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Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 20, 2005 05:18PM

Giving it up to fucking NORV TURNER????

That guy is A FAG! If not a fag, I personally witnessed him hitting on some young girls so he's at least a molester.

I hope this finally shuts you nonstop Redskins homers up. This team is crap. The Raiders were inferior in every respect coming in.

I mean, seriously, they barely beat the Eagles, who are collapsing before our eyes, they drop the fucking Tampa game in the final minutes, and today they let that scnerio repeat itself. Fucking cock-loving queerbate faggots. Lavar Arrington takes it in the ass from Brunell.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Better Red than Deadskin ()
Date: November 20, 2005 06:25PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Giving it up to fucking NORV TURNER????
> That guy is A FAG! If not a fag, I personally
> witnessed him hitting on some young girls so he's
> at least a molester.
> I hope this finally shuts you nonstop Redskins
> homers up. This team is crap. The Raiders were
> inferior in every respect coming in.
> I mean, seriously, they barely beat the Eagles,
> who are collapsing before our eyes, they drop the
> fucking Tampa game in the final minutes, and today
> they let that scnerio repeat itself. Fucking
> cock-loving queerbate faggots. Lavar Arrington
> takes it in the ass from Brunell.

I would agree that the Redskins are pretty much toast for the season. I don't think they blow, though.

First, their main problem is the fucking turnovers (almost always fumbles, seldomly interceptions). If it weren't for the turnovers, the Redskins would be 10-0 right now. I don't know what the problem is, but I don't believe it is because the Redskins don't have the talent or coaching needed to be a winner.

Second, while the coaching is good, the play calling is too conservative. You have a QB who can roll out of the shotgun and throw on the run. Why the fuck are they giving the guy maximum protection on every play and sending out only two receivers? Doesn't make any sense to me. Also, Gibbs went too conservative too early, trying to hold onto a marginal lead at best.

Finally, somebody on the front line of Defense needs to figure out how to break through and put pressure on a QB. The Defense shouldn't have to do a full-out blitz every time in order to pressure the Quarterback, especially when you have someone like Randy Moss running around down field.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 20, 2005 06:37PM

Deadskin... I was just trying to draw you out

you fell for that LIKE CLOCKWORK

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 20, 2005 07:44PM

Hmm but you were a lot less personal about it this time, KUDOS to you my fellow fan, kudos.

Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
Today, we salute you, Mr Washington Redskins Diehard Fan
(Mr Washington Redskins Diehard Fan!)
For you, the Super Bowl is never an unachievable pipe dream
(I just reserved my tickets!)
Sack after lonely sack, you sit with baited breath on the edge of the couch, self-assured that a fourth-and-nineteen touchdown pass is only a play away
(They'll pull it out of their ass!)
And even in the face of certain defeat, the game is never over until the clock has stopped
(There's still ten seconds left!)
So crack open an ice-cold bud light, hoggette, because if not for you, Sonny Jurgenson would be talking to himself on Sundays.
(Mr Washington Redskins Diehard Fan!)

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Sup ()
Date: November 21, 2005 10:18AM

Better Red than Deadskin I agree with you , your right on
but we got to do something with harris , hes gettn beat like every playa nd Taylor cant help him on every play

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: USA_RULES ()
Date: November 21, 2005 07:01PM

I myself am not a Redskins fan. I only occasionaly watch football but you shouldn't say the Redskins suck becuase every guy on that team it better than you so why the hell does your opinion matter. Can't you just recognize that most of the guys on the Redskins are great atheletes and just becuase there may be some better athletes out there that the Redskins are still good compared to the average guy. If football players actually gave a damn about what the fans thought there wouldn't be many footballs aournd becuase their feelings would be all hurt. Then we would be left with all the idiotic sports like basketbal and soccer.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 21, 2005 08:23PM

You can actually see USA's alcohol intake increasing with each post...

amazing....what will science give us next?

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Better Red than Deadskin ()
Date: November 21, 2005 08:31PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> You can actually see USA's alcohol intake
> increasing with each post...
> amazing....what will science give us next?

A cure for closet homos from Reston.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 21, 2005 08:47PM

Still THAT bitter because you root for trash without a shred of self-respect?

You should stop rooting for them if it makes you that angry, they're only going to get worse.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 21, 2005 08:49PM

And as soon as you find someone from Reston to cure let me know, I never lived there, you dumb pile of shit

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Better Red than Deadskin ()
Date: November 21, 2005 08:52PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> And as soon as you find someone from Reston to
> cure let me know, I never lived there, you dumb
> pile of shit

I never realized people from Reston were that angry...or gay! You should have the doctor look at that when you get your next round of AZT.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: kurt ()
Date: November 27, 2005 04:22PM


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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Ted Schlamme ()
Date: November 27, 2005 04:31PM


losing to Marty Schottenheimer is like being raped by a pink poodle

The Redskins did everything they could to lose this game. I can only determine they WANT to lose. No other explaination for going from 17-3 to 23-17.

Methinks Joe Gibbs is pulling a Pete Rose and betting against his own team, which causes him to make shitty decisions and deliberately lose the fucking game. Or maybe Mark Brunnell is the gambler, who cares.

Defend this garbage NOW, deadskin.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Ted Schlamme ()
Date: November 27, 2005 04:33PM

Close only counts in horseshoes and attempted murder.

Hopefully someone will run with this concept and implant a horseshoe into the skulls of each member of the defense, thereby maiming them and forcing a different squad to take the field.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: hugegaping ()
Date: November 28, 2005 06:30PM

"Better Red than Deadskin", and "SUp"... what happened with you all and your devotion to Mark Brunell's greatness, and the great Redskins Defense?

What happened to your 10-6 season prediction?

Stupid idiots. I told you the skins were only winning earlier in the season because teams were single-covering Moss.

Once again, 4 weeks later

Brunell overrated...
Gibbs overrated...
Defense overrated...

7-9, here we come.

Either stick to your original argument or admit you were wrong.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 28, 2005 07:59PM

10-6 COULD happen...

And I COULD win the lottery and score with Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie in a hot threesome.

Both are equally likely.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: November 29, 2005 04:29PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2015 04:17AM by darbrewe.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 29, 2005 08:23PM

OK, I'll sink down to the sewer you live in...

A hot threesome with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt...

yummy delicious

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: November 30, 2005 01:18PM

RESton Peace,
  Tom Cruise wouldn't have sex as he's become a celibate. I think it's a sign of respect for the alien soul that is using his body and having sex would possibly attract the evil alien overlord that banished the alien souls to this planet. Then again, he could just be some nut case.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Better Red than Deadskin ()
Date: December 28, 2005 09:27AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Giving it up to fucking NORV TURNER????
> That guy is A FAG! If not a fag, I personally
> witnessed him hitting on some young girls so he's
> at least a molester.
> I hope this finally shuts you nonstop Redskins
> homers up. This team is crap. The Raiders were
> inferior in every respect coming in.
> I mean, seriously, they barely beat the Eagles,
> who are collapsing before our eyes, they drop the
> fucking Tampa game in the final minutes, and today
> they let that scnerio repeat itself. Fucking
> cock-loving queerbate faggots. Lavar Arrington
> takes it in the ass from Brunell.

And yet they are on the verge of the playoffs. You are a fucking tool.

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: /cast revive ()
Date: September 08, 2013 08:31AM

This years team will be the strongest fieled since 2009. I predict they will make it to the AFC championship game!

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Re: Redskins Blow
Posted by: Mr Fang Chao ()
Date: March 03, 2016 04:20PM

chut up.

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