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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:53AM

scr1pt1ek1ddie... patterns. That's really what it ALL comes down to....

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 05:53AM

Sleep well, kid.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:02AM

And the thing that EVERYONE - including "script kiddie", who's confessing to ownership and willingness to use "attack scripts", and just threatened to launch an offensive against a commercial cable account - seems to be missing:


I have a ton of idiots telling me that I screwed up by letting them know who I was. By standing up. By telling you absolute imbeciles that I'm real.

These people think they're anonymous, and I couldn't find out who they are.

That's delusional. Or ignorant. Either way, when I tell you that I COULD destroy your electronic life, if you don't stop and figure out WHO THE FUCK I AM before you take me on....

Really, you call me stupid, and irresponsible????

I mean... I'm starting a business, and even this guy wants to add more damage????

And everyone thinks they're trying to help me????

No, I still haven't caught up with the story yet, either, I guess.

I'm still struggling to understand.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:38AM

"I still can't figure out what the dancing man did"

And they'll call me "offensive" for this....

Where, in the petition, do you see a dancing man?

Oh... this will offend someone too. But clearly, you need it spelled out. You can say it, but don't appear to understand....

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:45AM

"Just as you thought the "dancing man" was acting erratically, we see your actions and sentences as erratic."

No. Everything up until then was pretty smart, if misguided.

I saw an erratic person. I stood, at my own risk, in the open and waited until the Police arrived. I never tried to hide. I took this guy's welfare into account in my approach. I took this guy's child's welfare into account.

And you think it's the same, if you look at it backwards?

Everyone thinks I'm dangerous, but nobody is getting me help.

See.... I think my approach actually had some "integrity."

And I know that many of you won't understand why I slept so deeply last night.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 06:53AM

Hell... I even TOLD Gordon I was filing a report.

And NOBODY seems to see the difference. If anything, that proved their case. I've heard that a lot this week.

I was worried about kids: I must be crazy
I wouldn't just take "no" for an answer: I must be crazy
I invited the whole freakin' county over for a beer: I must be crazy

Really... I could hammer at that list all day.

And no, Gordon... I won't be looking you up. If anything happens at my house, please know that you and your ilk have put this forum in jeapordy. The ONLY source of information I'll provide anyone with is www.fairfaxunderground.com

Maybe not so much, for the rest of you. Gordon has been here for a while, knew what he was doing (he detailed it, but against me) and continued to present a danger to my family. In fact, he's the one that was most active in trying to prevent me from SAVING my children. The rest, it'll depend who I can find without breaking laws.

In all of this, I haven't broken a single law. I'm not planning to slip now.

But, the legislation is always changing. Congress has NO CLUE about cyber-security. They'll keep us safe by getting rid of the first ammendment, if we let them. SOPA, PIPA... you have no idea of the stuff that they're passing RIGHT NOW.

Yeah, we responded to 9/11 by surrendering. Those fuckers won. We've taken everything that's great about this country, and began dismantling it systematically. I'm a researched "Son of the American Revolution". I never joined because I HATE exclusive organizations. I don't like anyone to be excluded on the basis of something they have no control over.

And all of this is part of the "Civil Liberties" thing I've been raving about. The thing that factored into EVERY decision.

And you folks wont even look up the term before dismissing it. I tell you that I think I was kidnapped, and will anyone even look up the law for me? Call the ACLU?

No... I've been saying this all along too: If you're not behind me, you're in my way.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:16AM

And I'm thinking about it:
Maybe I should kick this over to 4chan and the real "Anonymous"?

They like the Freedom of Speech too.

They don't play by the same rules.

I do believe, and I've been saying this too, that I WILL be vindicated.

So then, explain to them, if you do get their attention:

"what was wrong with a guy who was trying to use the freedom of speech to protect his kid, stood for everything he believed in, was assaulted from all directions, almost had his kids taken away..."

Think about it.

Your posts will be "forever", too.

The difference is, I will stand publicly, and own my words. And my fears.

Good luck.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:45AM

Check out this link, guys: http://www.youtube.com/user/newyork420420?ob=4&feature=results_main

There's a lot of stuff that might be helpful to know.

See... I'm looking out for you kids, too.

Yeah, I must be crazy.

But I can look in a mirror.

Oh, I shouldn't have to check my credit report every month, either.

I wear "integrity" as my armor. My family is my support. As long as those that are closest to me know that I'm doing things for the right reason, I know that I can count on them.

Yeah... they spent a week in Iowa. Towards the end of it, I think I was effectively held captive in a hot attic, unable to delete/edit posts, unable to call a lawyer, unable to save a great position with the company I was leaving -- they wouldn't even let me close out an expense report.

You have no idea what my mental state was. It seems you never will.

I'm sane. I'm rested. I'm right where I told you fools I'd be.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:46AM

And IF I am a troll, this was ONE HELL of a setup, if I say so myself.

If I were you, I'd worry that "the crazy guy" is not alone.

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oh GOD!! I cannot IMAGINE what /b/ would do with this
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:51AM

let me see if I follow your logic here..........you are telling me you are willing to put your fucking PERSONAL INFORMATION on 4CHAN!?!?!!? in an effort to prove yourself right?

Lordy Lordy

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:53AM

But still... not one of you is even brave enough to pick up the phone.

To see if I'm real???

Trust me... if you don't FIGHT the fear, it WILL destroy you.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:55AM

"you are telling me you are willing to put your fucking PERSONAL INFORMATION on 4CHAN"

Geez. here we go again.

Yes. It was pretty clear. I'm actually thinking they might be the "good guys" here.

You just called them pedophiles. Did anyone even take a moment to figure out what Pedobear was?

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maybe he can outrun the pain.............................
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 07:59AM

@Ogien - nah, I'm not worried. As the wise officers figured out - Gordon Blvd doesnt actaully EXIST outside the keyboard LoLz.

Anywho, it's more O.P.'s desire (nay.........need) to have my opinion about him change that got the cops to his house, not any "threat" percieved by him. Dude claims he felt I threatened his kid, yet STILL wanted me to call him and drink with him? Even a crazy person wouldnt want to drink with someone who they felt threatened their kids........... ....if their kids were TRULY the main focus get what I'm saying?

But whatevs. You keep on fighting yr fight, 2Con

You keep on runnin'...........

choc rain.jpg

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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 08:01AM

I called them pedos?

I just got that pic from /b/, yo..............


have you even BEEN on the internet before? o_0
you musr be new here.jpg

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Re: maybe he can outrun the pain.............................
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 08:08AM

Gordon: shut up before you continue to embarrass yourself.

I offered to buy you a beer on Wednesday.

I offered to buy you a beer last night.

Then, you began what I considered to be threatening behavior. I even told you that it was worse than anything I did. You confirmed it.

Over-reaction? From someone who - everyone is convinced - has had some sort of psychotic break? And then you say I can't think this through?

I've detailed why I need the Police in my house.

I've detailed why I'm not pursuing anything, right now.

I've detailed that I no longer give a fuck what you think. I can do a dot-to-dot for you, and apparently, even then, you still can't get the timeline right.


No... I don't care what you think, at all. Next week, I think you'll have changed your mind. Again... I do not care.

You detailed your own reckless abandon, and endangerment of my family and children. Whether your words were threatening or not, your behavior was already putting my family in harm's way. You said it yourself.

And somehow, you were a "respected" opinion, around here?

2,000 posts, just to "suicide" your handle for a lunatic?

Without seeing if he's telling the truth?

No, I've even explained why I feel "safe" now.

All through this, not a single one of you has displayed remedial comprehension of English. That tells me that you're kids.

I bet half of you think that you're "smart" because you fill in the right #2 circle sometimes. Not sure what the schools are coming to these days, but that's what I was really trying to find out.

You'd know if you read it, Gordon.

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this oughta be GREAT - I have all morning!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 08:09AM

@everyone else - so dig this! last night you had to PAY for cops to go to O.P.s house cause he was scar-d I was the Boogaman apparently.


pretty funny rants

pic unrelated
stupid mom.jpg

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Re: this oughta be GREAT - I have all morning!!
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 08:14AM

And on Thursday, I'm telling you there were at least two cruisers, an armed FCPS guard, and Mike Ricker, of the "Mobile Crisis Unit."

When it comes down to it, Mike frightened me the most. I've explained that too.

So Gordon jumps out, and says that calling for one Officer to come by, and filing a report, is a waste of taxpayer dollars?

After what Terrence did?

Okay... I'm out for a while. The phone won't be answered for a bit, so the bravest among you can sneak your Mom's cellphone out of her purse and see...

Give me a ring, if you want. Yes, I realize that my number will probably have to be changed. You'd be aware of that too, if you'd thought this through, AT ALL.

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I'm a respected opinion!?!?!?! OMG!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!! that is HILL-AIR-E-OUS!!!!!!!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 08:21AM

and he still wants ppl to call him even though he fears contact. Nope, O.P. - nobody wants to get stabbed by you in some psychotic episode.

It might be that the "wife" and "family" are actually figments of O.P.s imagination.

Hey! If this "report" you filled out is so real, scan it and put it up!!! Let me guess - you didnt get a copy, right?


it's really surprsing. I havent seen too many parents act so oddly..........

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 08:22AM

And Gordon:

I won't be replying to your stupid crap anymore.

I'm not sure if I'll even read it.

You REALLY should get checked for Dyslexia.

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FCPS, FCPD, everyone else, you can thank me later :)
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 08:32AM

if the above post is actually true, however, remains to be seen............

we can only hope...........

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:01AM

The picture caught my attention. I like cats.

Someone actually launched a DOS attack. Un-friggin-believable.

I'm not longer static.

I had to take a business mail server off line in order to get back onto the internet.

You're damaging me.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: qoiuroqwu ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:09AM

I always knew Superfly was going to lose it eventually, at Robinson he has an attitude.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:09AM

Man... never tried anything like this before.

I sincerely hope Anonymous will save me.

I'm pretty sure they'll understand what you and the Fairfax are doing to me.

Really... I wish you'd though it through.

Just in case: I DO recommend that you read up on "password security", real fast. I mean, I'm not irresponsible, and I have enough integrity to tell you what I'm doing, at least.

You might get it some day.

Even if not, you should be thankful that someone does.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: FBO ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:11AM

Well this turned into a complete clusterfuck.


I say "fuck" a lot...

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: qoiuroqwu ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:13AM

this is what they do at Robinson, pretty typical, if you start asking questions they label you a lunatic, have seen it many times before, and Yarbourough or SuperFly as we call him is an irrational escalator who incites drama and is VERY dangerous, and dangerously stupid. He is a reactionary and should not be in a school. I have seen him do this kind of stuff before (well to be honest most principals in FCPS do same thing, over reacte, knee jerk, and just plain jerk)

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: AConcernedCitizen ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:18AM


Did you sleep at all last night? The timestamps on the postings here would suggest you did not. This is quite bad. Sleep deprivation, which can be co-symptomatic with bipolarism, will further degrade your cognitive functions. You may experience auditory and visual hullucinations. You will be aware that these are not natural phenomena at first, but while your conditions continues to impact your behavior and preceptions, you will find it increasingly difficult to distinguish reality from fantasy. You will then be experincing a full blown psychotic espisode, and your options for treatment become interventionist and long term.

Seek behavioral evaulation and treatment now!

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it's really hard to take things at face value when you see the background around the story all fucked up
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:26AM

@concerned-I dont think his health is as important to him as being vindicated. And I really doubt his idea about his kid's safety is really what is driving this "passion" - more like he's a control freak and has to "handle" all aspects of a situation, y'know?

@qoiu-seems like you've had LOTS of dealings with principals at different schools.......................I take it you are a "problem" a lotta the time?

pic unrelated

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 09:30AM by Gordon Blvd.
tv stupid - zombies-take-over-months-ago-lawns-stay-mowed.jpg

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: May 31, 2012 09:39AM

This one reads a little like that lady from McLean who had the beef with her neighbor and FCPD. Forgot her name - funny, paranoid run-on rants, though.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: May 31, 2012 10:03AM

Sees thread started by 2concerned , notices pretty much all the posts in a 3 page thread are by the OP.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Crime Dog ()
Date: May 31, 2012 10:40AM

Gordon Blvd did not threated Mr. L or his family. Gordon Blvd said that this person advertising their name and where they would be at certain times with an amount of cash may be dangerous. Mr. L continues to refer to the quote "yes, what I said should sound threatening" which clearly was in the context of the situation he was creating for himself being threatening, not a threat directed toward him from Gordon Blvd.

Police should only be called when there are serious and credible threats. Calling the police out and filing a report because someone online said you should not, for personal safety reasons, advertise where you will be with a sum of cash is completely inappropriate and in my opinion constitutes a false report.

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parenting at it's finest, right?
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 31, 2012 10:50AM

@Crime Dog - oh, it's even better than that. Read the comments section on the patch article. He cuts and pastes what I said to make it seem like an entirely different conversation.............

@clobber - sure is "interesting:, isnt it. In all the crazy parenting I have seen over the last almost-decade or so, this one really takes the cake................

pic unrelated
parenting fail.jpg

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:16AM

Stop diagnosing me folks....

Just read, please.

Okay… THIS one will be long. It will be crass. And if you’re letting your children read this without keeping any tabs at all, then you’ve signed off on them reading it. Of course, if it happened that way, I don’t care if you forgive me for saying: “I think you’re a lousy parent.”

Psychologists and parents will spend FOREVER poring over my words, if the world makes any sense at all.

I hope the people with a “civil rights nut” next door take heed, too.

I’m smart. I know that. I’ve been trying to prove it to you. So you’d listen. Read. If you’d pulled my records, done ANY homework, you’ll know: I was shuttled around from school to school following the GT program. I got out halfway through 6th. I’d been begging for a while, actually. It’s tough when you come home to your own neighborhood, and you’re the “outsider.” For me, a year ahead in school (graduated at 16, and only needed a couple of credits my senior year), and smaller than EVERYONE, the world’s often a scary place. But halfway through 6th, they finally requested my removal. I went back to “normal” public schools.

The world is especially scary when you live with my Dad. And you’re smaller than him, and you haven’t yet been frightened to the point of fighting back. You can take the beatings. It’s expected. I hear he was much different, before Nam. He makes it sound like he barely did anything, but he still has the piece of shrapnel they took out of his leg. He’s never spoken to me about what he saw. But he was more than happy to see me go in. I didn’t fare so well in the military. I realized I had “issues” that made me unsuitable. I worry a lot. It was eating me up, I was smoking weed to self-medicate, and living in fear that they’d call for a urine screen at any time. I mean, I’d die for my country, in a heartbeat. At least, back when I thought the leaders knew which wars were important. But finally, I did what my “integrity” required. I went AWOL. Didn’t show up for drill, went to the FCPD and turned myself in instead. They were making calls for days, trying to figure out what to do with me. The recruiter had coached my Mom to lie… if this kid was willing to make a stink, someone might get embarrassed.

I did what I had to, and held my head up about it. They switched me to Inactive Ready status, and I put it out my head until I got the notice. Standard reminder of the expectation that I’d be ready to go with 24 hours notice. Yes, I was ready. Scared, excited, ready to defend my country, and save Kuwait, whatever the fuck that was. Believe it or not, I had a lot more trust in authority back then. But in the buildup, they’re talking about Iraq’s 50 bajillion tanks, and I’m anti-armor. Not because I wanted to be, but because I’m color-blind. Otherwise, my first three picks would’ve been Pilot, Electronics, or Medic. Yeah, I cared about people, even then, I guess.

I’ll write more about my parents, about the paddle, some day. But my Dad once spent a weekend making one, taped it with duct tape when he broke it on my ass, and then kept it in the dining room. Yeah… I lived most of my childhood under the threat constant threat of physical violence. Then there’s the time he announced he was an alcoholic, and I was shipped to a halfway house in response. That was over 25 years ago. He’s still trying to figure out his priorities today.


FOREVER, I will hear the words “I’m guessing that this isn’t a typical Thursday morning for you, Mr. Lehman….”

REALLY. I will NEVER get rid of that. It scares the shit out of me.

I’d just been at gunpoint (from a bit of a distance), while being afraid that a bunch of stupid punks on the internet had actually grown some balls.

The 911 tape will come out, now. The response WILL be reviewed. By someone. I even shouted to the Governor for help! I skipped Ken Cucinelli (sp? I’m offline). I’m convinced he’s a dangerous sociopath, and I sure as hell would not let that man in my house. Even if the cops were watching him. I wouldn’t let him near my kids, either. If I had my choice – and there was no freedom of speech – I wouldn’t let him even talk in their direction. He’s worried about the nipple, but enamored with the corpse. WTF? And I’m sick?

FCPD bungled the approach so badly that I thought I was being tricked by one of you assholes. When that clicked, I was standing in an open doorway, hands held out, hoping not to get shot. I saw no one. I waited, and saw no one.

So I call 911 trying to get confirmation that police are supposed to be here, or for them to come. I’m nearly pissing myself.

I was this freaked out before they almost shot my dog. Well, guns were already out, I think. Really, it just got worse and worse.

So, in the end, whether I’m proven right, or crazy, I’m pretty sure that someone is going to hear me. TERRIFIED.

Will anyone understand? I’m not sure. I think that depends on whether I HAVE actually cracked.

But if you entertain that possibility, even for a moment… well, my Parents did that to me. I’ve forgiven them, they didn’t know any better. I blame Mike.

Not Mike Ricker, like this time. Just “Mike.” 30-ish and doing some weird shit with facial hair so that he can seem god-like to troubled teens for just one more year. Mike isn’t even a Doctor. Man… did that piss him off, when I asked. I DID NOT MEAN OFFENSE, MIKE. I was really trying to “gauge” the situation. How worried was Fairfax? Could this guy medicate me?

Remember, before he even showed up, I’d been terrified for my life for I’m not even sure how long.

Well crap, I won’t prattle here. I think if people look around, they’ll find out what Mike did this time. Or what I suspect he did. I have to talk to a lawyer, and frankly, I’m not going to look for one right now. I need someone that believes in me so much that they will reach out to me. That’s the only way this can work.

Cathy (my Wife’s Sister) worked out some sort of deal with Mike, under threat that I’d be hauled away for 72 hours, no lawyer, no call to the Wife.

She wouldn’t clarify any details: “could I leave at 12:01 on Saturday, or was I required to stay until my Wife was home?”

“Well Scott, I don’t understand why you can’t wait until she’s home.”

“Because, after everything, it’s more important than ever that I be a man, and pick my Wife and kids up at the airport.”

“Well Scott, I didn’t sign on to be your personal cop.” And this was the woman that (I think) could place a call at any second, and they’d come get me. She’s a Mother with two adult children. One is too high-strung to go to school. He ballooned quite a bit in a couple of semesters – nervous eating, I think. And Cathy is the provisional guardian of my kids. And has the ability to haul me away. Holy fuck. The terror was subtle, the frustration mounting, and yes, my head started to run away with some crazy crap because I knew that my Wife only knew what Cathy was telling her. Think that through. Please.

It was this kind of shit for two days. Two stressful, scary, hot, lonely days, separated from EVERYTHING, especially my Wife – the thing I needed most in the world. Why didn’t they ship me to Iowa?

I wanted to talk to a lawyer too. Cathy knew that. I told her. I felt I’d been wronged. I told her. I felt things were getting worse as I did nothing. I told her. Our dog was dealing with acute separation anxiety. I told her. I needed to figure out where I’d left off… close off loose ends. I told her. Really, I feel like my personal liberty, and even my right to defend myself, or keep my sanity, was at stake.

In the meanwhile, I didn’t know what the loose threads were. Yes, Cathy effectively forced me to make every aspect of the situation worse. Including risking my career, and maybe having brought undue attention to my children, because I couldn’t finish what I’d started. I’d even forgotten the “redirect” Thursday morning, at 5:30.


Nobody is reading. If they are, I’ve said enough. The story gets much weirder… really, it does.

I’ll scan the top for possible libel, then I’m throwing it out.

If nobody can understand why I have no choice but to keep going, I’ll point out that Gordon helped me with that decision. I thought I had some people to contact. I was going to try it. It was Gordon that said I shouldn’t expect it to work. WTF?

Anyway… I feel safe. The kids are safe. The kids will be watched as they come home from the bus (I’m not leaving the property if I can avoid it today). The people that are threatening me aren’t real, or I’m not. Whichever is fine.

People are trying to “help” me by cutting me off from the net, and my phone. (VoIP) That’s fine. The house is quiet. I’ll take a nap for a bit while the dominos keep tumbling. Push the paranoid guy over the edge. Really, my family is lucky that I’m stable. And that I have them. And that I have a handful of TRUSTED friends now. Actually, they’re part of my “self-group therapy”. And you guys cut me off from everything at the most stressful time of my life.

In all of this, the most stunning thing that was said to me? “We knew Cinthy was gone. We were reading this stuff and worried. We knew we should’ve called. We didn’t. I’m sorry.” I think I started crying. A real friend tells you when your zipper is down.

But for the sake of the empathy and common sense that you all seem to lack: If I’ve made up one fucking word of this, then please, prove it, and my Wife & I will go see a counselor tonight. Because if I’m lying, then I don’t know what’s real anymore.

One final word about Cathy: I suspected she’d been duped into being an accomplice by Mike. I asked her to call her lawyer, check. Get behind her Sister and I, and all would be forgiven. Instead of giving any kind of support… helping to fix what she helped to destroy… she thinks she did the right thing. As I’d told her in my first email: the only think I REQUIRED was a promise that they’d never allow my Family to be separated again. She thinks I’m a dolt. She said it in her confession letter. Call a lawyer now, Cathy. Jeff might need one too.

Anyway, do you see what I mean? If you have a triple-digit IQ, I’m guessing you might. And if not, then fuck you too.

I’ll continue to learn, adapt, regroup. But somehow, I don’t think I NEED to do anything more. If I’m right. And if I’m wrong, it’s all over, anyway. No… not a threat. I’m not retreating into the hills while I still think you folks might get the right answer, someday. Part of our “survival strategy” for the coming economic collapse was to become part of the community. It’s not working out so well. But, I’m not done trying. When you ARE the only person in the world that has the chance to fix something before someone gets hurt, and you don’t, then it’s your fault.

My little children, brilliant, both… they got it. You folks don’t. So you tell me: what’s real? And what’s important?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:27AM

Crime Dog: didn't really matter how much I cooled off before reading Gordon's stuff. The cop looked, he decided it wasn't a big deal. I asked him to make sure he filed a report.

My actual hope is that he'd let you guys call him. Ask him how I was doing. He's like "do you know what happens when you put a phone number on the internet?"

No, please explain it to me....

Beyond that, there was verification that nothing was "nuts." One of you assholes was likely to call FCPD anyway, see if you could jolt me again. Or get me shot. Or my kids or dog. Actually, I have no idea what the hell most of you were thinking.

Anyway, it's all been explained. Really. Reading IS fundamental.

And I'm hoping that writing will save my world.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:34AM

And you'll notice that I keep getting "mean." I do have a low tolerance for stupidity. Really, I've trained myself to remember that "I'm different" most of the time, but I don't see why I should bother around people who're against my family's best interests.

"Oh... you're defeating yourself for making fun of us for making fun of you..."

Again, is the world really that crazy?

Or am I?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:36AM

I didn't call Anonymous, BTW. That harks back to the ONE part I'm TRULY ashamed of.

I mentioned calling "Mensa" for help. Which I didn't do. But, I did re-enroll, and honestly, because of the "exclusivity" thing, I feel dirty for doing it.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:37AM

ConcernedCitizen: I'm guessing you've played a role in some institutionalization proceedings before? Do you sleep well?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:38AM

Medicate the guy... convince him he's fucked up, deep down inside.

As I understand it, PIDC fetched almost a grand a day for the service. Back in the mid-80's!

Of course... I really WAS fucked up back then, just not in ways they seemed to see.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 11:39AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:40AM

Someone said that Terry may have gone loco before?

That's what needs to be written!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:41AM

Personally, I blame almost everyone.

Just Terry more than most. Terry declared me a danger. Terry locked down a school. Terry put me on a list that'll cost my dignity to see my kids play Soccer - in exchange for trying to do the right thing!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:41AM

Terry escalated it instead of telling me who to call.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:43AM

Terry said my daughter was fine, and your kids were in danger.

I'm still trying to figure that out.

It would seem to PROVE that I'm crazy.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:44AM

And now the world won't even sign a common-sense petition that would stop ANYONE from going through this, ever again.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:44AM

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: scr1pt1ek1ddie ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:46AM

"And the thing that EVERYONE - including "script kiddie", who's confessing to ownership and willingness to use "attack scripts", and just threatened to launch an offensive against a commercial cable account - seems to be missing: "

My vicious attack seemed to work well the last time, you call your self a software developer and consider a css edit an offensive attack against a commercial cable account, LOL. Im sure cox/fios will be very mad at me for my vicious attacks against your commercial cable account, i wouldn't be surprised if my css edit will take down the internet for everyone in fairfax county for the next couple days.

Please read so you don't sound so stupid :



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Re: FCPS, FCPD, everyone else, you can thank me later :)
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:47AM

And if any of you GENUINELY still think I'm a Troll, I'm dying to know your method of separating fantasy and reality.

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Re: FCPS, FCPD, everyone else, you can thank me later :)
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:48AM

Script Kiddie:

It's called an injection attack. I've explained it. That's why you'll never be a hacker: you're too stupid to reason, and can't even read.

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Re: FCPS, FCPD, everyone else, you can thank me later :)
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:49AM

But you are making threats that run afoul of some crap. They're positioning laws to go after Anonymous and other imagined threats, and trampling EVERYONE in the meantime.

Ask a lawyer.

You won't. So I ask you? I seem sharp. I tell you that you're putting yourself in danger, and you continue....

See how that was turned around from when you idiots said it?

Only difference is: my case is verifiable, and makes sense.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 11:50AM by 2concerned.

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Re: FCPS, FCPD, everyone else, you can thank me later :)
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:51AM

In fact, if I've made this up, my family will be homeless next month.

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Re: FCPS, FCPD, everyone else, you can thank me later :)
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:56AM

Officially gone off the deep end. Did you loose your job?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: TakeADeepBreath ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:56AM

You need help dude. Head to Mount Vernon Hospital ER as suggested earlier. That is your best option to sort all of this out.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:58AM

Heheh... TakeADeepBreath: you think I'm crazy, but safe to drive?

Idiots... all of 'em.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:59AM

Nah, Dominion Hospital is your best bet.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:59AM

JBass: no. I was accused of that. Friday was to be the last day on a two week RESIGNATION.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: BananaFace ()
Date: May 31, 2012 11:59AM

I wonder what BLEH's take on all this is?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:00PM

Mike kept guessing at all kinds of shit.

He finally hit on the alcoholic Dad.

It's funny. I thought I had my issues with my Dad under control.

And here he is, popping up from a few states away, and fucking up my life again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 12:00PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:01PM

He's destroying my Mom.

Thinks God will find a way.

I hope so... doesn't seem like he's going to.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:03PM

Still... not a single person has picked up the phone.

Half of me still hopes that Gordon, with 1,000 people in possession of documentation that he's on the way, will come over for a beer. Like I said, I'm not leaving today.

I won't keep you in a closed garage.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:03PM

My own garage... used to terrify me.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:04PM

Gordon has existed for a while. If I'm a troll, I must be him.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:05PM

I mean: how else would I have the balls to invite him over???

Again, it's there. I'll explain it to anyone who wants. I won't be drinking today, but I think I might be less threatening in person.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:05PM

I have a really deep voice though. Chicks supposedly dig it, but it makes some people intimidated.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:08PM

I also have what I believe to be an undiagnosed auditory processing disorder. It fits my symptoms really well.

Actually, I'm classic. Constant ear infections as a kid, needed speech therapy.

Once that was known, I started learning to adapt. I don't like bars. They stress me out if I'm trying to talk. I have trouble with deep accents. I've never really been able to pick up on more than a few words of a foreign language, but I can take a book into the bathroom, and learn a new programming language by the time I'm out.

Okay... the last bit was exaggerated.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:09PM

And I also tend to avoid crowds.

That's PART of the reason I was probably in the parking lot. The only one. Or maybe I'm "over-analyzing".

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:10PM

And I try to avoid talking on the phone, when possible. If I get frustrated, my voice makes it sound like I'm angry.

Like I said: learn, adapt. There's a reason I went to email first.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: BananaXz ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:11PM

BananaFace Wrote:
> I wonder what BLEH's take on all this is?

Blehs take is this guy needs help.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Mr. Man ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:15PM

If nothing else, go to a hospital for your family. If they knew what was going on here (which I assume they don't) they would be very concerned for you. Get there before you do something that leads to the cops dragging you there. Get there before your children have to see their father paranoid and ranting.Nobody here hates you Scott, we want to help. The sooner you go to a hosptial, or a therapist, the sooner you will see things clearly again.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:18PM

"If they knew what was going on here (which I assume they don't) they would be very concerned for you."


You'd think so, right? I made my Mom promise to read this, and call me back. I WAS crying.

She called my Aunt.

So my Aunt called, we talked, she thinks I'm fine.

I don't know what Mom thinks.

I don't want to anymore -- she's already got a lot on her plate, with my Dad.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:19PM

And of course, my Wife's family seems to have been fully in support of wedging us all apart.

My Wife is probably going to have a harder time of this, when it's all said and done, than I will.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2012 12:19PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:21PM

I talk of economic collapse... I converted our Fidelity accounts into physical gold.

All of these things: the housing crash, the coming collapse, it's all so freakin' obvious to me.

Two years ago, people thought I was crazy for saying the Euro couldn't be saved. No kidding. Even now, most people aren't sure.

It's a normalcy bias thing, I think. I'm just curiously free of one.

I can see both sides to almost any story. I mean empathize with both... it's deeper.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:22PM

But everything about me seems to scream to everyone that I'm crazy.

I'm just glad I stopped believing that shit a long time ago.

Even so, I kinda "dumbed down" until the last year. The last year really woke me up.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Not buying it ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:23PM

This is not real, it is a setup to see who will actually go to that address that "Scott" provided. The person typing is actually a police officer. Nice try cop, go catch criminals in the real world.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: question5 ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:26PM

If you do what everyone says and "go get help", and are diagnosed as normal, doesn't that vindicate you? Why do you push back so much on doing this?

It seems like you are asking for help, but when advice and resources are given you dismiss them. Go talk to someone. That someone does not need to be in a hospital, there are plenty of professionals with private practices.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:28PM

Here's an example:

I have one "black and white". That's pedophiles. I realize I'll NEVER understand them. I can understand gay. I mean, we all know "horny", right? And whatever the idiots say, people really are born like that. Nobody chooses to be an outcast.

But pedos... wow. All clinical evidence seems to support the idea that they just can't adapt. You put an ankle bracelet on one, and he still can't keep it in his pants? Nope, I can't understand the kind of horny that hurts someone.

On the 19th, Backlick Rd, I think, people are writing stuff about this pedo that was shot by police. I skim the subject, and it registers as "good". But it's Backlick Rd, and as a cable guy I was in so many of those houses. I worked at Wash Fair off and on for a couple of years.

Anyway, I start reading. This guy is 23 and giving it to a 16 year old, I think.

Okay... I still approve of the shooting, even though I don't like myself for feeling that way.

Then I read a bit more. The guy, it sounds like, is half-retarded. The girl's parents approve.

At this point, I'm thinking the parents are the ones that should be shot.

I forget WHY they say they shot him. But he'd escaped, and embarrassed them the night before.

So, by the time I process it all, I feel like I have very few facts. I can't even judge the story, except that I'm suspicious of the Police, I feel kinda sorry for the guy, and I almost wish they'd shoot the parents. WTF?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: fffxudoctor ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:29PM


Please discuss with your doctor, i think it would be just perfect for you.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:30PM


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:31PM

I would like to come over and hang out for a little while, actually.
maybe we could burn a couple bowls and think/talk this through.

While I beleive you, I am also concerned, because a lot of the story you wrote did not make much sense, and from the little I can gather, you've had three? police incidents since then?

You've gotta quit those mental gymnastics and realize your own neuroticism landed you here. Not the Principal, not the evil cops that are repeatedly being called to your residence, its you.

While i don't doubt anything you've said, you know that a genius such as yourself needs to sleep ocasionally as well.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:31PM

Schizo? Really? And you don't know if any of this is real?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:32PM


No bowls. I'm not medicating. My neighbors wanted me to. I'm doing fine, consider what kind of week I'm having.

Order a pizza?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:33PM

And I'm almost back to "normal", sleep-wise.

Any stress I'm under is a reaction, not a cause.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:34PM

Hehee... I could set up a table and place mats on the front lawn

Really give them something to talk about :-)

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:34PM

See... I think this stuff is funny. Even under the best conditions.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:35PM

It's how I cope.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:36PM

And actually, today IS a great day to meet with anyone. Before the school bus comes, anyway.

I'm feeling relatively okay - again, all things considered.

I think I might even be able to talk without crying. That did take a few days.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:36PM

Not freakish crying... it's just hard to tell the story. I feel it again, a bit.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:37PM

I want Fairfax to clear me. Publicly. Apologize for turning my life upside down when I did nothing wrong.

Until then, expect the "bumps" to continue.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:38PM

THEN, I will get a good night's rest.

We originally weren't going to Disney this year.

I think I've changed my mind.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:39PM


Do not just show up, unannounced. Please.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Tweeter ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:40PM

This isn't twitter, you can post more then 140 characters before making new posts.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:43PM

Something just "clicked". It takes a while, sometimes.

You guys are partly freaked out because you've never been on IRC.

Half of the people here probably couldn't keep up in a "chat" without word balloons.

I didn't think about that until now.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:43PM

The "frequent posts" would look perfectly normal in a "chat room."

That's where I learned to "talk" on a computer.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:45PM

And like I said, sometimes I need help.

I asked Cathy's son the other day about a post.

He won't make eye contact. He says "I'm not used to people talking to themselves on Facebook."

Well if I could think of everything at once, I promise, I'd consolidate :-)

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:45PM

... need help making the connection, that is.

Yes, they do make you seem paranoid.

That statement did too.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:47PM

I'm going to try to get back to my IP, if SK is done.

Please. Thank You. Whatever.

I'd like to have email again.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:48PM

Wow... again with the injection?

I don't believe the thing they say about Einstein...

"Craziness is repeating the same thing over and over, hoping for a different outcome."

I'm sure there's some missing context in that.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:49PM

Or maybe it really is a spam filter.

I'm posting a lot.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:50PM

To Whom It May Concern,

At a SACC event on Carl Sandburg Middle School, in Fairfax County, an event occurred. This event led me – a concerned and responsible parent – to begin asking very simple questions about the safety of our children in FCPS.

During the past week, I’ve tried every method I can think of to get answers.

I tried phone calls, I tried email, I tried unproductive “shouting.” I still don’t have a single answer from Mr. Yarborough. I’ve spoken to his office, but Mr. Yarborough refuses to speak with me.

On the morning of 5/24, I started anew. I typed out a clear “redirect”, recognizing that my methods were getting me nowhere.

Three hours later, I was looking down the barrel of a gun.

Now, Mr. Yarborough claims to have been threatened. I believe that’s slander. I would ask Mr. Yarborough to detail the allegation, or clear this “restraining order”, and issue a formal written apology, IMMEDIATELY.

Mr. Yarborough read what I wrote – sometimes disjointed but always clear and rational – and, entrusted with the safety of several hundred students, he decided to raise a maximum security alert. Yes, he’d finally picked up the phone, but not to call me and ask me to stop.

If this sounds like a rational decision, I would certainly enjoy an explanation. It’s documented, it’s there. He didn’t even read it before I called the Police, I assume.

The threat? As far as my lawyer can tell, either the picture of the kitty (in the CLEAR context of “career suicide”) or the “photoshop threat” frightened him.

This is a man who’s office told me that there was never any danger that Saturday. He will not tell me how he determined this. He also will not explain how he has the authority to determine that when he has no responsibility for SACC functions. It truly baffles the mind.

I expect figures of authority to act with integrity, and I fear that I have a much different interpretation of Mr. Yarborough’s motives.

As a result of his entirely disproportionate reaction, I looked down the barrel of a gun, almost watched my dog be shot, was “grilled” for hours by Police that had, seemingly, been told by Mr. Yarborough that I was unemployed and estranged from Wife and family. Both are false, and led to the Police Officers expecting an armed, crazed individual when they arrived. Many of the parents in the system would have been shot before it was over, I’m certain.

Finally, I was coerced into two days of solitude, threatened with criminal charges (I’ve committed no crime) while being denied counsel, had my personal and professional reputation sullied, and have been branded a racist, simply because the parent involved was not native to the US.

All of this was in addition to the apparent excitement at the school, so I’m assuming there was at least some student/parent panic inflicted.

And throughout all of this, I’ve remained in the line of fire, just to save another parent embarrassment. Ask Mr. Yarborough what was wrong with the guy that day. Or if he WAS a parent, or why he was lurking backstage for who knows how long, unknown to any performers or staff? Are all parents allowed to take the stage at will? If so, why have I wasted so much time in the seat rows?

And, why couldn’t Terrence have stopped all of this, by manning-up, investigating, and actually making an appropriate determination?

I would truly like to know. He’s the guy who said my Daughter was safe.

If Terrence reported to me, I’d be curious to examine why he failed so many opportunities to resolve this in a reasonable manner. I do believe that he has demonstrated incompetence and/or abuse of his authority.

Again, please remove the “restraining” order immediately. If you do, you have my word that I will conduct myself with more dignity in court than I did in an open forum that’s frequented by scum.

Read what I wrote… please. Explain what happened to me, and why.

Best Regards,
Father of Two

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:52PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Dude.
> Do not just show up, unannounced. Please.

I've been waiting outside for like 10 minutes. I'm the white van like 80 yards south of you.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Someone ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:53PM

This guy needs emergency help. It can take months to get an appointment with a private psychiatrist. Hopefully, his family will take proactive measures to get him the help that he desperately needs.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: average joe ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:56PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Something just "clicked". It takes a while,
> sometimes.
> You guys are partly freaked out because you've
> never been on IRC.

Welcome to yesterday, when you were told to edit your previous post instead of posting tons of tiny posts. And you said you would do it, you don't remember that?

The most important reason why I feel sorry for you is 99% of small businesses fail. When you go back to HP (open door back is an entertaining assumption you have there) or go to any other comapny for a job, HR is going to google your name and read three threads of rants by you. You have made yourself unemployable only because you can't take an answer from FCPD. It isn't the school's fault you make scary violent rants here, you made those posts. Get help.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: stop in the name of the law ()
Date: May 31, 2012 12:56PM


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