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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: wedding planner ()
Date: August 02, 2012 05:12PM

Wedding is scheduled for next weekend. Is it still happening?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Freckles ()
Date: August 02, 2012 05:31PM

Did he get his passport back so he can take his soon-to-be teen bride on a Honeymoon?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Wedding Date Changed? ()
Date: August 02, 2012 05:31PM

According to their registry at Bed Bath & Beyond the wedding date has been changed to October 11. Their wedding website still states August 11. It doesn't appear that many things have been purchased. I bet many of Tessa's guest are hedging their bets that Noah will be convicted and this wedding will not take place. Save themselves the money and time.


wedding planner Wrote:
> Wedding is scheduled for next weekend. Is it
> still happening?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: wedding planner ()
Date: August 02, 2012 05:41PM

Can you imagine telling the wedding location that you need to push the date back becuse the groom to be is being brought up on charges of being a pedophile? Must have been a fun conversation.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Time for Change ()
Date: August 02, 2012 06:02PM

Can you imagine what her parents are thinking right now? She is only 21 or 22 he is 39... and an accused pedophile. Her parents must be proud right now.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Swim Dad ()
Date: August 02, 2012 06:47PM

Time for Change Wrote:
> Can you imagine what her parents are thinking
> right now? She is only 21 or 22 he is 39... and an
> accused pedophile. Her parents must be proud right
> now.

Yeah, I'll bet Dad is busy writing a toast for the reception
and trying on his tux.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Enough ()
Date: August 02, 2012 09:20PM

Let it go people

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: yeahright ()
Date: August 03, 2012 02:07AM

Enough Wrote:
> Let it go people

HaHaHa. Let it go you say. Yeah right. And not call out a child molesting predator. You want this to go away, don't you? It never will. It's discussions like this that awaken people, therefore protecting children. "Let it go". Lemme tell you something Enough. The protector is just as guilty as the predator. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Grand Jury ()
Date: August 03, 2012 07:54AM

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let it GO!?!?!!? o_0
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: August 03, 2012 07:57AM

Enough Wrote:
> Let it go people
fuck you -- jack.gif

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Plain Writing Tablet ()
Date: August 03, 2012 09:28AM

Oh boy,GordonBlvd's getting all worked up...again!

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Charges Against Former Madison Swim Coach Head to Grand Jury
Posted by: McGruff - The Crime Dog! ()
Date: August 04, 2012 11:52AM

Charges Against Former Madison Swim Coach Head to Grand Jury
Noah Rucker faces three felony counts for alleged sexual relationship with 17-year-old swimmer on Vienna high school team
By Erica R. Hendry
August 3, 2012

A grand jury will hear next month a case against a former Madison High School swim coach accused of taking indecent liberties with a 17-year-old girl on the varsity swim team more than a decade ago.

In a probable cause hearing in Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, Judge Glenn L. Clayton II said prosecutors presented enough evidence against Noah Rucker, 39, of Bristow, to move forward three felony counts of indecent liberties with a child while in a custodial or supervisory relationship.

The grand jury will convene the week of Sept. 17.

Rucker, represented by Thomas B. Walsh of Petrovich & Walsh PLC, is accused of having inappropriate contact with the victim on at least three separate occasions, according to arrest warrants: Oct. 3, 2001; between Nov. 1 and 30, 2001; and Dec. 1 and 30, 2001.

At the time of the incident, Rucker was 29; the victim was 17, police said.

Walsh requested the felony charged for alleged sexual acts around Oct. 3, 2001, be dropped because those acts would have occurred before the start of the 2001 swimming season when Rucker was not in an official supervisory capacity over the victim. Clayton denied the request, saying the relationship grew out of Rucker's role as coach.

Rucker began coaching at Madison in the fall of 2000, according to Fairfax County Public Schools. He left the system in April 2002, though testimony given Thursday suggested he may have stopped coaching in December 2001.

During the hearing Thursday, excerpts from the victim's journal indicated she allegedly had sex with Rucker at least five times over the course of his tenure as swim coach.

Patch does not name victims in sexual or juvenile cases.

Rucker remains released on a $5,000 bond with orders not to contact the victim in the case. He has been ordered to stay in the Washington, D.C., area and has surrendered his passport.

In the courtroom Thursday, Rucker leaned back in a chair with his hands folded in front of his chest as the victim answered questions about their alleged encounters at his residence. Most of the incidents occurred on Fridays after swim meets, the woman said. She would arrive alone and would usually return to her parents' home, though she stayed overnight one weekend when her parents were out of town, she said.

The first encounter happened after a Madison High School football game, according to Thursday's testimony.

Walsh asked the victim several times if she was forced to have sex with Rucker or if the acts were a required part of her role as a member of the team. She answered no to both questions.

In December 2001, a student activities employee saw the victim driving to Rucker’s home, where they later had sex, the victim said Thursday. She was questioned a few days later by a former Madison Athletic Director and another school official and denied her relationship with Rucker.

Walsh presented an instant message to the court between the victim and a friend at the time of the sexual relationship that showed the victim saying she was not going to have sex with Rucker. The woman said Thursday the statement was meant to indicate she would not have sex with Rucker again; she told the same friend she had sex with Rucker the morning after their first encounter occurred, she said, listing at least five other people who she told of the incident in 2001.

The victim said she lied because she believed she was in love with Rucker, who told her they would get married when she was old enough.

After the alleged incidents in 2001 and 2002, the victim encountered Rucker again when she was 21 years old and they dated for six months at that time, she said.

After calling an emergency hearing on Rucker's status with the organization, USA Swimming suspended his membership last month, according to the Washington Post.

Rucker was most recently a coach for the Curl-Burke Swim Club, one of the country's most prestigious competitive swim programs. Its membership boasts more than 950 swimmers — including many of Northern Virginia's top high school swimmers — who compete in seven locations across the Washington, D.C., region.

Rick Curl, a prominent swimming coach and founder of the Curl-Burke Swim Club, is also facing accusations of having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old swimmer in the 1980s.

Curl, who has taken a leave of absence from his position, also accepted a provisional suspension from USA Swimming, the sport's governing body, according to the Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/rick-curl-accepts-provisional-suspension-from-usa-swimming/2012/08/01/gJQALk0KQX_story.html

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Grand Jury ()
Date: September 18, 2012 11:09AM

Any updates to this story? His Grand Jury hearing was yesterday according to the news reports last month. Inquiring minds want to know.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Hmmmmm ()
Date: September 18, 2012 11:16AM

Is this guy any relation to Paul Rucker?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Petah ()
Date: September 18, 2012 11:24AM

Yes, Paul is his dad.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: September 18, 2012 12:12PM

What about Mother Rucker?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: No news ()
Date: September 18, 2012 06:33PM

No word on other one either

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: GUILTY ()
Date: September 19, 2012 01:20PM


Jail is next.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Who banned ()
Date: September 19, 2012 02:34PM


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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Curl is toast ()
Date: September 19, 2012 04:42PM

(AP) USA Swimming banned coach Rick Curl for life for an improper relationship with a teenage swimmer in the 1980s.

Curl, who ran one of the nation's largest swim clubs near Washington, D.C., and coached 1996 and 2000 Olympic gold medalist Tom Dolan, was scheduled for a hearing Wednesday before the National Board of Review. But he informed the governing body he was waiving his right to challenge the case.

Curl voluntarily gave up his membership and will be added to USA Swimming's list of banned individuals, which is published on the organization Web site.

The coach was accused of starting a relationship with a 13-year-old female swimmer in the 1980s. Kelley Davis Currin said she received a $150,000 settlement from Curl not to go to law enforcement with details of the illicit four-year relationship, but decided to come forward after the sport was rocked by a sexual abuse scandal two years ago

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Crispy Toast ()
Date: September 21, 2012 09:24AM

"Obviously I feel really good about it," she told The Associated Press in an interview. "But, in a way, I feel like this should have been done so long ago. This is really just the first step in the process. Unfortunately, I don't think things are going to get better. I think more discoveries are going be made. This is just the first layer of the onion."


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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Lynn ()
Date: September 25, 2012 12:42PM

Noah's wife coaches the same team he coached for at manassas park community center. It's disgusting to look at her & know she married a child molester.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Did they get married? ()
Date: September 25, 2012 12:46PM

Did they actually get married?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: I say the facts ()
Date: October 19, 2012 09:59AM

I think it is really funny reading all these post on this blog because I guarantee over half of what people are saying here is false. People need to shut the fuck up unless they know what they are talking about, which most of you guys don't.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Mike R ()
Date: October 19, 2012 10:07AM

It takes 2 to play,What the guy did was wrong, but the girl aint no innocent victim if she was willing.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: chocolate chip cookie ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:46PM

This woman is just bitter that he married someone else. The woman accusing him used to be engaged to Noah. Even if they did begin a relationship while she was underage...she was engaged to him as an ADULT....so why is she going after him now? Bitterness...that's why.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Jam ()
Date: November 25, 2012 04:32PM

The guy's court case started last week. Anyone know what happened? What's the verdict?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Happily ever after ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:30PM

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Myself ()
Date: December 19, 2012 08:38PM

She was still a minor!

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Shame shame post ()
Date: December 28, 2012 07:26PM

Shame on Post for promoting

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Huh??? ()
Date: December 28, 2012 07:47PM

Shame on the post for saying how great youth swimming is in this area? Yeah, I see your point...shame shame Post. What a useless post, but not quite as funny as the last couple of posts. Those were def made by comedians each and every one.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Focus ()
Date: December 28, 2012 09:01PM

Point is focus on kids
Not scandals

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Convicted ()
Date: January 10, 2013 08:16AM

From the Post:

Former Va. swim coach convicted of misdemeanor from charge of sexual contact with teen in 2001

By Associated Press, Published: January 9

FAIRFAX, Va. — A former high-school swim coach has been convicted of misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of a minor for having sexual contact with a 17-year-old back in 2001.

Forty-year-old Noah Rucker of Bristow entered an Alford plea Wednesday in Fairfax County court. The plea means that Rucker admits there’s enough evidence to convict him, but doesn’t admit guilt.

Rucker was charged last year with three felony counts, related to accusations from a woman who came forward and said Rucker had sexual contact with her when she was a 17-year-old student at Madison high school. He was 29 at the time and a swim coach at the school.

The Washington Post reports that Rucker is expected to get a six-month sentence and a prohibition on coaching swimming.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 10, 2013 08:56AM

And he will have to submit his thumb for a sniff test weekly.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: MisotheCat ()
Date: January 10, 2013 09:27AM

Remember, in Fairfax County, an additional 50% of the time is knocked off by the sheriffs department. So in reality, he will only be spending 85 days in jail, and most of that will be on work release. How could it be a sex charge if there is no registry? Fairfax is one of the toughest counties in the country for prosecuting real sex offenders. I think you can read between the lines, if the prosecution offers him that kind of deal, there is obviously something wrong with the accusations and the accuser.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: sounds like ()
Date: January 10, 2013 09:49AM

There's no case/story here, just a bitter ex-girlfriend. Especially if they dropped from three felonies to a measely misdemeanor.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: He was 29 and she was only 17? ()
Date: January 10, 2013 10:25AM

Doesn't matter if she was consenting, Mr.Rucker should serve serious time. What a loser.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Blah blah blah ()
Date: January 10, 2013 10:45AM

Obviously she couldn't prove anything ever happened or they would have taken him to trial not offer him a plea deal.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: ThinkItThrough ()
Date: January 10, 2013 11:05AM

If there was nothing there, why make a plea bargain? Why not fight for your innocence?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Rucker was a child #ucker ()
Date: January 10, 2013 11:13AM

Blah blah blah Wrote:
> Obviously she couldn't prove anything ever
> happened or they would have taken him to trial not
> offer him a plea deal.

Duh,Rucker entered a Alford plea.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: The Horses Mouth ()
Date: January 11, 2013 01:50PM

Several of you have spent many months posting and reading about a topic that you know very little about. You listened to accusations and immediately formed an opinion without being educated on the topic. Don't forget that in our legal system you're innocent until proven guilty. In this case, this man was deemed guilty before any evidence or details were presented.

All three felonies were dropped because there was no supporting evidence. Let me be clear that the misdemeanor the plea was for had nothing to do with sexual contact with anyone. He will not be on the sex offender registry. Heidi testified in court that she lied and fabricated details that were false.

He took a misdemeanor plea 'cause the other option was to go in front of a jury and face three felonies. If you know anything about our court system you will know that sometimes there is evidence that is not allowed to be presented to the jury. instead of taking a risk of the jury believing her lies and convicting him of even one felony, it was smart to take 85 days and be done with it. We all see stories about people that spend many years in prison for crimes they did not commit. And it's usually based on false testimonies and inaccurate evidence.

So should we now turn the attention to the woman who falsely accused a man of rape? She obviously has issues that need to be addressed. Everyone was calling Noah names and talking crap. Let's now discuss how Heidi lied and wasted everyones time, money, and resources.

Let's also be honest with ourselves. Even if you don't want to admit it, you all have sexual urges. Have you seen Heidi? She is an attractive young woman with beautiful eyes and a nice body. Not only that, she was 17 at the time. If you are a 30 yr old male, and some hot little blonde with nice T and A starts pushing up on you, it's gonna get a reaction. He was her swim coach that she had an attraction to.

But none of the news outlets are going to report these details. Hopefully you have all learned a lesson about the media. And maybe even a little about yourselves. Let's all spend more time focusing on our own lives instead of the misfortunes of others.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: January 11, 2013 01:56PM

peers don't work anymore. all peers are fucking stupid. computers should replace peers. fuck people.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: A kitten isn't a kat yet. ()
Date: January 11, 2013 08:22PM

The Horses Mouth Wrote:
> Several of you have spent many months posting and
> reading about a topic that you know very little
> about. You listened to accusations and immediately
> formed an opinion without being educated on the
> topic. Don't forget that in our legal system
> you're innocent until proven guilty. In this case,
> this man was deemed guilty before any evidence or
> details were presented.
> All three felonies were dropped because there was
> no supporting evidence. Let me be clear that the
> misdemeanor the plea was for had nothing to do
> with sexual contact with anyone. He will not be on
> the sex offender registry. Heidi testified in
> court that she lied and fabricated details that
> were false.
> He took a misdemeanor plea 'cause the other option
> was to go in front of a jury and face three
> felonies. If you know anything about our court
> system you will know that sometimes there is
> evidence that is not allowed to be presented to
> the jury. instead of taking a risk of the jury
> believing her lies and convicting him of even one
> felony, it was smart to take 85 days and be done
> with it. We all see stories about people that
> spend many years in prison for crimes they did not
> commit. And it's usually based on false
> testimonies and inaccurate evidence.
> So should we now turn the attention to the woman
> who falsely accused a man of rape? She obviously
> has issues that need to be addressed. Everyone was
> calling Noah names and talking crap. Let's now
> discuss how Heidi lied and wasted everyones time,
> money, and resources.
> Let's also be honest with ourselves. Even if you
> don't want to admit it, you all have sexual urges.
> Have you seen Heidi? She is an attractive young
> woman with beautiful eyes and a nice body. Not
> only that, she was 17 at the time. If you are a 30
> yr old male, and some hot little blonde with nice
> T and A starts pushing up on you, it's gonna get a
> reaction. He was her swim coach that she had an
> attraction to.
> But none of the news outlets are going to report
> these details. Hopefully you have all learned a
> lesson about the media. And maybe even a little
> about yourselves. Let's all spend more time
> focusing on our own lives instead of the
> misfortunes of others.

Noah fucked up. Period. Statutory rape.
A underage piece of ass is just that.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: The other ()
Date: January 11, 2013 08:27PM

What happened to other one

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Wut ()
Date: January 11, 2013 10:05PM

What other one?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Truth in numbers ()
Date: January 12, 2013 01:45AM

From someone who knew Heidi, she was in love with Noah. She was not a victim, but a jealous ex. who was jealous of him moving on with his life. She lied on her blog in order to gain a reaction from the public. She erased all her former posts on her blog prior to the state taking action. The state has to take her allegations seriously of course, but with NO evidence, they could not charge him. The state of VA has some of the most most strict sex offender laws. With any evidence Noah would've been charged. Use your common sense here people.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: January 12, 2013 04:19AM

The Horses Mouth Wrote:

blah, blah, blah . . .

> Let's also be honest with ourselves. Even if you
> don't want to admit it, you all have sexual urges.
> Have you seen Heidi? She is an attractive young
> woman with beautiful eyes and a nice body. Not
> only that, she was 17 at the time. If you are a 30
> yr old male, and some hot little blonde with nice
> T and A starts pushing up on you, it's gonna get a
> reaction. He was her swim coach that she had an
> attraction to.

If this is really your view of the situation, then you are as big a creep as Noah, and should be doing time as well. Maybe more... There is a reason that laws like these are age based.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Pervert!!!!!!!! ()
Date: January 12, 2013 08:59AM

The Horses Mouth Wrote:
> Several of you have spent many months posting and
> reading about a topic that you know very little
> about. You listened to accusations and immediately
> formed an opinion without being educated on the
> topic. Don't forget that in our legal system
> you're innocent until proven guilty. In this case,
> this man was deemed guilty before any evidence or
> details were presented.
> All three felonies were dropped because there was
> no supporting evidence. Let me be clear that the
> misdemeanor the plea was for had nothing to do
> with sexual contact with anyone. He will not be on
> the sex offender registry. Heidi testified in
> court that she lied and fabricated details that
> were false.
> He took a misdemeanor plea 'cause the other option
> was to go in front of a jury and face three
> felonies. If you know anything about our court
> system you will know that sometimes there is
> evidence that is not allowed to be presented to
> the jury. instead of taking a risk of the jury
> believing her lies and convicting him of even one
> felony, it was smart to take 85 days and be done
> with it. We all see stories about people that
> spend many years in prison for crimes they did not
> commit. And it's usually based on false
> testimonies and inaccurate evidence.
> So should we now turn the attention to the woman
> who falsely accused a man of rape? She obviously
> has issues that need to be addressed. Everyone was
> calling Noah names and talking crap. Let's now
> discuss how Heidi lied and wasted everyones time,
> money, and resources.
> Let's also be honest with ourselves. Even if you
> don't want to admit it, you all have sexual urges.
> Have you seen Heidi? She is an attractive young
> woman with beautiful eyes and a nice body. Not
> only that, she was 17 at the time. If you are a 30
> yr old male, and some hot little blonde with nice
> T and A starts pushing up on you, it's gonna get a
> reaction. He was her swim coach that she had an
> attraction to.
> But none of the news outlets are going to report
> these details. Hopefully you have all learned a
> lesson about the media. And maybe even a little
> about yourselves. Let's all spend more time
> focusing on our own lives instead of the
> misfortunes of others.

Stay away from schools. You are one sick fuck and I pray you do not have daughters. Or guns!!!!

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Are you... ()
Date: January 12, 2013 09:48AM

Are you stupid ? The horses mouth gave the real facts so you call him a pervert?

Since you brought up guns maybe you should realize there are more important things going on in the world, like mentally unstable people shooting up little kids. Time to move on from the bitter ex who cried wolf and focus on real issues.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Seriously? ()
Date: January 12, 2013 10:26AM

Are you... Wrote:
> Are you stupid ? The horses mouth gave the real
> facts so you call him a pervert?
> Since you brought up guns maybe you should realize
> there are more important things going on in the
> world, like mentally unstable people shooting up
> little kids. Time to move on from the bitter ex
> who cried wolf and focus on real issues.

Real issues?
Such ass
6.5 billion and counting?
Climate change?
The price of weed?
Most Americans take prescriptions for health?
Homeland's new season doesn't start until Oct?
The economic collapse this year?
Some pervert justifying the rape of a underaged girl cause she was so fuckin hot?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Warning! Spoilers ()
Date: January 12, 2013 05:40PM

It seems as though we can clearly state that Rucker did not "rape" anyone. If they could prove anything happened, statutory or not, it wouldn't have been so easy to dismiss the sexual charges. It also seems clear that Heidi was always interested in him if she pursued it after college. As someone who knew Rucker at the time of their relationship, yes they were very in love for awhile, but Heidi chose to go to Chicago to meet another guy and proceeded to string him along until she eventually broke up with Noah. Her and Noah hadn’t spoken since their breaking up in 2006.

Not to take any blame off of her, but I do believe that Heidi was pushed into pressing charges. Who? People like Beth Bedell and John Shields who have notorious grudges against Noah. Why? Because he successfully built a swim team in our area and he was damn good at it. What people who aren't involved in swimming don't understand is the politics and talk that happens just like any youth sport. Every team rivals against the other, especially if they’re successful. It started with the nasty divorce of Nills and Heather Moore, who had been cheating on her husband for 6 years and even questioning who Logan’s father really is (which Nills was wondering during the divorce). Noah saw a chance to save his families from having to deal with repercussion of the divorce, and took it with much parent support. Patriot Swim Team grew at an alarming rate and at one point Noah was coaching 40 swimmers at morning practices by himself. Patriot Swim Club dealt with other team officials DQ’ing swimmers with reckless abandon, difficulty getting in meets, and the majority of the VA Swim Board disliked them as they could participate in PVS and VA meets. They were the outcast without a spot. That is why Noah decided to become a part of Curl-Burke. By gaining that name it allowed them to officially become the farthest south team in PVS. Even now, NCAP-West is the runt of the litter and will be shuffled around pools while the older teams get "seniority". Noah did NOT sell, nor did he franchise, Patriot Swim Club was simply engulfed by CUBU. Noah spent three years at CUBU-West never making a profit, and barely breaking even. To the people who think he had earned a fuck ton of money, you are stupid. The team covered meet fees and Noah kept dues low, to undercut the dues of many competing teams. He took a loss of his own money for 2.5 years. 2012 was the first year the team broke even and Noah had already made arrangements to sell in October of 2011. But I digress. Shields hates Noah for reasons best known to himself, but the general thought is he is bitter because QDD is nothing and Patriot/CUBU/NCAP-West took all of their swimmers. Beth Bedell hate's Noah because he never even gave her the time of day. She was his assistant at LRR and I think she coached at Mako as well. She is KNOWN as a man-hater and aspires to one day have a dick and balls herself (quoted from one of her former swimmers). Let's not forget Jordie Nelson who has been parading around on the internet shouting about Noah since this started. He is still butt-hurt about Noah beating him out of every job he ever applied for. Even when Jordie was coaching Centreville HS, his swimmers detested, as a pompous poor skilled coach. No wonder York swim club let him go. Noah coached thousands of swimmers who love him (parents love him too). When all of this started, they had a #freeNoah going on twitter. The man he was made out to be is disgusting, the man he truly is, is outgoing, friendly, and genuine.

But why Heidi,why do this? Honestly, I still don't know. Why lie and go to the police only to admit to lying, then just last month, tell the prosecutor that "you don't care what happens" and "don't want to go to court to testify". Maybe she thought there really were other victims. Maybe she is just upset he is engaged. I think it more likely, that she got on her goddamn high horse and decided that if she could bull shit enough, that she could hurt Noah. Why? Boredom. You just moved back from Utah, you have no job, and you live in your parent’s basement. But then, something new and shiny came along and all of this lost her attention leading to her laissez faire attitude at the end. Well sorry, but you don't write a scathing blog and then just say you don't give a fuck. Thanks for causing an extremely difficult and shitty situation for everyone involved. Maybe if you believed in God instead of being a raging atheist you would understand morals, and the difference between right and wrong.

To everyone on here who has been hating on a man they don’t even know, I say this to you

“Your mother was a hamster, and your father smellt of elderberries!” or “go fuck yourself”

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Noah's Arc ()
Date: January 12, 2013 07:31PM

Warning! Spoilers Wrote:
> It seems as though we can clearly state that
> Rucker did not "rape" anyone. If they could prove
> anything happened, statutory or not, it wouldn't
> have been so easy to dismiss the sexual charges.
> It also seems clear that Heidi was always
> interested in him if she pursued it after college.
> As someone who knew Rucker at the time of their
> relationship, yes they were very in love for
> awhile, but Heidi chose to go to Chicago to meet
> another guy and proceeded to string him along
> until she eventually broke up with Noah. Her and
> Noah hadn’t spoken since their breaking up in
> 2006.
> Not to take any blame off of her, but I do believe
> that Heidi was pushed into pressing charges. Who?
> People like Beth Bedell and John Shields who have
> notorious grudges against Noah. Why? Because he
> successfully built a swim team in our area and he
> was damn good at it. What people who aren't
> involved in swimming don't understand is the
> politics and talk that happens just like any youth
> sport. Every team rivals against the other,
> especially if they’re successful. It started
> with the nasty divorce of Nills and Heather Moore,
> who had been cheating on her husband for 6 years
> and even questioning who Logan’s father really
> is (which Nills was wondering during the divorce).
> Noah saw a chance to save his families from having
> to deal with repercussion of the divorce, and took
> it with much parent support. Patriot Swim Team
> grew at an alarming rate and at one point Noah was
> coaching 40 swimmers at morning practices by
> himself. Patriot Swim Club dealt with other team
> officials DQ’ing swimmers with reckless abandon,
> difficulty getting in meets, and the majority of
> the VA Swim Board disliked them as they could
> participate in PVS and VA meets. They were the
> outcast without a spot. That is why Noah decided
> to become a part of Curl-Burke. By gaining that
> name it allowed them to officially become the
> farthest south team in PVS. Even now, NCAP-West is
> the runt of the litter and will be shuffled around
> pools while the older teams get "seniority".
> Noah did NOT sell, nor did he franchise, Patriot
> Swim Club was simply engulfed by CUBU. Noah spent
> three years at CUBU-West never making a profit,
> and barely breaking even. To the people who think
> he had earned a fuck ton of money, you are stupid.
> The team covered meet fees and Noah kept dues
> low, to undercut the dues of many competing teams.
> He took a loss of his own money for 2.5 years.
> 2012 was the first year the team broke even and
> Noah had already made arrangements to sell in
> October of 2011. But I digress. Shields hates
> Noah for reasons best known to himself, but the
> general thought is he is bitter because QDD is
> nothing and Patriot/CUBU/NCAP-West took all of
> their swimmers. Beth Bedell hate's Noah because
> he never even gave her the time of day. She was
> his assistant at LRR and I think she coached at
> Mako as well. She is KNOWN as a man-hater and
> aspires to one day have a dick and balls herself
> (quoted from one of her former swimmers). Let's
> not forget Jordie Nelson who has been parading
> around on the internet shouting about Noah since
> this started. He is still butt-hurt about Noah
> beating him out of every job he ever applied for.
> Even when Jordie was coaching Centreville HS, his
> swimmers detested, as a pompous poor skilled
> coach. No wonder York swim club let him go. Noah
> coached thousands of swimmers who love him
> (parents love him too). When all of this started,
> they had a #freeNoah going on twitter. The man he
> was made out to be is disgusting, the man he truly
> is, is outgoing, friendly, and genuine.
> But why Heidi,why do this? Honestly, I still don't
> know. Why lie and go to the police only to admit
> to lying, then just last month, tell the
> prosecutor that "you don't care what happens" and
> "don't want to go to court to testify". Maybe she
> thought there really were other victims. Maybe
> she is just upset he is engaged. I think it more
> likely, that she got on her goddamn high horse and
> decided that if she could bull shit enough, that
> she could hurt Noah. Why? Boredom. You just moved
> back from Utah, you have no job, and you live in
> your parent’s basement. But then, something new
> and shiny came along and all of this lost her
> attention leading to her laissez faire attitude at
> the end. Well sorry, but you don't write a
> scathing blog and then just say you don't give a
> fuck. Thanks for causing an extremely difficult
> and shitty situation for everyone involved.
> Maybe if you believed in God instead of being a
> raging atheist you would understand morals, and
> the difference between right and wrong.
> To everyone on here who has been hating on a man
> they don’t even know, I say this to you
> “Your mother was a hamster, and your father
> smellt of elderberries!” or “go fuck
> yourself”

The fact remains she was underage. I really don't care about the "Lolita"
love affair. The term "sexual predictor" certainly applies for a male adult hanging around teenage girls.
Rucker fucked up. No defense for his actions.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Um wtf ()
Date: January 13, 2013 12:57AM

Did you even read the post? What teenage girls was he hanging out with? He didn't even have sex with Heidi until they were dating later on. She admitted she lied in her blog. What fucking post are you looking at?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Tard Alarm ()
Date: January 14, 2013 11:53AM

Um wtf Wrote:
> Did you even read the post? What teenage girls was
> he hanging out with? He didn't even have sex with
> Heidi until they were dating later on. She
> admitted she lied in her blog. What fucking post
> are you looking at?

Give it up. That fool is a fucking retard and will never understand. It's probably the same dumb bitch who started it all or some other completely useless idiot teenager.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Case Closed ()
Date: January 14, 2013 03:45PM

When you are innocent you plead "not guilty".

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: The Horses Ass ()
Date: January 16, 2013 02:24PM

Now that the groom will be spending some time with the boys, wonder if the new bride will be out and about? She ain't getting any younger.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: turfmom ()
Date: January 17, 2013 01:00PM

TO Warning! Spoilers

Whoever you are, you obviously are not objective to what happened. Just because you cannot prove in court, does not mean it didn't happen. And he obviously messed with this girl emotionally, so whatever she did, he can look in the mirror and take some of the blame.

And you hate on all the 'haters' and then accuse three other people and someone's divorce????? Please. Look at yourself in the mirror

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: The old men sitting at the mall ()
Date: January 17, 2013 03:13PM

The positive posts are from Ruckers family. It is evident Mr. Rucker likes the girls young. Probably intimidated of women his age.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Creepy ()
Date: January 17, 2013 06:50PM

The old man sitting at the mall
Noah Rucker in a year.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: People ()
Date: January 18, 2013 03:23PM

Leave it alone

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Ms. Manners ()
Date: January 18, 2013 04:31PM

People Wrote:
> Leave it alone

Say please.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: yaright ()
Date: January 22, 2013 11:46PM

I am 100% positive that no one except for some really big, hulking bouncer at a club would intimidate Noah. If you met him, you would know that he is very suave and has been accused of being cougar bait himself.

- "dated" Noah in the past (I'm 35)

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Carla ()
Date: January 23, 2013 06:42AM

yaright Wrote:
> I am 100% positive that no one except for some
> really big, hulking bouncer at a club would
> intimidate Noah. If you met him, you would know
> that he is very suave and has been accused of
> being cougar bait himself.
> - "dated" Noah in the past (I'm 35)

So you date pedophiles. Interesting.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Ex Bouncer ()
Date: January 23, 2013 03:46PM

yaright Wrote:
> I am 100% positive that no one except for some
> really big, hulking bouncer at a club would
> intimidate Noah. If you met him, you would know
> that he is very suave and has been accused of
> being cougar bait himself.
> - "dated" Noah in the past (I'm 35)

You can always visit Rucker in jail and see how he handles himself with the male cougars. I bet he'll be great bait and passed around quite often. He might acquire a taste of his own medicine.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: what the what ()
Date: January 23, 2013 10:16PM

It isn't fucking Oz retard. Being at the WRC is more like private rooms with a living room.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Coach ()
Date: January 24, 2013 01:07AM

Noah got a slap on the wrist. Having beeN around him there is no way that he should have any contact with children. The parents out there who support him need to open their eyes.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Not a night ()
Date: January 24, 2013 04:41PM

Will be spend one night in jail. What was sentence? Won't he get off totally

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Daaang ()
Date: February 17, 2013 09:30AM


The woman who wrote a blog post that started the downfall of Noah Rucker is back at it.

Now that the trial is over and Noah pleaded his way to 6 months in jail, the woman has posted her "thoughts" from the months between her original post until now.

Noah is a sick bastard. I hope his fiancé wised up and left while he's in jail.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: confused ()
Date: February 17, 2013 03:18PM

she says on her blog " It was funny to me now how much I haaaaaaaaaated the staff of JMHS back then for firing him. I sincerely thought my life was ruined. I have since gone back and thanked the main asst. athletic director for saving me from such an extreme case of brainwashing and manipulation."

Didn't they have a legal obligation to report to police rather than just fire him?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Family Values ()
Date: October 22, 2013 12:05PM

Seriously? Wrote:
> Are you... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Are you stupid ? The horses mouth gave the real
> > facts so you call him a pervert?
> >
> > Since you brought up guns maybe you should
> realize
> > there are more important things going on in the
> > world, like mentally unstable people shooting
> up
> > little kids. Time to move on from the bitter ex
> > who cried wolf and focus on real issues.
> Real issues?
> Such ass
> 6.5 billion and counting?
> Climate change?
> Obesity?
> The price of weed?
> Most Americans take prescriptions for health?
> Homeland's new season doesn't start until Oct?
> The economic collapse this year?
> Or
> Some pervert justifying the rape of a underaged
> girl cause she was so fuckin hot?

Arrest reports show Noah had a brother who was arrested for rape in 2009

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: What does this have to do with i ()
Date: October 22, 2013 05:19PM

Last post not relevant. This about predators not rapists

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: a,e,I,o,u and sometimes why? ()
Date: October 22, 2013 06:26PM

What does this have to do with i Wrote:
> Last post not relevant. This about predators not
> rapists

Predators,rapists. Sad either way,Mr. Rucker.
You are the "i",correct?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: What is this all about ()
Date: October 22, 2013 06:39PM

Im confused What is thus about

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Where curl ()
Date: October 23, 2013 06:41PM

Where's Curl

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Heidi is a OWL member ()
Date: July 13, 2015 03:42PM

Apparently, Heidi Beyer is a volunteer at OQL rescue squad, and in school to be a nurse. Not exactly the type of person you want around kids.

Having known (and slept with) both her and her sister (unfortunately not at the same time), I can tell you that Heidi knew exactly what she was doing with Noah and she wanted it as much as he did.

The only real question left is who is a bigger slore, Heidi or her sister Colleen?

I do feel a little bad for her though, her whole family is a giant bag of fuckups.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: The Einuis Sanction ()
Date: July 13, 2015 04:22PM

What is it about coaches and pedophilia? Einuis, Pilon, Sandusky, this guy…

But, if Garza has her way, all that will be left of FCPS is football. They won't be able to afford anything else.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: idotsall ()
Date: July 13, 2015 05:00PM

Einuis was not coach.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: person3 ()
Date: June 23, 2017 07:32PM

what ever happened with the victim?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Life With The Ruckers ()
Date: January 19, 2019 11:29PM

Does anyone know Brian Rucker, Noah’s brother? He was charged with rape, too.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Someguy From McLean ()
Date: February 27, 2020 09:30AM


I'm curious if you ever had anal with the coach?

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: DJ ()
Date: October 05, 2020 04:51PM

Yes, she did.

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Re: Fairfax Co. Swim Coach Charged With Indecent Liberties
Posted by: Consequences ()
Date: June 05, 2021 01:16AM

Don’t know what happened to the victim. I do know the marriage with his former swimmer never happened. Guess she realized she was being manipulated, too. Looks like he married someone a little closer to his age. Learned his lesson finally?

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