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Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: November 10, 2005 11:44AM

Has anyone ever gotten a ticket in VA for no front license plate? Is it required in VA?

I got a ticket (vehicle was parked legally) in DC for no front license plate although my vehicle is registered in VA. Any thoughts on this?

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: MattyIce ()
Date: November 10, 2005 12:07PM

I drove around without a front plate for about a year. I did have it in my windows half visable but never got pulled over.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 10, 2005 12:21PM

I got a ticket for no front plate from a cop in Arlington on EADS Dr. (st?)

he then tore it up and gave me a warning....so I guess I never actually received it, not sure why he's allowed to tear it up.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: November 10, 2005 01:01PM

I suppose my other question would be: Can DC parking enforcement give me a ticket for no front (VA) tag? I would understand if the vehicle were registered in DC but how would a dc parking enforcement person recognize that front tags are required in VA or any other state and attempt to enforce that jurisdiction's law?

I'm going to dispute the ticket in writing and am looking for support on how to approach it.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: November 10, 2005 01:17PM

I think you have it right, they have no jurisdiction to enforce VA law. I'm out of state right now and my inspection is expired, as is my county sticker, but they can't do anything about it here. I think the only thing you must do is keep the license plates current, but even that may be treading on VA law. There may be some sort of reciprocity agreement with DC, but generally, one state(or DC) cannot enforce another state's laws.


"No vehicles shall be operated on the highways in the Commonwealth without displaying the license plates required by this chapter." referring to § 46.2-715. Display of license plate., saying you need them on front and back.

§ 46.2-711. Furnishing number and design of plates; displaying on vehicles required

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/2005 01:48PM by mad max, JD.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Hurting ()
Date: November 10, 2005 01:22PM

I think cause DC isnt a state , they have the right to do it for VA and MD, My friend had that happen along time ago and he lost

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: November 10, 2005 02:24PM

I called the parking police who says they can enforce the laws of all states. Guy faxed me a paper that says, "A vehicle owned by a non-resident and currently registered in another jurisdiction shall display the proper identification tag or tags issued for the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the issuing jurisdiction."

I think they got me. I seriously doubt that the enforcement stiffs know the laws of every state out there.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: November 10, 2005 02:26PM

But the requirements of the issuing jurisdiction only say that cars operated on the highways of the commonwealth must display the tags. Who are you supposed to pay the fine to? DC? It sounds like a scam.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: SRE ()
Date: November 10, 2005 02:56PM

Read the Doctor Gridlock section in today's Washington Post (Fairfax Section). It states straight out that DC Parking enforcement can (and will) ticket for the lack of a front plate on DC, MD and VA cars.

An additional note... DC is not a state, as Hurting stated. The "officers" for the "city of dc" work under the "federal umbrella" of enforcement. (there are many many details on how this can really F-up your day, even if the "dc cop" you meet is not in the "city of dc" at the time.)

Fighting the dc traffic/parking enforcement branch is like nailing jello to a wall...

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: November 10, 2005 03:17PM

Just because they do ticket you does not mean that it's legal. Can FCPD arrest a DC resident at Blue Ridge for violating DC's handgun ban? No. I don't know much, but there are jurisdiction problems with this.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: hurting ()
Date: November 10, 2005 06:59PM

good point mad max , but if someone from dc had a gun in fairfax and the cop saw it and pulled you over and searched you then you probably would get arrested cause you wouldnt have a licence cause you cant have a gun in dc, right

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: November 10, 2005 07:19PM

No, if you're not violating VA law with the pistol, then it doesn't matter where you're from. Like I said before, I'm domiciled in VA but am in school out of state and have never had a problem here with the authorities in regards to my guns or expired stickers.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 10, 2005 07:21PM

A DC resident can own thousands, millions of guns, as many as they want.

They just have to make sure they keep them outside DC at all times.

It's not about residency, it's about location.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: November 10, 2005 07:23PM

PaperPusher Wrote:
> I think they got me. I seriously doubt that the
> enforcement stiffs know the laws of every state
> out there.

Too bad they knew more than you did about VA law.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: hurting ()
Date: November 10, 2005 07:26PM

ok cool, I dont know the gun laws cause I dont own a gun but if you cant own a gun in DC then how can you own one in any other state? If you live in DC

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: November 10, 2005 07:30PM

The trick is to own them before you move to DC. Currently, you cannot buy a handgun outside of the state in which you live. And yes, as REston Peace said, you just cant bring them into the district.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 10, 2005 07:38PM

welcome to catch-22... hard to own a (hand)gun if you can't keep it around.

so people either keep handguns illegally, don't use handguns at all, or keep the guns locked in a locker at a gun range or at a firend's house outside the limits of DC (many provide this service for people like myself who are too pussified to stand up to their women and demand to have guns at home).

Keep in mind there are complicated exceptions:

From the NRA:


Rifles and Shotguns

A person may buy or sell a firearm only from or to a licensed dealer in the District. Delivery cannot be made until the registration certificate for the firearm is approved by the Metropolitan Police Dept. Ammunition may be bought only for the caliber or gauge of a firearm registered to the buyer.


The sale of handguns in the District is prohibited.


Rifles and Shotguns

All rifles and shotguns must be registered with the Metropolitan Police. To obtain a registration certificate, the applicant must be 21 years old (or be over 18 and have a liability statement signed by his guardian), pass a vision test or have a valid D.C. driver`s license, and not be:

1. Convicted of a crime of violence or a weapons offense.
2. Under indictment for a crime of violence.
3. Convicted of a narcotics or an assault or battery charge within the last five years.
4. Acquitted of a crime by reason of insanity or adjudicated an alcoholic within the past five years.
5. Committed to a mental hospital within the past five years.
6. Suffering from a physical defect which might render his possession of a gun unsafe.
7. Found negligent in any firearm mishap.

No firearm may be acquired unless an application is first filed with the Metropolitan Police Department and a registration certificate issued.

Any person bringing a rifle or shotgun into the District must "immediately" notify the Identification and Records Division. An application for registration must be filed within 48 hours after such notification.


No handgun can be legally possessed in the District unless it is registered. All handguns registered in the District prior to Sept. 24, 1976, were required to have been reregistered by Feb. 5, 1977. After that date, no more handguns could be registered.

Thus, it is unlawful to possess, acquire, or bring into D.C. any handgun which was not registered as of Feb. 5, 1977.


Carrying a handgun in the District is prohibited. All firearms are to be kept at one`s home or place of business.

All firearms must be unloaded and disassembled or locked with a trigger lock except when kept at a registrant`s place of business or while being used for lawful "recreational" purposes. A D.C. license to carry a pistol is needed for one`s home or business and the pistol must also have been registered prior to September 24, 1976.

Self-defense in one`s home with a firearm is therefore legally precluded.


Nonresidents are prohibited (subject to the recreational activity exception) from carrying or possessing a firearm while traveling through the District unless the gun has been registered with the Metropolitan Police.

NOTE: As a practical matter, the police have advised that they will not interfere with nonresidents passing through the District with a firearm, providing the person does not stop, and the firearm is unloaded, securely wrapped and carried in the trunk.


Residents and nonresidents of the District may possess firearms while going to or from and while engaged in lawful recreational firearms related activity, provided that their firearms are legally possessed in their place of residence. In addition, the person should be able to "exhibit proof" that he is on his way to such activity and must transport the firearm "unloaded, securely wrapped and carried in open view."

NOTE: A District resident must ensure that his firearms are registered with the police and he may not borrow, loan, give or rent another person`s firearms.


An antique firearm is any firearm with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system manufactured in or before 1898 and any replica of any firearm so described if such replica: is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition; or uses rimfire or conventional ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the United States and which is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade. Such firearms are exempt from the registration requirement. Also exempt from the registration and license to carry requirement are antique pistols unsuitable for use as firearms.

NOTE: The reader should be aware that there is a problem with conflicting definitions of replicas. The old Code only exempted pistols "unsuitable for use" from the statutory restrictions. The D.C. police have advised that they are not registering replicas, and a loaded operational replica will be considered a "lethal weapon" and cannot be possessed in that condition.


Machine guns, which are defined as firearms which automatically fire more than one shot by a single function of the trigger and includes semi-automatic weapons which fire more than 12 shots without manual reloading, are prohibited.

NOTE: This prohibition extends to all semi-automatic firearms which can be fitted with a clip or magazine containing 12 or more cartridges. This includes .22 caliber rifles with 15 shot tube magazines as well as automatic pistols with 14 shot clips.


Any person who commits a crime of violence "when armed with or having readily available any pistol or other firearm (or imitation thereof)" shall, in addition to the sentence received for the crime itself, also receive an additional sentence.

It is unlawful to possess any firearm, including an imitation handgun, with intent to use it unlawfully against another.

It is unlawful to change, alter, remove or obliterate the maker`s name, manufacturer`s number or other mark of identification on any handgun. Possession of a handgun with an altered mark shall create a legal presumption that the possessor committed the offense.

It is unlawful to carry a gun within 1000 feet of a public or private day care center, elementary school, vocational school, secondary school, college, junior college, or university, or any public swimming pool, playground, video arcade, or youth center, or an event sponsored by any of the above entities.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: D-Dawg ()
Date: November 11, 2005 12:18AM

I got a ticket in Blacksburg, VA while I was down at VT for a no front license plate. I called him on it and said it was bullshit so he got mad and gave me an additional ticket for not wearing my seatbelt...Anyway he cited some state code that says 2 license plates necessary on front and back. I think he was just pissy because it was the end of the month and they were low on their ticket quota. I couldn't contest because I had gone home already but if I were you I would fight it and say it's not common knowledge at all and you had no reaosn to know

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: November 11, 2005 02:17AM

D-Dawg Wrote:
> Hey,
> I got a ticket in Blacksburg, VA while I was down
> at VT for a no front license plate. I called him
> on it and said it was bullshit so he got mad and
> gave me an additional ticket for not wearing my
> seatbelt...Anyway he cited some state code that
> says 2 license plates necessary on front and back.
> I think he was just pissy because it was the end
> of the month and they were low on their ticket
> quota. I couldn't contest because I had gone home
> already but if I were you I would fight it and say
> it's not common knowledge at all and you had no
> reaosn to know

You broke VA law in VA, open and shut case. If you have a car registered in VA and you drive "on the highways in the Commonwealth without displaying the license plates required by this chapter" well then you're a dumbass. This thread is about a completely different issue.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Jim ()
Date: November 11, 2005 09:19AM


"Not common knowledge?" Why on Earth do you think DMV issues TWO license plates? In case you lose one? Just curious...

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: November 11, 2005 11:17AM

mad max, JD Wrote:
> But the requirements of the issuing jurisdiction
> only say that cars operated on the highways of the
> commonwealth must display the tags. Who are you
> supposed to pay the fine to? DC? It sounds like
> a scam.

Yes, this is a DC ticket. Agree this feels like a scam.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 11, 2005 11:56AM

I forgot about one time in DC... I parked my car on K st, to courier something to an office, and when I came back, the meter maid had written me a ticket for "no front plate"

I tried to fight it at traffic adjudication but it was a waste of time...

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: November 12, 2005 12:29AM

Great, I changed my plates recently and the screws were so rusted from the front that I had burned the grooves out of the screws with a drill when I finally was able to pull them out. I got replacment screws but they won't fit my metric plate. I have my rear plate in and my front place on my dashboard clearly visable. All my stickers and regs are current. Should I worry about the plate not properly being in its place?

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: November 12, 2005 10:07AM

§ 46.2-715. Display of license plates.

License plates assigned to a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, tractor truck, trailer, or semitrailer, or to persons licensed as motor vehicle dealers or transporters of unladen vehicles, shall be attached to the front and the rear of the vehicle. The license plate assigned to a motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle. The license plate assigned to a tractor truck shall be attached to the front of the vehicle. The license plates issued to licensed motor vehicle dealers and to persons licensed as transporters of unladen vehicles shall consist of one plate for each set issued and shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle to which it is assigned.

Just in case you missed this part.....\

"...shall be attached to the front and the rear of the vehicle."

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Hurting ()
Date: November 12, 2005 10:38AM

Hey Mofo, you wont get in trouble cause the place where you put the plate is broken but you will probably get pulled over and told to fix it

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: November 13, 2005 08:45AM

Highlander Wrote:
> § 46.2-715. Display of license plates.
> License plates assigned to a motor vehicle, other
> than a motorcycle, tractor truck, trailer, or
> semitrailer, or to persons licensed as motor
> vehicle dealers or transporters of unladen
> vehicles, shall be attached to the front and the
> rear of the vehicle. The license plate assigned to
> a motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer shall be
> attached to the rear of the vehicle. The license
> plate assigned to a tractor truck shall be
> attached to the front of the vehicle. The license
> plates issued to licensed motor vehicle dealers
> and to persons licensed as transporters of unladen
> vehicles shall consist of one plate for each set
> issued and shall be attached to the rear of the
> vehicle to which it is assigned.
> Just in case you missed this part.....\
> "...shall be attached to the front and the rear of
> the vehicle."

I'm aware of this but VA police rarely enforce. My question has to do with DC's ability to enforce the laws of another jurisdiction.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: hurting ()
Date: November 13, 2005 10:06AM

They can cause they are NOT a state, thats the reason

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: November 13, 2005 11:20AM

PaperPusher Wrote:
> I'm aware of this but VA police rarely enforce.

How do you know this? I would bet good money that statewide there have been more tickets written for front license plate violations than arrests for murder. Here, search the arrest listing. 25 arrests for murder, DISPLAY OF LIC PLATES gets 1570. Does that mean murder laws are rarely enforced? I'm surprised so many people are stupid enough to get busted for this... just put on both the plates DMV sends you!!

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 13, 2005 11:26AM

I got my ticket the day after it fell off from getting hit.. you can hardly say I didn't put the thing on to begin with. I think there is such thing as overzealous enforcement of meaningless law...the front license law is only to give the cops one more reason to pull you over and overfine you, and infringe on your general rights.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: November 15, 2005 10:37AM

pgens, why are you so bitter about this? If you don't like my questions, feel free not to respond. You still fail to comprehend the jurisdictional question. I do have the plate and will put it on but why does it affect you so much? The cops could much better serve the public by pulling you over for speeding.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: November 15, 2005 12:30PM

One of the "judicial questions" you posted was this offense was rarely enforced. I showed it is... now what is your question again?

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: November 15, 2005 12:35PM

my question wasn't "judicial", it was jurisdictional.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: ----------------------- ()
Date: February 16, 2006 06:38AM

i know this forum is old be here goes nothin. one of the reasons cops, like myself, enforce the NO FRONT TAG law is becuase of a very simple reason. During the "sniper" incident the LEO/FEDS had cameras on the overpasses and other places taking pictures of front tags. they were trying to find vehicles that were at the shootings by logging the tags into a database and compairing the entries of each shooting. I dont remember the exact percentage but somewhere over 50% of the vehciles in the NOVA area dont have front tags on their vehciels. I dont know how long it would of taken the LEO's to catch the "snipers" if everyone had a front tag, but im sure atleast a life or two could of been saved.

Think about it, cops dont get paid by the ticket, they get paid a set salary. I go home the same time if i write you a ticket, or not.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 16, 2006 07:13AM

I call hard bullshit on you, officer.

First of all, no shit you don't get paid by the ticket. Like we all don't fucking know that. But, if you were to write no tickts or very few, you will eventually be found to be innefective and they'll either can your sorry ass or demote you; I am hoping you can shed light on the exact procedure used on police who don't write tickets to the numericalsatisfaction of some arbitrary body, they same arbitrary boards that seem to have control of all the police departments in the area, with a few exceptions I am sure.

My second point is the sniper thing may be a valid reason for NO PLATE, but what the fuck about people who have the plate fall off due to poor mounts and place the plate in the corner of the front window, in plane sight? Then we get ticket for plate-related offense purely for revenue collection reasons, since there is no misidentification danger to the public (unless the police really DO hire the blind for patrol work). Even those awful security video cameras at public garages can see the damned things moderately in the windshields.

All I am saying is that there is a fair amount of good faith by displaying the thing at all, and cops still choose to be dicks occasionnally and write tickets for soemthing that amounts to nothing, and that they do not HAVE to write a ticet for.

Let's not forget here, kids, cops don't HAVE to write tickets for anything, they are ordered to or choose to to be dicks or get revenge. I believe petty tickets fall under this form of revenge.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: February 16, 2006 11:05AM

As a follow up, I followed the procedure of disputing via mail within a week or so of beginning this post in November and haven't heard anything back. They either killed it or it's still pending.

As for the sniper theory, sounds like a convenient excuse to me. I didn't dispute that I got a valid ticket ... I disputed the District's right to issue the ticket.

If I ever hear back from them I'll post the result.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: § ()
Date: February 16, 2006 11:28AM

Well, not to choose sides, but....

There's no such thing as a petty ticket. It's the law. Motor vehicle laws are created to conform to social norms of safety, accountability and aesthetics within reason. A ticket for a license plate displayed improperly is for accountability. People should be held accountable to certain rules that pertain to the PRIVILEGE of driving. If people don't like it, forfeit your license and buy a Huffy.

The easiest way is to breakdown an officer psychologically. Most officers respond to flattery and kind-hearted gestures because a majority of them want to feel appreciated for their civic duties or have grandoise feelings of wanting to be a hero of some sort (face it, the profession does NOT pay). It doesn't mean you have to speak like you just threw pixie dust all over the place like a softy, hell, I'm not the nicest guy in the world, but if pulled over, I'll turn up the charm and charisma of that of Bill Clinton. Lie if you have to. If you approach a situation with a non-hostile, polite and reasonable manner, you're more likely to get a warning and maybe even a handshake.

Remember, two can play this game. If a cop comes across as with a hostile and narrow-minded attitude, just play the role and feed him what he wants.........a little praise and compliment (even if you dont' mean it). If he crosses the line, file a complaint and/or sue the department. -§

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: February 16, 2006 05:35PM

I hate cops but I do always turn the BS all the way up like suggested in the above post. I may even throw in a little full release if the cop reduces the charge enough.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: February 17, 2006 07:52PM


Well, not to choose sides, but....

There's no such thing as a petty ticket. It's the law.
sure... i understand if you get ticketed for being a month out of date with inspections which by the way is FAR too often, or perhaps a couple weeks. however, when an entire parking lot if carefully combed over the DAY that it expires, that IS rediculous. just so you understand what petty REALLY means, here you go.

pet·ty Audio pronunciation of "petty." ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pt)
adj. pet·ti·er, pet·ti·est
Of small importance; trivial: a petty grievance.
Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.
Marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters.
Secondary in importance or rank; subordinate. See Synonyms at trivial.
Law. Variant of petit.

Motor vehicle laws are created to conform to social norms of safety, accountability and aesthetics within reason. A ticket for a license plate displayed improperly is for accountability.
it's interesting how most states (i think maryland even) dont require front plates. why is it so important? you still can be easily identified by the rear plate. sound petty to me.

People should be held accountable to certain rules that pertain to the PRIVILEGE of driving.
this is yet another account of bullshit. everyone pays taxes and taxes pay for roads. if you hit a car, you have to pay for it or your insurance does. if you cant afford it, your car is taken for payment. so why is it considered to be a "privilege?" is it because you are an elitest ass?

If people don't like it, forfeit your license and buy a Huffy.
you must love paying high taxes. you dont like paying for food? dont eat any, ever.

The easiest way is to breakdown an officer psychologically.
why should i have to feed their ego when it's their JOB? you know how they say dont feed the bears? yeah, it's because if you do they expect everyone to feed them and will maul you if you dont.

Lie if you have to.
that is an amoral approach.

Remember, two can play this game.
since when was the law a game?

If he crosses the line, file a complaint and/or sue the department.
as i recall, "pull the fuck over" had the cheif "talk to him." how effective.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: March 04, 2006 09:34AM

Well, I finally got a response from the DC adjudication office. According to them, I still have to pay and I will. Now I feel silly for justifying the wages of at least 4 lazy assed DC workers.

On the bright side, at least they didn't shoot me for not having a front plate. I suppose justice is served. I get to pay $50 and I now have a front plate. I wonder how many times I'll have to avoid paying the Dulles toll to offset my $50 and postage?

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Share the Road ()
Date: March 04, 2006 10:35AM

This is an interesting post. I liked the part where RESton Peace talks about how he hates the cops. My feeling is that if you were not always trying to skirt the law or run just over the edge of legal you wouldn't have to hate the cops. You want to hear something funny, or maybe it isn't. The cops that you have come to hate more than likely hate you. Not that they hate everyone that they serve, just you and those like you. The ones that think they are better than the law. The ones that think while the speed limit says 55 it is ok for them to do 70, 75, 85, or 90 or any other speed they feel like. The last time I looked a law was a directive, not a suggestion. It says Speed LIMIT, not Suggested Speed.

The issue with the front license plate, that comes from the Federal Government. The department of Home Land Security is requesting that all states require two license plates. (And last time I looked Maryland did require two) And for all states to enforce the two license plate rule. You don't have to like it, you just need to know that it is a rule and if you want to drive you need to follow the rule. And for those who were not aware, I believe that some one said it already, but why do you think they give you two. And no, tossing it on your dash is not an acceptable way of displaying it.

Just in case anyone other than Gravis thinks otherwise, driving IS a privilege. If it wasn't a privilege that could be taken away from you, If you didn't have the threat of going to jail for driving 100 MPH on the beltway or for driving on a suspended license then people would drive however they wanted and our highway death toll would be 10 fold what it is now. Which by the way was over 1600 people in the state of Virginia last year. The number one contributor to fatal accidents is speed.

So like the officer said, the laws are here to protect you, to protect you from the ignorant and the selfish. Even if the ignorant and selfish they are protecting you from is yourself. And if common sense doesn’t dictate what is write and wrong for you, you can find the law on the internet at http://leg1.state.va.us/000/src.htm or at your local library.

You know, we just recently had a guy join my office from one of our sister offices in another part of the area. After being there a while he commented that he was much happier with us and that our office was a much better place to work. The difference he said was that the little things mattered to us. We took care of the little things and the big issues just seemed to take care of them selves. I think that as a society that is our problem. The little things no longer matter to us. It is just a license plate. I was only going 15 over the speed limit. The light was only red for a second. Well driving, life and work all have one thing in common. If the little things matter and we take care of them then the big things will take care of them selves. I bet if you start caring about the little things while you drive you might find that you don’t hate the cops and that you both actually want the same things in life. Funny how the average motorist never has an encounter with a police officer and that so many people have multiple encounters with them. Could be a hint.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 04, 2006 12:03PM

Share the road, you are truly a mornic, unimaginative tool. You need to learn to read AND comprehend.

I find it funny you expect us to believe you have an education, with a mind as closed as yours. Just shut the fuck up and go back to screwing up your kids so they become serial rapists like you. Then see how much you love the cops when they TELL you how much you fucked your kid up. Good work.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: econ ()
Date: March 04, 2006 08:34PM

this guy is a fucking idiot ^^^^^^^ its not like he even pays for his gas. plus most cops hard accelerate alot, burning up gas. it must b e nice to have a company car like that.

he doesnt pay for his paijnt job, nor the maintence on his car (or the responsibility of mounting a front liscense plate)... he doesnt care what his car looks like

its too bad when I drive store to store or place to place I pay out of my pocket..... I pay tickets for doing shit the cops do all day (speed around ETC)>........

what fucking bs

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: PaperPusher ()
Date: March 05, 2006 09:40AM

The whole point of this post from the beginning was about jurisdiction - not whether or not I was wrong by not having a front plate mounted. According to what DC sent me, if a jurisdiction issued me a plate, it is required to be mounted. That is simple enough and I have no problem with that ... what I have a problem with is whether or not DC has the knowledge/authority to enforce the laws of another jurisdiction.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: econ ()
Date: March 05, 2006 10:37AM

that post was directed towards the cops not reston peace

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 05, 2006 01:00PM


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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 06, 2006 07:26AM

a few days ago(saturday), i saw a cop on Rolling Road the the left turn lane (with his blinker on) at a red light. when the light turned green he hesitated for a second and then floored it and instead of turning left he turned into the lane on his right and nearly ran someone into the car beside them. im sure the cop almost shot the guy in the other car because he felt his life was in danger. perhaps he had to have a hand on the wheel and the other cramming a donut into his mouth.

I find it funny you expect us to believe you have an education, with a mind as closed as yours. Just shut the fuck up and go back to screwing up your kids so they become serial rapists like you. Then see how much you love the cops when they TELL you how much you fucked your kid up. Good work.

RESton Peace, im going to have to remember those lines for later use. it's truely poetry.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Share the Road ()
Date: March 06, 2006 08:16AM

You talk about an education, maybe you should proof read what you type before you hit send. Looks like you are the one who skipped a class or two. Or did the truth hurt so much that you couldn’t' think straight when you were typing?

I thought this was a community bulletin board where people could share their opinions. I guess that is only the case if their opinion matches yours. My hat is off to PaperPusher. He asked a valid question, got a nice discussion going and then several of you had to jump in and make this something that it wasn't. Even Paper Pusher jumped back in and said, hey guys, I just asked a simple question. Seems that every time someone makes a post several of you have to turn in into how much you hate the police. Well it is my OPINION that you must have a reason to hate the police so much. And I don't think it is because you are the poor victim who has done nothing wrong. This post started out about DC parking enforcement. And for your information, DC cops don't normally write parking tickets. The have a whole different section that is not even part of the police department writing parking tickets.

As for my children, I know that they have been raised to have a level of respect for others that you will never see. Maybe if your mother had used her Dr. Spock handbook across your ass instead of reading it to you, you might have turned out better as well.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 06, 2006 02:03PM

I know someone who raises his kids to "respect the cock" isn't talking to me.

Share the road, you are a truly sick individual. How can you do those kinds of things to innocent children?

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: DanielJ ()
Date: March 07, 2006 12:30AM

Im sure we all know your license is a priviledge not a right.

And by accecpting that priviledge, you literally sign away some of your 'rights'

Virginia DMV has jurisdiction over you as long as (in the eyes of virginia) you have the license still. If you live in West Virginia, or lets say Oregon. You get too many tickets in Oregon. You better believe virginia will take you license, without notice even. (well mabey if you forwarded your mail) but then if you did they its a federal offence to not change your address within 30 days

Anyways its like debating over the legal system... theres too many clauses and catch-22's, too many open ended statements. Now although Virginia takes your license you might be able to get one in oregon with not problems... and then again, mabey not.

Just remember what is it... its the VIRGINIA ***division*** of Motor Vehicles...
All DMV's are on in the same.

As this pertains to the ticket in DC, i would not be suprised if

1) DC can enforce Maryland and Virginia Laws.
2) Fuck everyone elses law... when your in DC, you need two plates.
(how else would they make money; dont forget 'Taxation without Representation'

-- and last but not least
3) It is total bullshit, and I would contest it myself.. it never hurts.
Although in the case of DC its fuckin hard...

Keep writing back, send the same letter with a different date untill you atleast get a reply... that way they cant say you knowingly refused to pay.
Last think you want is to go to DC and find they have a local warrent for your arrest.

Ive seen it happen for only one ticket.. although not likely.
And usually a local warrent like that only lasts for one year.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: DanielJ ()
Date: March 07, 2006 12:48AM

Im sure we all know your license is a privilege not a right.

And by accepting that privilege, you literally sign away some of your 'rights'

Virginia DMV has jurisdiction over you as long as (in the eyes of Virginia) you have the license still. If you live in West Virginia, or lets say Oregon. You get too many tickets in Oregon. You better believe Virginia will take you license, without notice even. (Well maybe if you forwarded your mail) but then if you did, it’s a federal offence to not change your address within 30 days

Anyways its like debating over the legal system... theres too many clauses and catch-22's, too many open ended statements. Now although Virginia takes your license you might be able to get one in Oregon with not problems... and then again, maybe not.

As this pertains to the ticket in DC, I would not be surprised if

1) DC can enforce Maryland and Virginia Laws.
2) Fuck everyone else’s law... when your in DC, you need two plates.
(How else would they make money remember 'Taxation without Representation?????’

-- and last but not least
3) It is total bullshit, and I would contest it myself... it never hurts.
Although in the case of DC it’s fuckin hard...

Keep writing back; send the same letter with a different date until you at least get a reply... that way they can’t say you knowingly refused to pay.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: DanielJ ()
Date: March 07, 2006 12:49AM


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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 07, 2006 02:40AM

Share the Road wrote:
Just in case anyone other than Gravis thinks otherwise, driving IS a privilege. If it wasn't a privilege that could be taken away from you, If you didn't have the threat of going to jail for driving 100 MPH on the beltway or for driving on a suspended license then people would drive however they wanted and our highway death toll would be 10 fold what it is now. Which by the way was over 1600 people in the state of Virginia last year. The number one contributor to fatal accidents is speed.

there really isnt a way to die in a car accident without being hit by a car and to be hit by a car it must be moving with a higher speed than you. you might as well say the number one contributor is brakes. you know, they didnt stop you in time.

on a side note, your thoughts are skewed from reality. overall, it sounds like you want the USA to be just like China.

DanielJ Wrote
Just remember what is it... its the VIRGINIA ***division*** of Motor Vehicles...
All DMV's are on in the same.

no, the DMV is not a national system, it varies state to state. otherwise, all the laws for driving would be the same in all states but they are not. it's a division of the state.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: March 07, 2006 05:14AM

it says right on the website.. DEPARTMENT of motor vehicles. Not division.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 07, 2006 10:21AM

now i feel like a tool. dammit.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Share the Road ()
Date: March 07, 2006 09:38PM


Just in case physics escaped you, speed translates into velocity. Velocity translates into kinetic energy. It is the kinetic energy that causes the damage. Now let’s reverse the process. Less kinetic energy causes less damage, i.e., less chance of getting hurt. The slower you go the easier it is to stop. In other words, if you were not breaking the sound barrier, your brakes would stop the car. Thus, fewer accidents, fewer deaths and fewer injuries. I cannot imagine the type of thinking that would say it isn’t the speed that causes the accidents but the lack of brakes.

And for your information, I am all for the freedoms that we enjoy in this Country. Having laws and expecting people to obey them does not make one a communist. But thinking that one is above the law or that the law doesn’t apply to them does make one ignorant.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: DanielJ ()
Date: March 08, 2006 12:37PM

Please excuse my drunken post

If you have unpaid tickets in Oregon, you cant get a license in Virginia without paying them. Now, I agree this varies state to state, but they know (some what) whats going on.

Its all a bunch of BUEROCRATIC bull..
But DMV's or Motor Vehicle Commission (mvc (not the late night video's))
Are not under just their own supervision... they fall under others also...

Theres the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.. and then the Federal DOT. Both of which have great influence, and/or control over the state's DMV offices.

In the United States of America, Department of Motor Vehicles (or DMV) is the most common name of the government agency of a U.S. state which ***administers the registration of automobiles (e.g., by issuing license plates), and the licensing of drivers (e.g., by issuing driver's licenses).***

1) That Says nothing about laws.
2) The Federal government could theoretically take over such functions through its ability to regulate interstate commerce.

Ok well, still just a bunch of BUEROCRATIC shit.
Different states DMV's are more incorporated then one would think.

anyways i stole some of this from:

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: March 08, 2006 01:48PM

I'll say it. It's bureaucratic.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Healthy Dissent ()
Date: March 08, 2006 02:42PM

Share the road:

I don't think replying to your post bashing you is very constructive, and you do seem like the type of person who is open to logical points, so I would like to point out a few things in your post with which I (respectfully) disagree.

One is where you wrote "The number one contributor to fatal accidents is speed."
Actually, I believe that its not speed, but the DIFFERENCE in speed that causes accidents. If one car is going 30 miles per hour on the highway, there is a high probability that it would cause an accident, because everyone else is going 70. If you lower the speed limit to 30, there would in fact be MORE accidents because some people would be going 30, others 50, and even others 80. The goal of speed limits is twofold. One is to limit the speed the road can handle (i.e. small windy road cannot support 60 mph). The other is to control the variability in the speed on that road. Higher speed limits may actually be SAFER than lower ones because it more accurately represents the reality of the driving speeds. A few years ago, NJ did a study when it was raising some highways speed limits from 55 mph to 65. It was found that raising the speed limit had NO detrimental effect on accidents and in fact it reduced the variability in speeds (the people whom were going 55 started going 65, which is much closer to the average speed on the highway.)

I see a common theme in your arguments, and it reminds me of the military (and reminds me of parents). You MUST follow all directives unquestioning. Someone knows whats best for you. If you disagree, you do not know what is best for yourself. "it is a rule and if you want to drive you need to follow the rule." sounds strangely like some arguments, "If you don't one of these country's policies, LEAVE THE US!" Unfortunately, saying something like this implies that one should ignore the democratic nature of our country and instead of trying to change it, just listen or 'get out'.

The key here is healthy dissent. If you don't like a rule, seek to change it. One way is to talk about it on forums and bring attention to that fact. For example, this two licence plate rule does really not pose a problem to me personally, but I find it interesting that Homeland Security thinks that somehow this will stop terrorism?

"And if common sense doesn't dictate what is write and wrong for you, you can find the law on the Internet at or at your local library." What if common sense does dictate what is right or wrong, but this is different from existing law? Blindly following the law is never good. Just because it's a law does not mean its correct. Just recently VA struck down an archaic law prohibiting sex between two unmarried (heterosexual) people. To me, this shouldn't be illegal. If you are going to blindly follow laws, you must follow all laws, even the silly ones.. After all, according to you, the laws are here to protect you from your ignorant and selfish self.

"Funny how the average motorist never has an encounter with a police officer and that so many people have multiple encounters with them."
Everyone I know has had an encounter with a police officer. This means from teens to 70 year old. I have never met a person who has never had an encounter. Either I know 100% of the "bad law breaking selfish folk", or your statement is wrong.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: March 08, 2006 04:38PM

Share the Road,
  actually, it is not the speed that causes you not to be able to break, it's the friction coefficient of the tires to the road as well as the brakes. velocity is a factor, but the inability to transfer the kenetic energy causes the car to continue. an example is if the car ran into a wall completely stopping the vehical. more aptly, if the brakes and tires could transfer the energy into the road, it would stop. the higher the friction, the faster you stop.

as for my comment about you wanting the USA to be like China, that has NOTHING to do with communism. hell, China only claims to be a communist state while it is truly a totalitarian state. my point was not that you want the laws enforced but rather you want them to be absolutes with summary sentencing with no room to dispute it in a police state fashion. i did not say this is what you want but what i surmised from your statement.

a witty passive agressive insult would be good to write here but i rather just say this: eat me.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Share the Road ()
Date: March 09, 2006 08:28PM

First I would like to thank Healthy Dissent for his comments. See you can disagree with someone without MFing them from one side of the board to the other. And Gravis, I enjoyed your response. I even laughed at the eat me. Now that is a decent slap with a little humor in it.

I could continue this by responding further but at this point we are saying the glass is half full and half empty, at least on the speed issue. I do agree with some of the things you said about the laws and some of them need to be changed. But there is still a responsibility issue, especially when innocent people are affected by another persons actions. I don’t know of too many cases where two consenting adults have caused someone to die while in the process of having sex. Unless some old guy just couldn’t handle the young hottie he was banging, or one of the couple’s spouses found out about it. Different category there.

So on to the next issue. I am sure we will find something else to knock back and forth before long.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Healthy Dissent ()
Date: March 10, 2006 11:42AM

Share the Road Wrote:
> But there is still a responsibility issue, especially
> when innocent people are affected by another
> persons actions.

Ditto. I think this subject like many others.. the "correct" answer falls somewhere in between the two sides of the issue.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Final word. ()
Date: March 02, 2016 02:43AM

This discussion took some interesting tangents, but the upshot of it is that yes, you do need to have a front license plate in Virginia if your car is registered in this state.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: 4xCEh ()
Date: March 02, 2016 09:12AM

If you don't know that you need to have your Virginia license plate attached to the front of your car in the prescribed manner in the correct place, you are either too stupid to drive a car, or pretending you don't understand in order to rationalize driving without a front license plate. Either way, no one is crying when you get a ticket for it.

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: whohoho ()
Date: March 02, 2016 09:21AM

4xCEh Wrote:
> If you don't know that you need to have your
> Virginia license plate attached to the front of
> your car in the prescribed manner in the correct
> place, you are either too stupid to drive a car,
> or pretending you don't understand in order to
> rationalize driving without a front license plate.
> Either way, no one is crying when you get a
> ticket for it.

it is only a monetary fine, I'd rather pay that instead of devaluing my car by drilling holes into the front bumper. If i went with anything it would be a show mount that will mount from underneath and can be taken on and off as i please! Put it on to be legal while driving, take it off while at a show to be pretty!

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: Fuck you, 2006 Asshole ()
Date: March 02, 2016 08:00PM


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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: vwnVW ()
Date: March 03, 2016 06:31PM


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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: So Mad ()
Date: March 03, 2016 06:48PM

Fuck you, 2006 Asshole Wrote:
> Jerk

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: e3YbF ()
Date: March 04, 2016 08:35AM


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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: 4MMTy ()
Date: March 04, 2016 01:37PM

PaperPusher Wrote:
> Has anyone ever gotten a ticket in VA for no front
> license plate? Is it required in VA?
> I got a ticket (vehicle was parked legally) in DC
> for no front license plate although my vehicle is
> registered in VA. Any thoughts on this?

yessss.... that you are

1) lying: let's see the ticket, pics or it didn't happen

2) stupid if you think DC has that power

3) a troll

4) probably trying to support the rumor government
has the power to steal in such manners by
saying it happened and that you have no choices

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Re: Front License Plate
Posted by: NDm6U ()
Date: March 04, 2016 01:40PM

please post the name of the DC courtroom and judge who is supporting the ticket

(if you have a pic, which i doubt)

the cop i dont give a crap about - another worthless dc theif

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