Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
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Date: April 27, 2014 05:11AM
2concerned Wrote:
> FWIW, I'll leave any apologies that I made to
> Terrence buried.
> If I'd been a "dangerous individual", then I'm
> fairly certain that the action recommended by Fred
> Ellis (ignoring me) would have been the wrong
> one.
> The only thing I ever asked for - beyond my
> concerns for the safety of one child - was an
> understanding of how FCPS reviewed and responded
> to potential threats.
> In response, Fred Ellis - who is the head of
> Security for FCPS - referred me to Terrence
> Yarborough, and at the same time, told Terrence
> not to respond to my queries.
> I'm not sure how to characterize that response.
> Truth be told, I don't want to.
> These are your children as well as mine. If you
> think than Terrence and Fred handled the situation
> appropriately, then please give them medals. If
> you don't, then it's up to you to respond, because
> I'm "done".
> Clearly, my response at the time wasn't effective.
> Fred's background as an ex-FCPD officer enabled
> him to have me "SWAT'ed" for threats that were
> never made, he triggered a school lock-down (of
> some sort), and really made my life interesting
> for a while, whether or not he had any knowledge
> of or involvement in the death-threats that I
> received, which exacerbated the situation.
> There are parts of this story which I'll never
> understand. But, I'll move forward with the
> assumption that I'm the only parent in Fairfax who
> cares about a crazed individual secreting himself
> backstage and appearing in the midst of a
> multi-school celebration. Realizing that I'm an
> outlier, I'll be sure to look after my own
> children's safety, and I'll try to not worry about
> the policies of the County, or the competence of
> those who protect the children.
> Best wishes to you all.
You're an idiot and a menace. My hats off to the school administration for raising the alarm on you. Let's not forget your ranting and raving on the Patch websites with Gordon Blvd that led to schools being closed because of your implied threats. I wish FCPD had stormed your house and emptied their clips into you. Problem solved.