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Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: BizIdea ()
Date: June 18, 2012 01:00PM

Hey everyone,

I'm looking to open a 24 hour carry out spot in the Fairfax area.

It would sell subs, wings, etc.

It would be open 24/7 and possible offer 24/7 delivery as well.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Daniel ()
Date: June 18, 2012 01:08PM

Where in Fairfax?

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Marios ()
Date: June 18, 2012 01:17PM

A couple places are open really late like 3am, but between like 3am and 6am your kinda of screwed unless you go into DC.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: June 18, 2012 01:20PM

Is this all code? Are we talking about something else?

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: 113 ()
Date: June 18, 2012 01:56PM

Could be code, but I for one would like an option besides the various diners.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: BizIdea ()
Date: June 18, 2012 02:18PM

I'm looking for space around the Fair Oaks Mall area.

It would be carry out, delivery, and may have a few tables to eat in.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Date: June 18, 2012 02:19PM

HAve them served by women in the nude. Guaranteed success.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: BizIdea ()
Date: June 18, 2012 02:20PM

Viscount Monteforte d_Alsace Wrote:
> HAve them served by women in the nude. Guaranteed
> success.


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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: I want ()
Date: June 18, 2012 02:24PM

24-7 Thai food.


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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: June 18, 2012 02:28PM

Do you have food service expirince?
I have a bizidea for Arlington that we can turn golden.
PM Me.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: bizidea ()
Date: June 18, 2012 02:29PM

VEIK Wrote:
> Do you have food service expirince?
> I have a bizidea for Arlington that we can turn
> golden.
> PM Me.

PM sent.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: pho real ()
Date: June 18, 2012 04:35PM

open up a 24-hour PHO spot. I know I would go!!!

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 18, 2012 04:37PM

pho real Wrote:
> open up a 24-hour PHO spot. I know I would go!!!

I have a cheaper solution: marry a Vietnamese woman.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: doitmann ()
Date: June 22, 2012 11:52AM

yeah do it mannn!

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Regs ()
Date: June 22, 2012 01:03PM

BizIdea Wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm looking to open a 24 hour carry out spot in
> the Fairfax area.
> It would sell subs, wings, etc.
> It would be open 24/7 and possible offer 24/7
> delivery as well.

Check the county regs on that sort of thing and the zoning laws as well.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Night Diner ()
Date: June 22, 2012 01:29PM

Off the top of my head I can think of a half-dozen all-night (7x24) dining places in Fairfax (Reston, Vienna, Merrifield, etc.), Fairfax City, Alexandria, and Arlington. There are also a lot of late-nite (2:00 AM) places. That's not counting all the 7x24 McDonalds.

It's not New York City, but it's not like there's nothing.

That said, I would love it if there was another place. I would like some really good roast beef sammiches, and hotdogs on a grilled bun. It has to be better food than I could quickly make at my house, though. Better than the subs you can get at the Mario's locations, for example.

Good luck!

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: 1krider ()
Date: June 22, 2012 05:01PM

Its a great idea on paper but I highly doubt you will follow through on the 24/7 gig. First off, you will have very limited number of calls between 3-7 espcially on the weekened deliveries. You will quickly realize that it is not a cost efficient idea. keeping the lights on and paying the labor alone will put you in the negative. Also get creative with it besides subs and wings, everyrone sells the same fast food junk. If you have deep pockets, ABC license might work out for you especially for late night beer delivery although I am not sure of the laws. My honest opinion is you have a lot of research and homework to do. PM me, I will shoot some ideas with you. I own a small LLC myself.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: LateNighter ()
Date: June 22, 2012 07:06PM

There's not enough need in the area you want to setup your shop. That's an area of primarily successful people who are in bed early. Of course, you could CREATE need in your marketing. As was mentioned, it's fine to offer wings and subs because there's lots of profit potential there. Especially wings which few restaurants do properly in this area. But in addition to wings and subs, find some unique menu item that no one else is offering but would be popular. This will involve LOTS of trial and error but, once you hit on it customers will seek you out because of your unique item. Use social-media like a 2-bit whore. What social media sites for restaurants are you following? What have you seen that you like? What don't you like? I like places that use social media to broadcast things like, "Come and see us in the next hour and mention XYZ to get ABC!", ya know? If it's a restaurant I like, that's the kind of message that makes me wanna' reach for the keys and head out. And for God sakes...do NOT put your faith in burgers and fries! NOVA has that covered.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 22, 2012 07:33PM

I doubt you will get much business after midnight because this town shuts down early. The suburbs are a bedroom community for government workers who get up early to fight the commute. People who get up at 5 a.m. during the week don't suddenly change their sleeping habits on the weekend.

With a restaurant, just like real estate, location is a strong determining factor as to whether your business will succeed. It seems the most successful restaurants on the low in this area get a large percentage of their business from catering to the lunch crowd during the week. The higher end restaurants get the evening crowd. So your best bet is to open close to large office buildings.

The convenience stores and fast food chains have the casual passer-by traffic already cornered. Your only hope is to develop a regular crowd of daily eaters.

One unique thing about this area as opposed to most in the U.S. is that most of the people are not FROM this area. Just about everyone comes from somewhere else. A lot of restaurants have capitalized on this by offering NY/NJ-style or an ethnic menu that appeals to a certain population in the area. Because of this diversity, I think people are exposed to a lot of different cuisine. People regularly eat Pho, Afghan, Japanese, Chinese, Thai.

I've always thought that this area would be ripe for some sort of "fusion" cuisine -- a mixture of all the cultures in this area. Maybe in another 20 years.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Northerner ()
Date: June 22, 2012 09:38PM

Panzerotti! Nobody does 'em around here.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Date: June 22, 2012 10:01PM

You gotta be somewhere closer to where people are out late. That means either right near GMU or in the bar areas of Arlington (Clarendon).

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 22, 2012 10:27PM

sounds like a great idea, O.P...........but I gotta agree with Ito - I dunno if that late night business ou here in the Burbs will be enough to keep up with yr expenses of staying open 24 hours.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: June 22, 2012 10:35PM

Yechon in Annandale has had a 24-hour restaurant going for years, but again, they have a clientele and a specific cuisine.

If you've never been there and are looking for decent late night fare, its pretty descent:


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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Fact Checker ()
Date: June 23, 2012 07:28AM

BizIdea Wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm looking to open a 24 hour carry out spot in
> the Fairfax area.
> It would sell subs, wings, etc.
> It would be open 24/7 and possible offer 24/7
> delivery as well.

What kind of subs, wings, etc? American? Italian? Any specialities? I would suggest making a list for menu items and then do a "Stare and Compare" against the competition for your business model.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Juan ()
Date: June 26, 2012 02:13AM

University mall is renovating and would be a great location between Gmu and the wealthier areas of Fairfax Station and Clifton. Offer healthy menu items as many residents in this area are health conscience and care about where their food comes from. If you go the fast food route you'll lose customers to goto franchises like Dominoes and McDonalds.

Personally, I would love a 24 hour delivery restaurant in this area. I hope it works out for you, op, and it's a lucrative venture.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: JenK ()
Date: June 26, 2012 03:43AM

Juan Wrote:
> University mall is renovating and would be a great
> location between Gmu and the wealthier areas of
> Fairfax Station and Clifton. Offer healthy menu
> items as many residents in this area are health
> conscience and care about where their food comes
> from. If you go the fast food route you'll lose
> customers to goto franchises like Dominoes and
> McDonalds.
> Personally, I would love a 24 hour delivery
> restaurant in this area. I hope it works out for
> you, op, and it's a lucrative venture.

Good location, but I see more stoned college kids at 4am going for the greasy fried shit than healthy foods. Or hell, swing both ways, wings and salads, chips and yogurt lol, soda and vitamin water, etc...

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Chili_pepper ()
Date: July 25, 2012 12:34PM

You guys need to stop running this scam....your bullshit wing place will never work....give it up....

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Ba Le ()
Date: July 25, 2012 01:10PM

Ba Le in the shopping center on Graham and Lee is open 24/7. They have a lot of stuff in there.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Better Idea ()
Date: July 25, 2012 03:08PM

Why not go one better and offer food 25 hours a day, 8 days a week?!!!! Oh, but then some asshole would open a place offering food 26 hours a day. Damn. Nevermind!

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Night Munchies ()
Date: July 25, 2012 03:17PM

If you cook, please broil, not fry. And lots of veggies. That's what I want and there are very few late night places that offer this type of food.

University Mall would be great for me. Or Turnpike Shopping Center.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: planet earth ()
Date: July 25, 2012 03:20PM

Staying open past 2am is a great idea. You get all the drunks coming back from bars. They will puke all over your floors and bathrooms then run out without paying. You will also get the criminals out seeking a quick armed robbery buck.
But good luck with this great idea.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: meh ()
Date: July 25, 2012 04:12PM

Ito Wrote:
> pho real Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > open up a 24-hour PHO spot. I know I would
> go!!!
> I have a cheaper solution: marry a Vietnamese
> woman.

I have an even cheaper solution: learn how to cook.

protip: it's chicken broth and noodles

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: easy company ()
Date: July 25, 2012 04:29PM

That late at night, quick and easy the drunks best friend

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Date: July 25, 2012 06:09PM

Two words for automatic success: Glory. Hole.

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: July 25, 2012 06:55PM

I think the Amphoras are open 24/7

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Re: Looking to open 24 hour carryout in Fairfax Area...Feedback needed
Posted by: get back to me ()
Date: July 25, 2012 08:06PM

Priapus Wrote:
> I think the Amphoras are open 24/7

the restaurant or glory holes?

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