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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: August 13, 2008 01:43PM

Pulse Wrote:
> I went there about a month ago. The chef was had a
> runny nose. He kept trying to suck it in...(dont' ask
> me to explain) He finally wiped it off with the back
> of his hand. I almost felt like throwing up.

Yeah, I've seen that before at places.

I always call the health department and file a complaint,
and also write a letter to the restaurant.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Regular Customer ()
Date: August 18, 2008 04:19PM

I use curbside takeaway all the time at the Centreville location. My bill is usually around 20 bucks and I always give a 2-5 dollar tip.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: August 19, 2008 07:34AM

Was this the one over at Alta Plaza, and were your car windows tinted at the time?

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Jmiller511 ()
Date: August 18, 2013 08:48PM

Ur a piece of shit

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: learnmanners ()
Date: March 20, 2014 05:16PM

As a previous outback employee, their curbside takeaway only makes serving wages, look that shit up. Not to mention all servers have mandatory tip out to bar staff and hostesses. So think about that when you pull your just doing their job bs. I work as a cop now so it doesn't matter to me, but you should consider the fact that these people have to be nice to everyone even when people are jerks and they pack up all your food out of the window, add in silverware abd soda plus that damn bread that you guys love. @marypat...sweetie shut up about calling the cops and a lab, people spit in people's food at restaurants all the time you can't do anything unless you see them and they're caught on tape

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Gore ()
Date: March 22, 2014 11:29PM

You are suppose to tip them as you'd tip a server. I do.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Nope Nope ()
Date: March 23, 2014 07:20AM

Tipping at carry-out? NOPE! When I go to a retaurant and eat I leave a tip, usually between 15-20%, but I've never even heard of tipping when you go to pick up carry-out. That's just ridiculous.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Yep yep ()
Date: March 23, 2014 01:55PM

Nope Nope Wrote:
> Tipping at carry-out? NOPE! When I go to a
> retaurant and eat I leave a tip, usually between
> 15-20%, but I've never even heard of tipping when
> you go to pick up carry-out. That's just
> ridiculous.

Then you need to grow up. Who do you think puts your order in containers and carries it out to you? Carry out orders are a bigger pain for servers than regular ones, and entitled jerks too cheap to tip deserve spit sauce.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: backlickOB ()
Date: March 24, 2014 04:08PM

Yep yep Wrote:
> Nope Nope Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Tipping at carry-out? NOPE! When I go to a
> > retaurant and eat I leave a tip, usually
> between
> > 15-20%, but I've never even heard of tipping
> when
> > you go to pick up carry-out. That's just
> > ridiculous.
> Then you need to grow up. Who do you think puts
> your order in containers and carries it out to
> you? Carry out orders are a bigger pain for
> servers than regular ones, and entitled jerks too
> cheap to tip deserve spit sauce.

Ordered curbside at the Backlick Road Outback. Waited for like 5 mins outside in the designated parking spot then went to the takeout area. Picked up the food myself and didn't tip. I still got some smart ass remark from the high school kid. I stopped, turned around told him to do his damn job next time and he might get a tip. I'm not tipping your ass if I have to come in myself to get the damn food. Oh, and I didn't come early, gave them good 30 - 40 mins after ordering the food.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Jammies ()
Date: March 24, 2014 06:50PM

I have worked in restaurants and usually you do tip the takeout person something. NOt only did they have to walk to your car, how do you think the food got in the box? The kitchen doesn't do that, the waitstaff have to. It could have take 2-10 minutes to package it for you. Most people leave at least $1-2 bucks for single dinner orders, I would multiply that by the number of dinners to be fair to the person. They have to earn a living, too.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Yep yep ()
Date: March 24, 2014 11:58PM

backlickOB Wrote:
> Yep yep Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nope Nope Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Tipping at carry-out? NOPE! When I go to a
> > > retaurant and eat I leave a tip, usually
> > between
> > > 15-20%, but I've never even heard of tipping
> > when
> > > you go to pick up carry-out. That's just
> > > ridiculous.
> >
> > Then you need to grow up. Who do you think puts
> > your order in containers and carries it out to
> > you? Carry out orders are a bigger pain for
> > servers than regular ones, and entitled jerks
> too
> > cheap to tip deserve spit sauce.
> Ordered curbside at the Backlick Road Outback.
> Waited for like 5 mins outside in the designated
> parking spot then went to the takeout area.
> Picked up the food myself and didn't tip. I still
> got some smart ass remark from the high school
> kid. I stopped, turned around told him to do his
> damn job next time and he might get a tip. I'm
> not tipping your ass if I have to come in myself
> to get the damn food. Oh, and I didn't come
> early, gave them good 30 - 40 mins after ordering

I've never had to wait longer than a minute or two there. They probably remembered your cheap ass from the last time you were there.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Curbside Server ()
Date: April 08, 2014 12:44AM

I am a curbside server for Outback and have done the job for awhile while going to college. You, the customer, have no idea how difficult my job is. First off, I am paid $2.13/hr + tips THAT I HAVE TO SPLIT WITH THE OTHER CURBSIDE SERVERS THAT WORK WITH ME THAT NIGHT WHICH CAN BE 2 or 3 PEOPLE. So that $3-$5 tip some of you justified, isn't right at all! Next, "you're not getting the same service" isn't right. We have to take the order, prepare it to your specifications and special instructions, serve it to your car, but on a mass scale. We simultaneously can prepare dozens of orders, have to keep them all straight, fix them when the cooks screw up so you don't call back and complain, triple check them for accuracy and serve multiple cars at one time. Regular servers have 3 tables at a time, curbside gets as many orders as they can put in as fast as they can. It is extremely fast paced and stressful. Not to mention, 3 out of 5 cars will receive their order and make the server run back for extra sauces and other things that were not mentioned in the initial order. I'm not saying over tip, or tip 15-20%, but 10% is the least you should be tipping. So that $70 check that you give me $7 on, I have to split with 2 other people and end up with a little over $2 in my pocket.

If you don't have the money to tip, you have no business ordering. My time and exemplary service while you are my customer is worth that small 10% tip.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Nope Nope ()
Date: April 08, 2014 04:03AM

Yep yep Wrote:
> Nope Nope Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Tipping at carry-out? NOPE! When I go to a
> > retaurant and eat I leave a tip, usually
> between
> > 15-20%, but I've never even heard of tipping
> when
> > you go to pick up carry-out. That's just
> > ridiculous.
> Then you need to grow up. Who do you think puts
> your order in containers and carries it out to
> you? Carry out orders are a bigger pain for
> servers than regular ones, and entitled jerks too
> cheap to tip deserve spit sauce.

So does this mean we should tip at McDonald's and Burger King too?

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: NMVWp ()
Date: April 08, 2014 05:08AM

Why would anyone work for $2.13 / hour as a take-away food "server", when they could work for minimum wage at McDonalds and do much less work (e.g. no running around)?

Takes a special kind of stupid.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Gizelle ()
Date: April 08, 2014 08:35AM

NMVWp Wrote:
> Why would anyone work for $2.13 / hour as a
> take-away food "server", when they could work for
> minimum wage at McDonalds and do much less work
> (e.g. no running around)?
> Takes a special kind of stupid.

I worked at Outback while going to college a few years ago. At the Outback I worked at, we were required to work Curbside Take-Away a least twice a month. During my normal 4 - 5 hour dining room shifts on a Friday or Saturday night, I would easily walk out with $75 - $125 cash per night after I split my tips. Some nights it was more, but it was never less than $60 per night. That's $15 - $25 per hour and a hell of a lot better than McDs. When working Curbside Takeaway, I could easily double my tips on the weekends, just because of volume.

Oh yeah, we kept a list of bad tippers at the curbside takeaway. Some of the servers would do things to these customers orders that were pretty disgusting, but I never did. Funny how the a$$holes driving the BMWs, Mercedes, and Lexuses were the worst tippers, while the people driving the beaters usually tipped pretty well!!!!!

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: mjs82 ()
Date: April 08, 2014 10:18AM

TIP jars... SUCK balls...

every where you go now is a goddamn tip jar.

fast food joints, starbucks, donut shops, bagel places, Subway...

YOU ARE NOT WAIT STAFF. are are counter jockey's.

* I order a $5 footlong (10" at best) and I instruct you on what to put on the sandwitch... I shuodl get a discount since I'm training you...
*Starbucks... I order a super grande latte moca. you have a list which tells you what to put inthe drink. you push a few buttons froth it, pour it in the cup and snap the lid on.
*Donut/bagel shop I am telling you exaclt waht I wantin the bag/box. no heavy lifting, I'm not asking you to MAKE the donught in front of me. Lift place close.

jesus fucking christ. stop with the tip jars.

Bartenders. have a limited space not like that can go get los tin the kitchen for 10 minutes so yes 10% is fair, plus they have to deal with far more assholes that regular waitstaff so what they loose in quality tips, they make up for in quantity.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: backlickOB ()
Date: April 08, 2014 10:35AM

Yep yep Wrote:
> backlickOB Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yep yep Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Nope Nope Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Tipping at carry-out? NOPE! When I go to
> a
> > > > retaurant and eat I leave a tip, usually
> > > between
> > > > 15-20%, but I've never even heard of
> tipping
> > > when
> > > > you go to pick up carry-out. That's just
> > > > ridiculous.
> > >
> > > Then you need to grow up. Who do you think
> puts
> > > your order in containers and carries it out
> to
> > > you? Carry out orders are a bigger pain for
> > > servers than regular ones, and entitled jerks
> > too
> > > cheap to tip deserve spit sauce.
> >
> > Ordered curbside at the Backlick Road Outback.
> > Waited for like 5 mins outside in the
> designated
> > parking spot then went to the takeout area.
> > Picked up the food myself and didn't tip. I
> still
> > got some smart ass remark from the high school
> > kid. I stopped, turned around told him to do
> his
> > damn job next time and he might get a tip. I'm
> > not tipping your ass if I have to come in
> myself
> > to get the damn food. Oh, and I didn't come
> > early, gave them good 30 - 40 mins after
> ordering
> >
> I've never had to wait longer than a minute or two
> there. They probably remembered your cheap ass
> from the last time you were there.

Nope, was my first time and the last time. Their steaks aren't very good and the mushrooms were horrible.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Tips ()
Date: April 08, 2014 01:59PM

I didn't know you were supposed to tip them. I never do

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Noyoudint ()
Date: April 08, 2014 02:39PM

you don't tip?

Well there are all kinds of assholes around for sure. I had no idea.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: No tips ()
Date: April 09, 2014 07:20AM

Which outback was it? I never tip for pickup

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: whiners on the underground ()
Date: April 09, 2014 11:42AM

I've noticed that people who whine about tipping for good service are the same people who constantly whine about taxes.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: ain't nobody got time for that ()
Date: April 09, 2014 11:46AM

Tipping for a curbside? Oh hell no!

I treat the bar and waitstaff well and always hook up a delivery driver. But tipping someone to walk 20 feet with a bag of food? Get the fuck outta here!

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: ain't nobody got time for that ()
Date: April 09, 2014 11:47AM

whiners on the underground Wrote:
> I've noticed that people who whine about tipping
> for good service are the same people who
> constantly whine about taxes.

And I've noticed people that wine about the lack of tipping have really shitty jobs.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: foreal ()
Date: July 20, 2014 05:23PM

They get what people want them to have...I cant take care of everyone I have a family of my own.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: foreal ()
Date: July 20, 2014 05:31PM

People just expect way to much..i dont care how much you get paid for what you do..they pay you for your job y should I?...

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: HellNO ()
Date: July 20, 2014 06:14PM

Nativ Wrote:
> You "have" to tip for everything here. regular
> 10-20% apply to take out orders

That's not true. Where are you from? No tipping for take out. That's stupid.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Greybeard ()
Date: July 20, 2014 09:33PM

HellNO Wrote:
> That's not true. Where are you from? No tipping
> for take out. That's stupid.

...says Miss Manners. WTF?

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: stoooopid ()
Date: July 20, 2014 09:41PM

If you are stooopid enough to spend money on microwaved food from Outback that tastes like shit than go ahead and tip the moron who has no ambition because of liberalism that works there.

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Re: Outback curbside take-out gave me dirty look because I didn't tip them...
Posted by: Then stick to drive thru ()
Date: July 20, 2014 09:54PM

It's pretty shitty not to tip for curbside. I always do and I typically do about 10- 15% on average at any place that provides it.

Why wouldn't you? If you can't afford to tip, then you can't afford to dine at that particular establishment in the first place.

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