this area?!? Who cares about who has the right of way when death is on the line? What happened to common fucking sense?

Don't even get me started on bicyclists such as the dumb cunt that I witnessed that sent her 7 year old son on a bicycle across the Fairfax County Parkway at a crosswalk unattended. The kid came within 10 feet of getting flattened by traffic turning left. Dismount then cross you stupid cunt!

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Traffic nightmare ()
Date: June 25, 2012 08:33AM

When is construction in this area supposed to be finished?

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 25, 2012 08:39AM

@traffic - Construction around the Metro station is expected to continue through the next four years.

@hank - that bicyclist has the right to teach her offspring how to be an dumb cunt same as her LoLz

seriously, though........cyclists NEVER dismount. In fact, on the "cyclists kills old lady thread", there was one who said it was up to us to get out of their way just cause it's harder for them to accelerate on a bike than in a car. NO JOKE!!!

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: FairfaxPig ()
Date: June 25, 2012 10:37AM

Fairfax county police are fucking pigs.

Burn in hell fuckers

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Two Cents ()
Date: June 25, 2012 12:51PM

Keep up the good work!

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Hola' ()
Date: June 25, 2012 03:34PM

HooLeo Wrote:
> Een Mehico we no have crosswalk. Only donkey path.
> You people
> crazy. You racist if you wan me obay you law. I
> tell Gerry Conly you
> bad peeple. Gringos

In Mexico the cars are such pieces of shit when they hit a person its the car that goes to pieces.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: feelsafe ()
Date: June 27, 2012 09:44AM

Two Cents Wrote:
> Keep up the good work!

hear Hear!

I love seeing people pulled over for violating the traffic laws. If anything, the cops are too lax about this in this area. So many drivers believe they can speed and talk on the cell phone with impugnity. Many a time I have seen this and wondered 'where the hell are the cops when you need them?"

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Paul B ()
Date: June 27, 2012 12:45PM

Neville, you forgot this one:

§ 46.2-923. How and where pedestrians to cross highways.

When crossing highways, pedestrians shall not carelessly or maliciously interfere with the orderly passage of vehicles. They shall cross, wherever possible, only at intersections or marked crosswalks.

This is the problem - pedestrians listening to iPods, talking on the telephone cluelessly walking into traffic, or looking straight at the drier and then stepping in front of them.

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UPDATE: Police Hit 100 Tickets in Pedestrian Enforcement
Posted by: McGruff - The Crime Dog! ()
Date: July 21, 2012 09:04AM

UPDATE: Police Hit 100 Tickets in Pedestrian Enforcement
Fairfax County police have warned more than 500 pedestrians and motorists traveling through busy Merrifield intersection.
By Andre L. Taylor
July 20, 2012

Fairfax County police have handed out 100 tickets to pedestrians and motorists in a busy intersection along Gallows Road in Merrifield.

The $250 tickets were given to motorists who didn’t yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk or pedestrians failing to cross in the crosswalks.

Police has targeted the intersection near the Dunn Loring Metro station since vehicles hit two pedestrians earlier this year. Lucy Caldwell, a spokeswoman with county police, said the enforcement started June 4.

Caldwell said 502 people were warned since then for failing to yield to pedestrians and pedestrians who failed to cross the busy intersection in the crosswalk.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Ivy Bigbee ()
Date: July 21, 2012 10:00AM

This really erks me. They issued 100 tickets to pedestrians and motorists. That's great. What about the arrests for the rapists, animal slashers, and other serious criminal acts that we've seen in the county over the past 3 to 4 months? Why are there officers over in those areas? I've been by those places and guess what? Not an officer to be seen except over the McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts parking spaces in Chantilly. Very disappointing!

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Date: July 21, 2012 12:41PM

Great question-I mean seriously, can't Fairfax County post officers where they know DAMN WELL people are gonna get raped that night? And in the barns so animals don't get slashed? IT'S OUTRAGEOUS.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Ivy Bigbee ()
Date: July 21, 2012 02:01PM

FatteeMcButterpants Wrote:
> Great question-I mean seriously, can't Fairfax
> County post officers where they know DAMN WELL
> people are gonna get raped that night? And in the
> barns so animals don't get slashed? IT'S


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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: July 21, 2012 03:02PM

Ivy Bigbee Wrote:
> This really erks me. They issued 100 tickets to
> pedestrians and motorists. That's great. What
> about the arrests for the rapists, animal
> slashers, and other serious criminal acts that
> we've seen in the county over the past 3 to 4
> months?

This used to be a SOP for the Fairfax police. In the late 70s/early 80s there was an increase in home robberies which may have been related to spiking silver prices at the time. The police response was to step up traffic enforcement in places near where robberies occured. Catching motorists violating traffic laws in NoVa is like shooting fish in a barrel, and allows the police to issue releases like the OP's, not to mention pick up some revenue for the County.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 21, 2012 03:30PM

i dont think hundreds of ppl have been raped , nor hundreds of animals stabbed in the last 3-4 months here in Fairfax, hun

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Ivy Bigbee ()
Date: July 22, 2012 06:35PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> i dont think hundreds of ppl have been raped , nor
> hundreds of animals stabbed in the last 3-4 months
> here in Fairfax, hun

Oh really, have you checked the various list of crimes for the county? The number of rapes (for example)? Also the animals that were slashed were all at the same park, and were targeted three times. My husband worked in law enforcement but left after he saw the bureaucratic nightmare that Fairfax County has become. It's "All about revenue".

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: hey now ()
Date: July 22, 2012 06:49PM

now if they could just focus on the illegal spics, think about it. Would that be asking to much?

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: FUCKCOPS ()
Date: July 22, 2012 06:57PM

Are you serious?

Giving out tickets to people not crossing in the cross walk?

Is there nothing better to do?

Why dont they start doing real police work instead of being stupid fucking pigs.

There are drugs coming in from everywhere and they choose to give out tickets?



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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Senor Pedro ()
Date: July 22, 2012 08:49PM

Ivy Bigbee Wrote:
> This really erks me. They issued 100 tickets to
> pedestrians and motorists. That's great. What
> about the arrests for the rapists, animal
> slashers, and other serious criminal acts that
> we've seen in the county over the past 3 to 4
> months? Why are there officers over in those
> areas? I've been by those places and guess what?
> Not an officer to be seen except over the
> McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts parking spaces in
> Chantilly. Very disappointing!

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 23, 2012 07:10AM

Ivy Bigbee Wrote:

> Oh really, have you checked the various list of
> crimes for the county? The number of rapes (for
> example)? Also the animals that were slashed were
> all at the same park, and were targeted three
> times. My husband worked in law enforcement but
> left after he saw the bureaucratic nightmare that
> Fairfax County has become. It's "All about
> revenue".

not to nitpick...........but "three" is a number quite different than "hundreds"
and no, have not checked the numbers. But I do know that if there were "hundreds" of sexual assualts being reported in Fairfax County, I'd have DEFIANTELY heard about that shit by now.......................

Dunno about the "revenue" argument but I dont really believe it in this case cause I know the area, know that there's a SERIOUS safety issue with peds and traffic there.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: July 23, 2012 08:59AM

Why don't they build a pedestrian bridge over the road? Problem solved.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 23, 2012 09:39AM

@ralph - are you gonna pay for it? :)

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Ivy Bigbee ()
Date: July 24, 2012 09:07PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @ralph - are you gonna pay for it? :)

We would ALL end up paying for it. Hell they wasted all those manhours ticketing those pedestrians when they could have been shutting down crack houses in Woodbridge, but nooooooo that would be fighting real crime.

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 25, 2012 12:25AM

Ivy, you make me smile, do you know this?

Fairfax County Police shutting down crack houses in Woodbridge?

why do you think that prolly wouldnt happen?

I'll give you a hint.................

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Black123xxx ()
Date: July 25, 2012 12:50AM

I’m a Fairfax County cop because walmart isn’t hiring

This week’s child molestation by your local police

Police misconduct USA

Photograph the police

Today sexual assault by your local police

The world according to chief rhorerer

Fairfax County Police Greatest hits

Fairfax County Police museum

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 25, 2012 12:58AM

oh, hi 2con........

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Re: Fairfax County Police Initiative Nets 30 Motorist, Pedestrian Offenders
Posted by: Ivy Bigbee ()
Date: July 25, 2012 04:58AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> Ivy, you make me smile, do you know this?
> Fairfax County Police shutting down crack houses
> in Woodbridge?
> why do you think that prolly wouldnt happen?
> I'll give you a hint.................

Because the Post has been doing stories on them for years and they haven't been shut down?

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Police Ticket 175 in Merrifield Enforcement Area
Posted by: McGruff - The Crime Dog! ()
Date: August 15, 2012 11:16AM

Police Ticket 175 in Merrifield Enforcement Area
Fairfax County Police have warned more than 540 pedestrians, motorists for violations on Gallows Road.
By Nicole Trifone
August 14, 2012

Fairfax County Police have been busy handing out tickets to motorists and pedestrians violating traffic laws on Gallows Road.

Since the enforcement started in June, county police have handed out 175 tickets to motorists and pedestrians not abiding by traffic laws on Gallows Road by the Dunn Loring Metro station. Each ticket carries a $250 fine.

Lucy Caldwell, a spokeswoman with county police, said more than 540 motorists and pedestrians have been warned for either crossing outside crosswalks or failing to yield to pedestrians in crossing areas.

Caldwell said pedestrians are asked to veer in a slightly different route towards a crosswalk, which may take approximately three minutes longer to walk. The change in the cross pattern is due to construction around the Metro station.

Construction around the Metro station is expected to continue through the next four years.

Credit Andre L.Taylor

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