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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Burnout ()
Date: September 21, 2011 02:27PM

To Stephen J,

It'll be VASAP, you'll likely be put into ADS if you fail any of the drug tests... or they'll extend your probation or something along those lines, basically try to get more money out of you...

its somewhat of a money racket but I'm not complaining... Its a pretty good alternative for first offenders (of marijuana possession), which is the boat I'm in. I'd rather do this bullshit than have a possession charge on my record.

Lesson learned I suppose, never slack on following every precaution to avoid getting nabbed... ESPECIALLY in this county... ugh I hate most of the cops here ... just don't drive with weed in your car/or TRY to not let them search you but good luck with that... When I got caught, it was MID DAY for having my brake light out. Everything about the traffic stop was going fantastic, I was very polite and respectful to the officer and he treated me the same... He issued the warning, had me step out of my car to give it to me, and then just nicely asked if he could search my car, claiming it would look good to his lieutenant if he was out the searching people (buncha bullshit), I even said "so youd just like to search me for no reason really, is there ANY probable cause whatsoever?" and he just says no, not really I just want to search your car... I refused 3 more times telling him I was in somewhat of a hurry.. Then he proceeded to threaten me with a K9 unit.. I refused again, and waited a little bit before saying "okay fine you can take a look--- at whats in plain sight, since you havent done that yet, but you cant open anything in there... the officer stopped listening to me when I said "take a look" and just ransacked my car and found my weed in my backpack... like a gram in an airtight container... Wasn't cuffed or arrested, just ticketed. Since then, I've been searched TWICE during minor traffic stops, once for going 67 on 55 on the highway, and the other for having something hanging from my rearview... the last time I didn't let them search my car successfully, but listen to this-- the cop tried to pull probable cause RIGHT out of his ass... reached in my pocket and just grabbed whatever was in there while searching me for no reason outside of my car, and said "you know I think I got a whiff of some weed off the stuff in your pocket. you sure you dont have anything in your car, why can't I take a look"... after that I just flipped a shit cause it was ABSOLUTELY impossible that anything in my pocket smelled like weed.. he was silent after I called him out and then basically let me go... I told him I'm not letting you search my car simply because
I'm starting to take it personally now... Both times after the first, I was just on my way home from work... I don't understand, I'm so damn respectful and nice... I guess I just look suspicious somehow, or maybe its my piece of shit car... or I'm just really unlucky. I just need to get out of this damn area...


VASAP will only test you twice after the intake assessment.. I thought I was going to get tested today during my intake assessment but they didn't, and my counselor put me into the minimum of the courses, which is just the education portion without AA or NA (narcotics anonymous). It really depends on how the counselor feels about you during the interview. I was honest during my interview and told them I had been smoking regularly since I got caught, and my counselor decided to not even give me the initial test... My prior understanding was, you can go in and fail the shit out of the first test, and they use that a baseline for your next tests, you just gotta make sure your levels go down... but my understanding was also that the first drug screening determines what courses you're placed into but thats not how it worked for me... I came in expecting to be put into the habitual user course considering how filthy my piss would have been if they had tested me but I guess not...

Damn I was just trying to answer your questions but I ranted like some shit...
Well the two tests will be random in the 6 months so just be careful dude, and if you haven't met your probation counselor yet be honest but not too honest don't act like you don't want to be there...

6 months really isn't all that bad... hang in there ladies and gentlemen! The sooner its over, the sooner you can go harddddd without a worry.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: SootEnTye ()
Date: September 21, 2011 02:42PM

When i took ASAP it was for an underage possesion of alcohol. But somehow i was in a class full of adults who all had gotten DUI's.

It is the Virginia Alchol and Substance Abuse Program, so to those that are wondering why they test for any and all drugs and alcohol that explains it. You obviously abused alcohol or some substance in some form so you have the potential risk to abuse other substances...

As far as testing we were given breath tests at the start of every class.

For the urine tests they seemed to sterotype the shit outta the participants as only myself the freshman college kid and the only black guy in the class actually got piss tested.

But when you get a piss test they give you a big plastic bag with cup and everything in it. If i remember right you have 48 hours to goto a Quest Diagnostic and get the test taken. It is not a on the spot pop test.

Hope this helps

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: BeenThere ()
Date: September 21, 2011 02:48PM

They will likely test you first class. Their testing method is poor and unreliable, but they don't care. No one does. Politcians supposedly love this ASAP crap because it pays for itself and keeps people out of jail.

You will be kicked out of class if positive for any illegal substance no matter if it has a bearing on your original charge or not and summoned back to court- likely weeks/months after they report you. Once back in Court, you will be likely re-assigned to the same classes crap and your case will be continued on ad infinitum.

Its a scam to make money for the system and employ supposedly former druggies. Its a bad joke for their victims/inmates/students. I have never heard anyone say they saw the light and got sober after going to VASAP classes.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: SootEnTye ()
Date: September 21, 2011 03:23PM

If you want to pass your drug test i recommend...

1. Buying Qcarbo32 $40 from GNC or VitaminShoppe, drink this roughly 3 hours prior to your drug test as contrary to popular belief doesn't actually clean you out permanently, but rather gives you a 6-8 hour window of clean piss. (Drink lots of water after you take the drink. This drink gurantee's that you will pass or your money back but i have heard of some people failing using the drink, but they probably didnt follow the directions on the bottle and the ones i posted.

2. Method 2 which requires more balls but if done right is 100%. Get clean piss from someone guy or girl doesnt matter. If your test isnt for a few days freeze it right away in a water bottle and thaw a few hours prior to your test.

The hardest part of this is getting the temperature of the piss correct. To do this you will need thermometer of somesort. A cheap digital cooking thermometer is fast and easy to use and read. Good idea to get one that doesnt make any beeping sounds, usually the cheap ones dont.

Next you must heat the piss up to the correct temperature, to do this put the piss into a ziplock bag make sure its a good quality one not a cheap one, as well as some hand warmers (like the ones used when you go skiing). Insert the bag flat down the front of your pants and wear a pair of white tighties and a belt for safety. Leave a little bit of the top of the bag where the "zip" is protruding above your belt pant/waist line and sinch your belt down to keep the bag from moving/falling out, then tuck the excess/showing part of the bag ("zip part") down over top your underwear but under your pant waist.

(hope i explained it well enough)...
So the bag is against your skin with only the top inch or so of the bag with the zip part is sticking above your belt line.

Drop 2 hand warmers into your white tighties and then pull your underwear up over the bag still with the inch or so protruding above your waistline.

Now the bag of pee should be sandwhiched inbetween your bare skin and the handwarmers in the underwear. Take the inch or so of exposed bag and fold it down overtop of your underwear. Then pull your pants on to completely conceal the exposed bag, and sinch your belt down snugly ontop of your underwear waistline.

This method will ensure the bag will not move around and possibly fall out. If done correctly you should beable to walk/jog/jump with the bag being secure.

Now for the part that requires balls...

The day of the test wear long socks and long pants. stick your thermometer lengthways into your sock on the side of your calf/shin to conceal it. And prepare your undearwear and pants as above.

VERY IMPORTANT. It is always better that you get the pee too hot than not hot enough as you can always cool it down once you are in the bathroom.

When i tested they checked my pockets and put blue dye in the toilet water, and instructed me to not run anywater or flush the toilet. Also you have a timelimit of 3 or so minutes to do the test. If you are taking your test at quest diagnostic IT WILL NOT BE OBSERVED.

Close the door remove the bag and immediately test the temp of the pee with thermometer. If it is too hot blow directly on the pee. This actually cools it down surprisingly quickly so do not do it too much and keep testing after every 10 seconds of blowing on it. You are shooting for 97-99 degrees in temperature. after the pee in the bag is the correct temp dump it in the test cup stuff the bag back down your pants and return the thermometer to your sock.

Walk out with a big smile on your face and try not to act nervous.

It takes some balls but this method is fail proof long as you follow your directions.



Good luck!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Joe Blow ()
Date: September 28, 2011 07:09PM

the incompetence is rampant. in 05 I was ordered to have an interloc put on my truck in order to get restricted license. I had that done but the DMV was still giving me shit and wouldnt give me restricted for whatever reason but I already had this thing on and paid the money so I was driving suspended anyway so I went every month and had it downloaded and after a year when I finished VASAP sent me a letter saying I sucessfully completed all the requirements and was cleared to be reinstated. Nobody ever noticed that I hadnt gotten restricted license and was driving around suspended for a year. We were only made to blow in the first 5 classes and piss in the 7th.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: ddy ()
Date: October 14, 2011 11:40PM

I haven't had a drink since my dui and I've had my initial ASAP meeting (where I was breathalyzed). My classes don't start until December but I have to stop in to breathalyze once a week between Mon. and Thur. until then. I'm trying to limit the number of people who know about the dui and I have a company function next Friday My co-workers know I drink beer and there will be alcohol there. Don't want to raise suspicion by not drinking at all but wondering if I have a couple beers and don't test until the following Wed. or Thur. if it will be detected. Does anyone know for sure?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: noone ()
Date: October 15, 2011 02:34AM

Breathalizer only works for about an hour per beer, the urine tests can detech alcohol up to 80 hours.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: ddy ()
Date: October 15, 2011 08:08PM

Thanks so much noone. That is pretty consistent with everything else I've found as well.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Stephen J ()
Date: October 16, 2011 09:11PM

I wasn't tested on the intake, but on the first orientation meeting i was tested and passed it. So my other question is can they still test you after you have finished all of the classes? I am supposvley free november 27th but can i be tested after that?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: sach ()
Date: November 30, 2011 04:58AM

do they drug test at the initial meeting

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Be There Done That ()
Date: December 16, 2011 10:02AM

Hi! I went through this a year ago when my Mom was dying of cancer for a DWI. I got my charges dropped down to a wet reckless driving. If, you get a probation officer named Rafael Ortiga. I think that's how you spell his name. This guy will try to fuck with you. Fred Nixon seems like a saint compared to this asshole.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: December 17, 2011 11:10AM

I just completed the VASAP program, at the Bull Run Office. The program consisted of:
- an intake and evaluation (cost $300.00)
- referral and evaluation by private “counselor” (cost $90.00)
- 25 MANDATORY “counseling” sessions (cost $35.00 ea total $875.00)
- 5 MANDATORY “relapse prevention”/drug and driving “awareness” sessions (cost $25.00 ea total $75.00)
Total cost $1,340.00 for 47.5 hours of “getting my mind right”.

I had to sign a contract stating that I would not use illegal drugs or alcohol during my “treatment”. I also acknowledged, by my signature, that I agreed to drug testing (at any time) during the period I was enrolled in ASAP. During my 30 weeks of “treatment”, I was never asked to donate either a breath or urine sample. The only folks in my “treatment” groups/classes that were sampled, were “breathalyzed” via their ignition interlock devices (if one was so ordered by he court).

The entire experience was a waste of time as far as any rehabilitation was concerned. I learned nothing and the only thing of value I received was a handout listing the maximum punishments for DWI/DUI first and subsequent offenses. If I was given that handout at the time I received my VA drivers license, being aware of the penalties for DWI/DUI, I might have avoided the incident that caused me to enroll in VASAP to begin with.

A much more effective program would have been to increase the fine and give the guilty 48 hours of community service with mandatory participation in an alcohol awareness program, such as AA or RR.

Dealing with the ASAP and DMV personnel was very disheartening. They are typical government bureaucrats who presume you guilty before you even go to court and then tell you need to be punished for your crime against society. I guess from their perspective, a parking ticket is a crime against society. No one I dealt with in the program seemed interested in my rehabilitation. They just wanted my money, and as much of it as they could grab. Miss a session? Pay for it anyway!! Miss two sessions? Pay for them and go back to court, probably to go off to jail and/or be court ordered to mandatory in patient de-tox/re-hab (cost is no object for the guilty!).

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: jane doe ()
Date: January 23, 2012 09:43PM

Any one missed a class and got to
Make it up or did u really have to go back to court

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: thugslovehugs ()
Date: January 25, 2012 01:12AM

I have a restricted license. I have finished all my classes and I'm going in for what I think should be my final meeting on thursday morning. With 29 days left until I got my license I got pulled over for "Driving Outside Restriction" because I wa going to the store to get food because I had none at my house at the moment. I have notified my probation officer, but I have not headed from her. Should I contact my vasap case manager or should I just wait until thursday. I don't want to jeopardize my chances of getting my license for the month before my court date. Any advice? It would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Crying For you ()
Date: January 25, 2012 05:14AM

thugslovehugs Wrote:
> I have a restricted license. I have finished all
> my classes and I'm going in for what I think
> should be my final meeting on thursday morning.
> With 29 days left until I got my license I got
> pulled over for "Driving Outside Restriction"
> because I wa going to the store to get food
> because I had none at my house at the moment. I
> have notified my probation officer, but I have not
> headed from her. Should I contact my vasap case
> manager or should I just wait until thursday. I
> don't want to jeopardize my chances of getting my
> license for the month before my court date. Any
> advice? It would be greatly appreciated.

I wa going to the store to get food because I had none at my house at the moment.

You brought tears to my eyes with that sorry ass excuse. You should have walked your stupid ass to the 7/11. Hope you don't get your license for your continued stupidity.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: January 27, 2012 03:38PM

You were charged with,"Driving Outside Restriction", why were you pulled over in the first place? My instructions were to report to my VASAP case worker within 3 work days. How have you made out, so far?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: dbfour ()
Date: January 28, 2012 07:08PM

I'd flee the state before I ever went though that bullshit again. VA is becoming a fucking police state, and ASAP is their reeducation camp.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: sanduskied ()
Date: January 28, 2012 07:28PM

At my ASAP class the instructor kept me after class and touched me in the bad place. He said it was to test for illegal viagra and then he put his mouth on it and said he was checking for alcohol in my pee which he said would make it taste different. Then he did a rectal check to see if I had put any vodka-soaked tampons up there at all. It was pretty humiliating to be honest.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: wonderwoman ()
Date: March 12, 2012 10:40AM

I am a little confused by all the rambling mayhem on this blog. However, I am one of the unfortunate ones who made the mistake of driving under the influence and got caught. To all of the judgemental people who are taking the high and mighty stance, you have no clue who we are or what kind of people we are. A DWI/DUI are the only charges that affect criminals and non-criminals alike. Most everyone who drinks has driven before, even if it was only one.

Anyway, to sanduskied, you really need to report that incident to the police. Are you a minor? Did you realize when it was happening that it was clearly wrong?? I feel sorry for you if that happened. But you need to speak up because that person is likely doing it to others.

I go this week for my intake. I was transferred from Stafford Cty court to Fairfax Cty where I reside. I was hoping the stories about Fairfax VASAP were better than the Fredericksburg one, but it doesn't seem like it. If I go by everything that was said on here, I will be regularly tested during the 10 weeks of VASAP, then randomly tested for the remainder of the time of my restricted license, correct?

Also, why does everyone keep referring to a PO? I have not heard anything about being assigned to a PO. I don't know a lot about how this works, because no one close to me has gone through this. Any reasonable information would be appreciated.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: March 13, 2012 10:08AM

Please see my post above. I attended Bull Run ASAP in Pr. Wm. Co, I was never tested (breath or urine) during my one year in the program, My "PO" was really a case worker, not a probation officer. I reported to him/her as necessary, usually when the case worker wanted or needed to talk to me. Usual method of communication was US Mail. Good Luck! Any further questions about my experience, please post.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: r ()
Date: March 14, 2012 10:33AM

They don't drug test at VASAP they only do breath test...They make you watch hours of DR. Phil. PAINFUL! I should have got into this line of work. Each student pays $400 and the teacher basically shows a VCR tape of dr. phil each class..EASY $$$$$$$$!!!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Lee ()
Date: March 27, 2012 07:23PM

This is a very pointless program. I
Smoke usually and drink
Rarely and nothing else and I'm going thru so much BS cuz of this and yes I almost lost my 2 jobs cuz I didn't get restricted right away and almost lost my house , car and fucked credit all to getting a small possesion of /Mary and first charge as an adult too! Bullshit

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Luvs2Splooge ()
Date: April 16, 2012 07:07PM

I'm enrolled in VASAP now. my meetings start May 1st in ffx county. This program is expensive but it's better than a misdemeanor. In addition, I've heard you're only drug tested twice and then you're basically scotch free. Don't drive unless you're bum-fuck retarded and just go to class. 6 months is nothing. Not driving sucks, probation sucks, community service sucks, but the worst part is not being able to smoke. I miss my green -_-

First random drug test is on the 24th of April. Poppin' niacin like candy.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASAPBULLRUN ()
Date: May 15, 2012 05:58PM

VASubVet Wrote:
> Please see my post above. I attended Bull Run
> ASAP in Pr. Wm. Co, I was never tested (breath or
> urine) during my one year in the program, My "PO"
> was really a case worker, not a probation officer.
> I reported to him/her as necessary, usually when
> the case worker wanted or needed to talk to me.
> Usual method of communication was US Mail. Good
> Luck! Any further questions about my experience,
> please post.

I am attending classes in Manassas Park, I didnt realize there were classes in Bull Run. Anyway, I know Manassas Park communicate through US Mail. What would the letter say, how much notice does it give you before you have to call in? I'm worried if I'm not at home for a few days that I'll miss the test? Thanks

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: What? ()
Date: May 15, 2012 06:36PM

Manassas is a toilet. How about you stop it with the drinking and driving.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: May 15, 2012 10:11PM

Bull Run VASAP is the one located in Manassas Park (check your paperwork or the VASAP web page). They always gave me two weeks notice, by mail. Normal letter just told you the date, time, purpose, amd location of your next appointment. Classes, counseling appointments, final evaluation, etc.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: brainpolice ()
Date: May 22, 2012 03:08PM

i have my last asap class tonight. they breathalyzed us twice during the 9 week program and never drug tested anyone so far as i know. the class is very annoying, a complete waste of time but overwhelmingly easy. just show up on time and dont miss any classes and it goes quickly. 3 out of the 18 people in my "class" graduated from West Springfield for whatever thats worth

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: BS ()
Date: May 22, 2012 03:15PM

They will drug test you whenever they feel like it. Stop being a loser and sober up.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: ddd ()
Date: May 22, 2012 04:59PM

VASAP is a JOKE...called PO 10 times without a call back...can someone call mr Robbins 703.246.2828 and tell him he's a dumb ass..1.5million people get dui's...thats over a half a billion $ to VASAP ...where does that money go?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Jason ()
Date: May 22, 2012 06:37PM

Does anybody know what happens if you miss your first class? I showed up 2-5 minutes late and the sherriff would not let me in. I told my caseworker and have an appointment with her this week but I recently received a letter in the mail for court.

Now I'm scared sh!tless!!!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: davidoh ()
Date: May 28, 2012 11:06AM

I really would like someone who has gone through VASAP to give me the total picture. I just got a .20 dui in Arlington.

How many VASAP classes will I have to attend in total. Will they allow me to take them in Fairfax instead of Arlington (Is that a good idea?)

Am I required to abstain completely from alcohol for the length of the program?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: May 28, 2012 01:22PM

It seems different VASAP centers have different programs. Mine was in PW County. 25 weeks of "counseling" and 5 weeks of driver eduscation. Had to sign a document sating I would not drink ANY alcohol while in the program and was subject to drug test (breath and/or urine) at the whim of the VASAP counselors/case workers. We did have one "transfer" from Richmond, but that was a special circumstance.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: BS ()
Date: May 30, 2012 01:14AM

Got a DWI 10 years a go out of state and never did the out of state classes. Now Virginia finds out and revokes my liscense. Ans it sounds like I have to take ASAP in Virginia to get my record cleaned up out of state. Has anyone heard of this? I have a Virgina Liscense for 15 years and never any problems until now. This is BS!! is there anyone with this same issue? Any help would really be cool!! Thanks

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: vasap testing ()
Date: May 31, 2012 04:48PM

Anybody tell me whether I would prefer Fairfax vasap to Arlington (if given a choice) .
Not trying to avoid my punishment. Any run down of what to expect and what I will experience in vasap (and adp isthat mandatory?)

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: asapisawesome ()
Date: May 31, 2012 10:27PM

The Fairfax county ASAP classes are no big deal, and I actually found it helpful to talk to and listen to other people's situations. The sessions went by really quick and while not really useful, at least you get to hear about how other people got busted, some of which are interesting stories.

The stuff that goes along with ASAP depending on what your BAC level was sucks. One thing I never realized is that the higher your BAC is when you get caught the worse the punishment.

Counseling was really difficult for me, 6 months (give or take) of one on one, hour long congnitive behavioral therapy. The ASAP intake lies to you about having to go get an "evaluation". If they tell you that be ready to lose a lot of money and time going to counseling. My recommendation is just to go to the state run sessions, they probably take it less seriously than if you go to one of counselors off their "approved list". You can also double, triple up on the Fairfax run sessions in one day. I pretty much was scared to do anything other than skirt the truth the whole time with my counselor in fear that they would extend the amount of sessions -- which in the end defeats the purpose.

The interlock is no fun either .... if you are in VA and a first time DUI offender after July 1st, they can make you get interlock now, no matter what your BAC is. I don't know if its mandatory or not, but trust me you don't want to deal with it.

Finally not being able to drive anywhere but home/work for a whole year is probably one of the most depressing things I've ever had to deal with so far in my life. You better hope you are married, have a live in significant other, live in a city, or have REALLY awesome friends. Otherwise good luck doing anything social like dating, you'd probably be better off with herpes.

If anyone has any specific questions about the whole process in Fairfax let me know and I'll gladly answer what I can.

Short of it is, if you are going out "drinking" don't drive -- eventually you will probably get busted.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: reply to asapis awesome ()
Date: June 01, 2012 10:48AM

How long is the max ads
I take it from your postthat I should opt for the county run instead of private. My lawyer thinks he can work it so I do vsap inmy home county of Fairfax (instead of Arlington) good idea?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: June 01, 2012 11:11AM

They are random. BEst thing to do is, if you have to drink the night before class....set a limit. A cut off time. I remember having Saturday class at 11am. I would hang out until 10pm. No more than 3 beers.

I'll never forget the time this older guy came in REAKING of alcohol. Dude probably could have blown an easy .20. He faked a mild heart attack right when the instructor walked in. Got away with it....insane.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: June 01, 2012 11:14AM

The level you blow also plays a big part. ASAP is always the same....12 classes I think. ADS varies depending on the offense and what level you blow. I had to do about 12-15 weeks of ADS and I blew .12 I think. Guys in there with me blew like .20 +....they were doing 20+ weeks.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: asapisawesome ()
Date: June 01, 2012 11:15AM

If you mean ADS counseling, I heard of people getting as many as 24 sessions. But again, you can do multiple sessions a week, and multiple sessoins an hour, plus its group counseling so you only talk maybe 15 mins per session, the rest is listening. If you do the private counseling its most likely one on one which means you are talking the whole time, and if it was like my situation they weren't available to do more than 1 hour at a time, or 1 session a week.

As far as doing ASAP in Fairfax vs Arlington, I don't have any experience with Arlington, but Fairfax was pretty easy. Keep in mind your restricted license allows you to drive to ASAP so if you spend much time in Arlington then being able to drive there because of ASAP might actually be beneficial.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Pao ()
Date: June 01, 2012 03:00PM

i just recently got a DWI and im thinking of signing up for the VASAP classes before my actualy court date, would that be a good move in front of the judge or might as well wait ? its a first offence but i blew a .18 ...AND also i was wondering if i should definitely get a lawyer or should i just use the appointed court lawyers to save money ? info would be so very helpful THANKS !

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: asapisawesome ()
Date: June 01, 2012 03:09PM

Without a lawyer you are looking at 5 days in jail... if that isn't a big deal to you then the lawyer probably isn't going to get you much else.

I would go ahead and pre-enroll for ASAP, it *might* help your case and at a bare minimum you will get that part done sooner.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Pao ()
Date: June 01, 2012 03:21PM

But why am i seeing all these people say that these classes and restricted license is a better alternative to jail time? seems like they had to take the classes instead of the jail times...and im saying are the court appointed lawyers not good enough as representation? I just want to see if itll be neccesary to hire a lawyer. Ive asked around and some people didnt get a lawyer and didnt get jail time. Just wondering what to do

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: asapisawesome ()
Date: June 01, 2012 04:13PM

From what I remember .15 or higher BAC is 5 days mandatory jail time. .20 or higher is 10 days mandatory jail time. The only way people get out of jail at those BAC levels is if you or your lawyer can plea down the BAC level you had when arrested. The one that counts is the one they had got at the station. If there was any kind of discrepancy with the BAC levels (field test vs station) that might be grounds for getting it reduced. In my experience they won't just lower it because you pre-enrolled for ASAP.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: ffxsux ()
Date: June 01, 2012 05:01PM

Watch them make your pee samples! I was tested because I was on medicade and came up posistive, but at 8mo pregnant, I hadn't smoked in over 7months! Required to take ASAP AND parenting classes!!! I tested negative 3days later at ADS intake!!!!

And like someone said before, if you're a fattie, it doesn't pass from your system in 2 days...not even 2 weeks!!! Trust me, at 8mo preggo, I was a fattie, it did not miracurously pass outta my system, it was never there! And 6mo of hell to go through cause someone fucked up!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: June 01, 2012 07:06PM

Get a blood test, not a breath test. It's much easier to refute. I got my BAC totally thrown out and and got off with no jail, minimum fine, and no ignition interlock. Just ASAP and 1 year restricted license.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: June 02, 2012 09:16AM

Unfortunately, I learned too late that starting VASAP prior to trial does nothing except hurt your case with the VASAP folks. I was pre-judged and punished by them with the maximum "rehabilitation" program (read more time and money) based on the BAC on my ticket (>.2%). If I waited till after court, I pleaded guilty to refusal (0,0%), thus not requiring all that "rehabilitation", 0.0% would have been the only number they saw.

Remember, these people do not want to stop drunk drivers. If there were no drunk drivers, an entire cottage industry would dry up and they would be out of jobs!!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Manasshole ()
Date: June 26, 2012 09:29PM

I just got done with intake in bullrun asap, the case manager didnt breathlyze me or test me at all. Pretty nice people in there for the most part.I was wondering if anybody knew if the Bullrun vasap actually calls you in randomly to do a urine/breath test or do they wait till class.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Dear VaSubVet ()
Date: June 27, 2012 07:51AM

Sure ask for the blood test. I hope you paid a lot for it.

You still were drinking and driving. Did you learn your lesson? Just ASAP and a restricted license sounds awful.

No where do you seem remorseful.

I guess you think you beat the system and won.

All of you are losers!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: July 01, 2012 06:04PM

Blood test cost as much as a breath test.

A lot of people drink and drive, it's not against the law. When will the holier than thou learn that?

Why should I seem remorseful? I maintain I did nothing wrong, except run out of money to pay lawyers' fees.

Nothing to feel remorseful about. VASAP is a joke, the people are wasting a lot of money on it. The restricted license and ignition interlock programs are absolute farces. When will these idiots figure that out?

No, I don't think I beat the system. They got their pound of flesh.

If the idiots really wanted to stop repeat offenders (which they don't) they'd stop thinking they can "rehabilitate" people. Put some real teeth into enforcement, not punishment.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: MENSA reject ()
Date: July 01, 2012 06:13PM

VASubVet Wrote:
> A lot of people drink and drive, it's not against
> the law.
retard girl.jpg

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Re: VASAP class Can you take opiates in VASAP if you are prescribed them by your Dr.?
Posted by: tired of it ()
Date: July 05, 2012 10:27PM

Can you take opiates while in VASAP if your Dr. has prescribed them to you?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: thrownunderthebus ()
Date: July 12, 2012 01:45PM

I just completed my intake in Fairfax today. There was no BAC with my DUI plea, and I have no criminal history, nor do I have any major traffic violations, I've never been in trouble due to alcohol and don't have a drinking problem. However, because I mentioned that I have anxiety problems and take medication for anxiety attacks, it seems I was considered high risk and ordered to the second tier of the program - abstinence, VASAP classes for 10 weeks, and AA or some other type of group counseling. I cannot believe this. It seems like you're always under the stigma of a DUI charge or conviction - whether you are guilty or not.
With that said, can anyone tell me how often I will be subject to random testing during my year of probation? Do they require urine/blood at every meeting or is it random? I hate not knowing what is going on, and I can't seem to get a clear understanding of how they make the determination.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: scottt ()
Date: July 16, 2012 10:35AM

you only have to be abstinate for the duration that you are enrolled in any asap mandated program. that includes the time that you are enrolled in vsap classes and any group therapy that the nazis force you into. do not test positive for any alcohol during this time or they will completely fuck you.

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Re: VASAP class
Date: July 18, 2012 01:17PM

Does random mean they can call you in at any hour to test? I would appreciate any clear definition/experience as to how this random testing works. I just want to know if I could get woken up in the middle of the night to come in and test, or if I am out of town, etc. I don't want to fail the program and am doing everything I'm supposed to. However, my paperwork said that I cannot consume alcohol for the duration of my probation - the assholes in Stafford County gave me 3 years probation. Does that mean I can't have a beer or a glass of wine for 3 years until my court proabtion is over???

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Porter ()
Date: July 18, 2012 02:04PM

Drink at your own risk. I would imagine they use the Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) urine screening, which looks back as far as 5 days. ASAP gives you 24 hours to take the screening kit to the testing facility. A missed screening is presumed to be a positive result.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Max V ()
Date: July 23, 2012 01:53PM

I am on probation till February 1 2013, one more VASAP class to go, can they still drug test me after the classes are done? I have not be tested once and only caught an underage possession of alcohol charge anyone have any info for me?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: scott ()
Date: July 24, 2012 12:47PM

Porter Wrote:
> Drink at your own risk. I would imagine they use
> the Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) urine screening, which
> looks back as far as 5 days. ASAP gives you 24
> hours to take the screening kit to the testing
> facility. A missed screening is presumed to be a
> positive result.

This is not correct in Fairfax

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Sick2mystomach ()
Date: September 23, 2012 07:01PM

I'm very new to the state of VA & just got my license & registration changed to this state. I live in Alexandria but was pulled over, arrested, charged in with a DUI in Stafford, VA. This is my first offense and I don't have any traffic violations or anything on my record. So, yes I am freaking out. I did hire an attorney but after reading all these posts, I am terrified. I just pray the guidance my attorney is giving will be helpful but it sounds like this state will throw the book at you for anything. I work full time and I am part time military and having to do all these things will definitely be harsh but I guess it's more about safety and of course paying a considerable amount of money. I'm upset at myself because I don't even drink and the one time I decide to relax a bit, this is what I get handed to me. I definitely know I will not be drinking every again. I'm trying to keep my head up and stay positive but it is what it is.

Does anyone have any advice they would like to offer me?
I do appreciate being able to read all these experiences because it has given me a little more insigt to what I may be faced with.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Burpees ()
Date: September 24, 2012 10:55PM

I'll throw in my two cents. I did VASAP for a possession charge a few years ago. I had a formal probation officer who tested me once a month. One of the requirements was that I did not abuse alcohol to the point that it interfered with my job/schooling. When I did VASAP, they told me to abstain completely. I was never urine tested, only given a breathalyzer at the end of each class. I was never called back by them and my papers went through to my P.O. after I was done with the classes.

I have a friend who got his third DUI in October. His probation stipulated abstainance from alcohol. He still drinks every night. He has two weeks of VASAP left and hasn't pissed once. Two of my other friends have gotten DUIs as well. Both drank during the VASAP program. Neither did the night before, and they only had breathalyzer tests.

From what I've heard and experienced, these classes are an inconvenience and little more than that. Be respectful, show up on time, and maybe don't drink the first few weeks until you get the feel for the class. If you work or go to school, you're much less likely to be called in for random testing.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: peeincup ()
Date: September 25, 2012 12:01AM

The VASAP classes from what I experienced, and everything I read, don't do anything other than the very occasional breathalyzer.

On the otherhand, if VASAP sends you to any type of counseling, that is where you will be required to submit to random EtG urine tests, which can detect alcohol consumption up to 80 hours.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Sick2mystomach ()
Date: September 25, 2012 07:54PM

I'm not sure if the recent posting from Burpees & peeincup was some advice for me but I certainly appreciate it. Just not sure what to expect from court or the class other than shelling out $$$. I definitely don't want to be in this situation again ever in my life. I do work full time, so I'm hoping the VASAP will work with my schedule. Maybe I'm too optimistic about it...

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Burpees ()
Date: September 30, 2012 12:08AM

Sick2mystomach - You may be a little optimistic. It depends on where your probation is located. If it's in Arlington, there are classes that are easy to access for people with full time jobs during the week. If it's Fairfax or Alexandria, you should be able to do these classes after work. If you wind up having to do VASAP in Stafford for any reason (can't personally see why) then it may be tougher logistically. My guess, you'll be able to take these classes in the evening. Maybe you'll have to get off a little early one night a week.

What to expect from the class: 2 hour sessions for 10 weeks. Breathalyzers .I've never heard of anyone being urine tested before/after class in Arl/Ffx/Alex, and I've never heard of anyone being called in randomly unless your intake suggests an alcohol/drug problem or you get a non-compliance for any reason. It's an inconvenience, act interested, be respectful.

What to expect from court: Don't know if you read the thread, but hire an attorney. Punishments vary by case and district. From what I've seen my buddies go through, it's miserable and they try to ensure that you don't do it again.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Sick2mystomach ()
Date: October 01, 2012 09:01PM

Thanks Burpees for the feedback. The attorney I hired has suggested I do the voluntary pre-enrollment into VASAP. So I've already sent in my stuff & was transferred to Fairfax but I'm going to ask for Alexandria.

Oh please believe me when I say, I don't drink & haven't since that night it happened. It's unfortunate but I'm passed remorseful because this is beyond anything I've ever done or been involved in to have to deal with in my life. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. I just realize bad things can happen to good people or anyone for that matter. I'm respectful & pleasant naturally, it's not forced. So I just want to have my day in court with my attorney representation & deal with the cards I get handed. So this why I'm sick2mystomach. However, I will say never say what you won't do because life will make a liar out of anyone. Thank you again for the information, it has been helpful.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: October 02, 2012 06:45PM

I can only offer you the details of my experience with the MADD/DUI GESTAPO. In Pr. Wm. County, the penalty was 25, 1 and 1/2 hours sessions of group therapy (@ $35.00 a session). Also, 5, 2 hour sessions with the VASAP folks (included in the $375.00 VASAP fee). We had to agree to give urine samples as ordered and take breathalizer tests as ordered. No one in my group ever had to do either. However, one person was dropped from the program and had to do his/her "hard" jail time because his/her auto interlock system registered too high. I think the VA law has been changed to force you to get an interlock device, no matter waht you BAC conviction. Be careful with that device. A lot of folks had hard times with false positives and random check times (i.e. while driving down the beltway at rush hour).

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: payitforward ()
Date: October 08, 2012 11:23PM

I appreciated the honest accounts on the internet and feel like it's my time to pay it forward. I too have put this experience behind me, albeit recently (half a year ago) and will speak from experience with a DUI. First, like Sick2mystomach, I was worried and looking all over the internet for any bit of information. It is comforting to hear others' experiences, thus why I'll share mine. I was one of the dumb ones who blew high enough to trigger the second level of misery, which contains many uncomfortable experiences, but since this thread primarily concerns VASAP and similar issues, I will stick to that and try to be as useful and brief as possible.

First, a law was passed that started in July, and if you get convicted of DUI, you'll have to get an interlock. The spirit behind the device is understandable, but you'll find that these are not designed very well. First, do your homework on the companies. They use different devices. If you don't drive your car a long way to work (more than 20 minutes total a day), the device *will* drain your battery. This is of course worse in the winter. There are some devices that apparently can have the head removed so that it is less battery draining. I didn't have that. If you must, you should purchase a trickle charger. I never had to deal with a disconnect, but I often would drive the car in circles around the block in order to prevent the drain. You will also have to make some hum noise as you blow to make it work. Trust me, you'll be so paranoid, and it's so loud, that you won't miss it. What might happen though is that you get bent out of shape trying to blow properly in the middle of traffic, and you may have to re-do it a few times. As long as you eventually get it right without turning off the car and leaving it, you won't log a refusal. So please remember, if it asks, you have to blow. I never blew a false positive nor an offense. Don't use mouthwash or nyquil. I was so paranoid I used Tom's natural toothpaste. Just deal, and you'll dance a jig the day you get it de-installed.

There is also a lot of confusion about breathalyzer and urine testing. As you have probably ascertained by simply reading this thread, it all depends upon your VASAP office. I know this firsthand, because I was a transfer but went to my original (where the offense took place) office to first get things sorted out. They did not, I repeat, did not make me sign an abstinence pledge. Because I had read on the internet that I might have to, I specifically asked about this, and they said they didn't do that. I wound up transfering to a place that did make you sign an abstinence pledge, regardless of what level you were placed in, even though the intro video (which was produced in 2006) said this would only affect treatment patients. I indeed *was* called in for two urine test over the course of the VASAP year as were others in my class with whom I remained in contact. It was indeed an Etg test administered by Redwood Toxicology labs. My one urine test was during my 10 week class, and the other was right before my mid-term meeting - so yes, the timing can be predictable. Furthermore, my office would send out a letter to notify participants of tests. There was not a quick 24 hour turnaround or anything like that. For the first test, I got a Monday letter for a Thursday test. In the other instance, I was given over a week's notice. I passed both. I should add that I was not in treatment. This was standard (albeit 2nd level) VASAP. We were breathalyzed in about half of our classes. By the by, once you get your license back (the VASAP release), you are done with them. So even if you have a 2-3 year probation, VASAP (if done properly) should only last a year. I also should mention that I don't advocate drinking during the program, but for those who are curious, it's absolute hogwash about the etg test going back 5 days. The amount of etg your body creates is dose dependent, so you aren't going to eat Bananas Foster on Friday and get a positive on Monday. I will say no more on this other than to direct interested parties to go google threads by DrBill100 on AskMehelpdesk. He provides LOADS of information, and he is extraordinarily knowledgeable (an academic it appears) and honest about the ins and outs of this test.

Finally, I will reiterate that it is anxiety-easing to hear others' experiences. I recommend reading "Life After a DUI" by Mappingirl (it's on wordpress - google it). It was written by a 30-something woman dealing with her DUI in VA. You'll notice that her experience was different too - again, it all depends upon your office and likely your counselor. I also recommend making small talk with your classmates. Many of them are willing to share their experiences, and you will have a better idea of what's in store for you. Many of my classmates knew folks who had been through the experience recently in my particular office, and their stories were helpful. There's a lot of baloney out there on the internet, so the best info you get is from those currently affected.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: goodinfo ()
Date: October 09, 2012 01:31PM

payitforward... if you don't mind you should include the counties you did your VASAP classes in.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't Fairfax based on your descriptions.

Re Interlock... Mine actually did drain my battery two times. Like you said, I ended up getting both a self jumpstart kit and trickle charger.

Also everything you said is very true, most "fault" blows are due to trying to duck your head down while in traffic to avoid looking stupid. I had my removable mouth piece pop out several times as well, which causes a fault. Once time it popped out and fell under my seat while driving... I didn't have a spare, and couldn't easily pull over so I was pretty much driving with my head between my legs. SCARY!

I also one blew a false positive because it was toward the end of my 6 month period and I had gotten comfortable enough to forget about the mouthwash. I had plans to meet with a girlfriend at my house after work, so I used mouthwash after working out at the office Gym and sure enough, set off the interlock, which in turn locks your car. I turned the car off, ran back into my office and proceeded to wash out my mouth about 5 times. The car was locked out for a few minutes, and finally let me attempt to start it again. The second time I passed and it started fine. As soon as I got home I called my ASAP case officer and reported the incident. I also got a voluntary urine test done the next day for my own protection which turned out unnecessary in my case, as the case officer said it was no big deal as long as the second time I blew it passed (and this did turn out to be the case when they did the final review of device logs).

Outside of false, or temporary test failures, the second biggest thing that trips people up (and my interlock company warned me about this) is people drinking the night before work, and then failing in the morning. I actually bought myself my own breathalyzer just to avoid this type of situation. You'd be surprised how long alcohol will stay in your system if you have a late night out. I've stopped drinking at 2-3am before and still be .03-.04 at 10 or 11am the next day.

You should share your story about what else you had to deal with due to having a high BAC.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Sick2mystomach ()
Date: October 09, 2012 09:59PM

First, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has offered information on this thread, it's appreciated very much. I have voluntarily pre-enrolled with the VASAP in Fairfax & my intake is tomorrow, not sure how this will impact my case, if at all. Like I've mentioned before, I am not a drinker & since that evening of my incident, I haven't consumed any alcohol. It doesn't bother me not to drink but because I'm not a drinker I am unfamiliar with how long alcohol does stay in your system & I didn't prepare myself & do things to prevent it like eating or just not driving period. I'm petite in size, so my BAC level was higher than it should have been. So talk about being scared straight just from going thru the process so far & I haven't even been to court yet. I do have a lawyer but I'm not sure how much help this will be. I'm just ready to deal with the cards I get dealt & try to move on with my life the best way I can. I can't fathom ever being in this situation every again but all of this information has been undeniably helpful. I know the law is strict in VA but I'm prayerful that they don't throw the book at me but I'm certain there will be many inconveniences.

Thanks again to everyone.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: lolzzz ()
Date: October 09, 2012 11:16PM

Anyone starting nov 13 in bull run?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: annoyed1 ()
Date: October 22, 2012 09:15PM

so i will be done with fairfax asap next week. I have to start treatments once a week for i think 12 or 16 weeks. my question is for anyone with the same punishment. will they conduct urine testing on me? i did the intake already and did a urine test then, but i have been drinking since then (not driving) just don't want to end up back in court since i m supposed to not be drinking. if anyone with experience can answer it would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: October 28, 2012 06:12PM

Rule for me was no drinking at all for the 1 year licence suspension. Which of course included the ASAP and "Treatment" period.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Aces ()
Date: November 02, 2012 11:56AM

I am wondering how the whole VASAP ASAP process went for those charged with marijuana posession. It seems as though everyone on these forums has beem convicted of a DUI or DWI. This is my first offence and I have no priors. I was caught with less than a gram. Is the intake process the same? Do the different "class levels" apply for those charged with posession? Is there anyone who can tell me about their experience after taking 251 disposition from beginning to end?

I have my first "appointment" (whatever that means) on November 19th, 2012. When I went to court I had an out of state license, and was told I'd have to contact an ASAP program in my state. However, I will be here for work and decided I wanted to take the classes here instead. Its been two weeks since court and I've heard nothing. I attempted to contact the ASAP office, and the person assigned to my case, with no replies. So I finally just called and said I didnt want to wait for a return call, and made an appointment.

I will be back here to document how this whole thing turns out. I know that reading otheres experiences has been very helpful. Ive learned two certain things so far: that I will be paying out the ass, and that I can expect them to take there time sending out the completion information once this is all over.

Stay tuned...

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: beerios ()
Date: November 03, 2012 05:47PM

Aces - I was put in a VASAP program for possession. I also had less than a gram, but amount doesn't matter, unless you've got intent to distribute. I'll tell you about my 251 disposition from beginning to end.

I was caught in PW county, transferred to Fairfax, where I lived. My PO gave me a list of conditions for probation, which included not missing any meetings, completing a VASAP program, refrain from using drugs, refrain from using alcohol to excess, notify any changes in employment/address. Standard stuff. Probation lasted 12 months.

My PO tested me pretty regularly, once a month at our scheduled meetings. I enrolled in VASAP, but I wasn't able to start the class for about three months after I was convicted. My attorney petitioned for a restricted license immediately, and I had a restricted for six months, no restrictions after that.

I did the classes. They asked about my drug/alcohol use, I told them a few times a week/month, didn't want the lengthy counseling sessions. I was placed in the 251 class, ten weeks.

For the period that I was in the classes, I was never urine tested by VASAP, only my PO. We got breathalyzed every class at the end. I complied, though. No drinking, no drugs at all. Also, I didn't smoke or take drugs at all on my probationary period, 12 months.

Because I was on probation through the court, not through VASAP, when I completed the classes, VASAP contacted the court, telling them I had finished the program. About a month later, my PO called and said I didn't have to make any more visits. I clarified with him that I was on unsupervised probation, he said yes. Still didn't want to have a positive test, so for those next six months, I didn't smoke.

What to expect varies by county. If you're in a larger county (Fairfax, Alexandria, Arlington) they'll offer a 251 program. If you're in a smaller county, you'll probably be in with other offenders. If you're on formal probation through the court system, expect your PO to drug test you, not VASAP.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: RVAretard ()
Date: November 21, 2012 09:18PM

I was convicted over the summer for a DWI in Powhatan County and no sufficient breath sample was taken. Because of this I luckily avoided jail but am due to start a 10 class program at Capital Area ASAP next Monday. Contrary to what some posting on here may think, those of us who receive DUIs aren't all pieces of garbage. I go to VCU, am involved on campus, make good grades and have a steady job. I feel terrible and stupid for what I did, and am lucky I haven't killed anyone. I don't even remember making the decision to drive, as it is very rare that I drink to the point of being blackout shitfaced when I'm drinking and never lose control of myself in such a way. To say I regret my decision is beyond an understatement, and I've cut back on my drinking basically all together so the breathalyzer thing isn't so bad, however I am wondering about two things regarding the class. I've never been much of a drinker, but for the past couple of years I have been a regular herb smoker (harmless crime)...I've been clean for 16 days now and have 5 more to go, so I'm wondering whether or not I will be tested for a first time alcohol offense with no previous record. Also, I've been told the payment on my first day will be $375, $300 for the DUI class specifically, and a $75 "intervention fee" (which is BULLSHIT). Is this the truth, or am I going to show up, bounce my debit payment and be deemed non-compliant? Reading all of these stories has freaked me out a little bit because of how nobody in these institutions seems to really give a fuck about the people taking the classes, and I'd like to have some knowledge going in so I don't get fucked over by a bunch of washed-up, faceless bureaucrats making minimum wage because they couldn't go anywhere in life.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Aces ()
Date: November 28, 2012 01:26PM

Why does your probation last 12 months? I was given 6 months with a 6month court date to complete my ASAP classes, and volunteer hours by.

Were you drug tested at your intake interview?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: November 28, 2012 01:37PM

RVAretard Wrote:
> I was convicted over the summer for a DWI in
> Powhatan County and no sufficient breath sample
> was taken. Because of this I luckily avoided jail
> but am due to start a 10 class program at Capital
> Area ASAP next Monday. Contrary to what some
> posting on here may think, those of us who receive
> DUIs aren't all pieces of garbage. I go to VCU, am
> involved on campus, make good grades and have a
> steady job. I feel terrible and stupid for what I
> did, and am lucky I haven't killed anyone. I don't
> even remember making the decision to drive, as it
> is very rare that I drink to the point of being
> blackout shitfaced when I'm drinking and never
> lose control of myself in such a way. To say I
> regret my decision is beyond an understatement,
> and I've cut back on my drinking basically all
> together so the breathalyzer thing isn't so bad,
> however I am wondering about two things regarding
> the class. I've never been much of a drinker, but
> for the past couple of years I have been a regular
> herb smoker (harmless crime)...I've been clean for
> 16 days now and have 5 more to go, so I'm
> wondering whether or not I will be tested for a
> first time alcohol offense with no previous
> record. Also, I've been told the payment on my
> first day will be $375, $300 for the DUI class
> specifically, and a $75 "intervention fee" (which
> is BULLSHIT). Is this the truth, or am I going to
> show up, bounce my debit payment and be deemed
> non-compliant? Reading all of these stories has
> freaked me out a little bit because of how nobody
> in these institutions seems to really give a fuck
> about the people taking the classes, and I'd like
> to have some knowledge going in so I don't get
> fucked over by a bunch of washed-up, faceless
> bureaucrats making minimum wage because they
> couldn't go anywhere in life.

No. you're pretty much a piece of shit (garbage is too lighthearted to describe your kind). And you go to VCU, so you're fucking stupid as well. What you need to do is down a 5th, shove your cock up your ass and hop in your ricermobile heading for the nearest tree/pole as fast as you can.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: beerios ()
Date: November 28, 2012 06:40PM

Z3RO - All I read from your post is that your ass is heading for the nearest pole as fast as you can. Got something you wanna share, breh?

Aces - I was put on formal probation through the court for 12 months, so completing a VASAP class was just a condition of my probation. I had to report on a monthly basis, where my PO would ask that I provide a urine sample. I was never drug tested by VASAP, but if you're on probation through them and not the court, they very well may test you at your intake, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. While under their supervision, you don't want to give them any reason to think that you're smoking or drinking, so make sure you're clean at intake.

RVAretard - Tread lightly. It depends on your county. The people I know who have gotten DUIs were not tested. That being said, a girl I know is on probation for a DUI in a smaller county, dropped dirty on a UA for pot, and her case went back to court, and she went in for 120 days.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Aces ()
Date: December 03, 2012 01:31PM

I wasn’t able to make my first appointment and had to reschedule twice which lead to an appointment today. What they don’t tell you is this is a group appointment and the consequences if you are not on time. My appointment was today at 7:45am. The Fairfax building is impossible to find and my navi lead me in the wrong direction. I ended up being 20min late. When I arrived they stated since I was not on time they would have to reschedule me which included a $25 fee. However, you’re only allowed to reschedule three times, so therefore I had to stay and wait until the 9:45am group.

Upon arrival you are given a breathalyzer test and paperwork to fill out which asks you questions about your alcohol/drug use. It’s a pointless form because they don’t look at it, and the intake counselor asks you over again.

They want to see your restricted license forms so make sure you bring them. Unbeknownst to me, the paper you get from the court is invalid until it is signed and stamped by the ASAP office. AFTER THAT its only good for 60 days, after which you have to go get a photo ID from the DMV ($$).

You’re then directed to the finance booth because of course they want your money upfront. They want you to pay the $350 upfront. They only accept credit cards or money orders?! I was not able to pay the full amount so they split in 2 payments due by the end of the month.

You then have to go in a room and wait with all the other “convicts”. The ASAP "receptionist" makes sure all the papers are filled out right, and then goes over the restricted license requirements, AGAIN, like insurance, a $220 reinstatement fee, not driving outside of restriction, and more money($$).

She then turns on a fifteen minute video made in the 1990s, which goes over the ASAP Agreement (ie required participation, your responsible for fees ($$). Basically, telling you that you have to pay out the ass, comply with whatever they say, and if you don’t you’ll be sent back to court.

Then you wait over an hour for an intake counselor to call you back, one at a time. During the interview they ask questions about your info, drug/alcohol use, and the events of your charge. They are trying to see how much of a user you are, but they really don’t care, because either way you’re getting the max classes and meetings they can assign. (My counselor told me they consider 4 drinks in one night as binge drinking for a female?!) Even though I was not a heavy drinker (three times a month) or smoker(twice a year), I was told I’d have to go to 6 Narcotics Anonymous meetings. I asked him "why, was I considered a heavy user?" his response was "No, but you did poses an illegal substance".

He then gives you several dates to start your classes and whatever you choose will be your assigned class for the next 10 weeks. He also gave me the business card for my "PO".

I asked him if he knew if this would yet show up on background checks, and he didn’t really know. I also asked him would he assign the NA meetings I had to go to, and he said I had to find them on my own. I asked where were the meetings noted in my paperwork, and he said nowhere?! To me they dont put it in writing because they want you to forget so later they can say you “haven’t completed the program, pay another fee”

So basically what I learned today is that they will find any reason possible to add extra fees, I am considered a big time drug user regardless, and the only help you can count on is help trying to send you back to court.

My classes begin next week, stay tuned...

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: December 03, 2012 01:54PM

beerios Wrote:
> Z3RO - All I read from your post is that your ass
> is heading for the nearest pole as fast as you
> can. Got something you wanna share, breh?
> Aces - I was put on formal probation through the
> court for 12 months, so completing a VASAP class
> was just a condition of my probation. I had to
> report on a monthly basis, where my PO would ask
> that I provide a urine sample. I was never drug
> tested by VASAP, but if you're on probation
> through them and not the court, they very well may
> test you at your intake, I wouldn't be surprised
> if they did. While under their supervision, you
> don't want to give them any reason to think that
> you're smoking or drinking, so make sure you're
> clean at intake.
> RVAretard - Tread lightly. It depends on your
> county. The people I know who have gotten DUIs
> were not tested. That being said, a girl I know
> is on probation for a DUI in a smaller county,
> dropped dirty on a UA for pot, and her case went
> back to court, and she went in for 120 days.

sure. i'm not a breh, bro. but i'll serve you a long one anyway.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: JonJ ()
Date: December 05, 2012 01:00PM

curious to know how you got your dui dropped to reckless driving. Thank you.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Drunktards ()
Date: December 05, 2012 01:22PM

lulz at all you drunken idiots. you should all rent a bus and drive your drunken asses off a bridge. pathetic.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Druntards ()
Date: December 06, 2012 11:21AM

Hey drunkfags, have you all had our morning alcohol today? Fucking losers. Alcohols is a depressant. I hope all you idiots get so low, you blow your brains out. Pussies.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: EveryoneMakesMistakes ()
Date: December 10, 2012 04:40PM

I was recently ordered to ASAP (after more than 1 year in an out of court) and my intake is coming up. I am a little nervous about intake as I take prescribed medication that I know will be flagged in the urine test. I was told that if medications come up in your urine test, regardless of the fact that you have a prescription that they will force you into ADS classes. Has anyone had any experience with that or have any advice for me about the intake process? Any advice or information is appreciated!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: December 11, 2012 07:10PM

Drunktards Wrote:
> lulz at all you drunken idiots. you should all
> rent a bus and drive your drunken asses off a
> bridge. pathetic.

Yeah, I'm an NFL Player and I just killed my family 'cause I'm drunk. Make sure that's a first class ticket on the bus!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: beerios ()
Date: December 13, 2012 11:59PM

Druntards Wrote:
> Hey drunkfags, have you all had our morning
> alcohol today? Fucking losers. Alcohols is a
> depressant. I hope all you idiots get so low, you
> blow your brains out. Pussies.

epic handle/post combo. learn to spell.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: confused ()
Date: January 14, 2013 11:56PM

wait why do so many people who supposedly aren't "drunkfags" like the rest of us go out of their way to find an obscure thread on the internet about a class they shouldn't even be aware of? i may be a drunk fuck up but at least i don't waste my precious time on the internet searching for some sort of hollow and useless gratification that comes from harassing people who fuck up. hop off your little preaching box and go back to your internet porn and life of boredom. lol have fun not getting laid Z3RO and Drunktards. fucking hate edge douche bags god damn. and i drive a jeep actually- who in richmond drives a ricer?

Anyway got tested at intake but passed (word) and paid all my dues. now I just have ten sessions and i'm done. they breathalyze you every class but just test at intake unless you have a drug charge or failed the first test

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: KeyserSoze ()
Date: January 30, 2013 01:32AM

I have my first class tomorrow in Fredericksburg for my DWI. I was wondering if a beer with dinner the night before will effect or be detected in the urine test if they decide to give me one. I am sure they will breathalyze but i doubt that will reveal anything because I have to drive my vehicle there with the ignition interlock installed so I will obviously pass that to drive there, but was wondering if the beer i had with dinner the night prior will be an issue or problem. I appreciate any input someone might have for me. Thank you

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Intake coming up ()
Date: February 03, 2013 07:39PM

Does FAIRFAX ASAP do a urine test at the intake Assesment and how many days can it detect alcohol if they do

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Ads tests? ()
Date: February 03, 2013 09:05PM

Does anyone know how long the urine test that ads uses can detect alcohol? I know the one they use does get sent to a lab. Also how long can two Percocet be detected in urine? I only took two of the 5mg but I don't have an RX and it was like a week ago.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Takeing It In Strides ()
Date: February 08, 2013 10:56PM

Thank you to those who gave us information regarding their experiences and to those who asked relevant questions.

I was arrested for DWI and Unreasonable Refusal. In court I plead guilty to the DWI (1st offence) which resulted in The Commonwealth (as they enjoy being called) dropping the Unreasonable Refusal charge. I was sentenced to 30 days in jail - all 30 suspended - a fine, and mandatory VASAP.

I proceeded to Bull Run ASAP office where they gave me my restricted license paperwork. As of July 2012 ALL DWI offences require an interlock device installation. The interlock company I am leaning towards (Draeger Safety Diagnostics, Inc) does not charge for installation, monitoring appointments, or removal. They charge $80 per month which comes out to $480 for the six months I am required to have it. After you inform ASAP of your selection, they will set up an appointment to have the interlock installed (takes about an hour and a half). You will then need to bring proof of installation to ASAP and only then will they sign your restricted license paperwork. DO NOT drive before this is done! I have not had my ASAP intake yet but I am assuming the 10 weeks at minimum. Interlock is required for 6 months. After that restricted continues for another 6 months during which time ASAP still owns my ass.

A rundown of my costs so far:
$ 395 - get car out of impound (Christmas day so it was pricey)
$ 2,000 - flat fee for attorney
$ 60 - driver improvement course (get some points back on license)
$ 250 - fine imposed by court (1st offence)
$ 206 - court processing fee
$ 375 - minimum expected ASAP fee
$ 480 - interlock device for 6 months
$ 220 - reinstatement fee paid to DMV after 30 days to get plastic license
$ ??? - increase in car insurance after getting FR-44 (required by DMV)

To those applying for restricted licenses: I work usually M,W,F,Su 9 to 5. What I wrote on my application was M,T,W,Th,F,Su. On top of that I where it asks what time you leave home/arrive at work I wrote "7:30am to 8:30am" for example. It is allowed, so give yourself that extra breathing room. In the end they listed the days and simply put "HRS VARY, NO MORE THAN 12 HRS PER DAY." Makes things a little less stressful. I also suggest you add a church (or similar institution) even if you are not a regular just so you can drag yourself out of the house once in awhile :)

The last thing I will add is to all those asking about the testing procedures, about how long substances stay in your system, etc. A child wants instant pleasure, and adult delays it to achieve goals. Some corny shit, I know, but there it is. I'll post again after my intake at ASAP (about 10 days from now).

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: VASubVet ()
Date: February 09, 2013 09:16AM

Make sure you have AA Meetings checked off, too. The ASAP Counseling sessions required me to attend 2 per week for 25 weeks. Adds cost $35 per session, 15 or 25 sessions (I guess I was hard core, 40 years driving with 2 speeding tickets and this one DUI so I was sentenced to 25 "counseling" sessions), do the math. I used to schedule errands around AA meetings in case I got pulled over. Worked twice, the cops bought it when I showed them the AA schedule and my restricted license requiring AA attendance.

By the way, the 25 sessions were useless. In only 2 of the 25 did we even mention alcohol or even DWI/DUI.

Put up with the crap, don't do anything stupid, and this too shall pass.

The whole program is designed to make money, not correcting behavior or saving lives, but it keeps MADD happy and therefore our politicians happy.

There are a few other things you can do to circumvent the law, too, if you need to do it.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: drugssssss ()
Date: February 10, 2013 06:05PM

if alcohol is currently in your system, i'll be detected. if not, not. percocet and most pharms are out of your system in 24 hours to 3 days

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Mikewu ()
Date: February 15, 2013 07:22PM

I recently got a DUI for alcohol. Court date next month. I am a weed smoker and was wondering what happens if you fail the initial urine test? I am quitting but since it takes 30-45 days I am a little worried about failing initially.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: rrr ()
Date: February 20, 2013 02:08PM

Thanks for the info, those of you that have offered guidance and shared experiences. I got my first DUI in Powhatan for alcohol in Jan. My court date is near the end of March. BAC was .19. Nothing else on my record. My car was damaged beyond repair though, so I have no vehicle at the moment (I ran over an embankment).

Does anyone know anything about the Powhatan VASAP? I believe I would be able to go to the classes at John Tyler... any info would be appreciated. I'm especially concerned about WHEN the classes are... I live in Midlothian but I work 8:30am to 5pm M-F in fucking Ashland. And of course I'm relying on others for rides.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: ghost ()
Date: February 20, 2013 07:17PM

Yes!! Do not drink before class, they can have you arrested on the spot or reffer you to a longer and more expensive program.

Other words REHAB!!!

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: sandman ()
Date: April 07, 2013 08:15AM

i just recently got a drunk in public what are the chances of asap finding out if i don´t tell them about it. also i have started any of there classes or programms can i use that as to my advantage if i tell them

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: April 07, 2013 08:37AM

I don't drink but I'm getting woozy from the fumes in this thread.

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Re: VASAP class Bull Run
Posted by: JoeMama ()
Date: May 19, 2013 07:45PM

So were you ever urine tested at the Bull Run Asap considering you posted this when you first began?

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: Rando Taxpayer Got Fukd ()
Date: May 20, 2013 07:30AM

here's the deal with ASAP in farifax. for the most part they are brainwashed
card carrying goons that will belittle you into admitting you are a addict to justify their position in the universe.

to even try for them to understand that some people are strong willed and mentally disciplined enough to self evaluate and correct their problems without doctrine and or judgement for their wicked ways shakes them to their bones.

even if you feel you need support do not tell them the truth during your assesment or they will make you the next participant in the 4 day a work week 10am-2pm ADS show. LOOK AT THAT SCHEDULE!!! How can you do that and work? and ADS charges big $$$

moral of the story lie to them like they lie to you. also if your class was mostly drugs they usually only blow the alchies but don't take risks they even have tests that can detect the incenses. tbh i only finished ASAP so i wouldn't get hooked and booked.

I have since taken personal responsibility for my actions and credit that to the teacher Mr. Brown. He opened my eyes to the suffering i caused my loved 1's because of my bad habits and laziness. i still live my life but i did learn my lesson and it did humble me.

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Re: VASAP class Bull Run
Posted by: Visionary_W ()
Date: May 29, 2013 10:51AM

I was convicted of a DUI 1st in Warren county. I blew a 0.02%. The case was transferred to Fairfax County for the VASAP. I had my intake a week ago.

At some point I'll post the story and explain how a cop can convict you of DUI when you blow a 0.02%. (I'm 26, not underage. I wasn't driving a commercial vehicle, and there was no other drug/substance/charge invovled.)

I'll get around to posting the whole story soon. I want to get it all out in one post mostly to vent it, and for anyone curious.

It was a State Trooper. His name is "Trooper Clark". All I can say is watch out for him. He lingers around mile markers 10 through 2 always working the graveyard shift on I66 very close to the I81 interchange.

A cop does not need to respect your rights. He does not need to submit you a breath test or submit the results of a test to convict you. He merely has to lie and say you refused.

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Re: VASAP class
Posted by: r ()
Date: May 29, 2013 04:15PM

ASAP sucks..if they ask you to do AA DONT GO!! unless you want to. All you have to do is get one of your friends to sign the form given to you at ASAP. Its Alcholics Anonymous so there are no records of who goes to the class..I was supposed to do 5 AA's and just got my friends to sign the form. I had no problems. ASAP workers are the most pathetic, unorganized people you will ever meet..good luck

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