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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Dd ()
Date: December 28, 2012 05:06PM

Mr. Yarborough was my son's Principal when he was at Robinson. He was a great guy and we were sad to see him transferred to another school. He was trustworthy and professional.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: end result? ()
Date: January 16, 2013 11:23AM

is scottie lockedd in the loonie bin?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: dieing breed ()
Date: January 16, 2013 08:16PM

Trying to get answers and accountabilty from anyone in the ffx co. gov. or school system is like trying to ride a unicycle on top of a basketball. They are the most deceitful, duplicitous, underhanded, and advertently obtuse muva futers on earth. This all started with Bill Clinton and gang. After seeing how easy it was to deny, lie, and pass the buck ffx co adopted this strategy for dealing with concerned citizens who pay for their salaries and pensions. Oblama mastered this technique. I believe everything you wrote to be true. As difficult as it is you just have to let it go unless you can get 1000 people to physically demonstrate with you and fight this thing to the end with you. Best Wishes

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apparently off the meds again, I see...............................
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: January 16, 2013 08:25PM

dieing breed Wrote:
> Trying to get answers and accountabilty from
> anyone in the ffx co. gov. or school system is
> like trying to ride a unicycle on top of a
> basketball. They are the most deceitful,
> duplicitous, underhanded, and advertently obtuse
> muva futers on earth. This all started with Bill
> Clinton and gang. After seeing how easy it was to
> deny, lie, and pass the buck ffx co adopted this
> strategy for dealing with concerned citizens who
> pay for their salaries and pensions. Oblama
> mastered this technique. I believe everything you
> wrote to be true. As difficult as it is you just
> have to let it go unless you can get 1000 people
> to physically demonstrate with you and fight this
> thing to the end with you. Best Wishes

wow, Scott - how have you been doing?


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: boredcc ()
Date: February 22, 2013 08:14AM


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: hh ()
Date: April 26, 2014 12:20AM

what ever happen to this gfuy?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 26, 2014 04:50AM

hh Wrote:
> what ever happen to this gfuy?

Which gfuy?

It turns out that Terrence was doing what Fred told him to do.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Two Cents ()
Date: April 26, 2014 05:01AM

2concerned Wrote:
> hh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > what ever happen to this gfuy?
> Which gfuy?
> It turns out that Terrence was doing what Fred
> told him to do.

So Scott, have you seen any scary dancing negroes lately? LOL

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Re: apparently off the meds again, I see...............................
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 26, 2014 05:02AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:

> wow, Scott - how have you been doing?
> LoLz

Gordon, if you think I'd ever use the phrase "muva futers", then I'll just surrender now.

I thank "dieing breed" for the sentiment - with which I largely agree - but it's pretty clear that he's of the right-wing variety, whereas I'm inclined to despise the far-side of both wings.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 26, 2014 05:08AM

Two Cents Wrote:
> So Scott, have you seen any scary dancing negroes
> lately? LOL

Not recently, no.

But, Michael Flatley still appears in my nightmares from time to time.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 26, 2014 05:42AM

FWIW, I'll leave any apologies that I made to Terrence buried.

If I'd been a "dangerous individual", then I'm fairly certain that the action recommended by Fred Ellis (ignoring me) would have been the wrong one.

The only thing I ever asked for - beyond my concerns for the safety of one child - was an understanding of how FCPS reviewed and responded to potential threats.

In response, Fred Ellis - who is the head of Security for FCPS - referred me to Terrence Yarborough, and at the same time, told Terrence not to respond to my queries.

I'm not sure how to characterize that response. Truth be told, I don't want to.

These are your children as well as mine. If you think than Terrence and Fred handled the situation appropriately, then please give them medals. If you don't, then it's up to you to respond, because I'm "done".

Clearly, my response at the time wasn't effective. Fred's background as an ex-FCPD officer enabled him to have me "SWAT'ed" for threats that were never made, he triggered a school lock-down (of some sort), and really made my life interesting for a while, whether or not he had any knowledge of or involvement in the death-threats that I received, which exacerbated the situation.

There are parts of this story which I'll never understand. But, I'll move forward with the assumption that I'm the only parent in Fairfax who cares about a crazed individual secreting himself backstage and appearing in the midst of a multi-school celebration. Realizing that I'm an outlier, I'll be sure to look after my own children's safety, and I'll try to not worry about the policies of the County, or the competence of those who protect the children.

Best wishes to you all.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 3c4eF ()
Date: April 27, 2014 05:11AM

2concerned Wrote:
> FWIW, I'll leave any apologies that I made to
> Terrence buried.
> If I'd been a "dangerous individual", then I'm
> fairly certain that the action recommended by Fred
> Ellis (ignoring me) would have been the wrong
> one.
> The only thing I ever asked for - beyond my
> concerns for the safety of one child - was an
> understanding of how FCPS reviewed and responded
> to potential threats.
> In response, Fred Ellis - who is the head of
> Security for FCPS - referred me to Terrence
> Yarborough, and at the same time, told Terrence
> not to respond to my queries.
> I'm not sure how to characterize that response.
> Truth be told, I don't want to.
> These are your children as well as mine. If you
> think than Terrence and Fred handled the situation
> appropriately, then please give them medals. If
> you don't, then it's up to you to respond, because
> I'm "done".
> Clearly, my response at the time wasn't effective.
> Fred's background as an ex-FCPD officer enabled
> him to have me "SWAT'ed" for threats that were
> never made, he triggered a school lock-down (of
> some sort), and really made my life interesting
> for a while, whether or not he had any knowledge
> of or involvement in the death-threats that I
> received, which exacerbated the situation.
> There are parts of this story which I'll never
> understand. But, I'll move forward with the
> assumption that I'm the only parent in Fairfax who
> cares about a crazed individual secreting himself
> backstage and appearing in the midst of a
> multi-school celebration. Realizing that I'm an
> outlier, I'll be sure to look after my own
> children's safety, and I'll try to not worry about
> the policies of the County, or the competence of
> those who protect the children.
> Best wishes to you all.

You're an idiot and a menace. My hats off to the school administration for raising the alarm on you. Let's not forget your ranting and raving on the Patch websites with Gordon Blvd that led to schools being closed because of your implied threats. I wish FCPD had stormed your house and emptied their clips into you. Problem solved.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: MY MA ()
Date: April 27, 2014 04:17PM

Thats good
is your kid in high school now? I Hope you're doing well
2concerned Wrote:
> FWIW, I'll leave any apologies that I made to
> Terrence buried.
> If I'd been a "dangerous individual", then I'm
> fairly certain that the action recommended by Fred
> Ellis (ignoring me) would have been the wrong
> one.
> The only thing I ever asked for - beyond my
> concerns for the safety of one child - was an
> understanding of how FCPS reviewed and responded
> to potential threats.
> In response, Fred Ellis - who is the head of
> Security for FCPS - referred me to Terrence
> Yarborough, and at the same time, told Terrence
> not to respond to my queries.
> I'm not sure how to characterize that response.
> Truth be told, I don't want to.
> These are your children as well as mine. If you
> think than Terrence and Fred handled the situation
> appropriately, then please give them medals. If
> you don't, then it's up to you to respond, because
> I'm "done".
> Clearly, my response at the time wasn't effective.
> Fred's background as an ex-FCPD officer enabled
> him to have me "SWAT'ed" for threats that were
> never made, he triggered a school lock-down (of
> some sort), and really made my life interesting
> for a while, whether or not he had any knowledge
> of or involvement in the death-threats that I
> received, which exacerbated the situation.
> There are parts of this story which I'll never
> understand. But, I'll move forward with the
> assumption that I'm the only parent in Fairfax who
> cares about a crazed individual secreting himself
> backstage and appearing in the midst of a
> multi-school celebration. Realizing that I'm an
> outlier, I'll be sure to look after my own
> children's safety, and I'll try to not worry about
> the policies of the County, or the competence of
> those who protect the children.
> Best wishes to you all.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 27, 2014 11:11PM

3c4eF Wrote:
> schools being closed because of your implied
> threats.

There were no implied threats, and I'm not aware of any schools being closed. Be proud of your imagination, my friend - it will take you places that are beyond the reach of your literacy.

MY MA Wrote:
> is your kid in high school now? I Hope you're
> doing well

Not quite yet. And yes, I am, thank you.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 3c4eF ()
Date: April 28, 2014 07:56AM

2concerned Wrote:
> 3c4eF Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > schools being closed because of your implied
> > threats.
> There were no implied threats, and I'm not aware
> of any schools being closed. Be proud of your
> imagination, my friend - it will take you places
> that are beyond the reach of your literacy.
> MY MA Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > is your kid in high school now? I Hope you're
> > doing well
> Not quite yet. And yes, I am, thank you.

They put the school on lockdown when you posted both here and in the patch that you were going to the school even though they had told you not to.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 28, 2014 08:30AM

3c4eF Wrote:
> They put the school on lockdown when you posted
> both here and in the patch that you were going to
> the school even though they had told you not to.

I posted nothing of the sort at the Patch, and I posted that I might "Photoshop" Principal Yarborough, but I don't recall anything about going to the school - except perhaps to try to meet with him - and certainly, none of this was "after they told me not to".

I don't plan to continue jousting with your imagination. There's a large group of semi-literate alarmist half-wits on this board, and the "OMG, Prophet Mohamed is going to kill us all!" group doesn't really interest hold much interest for me.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Two Cents ()
Date: April 28, 2014 08:34AM

2concerned Wrote:
> 3c4eF Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They put the school on lockdown when you posted
> > both here and in the patch that you were going
> to
> > the school even though they had told you not
> to.
> I posted nothing of the sort at the Patch, and I
> posted that I might "Photoshop" Principal
> Yarborough, but I don't recall anything about
> going to the school - except perhaps to try to
> meet with him - and certainly, none of this was
> "after they told me not to".
> I don't plan to continue jousting with your
> imagination. There's a large group of
> semi-literate alarmist half-wits on this board,
> and the "OMG, Prophet Mohamed is going to kill us
> all!" group doesn't really interest hold much
> interest for me.

He's somewhat right, I remmeber it well. So you and GordonBlvd were going toe to toe both here and in the comments sections of the story at the Patch. Apparently you had talked about going to the school to talk to the adminstrators, HOWEVER, they had said anything to you at the time about not being allowed onsite at the school. I remember that one or two teachers had seen the posts (here and at the patch) told the school administration and they put the school on lock down. It after this, that they sent you that letter telling you not to come to the school (you shared this letter as well that was postmarked AFTER the so-called lockdown). I hope that clarifies things better.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Abraham, Martin, and John ()
Date: April 28, 2014 10:12AM

So sad that all this drove GordonBlvd to kill herself...

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 28, 2014 11:05AM

Two Cents Wrote:
> He's somewhat right, I remmeber it well. So you
> and GordonBlvd were going toe to toe both here and
> in the comments sections of the story at the
> Patch. Apparently you had talked about going to
> the school to talk to the adminstrators, HOWEVER,
> they had said anything to you at the time about
> not being allowed onsite at the school. I remember
> that one or two teachers had seen the posts (here
> and at the patch) told the school administration
> and they put the school on lock down. It after
> this, that they sent you that letter telling you
> not to come to the school (you shared this letter
> as well that was postmarked AFTER the so-called
> lockdown). I hope that clarifies things better.

That seems like a pretty fair summation.

I find it interesting that you refer to the "lockdown" as "so-called" - I've always felt the same way about it. Other than a Patch article, I've found no evidence of it, or any real description of what was involved.

For quite a while, I wasn't even sure that the letter from the School was real - nobody associated with the letter would respond to vouch for its authenticity. I still doubt that it had any legal weight, but since I had no interest in going to the school, I didn't put a lot of effort into investigating it. The only reason I ever really considered going there was to discuss the situation with Terrence, since he refused to respond to calls from me or my Wife.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Two Cents ()
Date: April 28, 2014 11:29AM

2concerned Wrote:
> That seems like a pretty fair summation.
> I find it interesting that you refer to the
> "lockdown" as "so-called" - I've always felt the
> same way about it. Other than a Patch article,
> I've found no evidence of it, or any real
> description of what was involved.
> For quite a while, I wasn't even sure that the
> letter from the School was real - nobody
> associated with the letter would respond to vouch
> for its authenticity. I still doubt that it had
> any legal weight, but since I had no interest in
> going to the school, I didn't put a lot of effort
> into investigating it. The only reason I ever
> really considered going there was to discuss the
> situation with Terrence, since he refused to
> respond to calls from me or my Wife.

From my own inquiries, the school told the patch that it was a Lock-Down, and was put in place after a teacher or teachers read comments and passed them along to the school administration. I believe you are correct regarding the letter. I tend to believe it was more of an action of the then school administration to cover their rumps. Seems outrageous to me that parents of children going to a school, can't even get a simple call back from the school adminstration on any questions they might have for the school administration (of any kind). Very strange and suspicious.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: April 28, 2014 12:03PM

Two Cents Wrote:
> From my own inquiries, the school told the patch
> that it was a Lock-Down, and was put in place
> after a teacher or teachers read comments and
> passed them along to the school administration. I
> believe you are correct regarding the letter. I
> tend to believe it was more of an action of the
> then school administration to cover their rumps.
> Seems outrageous to me that parents of children
> going to a school, can't even get a simple call
> back from the school adminstration on any
> questions they might have for the school
> administration (of any kind). Very strange and
> suspicious.

I still wonder... why would someone at the school call the Patch, and nobody else?

My first guess was that they tried to make a fully blown "production" out of it, but the other outlets were either uninterested, or found out that it was a non-story. Yours is the first confirmation I've seen that it even happened - the Police were deliberately vague about it. I'm actually still not sure why they'd feel inspired to contact the media at all.

I didn't know this until months later, but Terrence didn't call me because Fred Elis advised him not to. I finally found that out from someone inside Terrence's office who I assume just got tired of taking the same message over and over. I wish I'd thought to ask that person about the "lockdown" at the time.

In any event, the story is long-over for me. SACC tightened up their policies, and stopped holding events where strangers could wander-in. Newtown inspired everyone to at least a slightly higher level of "situational awareness", and while I still think that Fairfax has some fairly serious shortcomings where School security is concerned, I'm clearly not the guy to address them.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: nPxjM ()
Date: April 28, 2014 12:29PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Two Cents Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > From my own inquiries, the school told the
> patch
> > that it was a Lock-Down, and was put in place
> > after a teacher or teachers read comments and
> > passed them along to the school administration.
> I
> > believe you are correct regarding the letter. I
> > tend to believe it was more of an action of the
> > then school administration to cover their
> rumps.
> > Seems outrageous to me that parents of children
> > going to a school, can't even get a simple call
> > back from the school adminstration on any
> > questions they might have for the school
> > administration (of any kind). Very strange and
> > suspicious.
> I still wonder... why would someone at the school
> call the Patch, and nobody else?
> My first guess was that they tried to make a fully
> blown "production" out of it, but the other
> outlets were either uninterested, or found out
> that it was a non-story. Yours is the first
> confirmation I've seen that it even happened - the
> Police were deliberately vague about it. I'm
> actually still not sure why they'd feel inspired
> to contact the media at all.
> I didn't know this until months later, but
> Terrence didn't call me because Fred Elis advised
> him not to. I finally found that out from someone
> inside Terrence's office who I assume just got
> tired of taking the same message over and over. I
> wish I'd thought to ask that person about the
> "lockdown" at the time.
> In any event, the story is long-over for me. SACC
> tightened up their policies, and stopped holding
> events where strangers could wander-in. Newtown
> inspired everyone to at least a slightly higher
> level of "situational awareness", and while I
> still think that Fairfax has some fairly serious
> shortcomings where School security is concerned,
> I'm clearly not the guy to address them.

The Patch called the school to verify the story to get get additional comment from the school officials on it.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concemed ()
Date: May 07, 2014 10:01PM

Whatever became of this? The Patch article was some fascinating journalism. This thread was great at one time.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: May 08, 2014 08:37PM

2concemed Wrote:
> Whatever became of this?

> This thread was great at one time.

Sorry... the writing took a nose-dive before the end of the first season, and the show was cancelled.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Kewal Paudel ()
Date: July 25, 2016 12:13PM

I wonder what happened to him

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: menn ()
Date: July 18, 2017 04:14PM

crazy guy was right

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Tldr I ()
Date: November 23, 2019 04:55PM


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