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Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: April 15, 2005 01:34PM

Baseball after 34 years...was it worth it? The game was pretty fun to watch. I didn't go to the opener, but just watching it on TV was exciting. Knowing we have a team and all.

Did you guys hear they are going to name the diamond "Armed Forces Field"? Each one of the services will have a booth inside RFK Stadium. The Pentagon will pay something like 4-6 mill a year to have their name on the field, all part of DOD's recruitment and marketing strategy I believe. Anyways, good to have 2 winning teams in DC right now (Wizards, and Nationals). In September, we'll add another one...go SKINS!!! Anyways, we're in first place in our division...how cool...let's keep it up.

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: dlee ()
Date: April 15, 2005 01:48PM

Yeah, let's.

My wife doesnt understand when I say "we won" or "I'm a Vol" when it's the team that won... Women, can't live with em, can't kill em (OJ excepted).

It's good to see the Nats winning. Some old guy told me the other day that "Nats" was the old nickname for the team. the senators i guess. Does anyone know whether that's true? B/c a friend of mine was joking about how contrived it was to have a nickname, like they've been around for decades.

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: April 15, 2005 02:04PM

Hey Dlee, this is somewhat true. The Washington baseball team in 1901-1955 were called the Nationals. In 1956 it was changed to the Senators. The nickname "Nats" was given to the 1901-1955 team and was used in some parts for the Senators as well. I believe they had a different nickname as well. Anyways, when DC decided in naming it the Nationals this time around, naturally, the nickname came back as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2005 02:05PM by asnpcwiz.

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 15, 2005 05:29PM


You're wrong. The team was NEVER officially called that, local "pet nicknames" aside, the Washington Senators were the Senators. Baseball Reference is the definitive resource on team names and statistical histories on the internet.

The Senators won the 1925 world series and there are plenty of news articles from then that refer to them by that name.

Where did you pull this misinfo from????? By the way back in those days (the oughts and teens of the 1900's), NO team really had ANY name. When radio announcers spoke of a National league team they said "nats" and for american league teams, "americans". Or they referred to the team by its local nickname. The Dodgers, for example, were known as the Robins and so on. The Senators.... never had another pet name and I can find no solid example of anyone ever having called them the "nats", not to say nobody did, I wasn't fucking alive then. They were in the American League. I have a TON of original baseball materials from that era and NONE say anything but Senators.

/baseball historian

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: April 17, 2005 08:10PM

Nats historyhref>
Baseball in DChref>

There you go bro, I was just reading what I read and what I was told. Didn't mean to get you upset. Anyways, my boss is 60 years old and was the one that told me he remembers his dad calling it the "Nationals" and telling him about the changeover to the "Senators" because the majority of the public referred to them as the Senators and only a few people called them the Nationals. But if you check the first link, it also states what I said. I guess me and these other websites can be wrong. But I was just taking a tab at answering the question.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2005 08:15PM by asnpcwiz.

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 17, 2005 08:12PM

who said I was upset? how nice of you to tell me how I feel.

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 17, 2005 08:13PM

and since when does anyone around here listen to a 60-year-old man... the washington area is famous for it's total disregard for seniors..

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 17, 2005 08:26PM

yeah so i read the first source you listed... it completely backs up what I said. It even says the term "nationals" was an INCORPORATION... the team name never changed.

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: April 18, 2005 09:25AM

Rstidman, I'm not trying to argue with you, but after reading the first paragraph again, the link actually says, and I quote:

"In the early 1950's the team changed logos to one incorporating 'NATIONALS' within it, after the fans continued to reject the name they were official renamed Senators in 1956."

Meaning that the logos were changed in 1950's to INCORPORATE the name Nationals within it. And that they were officially changed to the Senators when fans continued to reject the name. That actually backs up what I said. Maybe you should read it again. I don't know where you read that "nationals was an INCORPRATION", maybe you can show me where it says that.

Regardless, the point of my thread to begin with was to say how excited I was for a win at home on home opener at 34 years. I think this stuff we are talking about is pretty trivial.

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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: LolZzz ()
Date: January 17, 2010 04:57PM


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Re: Nationals bring it home!!!
Posted by: LolZzzzzzz ()
Date: January 17, 2010 06:26PM

LolZzz Wrote:
> LolZ


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