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Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Nats Fan ()
Date: May 12, 2012 01:18AM

Ok so this is technically for all Nat's fans who watch the games on tv.

Does anyone else feel that the Nationals should switch Bob Carpenter and FP Santangelo to radio and bring up Dave Jageller and Charlie Slowes?

I mean dont get me wrong Bob and FP are alright, but they can just get way to annoying after a while. Bob rants and rambles and makes shit up to say at times, and FP gets so techincal describing things that only a MLB player will actually understand. Basically what I am saying is, they often have to much to say and it turns out to be complete bullshit that doesnt need to be said in the first place. I just think that the two would be better off on the radio.

Charlie and Dave would be amazing on tv. They already have great chemeistry on the radio broadcasts.

Oh and one more thing about FP and Bob. I HATE it when they call each other "Partner". That shit gets old fast.


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Vin ()
Date: May 12, 2012 07:27AM

Agreed 100%.

Carpenter should stick to play-by-play and drop the constant banal banter with FP. And FP talks way too much about his time as a ball player. If you watch the O's on MASN the announcing team is much better. Carpenter and FP just don't sound professional.

And bring back Dibble!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Leprosy ()
Date: May 12, 2012 08:00AM

I agree the "partner" stuff is annoying- it's like they're trying to create a sense of comraderie. But overall I like them.
I'd like to see more of Johnny Holiday & Ray Knight. They're good.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: 3x ()
Date: May 12, 2012 10:15AM

While I miss Dibble, I understand why he was fired. Basically saying Strasburg was a soft punk and then his having surgery, Dibble looked like and then was proven to be an idiot.

I would like to see Charlie Slowes on TV and have more of personality in someone as a partner, which Dibbs had.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: 100% AGREE ()
Date: May 12, 2012 11:53AM

3x Wrote:
> While I miss Dibble, I understand why he was
> fired. Basically saying Strasburg was a soft punk
> and then his having surgery, Dibble looked like
> and then was proven to be an idiot.
> I would like to see Charlie Slowes on TV and have
> more of personality in someone as a partner, which
> Dibbs had.

I totally agree!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: weht rob dibble ()
Date: May 12, 2012 12:16PM

Dibble now does radio show late nights for Fox Sports Radio. WJFK carries the last hour of the show at 1am. He had been partnered with Mike North but North bailed on him pretty quickly

must be something about dibble

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Client 9 ()
Date: May 12, 2012 12:29PM

I would love to have Jon Miller come back to the area.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Date: May 12, 2012 03:20PM

Charlie Slowes is a great radio guy. I don't think his voice or presentation would translate to TV.

Regarding Carpenter and Santangelo, I agree that Santangelo in particular seems to make a lot of shit up in his color commentary that never plays out in the game (he'll make a call on what the next pitch will be and it is usually completely wrong, for instance). He also does a lot of name dropping and brings up details about his career. Comes off as narcissistic and superfluous.


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: bruin ()
Date: May 12, 2012 05:03PM

Is this the first year they have had the same 2 tv guys 2 years in a row?

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: clay ()
Date: May 12, 2012 07:04PM

No they're fine!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: snakeinthegrass ()
Date: May 12, 2012 08:10PM

FP is a dork and I can't stand listening to him. Listening to radio/watching tv is preferred for Nats games for me

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: May 12, 2012 09:10PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Charlie Slowes is a great radio guy. I don't think
> his voice or presentation would translate to TV.
> Regarding Carpenter and Santangelo, I agree that
> Santangelo in particular seems to make a lot of
> shit up in his color commentary that never plays
> out in the game (he'll make a call on what the
> next pitch will be and it is usually completely
> wrong, for instance). He also does a lot of name
> dropping and brings up details about his career.
> Comes off as narcissistic and superfluous.

Leave the radio guys on radio. Just get rid of Carpenter. For the third season in a row he's made a comment about a player getting "fisted". I doubt he knows what he's saying but that just goes to show he should STFU.

As for HGH...er....FP....know who he's married to? He can be as big a clown as he wants and I doubt he's worried about with this waiting at home for him.

edit: it took quite a while to find a pic of her with her clothes on.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2012 09:10PM by Vexxxed.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Nats Fan ()
Date: May 12, 2012 11:41PM

I understand why most people would want to leave the radio guys on radio, but Charlie and Dave are just lightyears ahead of Bob and FP in terms of calling a baseball game. One option I thought of would be to just have Charlie and Dave call the game on television and then just play the television broadcast on the radio as well. It would definitely save money if all 4 of them are on the same payroll. They would only have to pay 2 guys to call nats games instead of 4. Anyway, I watched the game yesterday and Bob and FP kept using the dreaded "Partner" lingo and I wanted to throw the remote through the tv!

Bob's problem is that he tries to make up as many unique words as possible and he is so long winded. He says so much about one thing that only requires a few words to explain.

FP tries to say so much technical baseball lingo and it seriously is unecessary. It's not hard to commentate on baseball! If there is nothing imortant to say then just be quiet. You dont need to make up bullshit talk just to say it.

lol I apologize if I seem so ridiculous, its just that hearing them sometimes is annoying.

Anyway Go Nats!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: HereHere ()
Date: May 13, 2012 01:49AM

Client 9 Wrote:
> I would love to have Jon Miller come back to the
> area.

Never happen but agree. None better. Used to listen to the O's on the radio all the time instead of watching.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: shrnkk ()
Date: July 06, 2012 09:19PM

I’ve been a fan since the Senators were in Griffith Stadium, and I’ve heard everyone who has broadcast DC ball. Hell I used to ride the streetcar with my Walter Johnson League cap, t-shirt & mit to sit in the bleachers for free, and I think I know baseball, but that’s always ify. F.P. knows more about the game and gives fans more info than anyone before him. If that is threatening or folks simply don’t want to learn about the technical side of our perfect game, just listen to the radio - the radio doesn't have pictures and the announcer's job's are to provide the essence of the game - and they do it very well. Me - I'd rather see the game's essence and hear the game's detail.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Fu ()
Date: July 06, 2012 09:34PM

Who gives a shit? It's baseball. I'd rather watch Olympic curling.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Oh really? ()
Date: July 06, 2012 10:29PM

Fu Wrote:
> Who gives a shit? It's baseball. I'd rather
> watch Olympic curling.

Would ya?

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: hooroy ()
Date: July 15, 2012 03:48PM

Just caught today's game on IV and heard Holiday as play-by-play TV announcer, apparently subbing for Carpenter. What a refreshing difference! Holiday is much more upbeat and energetic, as well as more interesting. Not a lot of gibberish like Carpenter. The Nats really do need to replace both Carpenter and Santangelo.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: mr baseball ()
Date: July 15, 2012 04:13PM

Strasburg got a solid clutch hit in the 5th to put them on the board. That guy can do it all.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Date: July 16, 2012 09:15AM

I always bristle at color commentators who had so-so careers critiquing the play of future Hall of Famers. Santangelo comes off as kind of a douche bag.


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Johnny No Way ()
Date: July 16, 2012 10:17AM

I disagree completely about Johnny Holliday. The guy is well into his 70s and can't even keep up with a game as slow as baseball. The very first play of Sunday's game, Lombardozzi grounded out to short. Holliday fumbled around because he couldn't recall the shortstop's name. It was't some obscure rookie; it was Jose Reyes. He didn't get any better as the game went along. A few innings later someone hit a foul ball so far out of play that the camera didn't even bother following it. Holliday called it as a line drive that might land in fair territory. Holliday has a wonderful announcer voice and the best-preserved senior body since Dick Clark, but a lot of brain cells he started with must have been killed off during his days as a 60s disc jockey.

In my book Carpenter is fine, but he doesn't mesh well with Santangelo and gets dragged down as a result. It is pretty obvious that the show's producers have asked Carpenter to banter with Santangelo more, but it sounds completely forced. Although Santangelo doesn't bother me, I can see how he might get on some people's nerves. If the Nats get replace anyone on that crew, it should be Santangelo.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: nocolor ()
Date: July 16, 2012 10:20AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I always bristle at color commentators who had
> so-so careers critiquing the play of future Hall
> of Famers. Santangelo comes off as kind of a
> douche bag.

Baseball doesn't need color guys. A good play by play can do color, baseball action is not that fast.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: a non moron ()
Date: July 16, 2012 11:07AM

Johnny is just awful. He gets basically everything wrong. At the same time, while I like Bob Carpenter, he overhypes fly balls to the warning track, and it's real frustrating hearing his excitement for a possible game tying home run and it's not even close to getting out.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Gteek ()
Date: July 16, 2012 03:41PM

If the Nats need a good colored guy, how about Joe Morgan?

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: NatFan ()
Date: July 16, 2012 09:59PM

Santangelo is a fountain of baloney posing as"expert" commentary. I have to mute the games because I can't stand his constant stream of irrelevancies, platitudes, inanities, bromides and conventional wisdom. I turn on the radio for Charlie Slows while I watch the game on TV on mute.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Joe Buck ()
Date: July 16, 2012 10:05PM

They all stink. I prefer to watch a game with "mute" enabled. The big time guys are the worst. Buck/McCarver? Come on. The Nats aren't that bad I guess when compared to the ultimate cheeseball, the voice of the Yankees, John Sterling who is constantly searching for that "trademark" line. Susan Waldman is also terrible.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: cranky ()
Date: July 16, 2012 10:20PM

Vexxxed Wrote:
> As for HGH...er....FP....know who he's married to?
> He can be as big a clown as he wants and I doubt
> he's worried about with this waiting at home for
> him.
> edit: it took quite a while to find a pic of her
> with her clothes on.

She is very hot but I think she was also a Playmate which means old Hugh may have had his lizard like fingers up her snatch.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Nails Chalkboard ()
Date: July 19, 2012 01:13PM

To be honest they are both hard to listen to. Bob Carpenter is horrible regardless of which "partner" is next to him. The two do not have an objective sense of the game. To say they are homers is taking it easy on them. Bob may be to consummate professional, but he is not a good announcer. It is nice to see some success for a franchise that has been moving in the right direction for the past couple years, but come on Bob, you are not looking at Murders Row. Be objective, be realistic, be honest...I seriously would rather watch the TV without sound than listen to the 2 homers in the booth.

If the franchise is focused about becoming a league contender and respected franchise, compliment the talent on the field with quality talent in the booth. Do not be a minor league franchise when it comes to the booth.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Baaaaab Carpenter sux ()
Date: July 19, 2012 05:33PM

"Bob Carpenter is horrible regardless of which "partner" is next to him." 'Nuf said. The radio guys are energetic, informative, and just far superior! Bob needs to go, sooner than later. First class NATS fans deserve first class casters!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: cjones ()
Date: July 20, 2012 12:35AM

FP Santangelo is horrible. If that is not obvious to you then you have blinders on. Even as a Nat's fan I can see that the man cannot be objective in any way. I would think that he was on the Nat's current roster if I didn't know any better. As a baseball fan I would like someone to call the game with some integrity regardless of which team pays him to run his mouth.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Johnny No Way ()
Date: July 20, 2012 10:43AM

MASN announcers draw their paychecks from a network owned by the teams they broadcast, so why are you surprised they aren't perfectly objective? It's not as if they are so blindly loyal that they won't admit the Nats "caught a break" on a call that instant reply shows to be questionable. But, yes, they do show a rooting interest and tend to accentuate strengths and downplay weaknesses in certain Nats players. So what? Any replacement you might get would do exactly the same thing. In fact, any Nats TV announcer is probably urged to do so by the show's producers, who are also employed by MASN. Get used to it. Carpenter isn't a Hall of Fame announcer and isn't even the equal of Gary Thorne on the Orioles broadcasts, but he's professional and hardly as bad as some are making him out to be. Santangelo's style isn't everyone's cup of tea and I would hardly go into mourning if he left, but he does offer some insights between his schtick. As least they got rid of Debi Taylor, whose insipid questions and speech impediment made everyone else on the broadcast sound like the second coming of Red Barber.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Date: July 20, 2012 10:56AM

I have no problem with announcers being homers for the teams they work for. Charlie Slowes is great, but he's certainly a homer with his "bang zoom, go the fireworks" catchphrase. It's not like you are watching a nationally televised broadcast where announcers are supposed to be unbiased.


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Date: July 20, 2012 11:08AM

Bob Carpenter is a horse's ass. He's completely biased to the point of complete stupidity. It's an embarassment to the team. I get that you are supposed to side with your employer, but to disparage other team's players when they make great plays just shows pure ignorance.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: ThankingGod ()
Date: July 29, 2012 06:01PM

I put in douchebag commentators in Google. The first link that came up was this. I'm a Brewers fan watching a game on DC50 right now. Your color commentator is simply a douche. I'm glad to see so many of you agree. He has been making just absurd comments and doesn't seem to know what is going on in the game.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Totsman ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:17PM

Thanks to S.P. (Hgh) Santangelo I am reliving the joy of the baseball radio broadcast that I experienced as a boy. I too watch the TV while tuned to 1500 AM. S.P. never shuts up; he constantly pontificates, insults the intelligence of the listener, and states the obvious. He and Carpenter sound like giggly high school sophmores. S.P. thinks it great to show "spirit" by slamming bats, crushing and throwing things across the dugout - never mind the poor example it sets with the lack of self control and anger management. An error, a strikeout, a botched play is always a "good effort." I miss Dibble. He told it like it was and held Carpenter's feet to the fire. Carpenter is unable to say a sentence without .... stopping in the middle. His cadence ... is terrible. Johnny Holiday STILL YELLS and shills just like he did in the '80's And 90's when he was jumping out of the TV selling used cars and carpeting. Ray Knight is the only team member that brings calm and gravitas to the broadcast. I sincerely hope there is a housecleaning this winter. Please find Mel Procter and John Lowenstein and give them the keys. Until then, its Charlie and Dave for me.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Green Hornet 1154 ()
Date: August 09, 2012 09:26PM

FP (short for #@$%& Pinhead) needs to go. His inane cliches "are you kidding me", "the bat died a hero", "I don't care who you are", "there goes the no hitter" just sound like he has a notebook he uses to refer to. He rambles on when a short comment would clearly make the point. Add in all of his references to his own "career" that was marginal at best, takes away from the actual game which is what he is supposed to be talking about. Agree that the Orioles broadcasters are much more polished and professional. I love watching the games but prefer to mute the sound and listen to the radio guys.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: New baseball fan ()
Date: August 09, 2012 09:34PM

Wow, all the FP hate. I gotta say - I never could sit through more than 2-3 innings of baseball before a couple of years ago. Then I read John Feinstein's book "Living on the Black" and started watching & getting excited about the Nats. They've made it easy to get enthusiastic about the game this year for sure.

Anyway FP has taught me more about baseball than anybody else. Listening to him talk about why a hitter ought to lay off a pitch no matter how juicy it looks... or why the outfielders are set up they way they are... it's really helped me understand and enjoy the game. I'm lukewarm on Carpenter but I've watched so many games by now that the two of them together are part of the experience for me. Watching other teams with other announcers feels weird now.

I like 'em. Then again I was a big fan of Madden & Summerall on Monday Night Football, and of Sonny Sam & Frank on WJFK when they had the 'Skins games. So who knows.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: radio broadcast fan ()
Date: August 20, 2012 08:57PM

Jim Palmer was the best in the broadcast booth this year. Carpenter is tolerable but FP not at all. Sure, there's lots to like with Harper but let's not put him in the Hall of Fame just yet Keep the radio guys going where they are-- they are much better than the tv saps.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Rethinking ()
Date: August 20, 2012 09:10PM

I've grown to like FP. Listening to Ray Knight in his place the last few games made me appreciate him more.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Gina Lolabrigida ()
Date: August 20, 2012 09:28PM

Santangelo was really running at the mouth about nothing. He drove me crazy.

You, My Dear, should learn how to use to and too.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: updated ()
Date: August 20, 2012 09:30PM

They better switch pitchers now. Zimmerman is starting to give up runs

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: so is FP on Vacation ()
Date: August 21, 2012 12:09AM

what's the deal with Bill Clinton's doppleganger Ray Knight doing color? Is FP coming back..

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: a non moron ()
Date: August 21, 2012 11:05AM

FP will be back for the Phillies series on Friday

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Sandy Ricardo ()
Date: August 21, 2012 12:04PM

As new Nat fans, We have enjoyed listening to FP & Bob. We have watched every game on MASN so far. We went to our first game Saturday night and since then have NOT enjoyed listening to Ray, or whoever is taking FP's place. Bring back FP and leave the boys in the booth alone!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: nats fan27 ()
Date: August 21, 2012 09:30PM

WOw I'm not alone. Carpenter is a god awful homer. FP has some interesting things to add from time to time But he is a D at best. Listening to those two Carpenter sounds like your great grandfather (and is pompous and all knowing LOL at least in his own head) and FP his 10 yr old grandson. I'm 47 and a die hard baseball fan my whole life, grew up in Pittsburgh and lived in Philly for 20 yrs. These 2 are the WORST announcing pair I have ever heard. I think FP may be salvagable with a different "partner"..........god if I hear Carpenter crying about the umps one more time my TV may get damaged.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: natsfan16 ()
Date: August 22, 2012 08:01AM

personally i cant stand carpenter. the guy is a st. louis homer and he holds them on a pedestal compared to the nationals. I like fp. the guy is a former major leaguer and he knows what he is talking about. He is not one of those players who didnt have all the god given ability in the world and worked hard to get where he got and that for me makes me appreciate what he has to say more than others. but carpenter is getting old. no one else brought this up yet but glad to see that debbie taylor is gone. She was def a pain. This new akra girl is def much easier on the eyes....

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Steve ()
Date: August 22, 2012 09:03PM

Furthermore, FP doesn't know that adverbs usually end in "ly" ... as in he hit that ball "perfectly" or "beautifully," NOT "perfect" or "beautiful!" Anyone on American TV who's a sportscaster should know how to speak English properly. It's very annoying when FP repeatedly makes such a mistake AT LEAST a dozen times per broadcast!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: August 22, 2012 09:13PM

Furthermore, FP doesn't seem to know that adverbs end in "ly" as in Bryce hit the ball "perfectly" or "beautifully," NOT "perfect" or "beautiful!" Anyone who wants to be a broadcaster should be able to speak English properly, and anyone who completed 5th grade should know about this grammatical rule. It's VERY annoying when FB makes this kind of mistake AT LEAST a dozen times per game!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: rmcpitcher ()
Date: August 23, 2012 12:18AM

Where has FP been the last 3 games?

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Bruin ()
Date: August 23, 2012 07:10PM

F. P. stayed out west to hang with his family in NoCal for awhile when the team came back east...I would think he will be back in Philly. Something is up with Jonny Holiday health-wise I heard, he hasn't been on in awhile...

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Pray for Johnny ()
Date: August 23, 2012 08:45PM

I've heard heard a call is out for prayers today. He is a great man! Get well Johnny..

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Connor ()
Date: August 24, 2012 02:07AM

If I had a dollar for every brain FP didn't have, I would have one dollar. These announcers are the biggest idiots it has ever been my misfortune to know. FP's brilliant career that he always talks about was actually playing only 6 years with 4 different teams while having a career batting average of .245 with 21 home runs even with the help of steroids. If anything goes wrong in the game it's automatically the fault of the umpires, definitely not because the Nationals are just terrible. FP should be fired, I heard there's a job opening at the pet store; as a paperweight.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Tom Keller ()
Date: August 26, 2012 08:25PM

Yes, please switch nationals commentators, Iam tired of watching the game on mute.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Colby smith ()
Date: September 22, 2012 04:00PM

If i hear fp say Larry leadoff one more time I'm going to lose it. This dumb ass is the worse thing to ever happen to the Nats. I want to take a giant cardboard cut out of his naked wife and wave it in front of the booth.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Archie Bunker ()
Date: September 22, 2012 05:13PM

Get rid of Carp and F.P.! They are idiots! Sonny and Sam, maybe?... No, forget that. They are just alcoholic octagenarians!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Mike Urciolo ()
Date: September 24, 2012 04:31PM

I agree 100% with you on FP. The most important thing to him seems to be how many different pitches a pitcher has, how many times a runner on first will attempt to steal 2nd base with a count of 2-0 in the month of August.

Besides all that, FP is the worst kind of homer. As an older fan, I always appreciated Mel Allen calling games for NY - you NEVER knew who he was rooting for!

The other day when the Nats were playing Milwaukee, there was a close, "bam-bam" play at first base. In slow motion, you could see that the runner was out (and correctly called by the umpire), but it was CLOSE. When the Brewers contested the call, FP says, "He was OBVIOUSLY out!" No he wasn't! It was very close and of course, FP didn't say that until AFTER the replay showed the runner out.

Get rid of him.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Natty Man ()
Date: September 24, 2012 06:34PM

If you didn't know who Mel Allen was rooting for, you either didn't listen to him very well or were hearing him from a Yankee fan's perspective. Allen readily admitted that he was "partisan" toward the Yankees. He distinguished that from being "prejudiced," which he defined as seeing only one side and not appreciating the other. I always thought that was a good distinction.

FP and Carpenter do stray past partisan to prejudiced on occasion. But they also try to be fair -- for example, pulling back after viewing a replay (as you mentioned) or conceding that the Nats "caught a break" on a certain call. Neither is a threat to Mel Allen's legacy, so the folks in Cooperstown don't need to worry about dusting off a spot for their Hall of Fame plaques. But on the whole, they do a credible job.

Do you really want your announcers to be completely dispassionate? Even Mel Allen let out a hearty "How 'bout that!" when a Yankee hitter went deep. Times and styles have changed, and the laid back radio voice is not longer in vogue. Even with announcers turning up the emotion button more than they did in the 40s and 50s, a lot of younger folks find baseball too boring to watch. A local TV announcer isn't doing his job unless he is a "homer" to some extent. I wouldn't want a Hawk Harrelson clone in that position. But I would be even less happy if the Nats tried to sterilize their broadcasting crew to satisfy those who demand nothing but plain vanilla from the booth.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: a non moron ()
Date: September 24, 2012 08:41PM

Mike Urciolo Wrote:
> I agree 100% with you on FP. The most important
> thing to him seems to be how many different
> pitches a pitcher has, how many times a runner on
> first will attempt to steal 2nd base with a count
> of 2-0 in the month of August.
> Besides all that, FP is the worst kind of homer.
> As an older fan, I always appreciated Mel Allen
> calling games for NY - you NEVER knew who he was
> rooting for!
> The other day when the Nats were playing
> Milwaukee, there was a close, "bam-bam" play at
> first base. In slow motion, you could see that the
> runner was out (and correctly called by the
> umpire), but it was CLOSE. When the Brewers
> contested the call, FP says, "He was OBVIOUSLY
> out!" No he wasn't! It was very close and of
> course, FP didn't say that until AFTER the replay
> showed the runner out.
> Get rid of him.

Lol. That statement was DRIPPING with sarcasm. How could you not have picked up on it?

Get rid of yourself.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: chaser ()
Date: April 03, 2013 09:26PM

Bob and FP are the most annoying I have ever heard. Those guys go overboard. They actually said before that their middle infield were better than Cano and Jeter. They never try to be fair. I was never a Nats fan, but Bob and Dibble, now FP make me root against them so they can shut up their cheering. It is like watching 2 little children. They exaggerate everything. I think the Orioles group does pretty good.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Why_You_Bitch *Slap* ()
Date: April 03, 2013 10:20PM

Rooting aginst the Nats?


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Virginia Native ()
Date: April 03, 2013 10:28PM

Fuck the Orioles. You live in Virginia. Root for the home team, you fucking douche. The state of Maryland does not inhabit a single "home team", if you live in, or are from Northern Virginia

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Don'tBeATraitor ()
Date: April 03, 2013 10:43PM

Dirty, stinkin nasty ass birds. Fuck the O's.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: chaser ()
Date: April 05, 2013 07:41PM

It's not my home team, don't like the O's either. I'm in Hampton Roads and both of them are always on, I just moved here to open a martials arts school. Grow up little kid. I was just commenting on those amateur broadcasters.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: yourmom ()
Date: April 05, 2013 09:41PM

I miss Rob Dibble.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: James ()
Date: April 05, 2013 09:54PM

Carpenter and F.P are very good. If you want to hear what other broadcast teams sound like switch around this week because MLB Extra Innings is free during the first week of the season.

I find that the other teams have horrible broadcasters.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: 49flash ()
Date: April 30, 2013 09:07PM

Don't know what you guys are smoking. No team in professional sports has worse announcers. I wonder what the budget is for crying towels for these clowns.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Young Curmudgeon ()
Date: April 30, 2013 09:42PM

49flash Wrote:
> Don't know what you guys are smoking. No team in
> professional sports has worse announcers. I wonder
> what the budget is for crying towels for these
> clowns.

I think there was some sort of survey done last year. They were found to be the 4th worst in the league. Both of them suck. FP Santangelo uses too many words to say nothing, and Bob Carpenter blames everyone but the Nationals.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Bert Baccarat ()
Date: June 04, 2013 04:20PM

FP is a typical California-type bench jockey. He's a cool guy commentator who cannot pronounce the sound S-T combination in words like "straight" without interjecting an "H" to make the word into "SH-traight." Annoying as Hell.....almost as annoying as Bob Carpenter's obsession with pronunciating every syllable and word as if it were a sentence in itself. These are are minor league talents - at best in Santangelo's case - and the Nationals need another play by play man and use Ray Knight for analysis because every time Ray speaks, I learn something. When F.P. speaks, it is usually about someone "checking-in," or "getting a knock," just more cool-guy bench jockeying from a guy whose best contribution to Nats games is the fashion show and myriad of pretty boy glasses he parades in front of what he thinks are adoring fans.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Long time baseball listener ()
Date: June 04, 2013 05:30PM

The whole MASN broadcast team is a joke. From the cameramen, to the producers, to the on-air talent. I watch 10 out of market games on MLB.tv a week and when you listen and watch their telecasts and compare them to MASN it isn't even close. I enjoy listening to Vin Scully or a Johnny Miller or ANYONE other than FP.

The fact that some Nats fans actually like him gives you an insight to how clueless Nats fans really are.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: RedSoxFan ()
Date: June 04, 2013 08:50PM

I'd rather listen to Michael Kay call a Skankees game than listen to these two idiots.

BTW, as bad as they are, Charlie Slowes and Dave Jageler are excellent.

For color, Jerry Remy is the best is the business. Go Rem-Dawg!!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: phillies can ()
Date: June 19, 2013 10:42PM

I've been watching the recent Phils-Nats series on MASN and I can't stand the broadcasters. I grew up with Harry Kalas (HOF announcer) so maybe I'm a little spoiled but these MASN guys are bad on multiple levels.

1. They are crazy biased towards the nats. a professional announcer will surely get excited for their home team but not like these guys. they will actually degrade the other guys.
2. they make fun of the fans. earlier tonight they made a big deal of a guy who "spilled beer all over himself" even showing a slow motion replay when in fact the fan merely got shocked by a quick foul ball in his direction and he shool his can slightly causing some beer to spray out. ridiculously unneccessary to mention let alone highlight.
3. they exaggerate deep fly balls. any nationals ball hit to the outfield you would think is going to be a HR
4. they say stuff that is just wrong. multiple times tonight they talked about a low pitch that was called a strike against the nats as "almost hitting the ground" and they continued to say this even as the pitch track showed it clearly crossing the plate at the batters knees. they then went on to point out how much lower (maybe 2 inches or so) it was when the catcher caught it, as if that matters. the strike zone is defined as when the ball crosses the plate.

overall it's just ridiculous. any somewhat experienced baseball fan could do better

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: HOF #41 ()
Date: June 20, 2013 11:38AM

Better yet. Why not just move the heck back to Canada. This team will always be the Expo's. Has been and will always be a Canadian Club! Davey Johnson should be embarassed. The only thing worse than this team is the pathetic so called "American League" Get rid of the DH NOW!!! Also, what's with constant GONADS chant at that food court of a staduim in DC? Are GONADS all that you people in this poor excuse for a Metropolitan area think about. I wish that you would just put the NADS in your mouth already and shut the heck up about this joke of a team.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: SaltyDawg ()
Date: June 20, 2013 11:42AM

I could not have said it better myself. Better dead than Red!!!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: rispaverse ()
Date: August 24, 2013 05:06PM

Lordie! FP is driving me INSANE with his frequent, gattling-gun style repetition of "those-in-the-know" baseball slang. An offer isn't a business proposition; it's a check swing or pitch. A pitcher "features" several types of pitches--he no longer "throws" the ball...he features, like a midday matinee. Center cut isn't a filet mignon, it's "dead center" over the plate. Knocks and taters, ugh. Finally, FP frequently parrots the expression, "Plays the game the right way" without ever defining the buzz-aphorism.

Yes, as you can tell from my pedantry, I've been driven over the center cut.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: rispaverse ()
Date: August 24, 2013 05:40PM

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN about their (and the Nats organization overall) chumpism concerning turning a baseball game into more of a carnival than a competition. All actions and activities are aimed at increasing ticket sales, but the approach seems so geared toward juveniles and adolescents that sometimes I wonder if I'm watching a professional baseball organization or an ad on local TV for an American Legion All-You-Can-Eat clambake.

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Colored People
Posted by: George Wallace ()
Date: August 24, 2013 06:35PM

> > I always bristle at color commentators who had
> > so-so careers critiquing the play of future
> Hall
> > of Famers. Santangelo comes off as kind of a
> > douche bag.
> Baseball doesn't need color guys. A good play by
> play can do color, baseball action is not that
> fast.

Baseball needs white players, and colored players as well.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: jjj ()
Date: April 05, 2014 07:00PM

I find them both very informative,I am a longtime fan and understand the game. No changes

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: April 05, 2014 07:31PM

jjj Wrote:
> I find them both very informative,I am a longtime
> fan and understand the game. No changes

Thanks dumbo -- we've been awaiting your input since August.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Bowie Kuhn ()
Date: April 05, 2014 08:38PM

Opening Day this week? The question seems as apropos now as it was at any point in the 2013 season. I guess some people just can't do the math.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: fp ()
Date: April 09, 2014 08:52PM

Umpire reviewed (home run), call on the field was upheld: Bryce Harper homers (1) on a fly ball to right field. Adam LaRoche scores. Ryan Zimmerman scores. One out.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Dancing homer ()
Date: April 09, 2014 08:54PM

No I like FP and Bob Carpenter. I think they have a good reparte and knowledge of the game. The thing I miss is that POA Julie Alexandria. Her OOOOOH Face while getting dunked gatoraide during post game interviews is sorely missed.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: MVfan ()
Date: April 10, 2014 07:29AM

If I had a free beer every time FP predicts something and is proven wrong seconds later, I'd get a nice buzz going almost every game. FP is the worst. He looks at a stadium shot in Phoenix and says "Ah, the Rocky Mountains"

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: RoadApples ()
Date: April 10, 2014 11:52PM


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: damnit ()
Date: April 11, 2014 01:02AM

FP's dumb as shit predictions ruin the fucking broadcast. Why oh why does Baltimore get Bordick, Hunter, and Thorne and we get jack?

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Rispaverse ()
Date: April 11, 2014 08:14PM

Yep, Olympic curling is hot! Especially the ladies' teams from Great Britain, Russia and Canada.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Nats fan ()
Date: April 18, 2014 02:21AM

hooroy Wrote:
> Just caught today's game on IV and heard Holiday
> as play-by-play TV announcer, apparently subbing
> for Carpenter. What a refreshing difference!
> Holiday is much more upbeat and energetic, as well
> as more interesting. Not a lot of gibberish like
> Carpenter. The Nats really do need to replace both
> Carpenter and Santangelo.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Nats fan ()
Date: April 18, 2014 02:22AM


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: TF6Dm ()
Date: April 18, 2014 05:04AM

life is too short to spend it watching sports.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Lets go nats ()
Date: April 18, 2014 08:37AM

No, they should replace the team with the Cardinals.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Jog My Memory... ()
Date: April 20, 2014 04:19PM

MVfan Wrote:
> FP is> the worst. He looks at a stadium shot in
> Phoenix and says "Ah, the Rocky Mountains"

Wow! What a dummy! But help me out here, what are those mountains just to the east of Phoenix called anyway? I know they start in Canada somewhere and end up in Mexico passing through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, but I just can't think of the name...

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Alan from AZ ()
Date: September 23, 2014 07:54PM

I am a NY Mets fan since 1962 and I must say that the 2014 Nationals team is very good in all phases of the game. They have a good manager and GM and a beautiful ballpark but the play by play guys on TV are HORRIBLE.

Its one thing to be exuberant about the team you are broadcasting for but Bob Carpenter is ridiculous. Unfortunately, the MLB extra innings package does not always offer the SNY New York broadcast so at times I have to listen to the broadcasters for the Mets opponents.

Of all the other broadcasting teams I have to listen to....he is the worst and very unprofessional. His voice itself is okay but his presentation makes me nauseous!

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Some dude ()
Date: May 06, 2015 10:58PM

So, glad when FP got the job for the Nats, cause I couldn't stand listening to him do the pre & post game show for the Giants. Dude was a journeyman player who needed roids to keep him in the game, and he still sucked.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Bob Stephenson ()
Date: May 30, 2015 05:42PM

FP is the ONLY reason I watch the NATS. He knows more about the subtleties of pitchers than anyone I've ever heard call a game.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Hipster Hater ()
Date: May 30, 2015 06:11PM

You and FP are certainly in agreement about how much he knows. He's not some dummy, but a good portion of his shtick he simply makes up, figuring no one is going to call him on any of it. He just infuriates me nightly. Unfortunately, my wife likes to watch the games on delay, so the watch-TV-and-listen-to-the-radio option isn't available at our house.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: silver fox ()
Date: May 30, 2015 08:08PM

Ray Knight knows quite a lot about the game. He just is not as articulate. But he is a very nice guy and knows the game very,very well. He's made some great points the past two games.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Yup.... ()
Date: May 30, 2015 09:58PM

I'd take Ray over FP any day. Now, if we can just get rid of Bob.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Kilton ()
Date: May 31, 2015 06:37AM

Hipster Hater Wrote:
> He just infuriates me nightly.

LOL, what should infuriate you is that you watch baseball nightly. What a colossal waste of a life.


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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: mr stanley ()
Date: May 31, 2015 08:50AM

It's better than watching the Nigger Basketball Association. or the Nigger Football League. Hockey is very enjoyable, especially the playoffs.

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Rocky ()
Date: May 31, 2015 02:50PM

Yeah, nice looking wife but homer FP really loves Scherzer. Gushes constantly at nausea." Seeing you pitch makes me tingle Max"

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Re: Should Washington Nationals switch TV commentators?
Posted by: Hipster Hater ()
Date: May 31, 2015 02:55PM

Kilton Wrote:
> LOL, what should infuriate you is that you watch
> baseball nightly. What a colossal waste of a life.

Why would I (or anybody else) care what some worthless asinine douchebag thinks?

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