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to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2012 12:51PM

So I'm heading back from Red Robin and I'm on Fair Lakes doing about 30 and coming around the ramp to get on the Parkway when IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAMP riding RIGHT TOWARDS ME is this little Asian kid on a bike, no helmet, looking like he's riding home from school.
Now about half a second before I saw this kid, I'm seeing nothing but empty space ahead of me as I'm rounding the curve. I'm starting to accelerate because I'm getting on the Parkway 40 MPH, right? The lane I'm in I know has no yield sign, is not controlled by the traffic light and also becomes it's own lane on the Parkway so I dont need to slow down, only take the turn and go! And there's the concrete retaining wall right there on the right so you cant see around it. I'm just glad I pay attention when I drive.......(ok, well at least THIS time LoLz)
I hope you read this somehow. Just want to tell you that yr boy should prolly ride on Fair Lakes Circle and not travel thru one of the busiest intersections in the County like that, is all. Cause most ppl who were where I saw your boy last night.............all they are thinking is "66" or "123", not CHILDREN. Not there, yo.

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Wmala ()
Date: May 25, 2012 12:53PM

DWA already? Wow, hes early for that

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: May 25, 2012 01:29PM

Seeing anyone bicycle riding the roads of Fairfax is cringeworthy, much less a youngster.

And you're right, Gordo. The last thing anyone expects is to see a kid on a bike.

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: jackie martling ()
Date: May 25, 2012 01:34PM

if you hit him with your car, i would bet that would knock the rice out of his mouth.

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: May 25, 2012 01:38PM

Ok, I was right there in the lane next to you and saw the whole thing go down. First of all you were doing at least 55-60. And secondly, your stickers had expired. It also looked like you were on your cell phone at the time--probably posting on FFXU. The rest of your story is accurate.

But you definitely DID manage to miss hitting the kid. That was excellent reaction time on your part..

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Concerned Mom ()
Date: May 25, 2012 01:51PM

Were you driving drunk?

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: AndJusticeForAll ()
Date: May 25, 2012 02:24PM

Why did you feel the need to piont out her was Asian?? Does what race he is really matter? ... You could have said this kid not this Asian kid...Just Sayin

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: AndJusticeForAll ()
Date: May 25, 2012 02:28PM

Opps meant to say **Why did you feel the need to piont out HE was Asian***

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: chop suey ()
Date: May 25, 2012 02:38PM

she would have been flattened like a rice cake

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: jc ()
Date: May 25, 2012 02:40PM

AndJusticeForAll Wrote:
> Opps meant to say **Why did you feel the need to
> piont out HE was Asian***

the OP is hoping that the kid's parent might come across his post in FFXU. If he didn't state race, then all you got to go on is age. i don't think he was being racist. If he was, he would have said "this little chink" kid. This is coming from an asian, I didn't find his post to be racial.

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Roadster ()
Date: May 25, 2012 02:41PM

AndJusticeForAll Wrote:
> Why did you feel the need to piont out her was
> Asian?? Does what race he is really matter? ...
> You could have said this kid not this Asian
> kid...Just Sayin

Yes it does, because that boy is going to grow up and become another terrible "azn" driver. God help us all.

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: All over the place ()
Date: May 25, 2012 03:13PM

Two kids on bikes with NO LIGHTS and NO REFLECTORS even (!) wearing black clothes, riding down the middle of Route 7 at Bailey's Crossroads at 3:00 fucking AM.

Almost impossible to see.

Almost dead!

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2012 03:21PM

@JC-yr exactly right and thanks :)
@and - the reason I pointed out the race is just as JC stated - and believe me I thought about whether or not I should put it in which is why I posted this now and not last nite. Ppl who are ranking on Asian driving are morons themselves - this aint about racism, it's about better parenting, is all. And I'm betting the parents of whoever that kid was has no f**king clue at all where exactly he was when I almost ran him down.
@Northman-doing 55 around that curve is a good way to end up in the grave. But I'll bite what was I driving?

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: May 25, 2012 03:29PM

A Mercedes SL 550
Gordon Blvd\'s ride.jpg

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2012 03:40PM

literally ROFLMAO!!!!!!

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: May 25, 2012 03:52PM

It looked fully loaded too. You ride in style; I give you that. Dude, if you weren't pushing a 125K+ ride you might not have made it. Until now I didn't know it was you.


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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2012 03:58PM

I hope you know I'm laughing cause the thought of me driving in a car like that is completely hilarious

only way I'd be in a Benz is if that 125K was the mileage LoLz

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: May 25, 2012 04:01PM

Ok man you got me! I really wasn't there... And yes, it was my goal to be funny as I think you have figured out by now.

Enjoy the holiday weekend GB!

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Lunch box joe ()
Date: May 25, 2012 04:56PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
But I'll bite what was I
> driving?

I will take a guess, it was at least ten years old, dents on both sides, sun faded beanie babies on the rear window deck and an Obama 2012 bumper sticker.

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 25, 2012 06:51PM

@lunch-if that's the imagary that floats yr boat, go right at it
@North- well duh! and BOTH of you have a great holiday weekend as well............and dont forget the guys and girls that helped make this cool weekend possible, either :)

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Re: to the parents of the 10 year old I almost killed last night
Posted by: Takashi Toshiro ()
Date: May 26, 2012 10:08AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> So I'm heading back from Red Robin and I'm on Fair
> Lakes doing about 30 and coming around the ramp to
> get on the Parkway when IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAMP
> riding RIGHT TOWARDS ME is this little Asian kid
> on a bike, no helmet, looking like he's riding
> home from school.
> Now about half a second before I saw this kid, I'm
> seeing nothing but empty space ahead of me as I'm
> rounding the curve. I'm starting to accelerate
> because I'm getting on the Parkway 40 MPH, right?
> The lane I'm in I know has no yield sign, is not
> controlled by the traffic light and also becomes
> it's own lane on the Parkway so I dont need to
> slow down, only take the turn and go! And there's
> the concrete retaining wall right there on the
> right so you cant see around it. I'm just glad I
> pay attention when I drive.......(ok, well at
> least THIS time LoLz)
> I hope you read this somehow. Just want to tell
> you that yr boy should prolly ride on Fair Lakes
> Circle and not travel thru one of the busiest
> intersections in the County like that, is all.
> Cause most ppl who were where I saw your boy last
> night.............all they are thinking is "66" or
> "123", not CHILDREN. Not there, yo.


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Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: May 26, 2012 06:33PM

win - Congratulations-You-have-officially-won-an-internet.jpg

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Re: HA!!
Posted by: Takashi Toshiro ()
Date: May 27, 2012 01:27PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @Takashi

I von! I von! I von! Me BEEEEG WEEEEEINER!!!

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