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Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 08:55AM

I give these guys credit for bullshitting CBS for so many years. But it appears the CBS suits in NY are finally waking up to the fact that the Junkies suck, are paid way too much and don't deliver fucking ratings. I don't understand why CBS renews a fucking contract before looking at their numbers from the past five years.

Regardless, I had to chuckle when I read this in the DCRTV mailbag. These facts are not some new revelation. Going back to the way CBS mishandled Howard Stern and then plugged David Lee Roth in his place, CBS Radio is managed by fucking morons...

“Dave's response: WJFK is ranked at about 20th in the overall weekly radio ratings. Yeah, it does better in the male-only demos, but it's not doing as well as CBS suits would like. And frequently gets beat by rival sports talker ESPN 980, WTEM. I would expect more changes at 106.7 in the upcoming weeks and months.....” Dave don’t play with us: maybe the Junk’s Brett (who recently jumped ship to cook dead pigs in the South) knew something even THEY don’t know still and that is that the show is about to be cancelled? Then what: no more “King of Ashburn”, free drinks at Bonehead and comps at Atlantis for Lurch “Slut Box” Papa, no more cry babying about spending money on his kids & trophy girlfriend by JP because he will actually be able to say to them, “I’m BROKE”, no more Cakes, well, Cakes is a pretty humble guy & his wife works so it won’t matter because he can always go back to Toys-B-Us or stealing, how about no more of EB acting like a Rich Republican all the time, marrying a Chinarican & talking about The Palm and how many televisions he has and what a great life he has. No, it will all go down the tubes and their kids will be going to area community colleges once CBS wises up & dumps their sorry asses.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Sporty ()
Date: March 26, 2012 08:59AM

What's really pathetic is that the Junks can't beat Mike and Mike...Greenberg and Golic are forever stuck in some sort of 1998 vortex. I don't know what's sadder...Mike and Mike's show, or the fact that they kill in so many markets. Ridonkulous...

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 09:05AM

Sporty Wrote:
> What's really pathetic is that the Junks can't
> beat Mike and Mike...Greenberg and Golic are
> forever stuck in some sort of 1998 vortex. I don't
> know what's sadder...Mike and Mike's show, or the
> fact that they kill in so many markets.
> Ridonkulous...

The Junkies are in 18th fucking place! I don't care how good they claim the male demos are...they aren't that good if you are in 18th place. Have these idiots ever cracked the Top 10? Ever?? The fact these guys are reportedly making in excess of $1 mil as a group should cost some senior management at CBS their jobs. Ever hear of pay for perfomance?


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Ashburn30 ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:11AM

Dude you are a bitter bitch ! The Junkies are GREAT, and you seem personally angry that they have been successful. The ratings for their show have gone up and down over the years, so what? That is true for every show. I can’t get enough of their show and trust me they are not going anywhere. Stop your angry rants on here and DCRTV.com it’s pathetic

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: radioguy ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:12AM

The Junkies rock. The OP sounds like an ex-employee of 106.7.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Rick Donkey ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:13AM

"The fact these guys are reportedly making in excess of $1 mil as a group should cost some senior management at CBS their jobs. Ever hear of pay for perfomance?"

CBS just throws good money after bad with these guys. When they were doing sports, they were told to do less sports and more entertainment, then the station went to sports, and they are doing less sports more entertainment. I have never been to a poker open, but I guess they pull in people for that. I cannot for the life of me see what CBS sees in these assholes.

Mike Wise is cutting his show back, I am surprised Danny and Holden did not eat an hour of the Junkies time away. They could have done 9-12, Wise 12-2, now you have two two hour shows, neither of which will ever really get its legs under itself because two hours is just too short. I say this is the first step to Wise being kicked to the curb.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Donkeyfelt ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:14AM

Ashburn30 Wrote:
> Dude you are a bitter bitch ! The Junkies are
> GREAT, and you seem personally angry that they
> have been successful. The ratings for their show
> have gone up and down over the years, so what?
> That is true for every show. I can’t get enough
> of their show and trust me they are not going
> anywhere. Stop your angry rants on here and
> DCRTV.com it’s pathetic

Obvious Junkies castmember is obvious.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hunter ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:19AM

Who is this poster ? I just read his little rant on DCRTV, than I have to come over here and read the same thing....yawn. The Junkies' ratings are definatly down, but the show is still great. I wish I could listen at work. The fight last week was unbelievable radio. I have got to figure out how to download the pod casts.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 09:20AM

The fact that radioguy and Ashburn30 both registered on the same day leads me to believe it's the same Junkies-related Donk. They do read this forum. They have mentioned it on the air. And they hate the fact we point out how much they suck.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 09:21AM

Hunter registered the morning after Ashburn30 and radioguy. He's either one of the Junkies or someone affiliated with the show.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Donkeyfelt ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:25AM

The "fight" was nothing. If they had addressed it in some way, it would have been something and could have been turned into some sort of ratings, but alas, no. The Junkies are idiots, they admit they are idiots. If they are not looking to get "hooked" by some local establishment because they think they deserve some sort of discount, they are lost. They have no idea how to get ratings, because if they did, they would not be buried in 20th. They will never hit number 1, and they don't care. CBS doesn't care about the money they are throwing down the drain and the audience does not care about the Junkies because they don't listen.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hunter ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:28AM

WashingTone-Locian () is a tool. Why not look for another job in radio ? Does all this hate do you any good ? The Junkies seem happy and are definatly succesful, so why not go out and try for yourself ? Does sitting in mommies basement and blogging about the Junkies make your life better ? Shut the Fuck up WashingTone-Locian (), nobody cares ricky !!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Donk Rickeyfelt ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:32AM

Hunter is right, this hate does not do any good. not listening, not using products they endorse and generally igoring the Junkies is the best way to get their tired schtick off the air.

Writing things on here is just fun, but it probably won't make a difference.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 09:41AM

Hunter Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian () is a tool.

Coming from the Junkies, who would know.

> Why not look for
> another job in radio ?

Don't work in radio. Have no interest in "another job."

> Does all this hate do you
> any good ?

Yes. It's entertaining.

> The Junkies seem happy and are
> definatly succesful,

That's why they are physically fighting each other in the studio?

> so why not go out and try for
> yourself ?

Once again, I have no interest in that.

> Does sitting in mommies basement and
> blogging about the Junkies make your life better ?

Not in mommies basement. Not blogging (hint...this is a Forum, not a blog). And, yes, it does make my life better because it gives me joy.

> Shut the Fuck up WashingTone-Locian (), nobody
> cares ricky !!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha

Obviously, you do. The fact The Junkies talk about this "blog" on the air makes me think they care, too.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Sised Donkey ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:45AM

The Junkies know about this site, care about this site and don't like what is written on this site.

If they were so happy and content, why are they continually complaining about their salaries? Why are they getting in fist-fights in the studio, on the air even?

What they are is scared. They know the gravy train will end sooner rather than later. They know they have no other skill sets (oh wait, JP is an author, a lawyer and a boxer) and nowhere else to go. When this ends, that's it, it's over Johnny.

Negative postings (not blogging) here do not help their cause, hence, the sudden pop up of pro-Junkies posters.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 26, 2012 09:54AM

Those donks are gonna be salty and then felted. JP's whore silly isn't gonna be cised for his rick neuhisel.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: John Paul Lame ()
Date: March 26, 2012 10:00AM

Warhawk Wrote:
> Those donks are gonna be salty and then felted.
> JP's whore silly isn't gonna be cised for his rick
> neuhisel.

JP's silly won't be around a week after their show goes off the air.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Random Dude ()
Date: March 26, 2012 11:07AM

Sporty Wrote:
> What's really pathetic is that the Junks can't
> beat Mike and Mike...

I don't think it's pathetic - in fact I think it should be expected. The DC area has received more and more transplants every year who are more concerned with national sports talk rather than local "sports" talk in the morning.

Everyone can get local sports on the drive home, but on the drive in is when commuters get a chance to listen to national sports coverage, and they are (based on the ratings) taking advantage of the opportunity.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 11:11AM

Random Dude Wrote:
> Sporty Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What's really pathetic is that the Junks can't
> > beat Mike and Mike...
> I don't think it's pathetic - in fact I think it
> should be expected. The DC area has received more
> and more transplants every year who are more
> concerned with national sports talk rather than
> local "sports" talk in the morning.
> Everyone can get local sports on the drive home,
> but on the drive in is when commuters get a chance
> to listen to national sports coverage, and they
> are (based on the ratings) taking advantage of the
> opportunity.

I think the issue has more to do with the fact you have a highly paid group of local talent who is unable to top a piped in network program. It would be one thing if M&M were #2 and the Junks were, say, #5. But the fact they both suck but the Junks suck even more should give CBS suits a fit.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Bodega Bob ()
Date: March 26, 2012 11:16AM

Check out http://www.stationratings.com/ratings.asp?market=65 and look at the numbers CBS bottom dwellers in the DC radio market El Zol and WJFK.

What's really interesting is that El Zol **beats** JFK in ratings and Cume.

But it's CBS, before the sports talk flip they let JFK flounder for years with medicore programming, including the Junkies who've never improved.

A million a year for AM drive time personalities that garner about half of the audience commanded by WGTS, which is Christian talk/music/whatever?

The CBS firings should start in New Yawk and trickle down to DC.

Maybe CBS's success with Fresh FM alows them the fund the rest of the loser-CBS lineup?

If the Junkies get booted, sadly I see them surfacing somewhere else, but like O'Meara at VRX, the money won't that good.

It's odd that Fox 5 seems to think JFK personalities like Kevin McCarthy and the Junkies are compelling authorities on movies and sports - but then again, Fox 5 DC's local programming/news is pretty fucked up - Holly Morris is the poster person for lame-o news features.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: March 26, 2012 11:22AM

While I do find these guys mildly more entertaining than the laughing hyena or the "sock-week" king, It blows my mind that they call this a sports show. First they play the Justin Beiber song like 3 times then immediately go into talking about how EB hates filling out NCAA tournament brackets. What gives?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 26, 2012 11:54AM

Kevin McCarthy is the fucking worst. It's like he gives virtually every movie a 4 or 5. Every movie is incredibly awesome and he cant stop loving them all. He incredibly inarticulate and I don't think he knows much about film making (or being a critic) at all.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2012 01:04PM by ChadIsFat.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: March 26, 2012 12:09PM

"He incredibly inarticulate....."

Hello, kettle? This is pot calling.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: March 26, 2012 12:15PM

WJFK should just give us our shock jocks back.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: daryl porn ()
Date: March 26, 2012 01:05PM

Has EB had his hearing checked? what the fuck is he screaming about nothing all the time. carnival barker

if they went back and checked all eb's declarative diatribes about sports he probably was wrong 75% of the time
he just screams and dominates the air time cause its time filler
not much of what he says is inciteful nor meaningful nor particularly witty

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 26, 2012 01:06PM

BB*X Wrote:
> "He incredibly inarticulate....."
> Hello, kettle? This is pot calling.

Oh were you incredibly confused by the post? If not, then I guess you don't know what inarticulate means. Join WTL in the corner.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 01:17PM

daryl porn Wrote:
> Has EB had his hearing checked? what the fuck is
> he screaming about nothing all the time. carnival
> barker

The yelling is fucking obnoxious. I don't think he really understands radio at all. That, combined with the fact he is just fucking stupid about hte most basic things (not knowing what a rifle is, for instance), really makes for annoying listening.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Donkity Ricky ()
Date: March 26, 2012 01:21PM

It's the dumb leading the stupid.

Where did all those Junkies lovers go? Odd, they disappeared about the time the show went off the air....

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: why bother asking the question ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:01PM

on some inane topic of discussion Lurch always asks some question

and jp and cakes always chime in, "I don't know"

At some point does it occur to Lurch to stop asking the questions when the other idiots won't know
oh yeah time filler

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hunter ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:20PM

Love the Junks !

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Donkity Ricky ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:26PM

Hunter Wrote:
> Love the Junks !

See, with just a little bait, you can get them back.

Obvious cast members are obvious.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Net Detective ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:32PM

WTL wrote the mailbag entry. I bet he thought it was funny.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 02:50PM

Net Detective Wrote:
> WTL wrote the mailbag entry. I bet he thought it
> was funny.

You might think, but no. There are, indeed, other people besides myself who think The Junkies suck. Hence the 18th place in the ratings.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:53PM

Well WTL does have some weird obsession with screaming about how talk shows are failing and trying to act like he could do better.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Brett O ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:55PM

yeah donkey i wrote that entry in the dcrtv mailbag

JP was too cheap to give me a going away gift
junkettes touch my butt.jpg

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Bodega Bob ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:56PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> The yelling is fucking obnoxious. I don't think he
> really understands radio at all.

Hey, none of these idiots know what they are doing, even after all these years.

That drove Donnie G. crazy, knowing these amateurs were being gifted the AM drive time slot at JFK while his show, which delivered ratings, was passed over.

Well CBS was looking for a younger demo. What they have is lousy ratings.

At this point I figure someone at CBS is keeping these clowns on air to justify the decision to go with them in the first place.

The ratings numbers on the site noted above say it all - and it gets back to your original question: how can CBS justify $1 million a year for 'talent' that can't beat El Zol?

It's not just the Junkies that suck - Wise, Dukes/LaVar all have made JFK a 'must miss' in my book. Shit CBS would do better to flip JFK to "El Zol Dos" and target the Nova Hispanic community.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: March 26, 2012 02:59PM

I don't think the Don G wanted the morning drive slot. Maybe its more valueable but what a crappy life waking up at 430am every day.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Rick Ricky ()
Date: March 26, 2012 03:02PM

While Don may not have wanted the timeslot, he did want CBS' time, attention and money. He saw a new studio being built for the Junkies, the advertising which was going into promoting their show while he and Mike had the same old studio and no advertising.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: lolz ()
Date: March 26, 2012 03:04PM

I hope this thread reaches 1M+ views!

The junkies suck big time. If you don't think so you are either a felted donk or 14 years old.

I used to find their lack of knowledge charming.............................................

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: horsey is gone ()
Date: March 26, 2012 03:05PM

"At this point I figure someone at CBS is keeping these clowns on air to justify the decision to go with them in the first place"

BINGO probably same reason lavart remains on air CBS suite don't want to admit they made a mistake

"Shit CBS would do better to flip JFK to "El Zol Dos" and target the Nova Hispanic community."

ay dios mio no I may not listen too much of the wjfk on air lack of talent but i'm a sick fuck and listen to the occasional lizard basketball game
there's already enough spanish stations in the d.c. radio market
i say bring back rock and the roll music

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hunter ()
Date: March 26, 2012 03:23PM

WTL is a negative fuck you finds the time to sit and shit on WJFK all day. Get a job, loser ! If you hate the Junkies so much, dont start a raging thread, turn the dial jerk-off !!!!!!!

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ComeOn ()
Date: March 26, 2012 03:26PM

I love the Junkies, it seems like WTL is just a miserable. I wish the Junkies were on middays when I am out and about.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Mr. Insensitive ()
Date: March 26, 2012 03:28PM

I miss the good ole days when radio was good. Good Ole days meaning Don & Mike, the Sports Junkies (Pre-success), G. Gordon Liddy, etc.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 04:41PM

The Junkies used to be good. They were never great. They're way, way past their best years.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Laaaughing ()
Date: March 26, 2012 05:50PM

Emeritus Q. Beaker Wrote:
> The Junkies used to be good. They were never
> great. They're way, way past their best years.

Bingo. Heck, THEY sound bored half the time, or more. They've long-since run out of things to say. That's four tense guys who had better be saving their pennies, because the next contract, if there IS one, ain't gonna be a gravy train.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 05:52PM

Hunter Wrote:
> WTL is a negative fuck you finds the time to sit
> and shit on WJFK all day. Get a job, loser ! If
> you hate the Junkies so much, dont start a raging
> thread, turn the dial jerk-off !!!!!!!


Being a hater doesn't make me wrong. I know you wish that was the case, but it's not.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 26, 2012 05:54PM

ComeOn Wrote:
> I love the Junkies, it seems like WTL is just a
> miserable. I wish the Junkies were on middays when
> I am out and about.

I'll be less miserable when these talentless fucks are finally cancelled.

Then it will leave me more time to pursue my true love. Singing Opera.


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Caps Jihadist ()
Date: March 26, 2012 06:00PM

Loc? You speak loudly, rightly AND carry a big stick. The Junks are all hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-ting donks and their show stopped being funny and insightful around 1998. Don't ever stop fighting, Loc. Don't ever give up! It's people like you that will eventually drive those tilters off the air.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 26, 2012 06:05PM

geez, tone....................you really should try those DIALS on yr radio, bud


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hatemotor ()
Date: March 26, 2012 06:09PM

So the junkies can critisize people all day every day, but should not face any critisism themselves?

I notice there are no threads talking about what a great job their doing,,,

Start one and see how many posts it gets,,

They should be glad any one cares at all,,,

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: must be nice ()
Date: March 26, 2012 06:34PM

Yes they suck..But who is laughing at payday? Making 250k a year for that shit? could you imagine getting paid that amount of money for a show that you don't put effort into.

Must be nice. And think of how many years they are pulling in that salary!!

it's getting re-goddamn-diculous!

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 26, 2012 06:45PM

I liked the Junkies and thought they were good when they were on at night. But once they went to WHFS it was all downhill. Maybe it was because they had to be more milktoast when on in the mornings, maybe it was because I was older, getting out of my 20's and their fratboy lingo was getting stale, or maybe it's because they just ran out of steam.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: March 26, 2012 06:50PM

Remember the time they read that post on here with all the "inside dirt" from someone who claimed to be an intern on their show on the air? Good times.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Junks' Murderer ()
Date: March 26, 2012 10:02PM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> Remember the time they read that post on here with
> all the "inside dirt" from someone who claimed to
> be an intern on their show on the air? Good times.

Remember that time The Sports Junkies were funny and relevant?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Jump the shark ()
Date: March 26, 2012 10:12PM

That's a 40k a year job at best. the show sucks, The producer does all of the heavy lifting.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Andrew Ryan ()
Date: March 26, 2012 10:48PM

ChadIsFat Wrote:
> Kevin McCarthy is the fucking worst. It's like he
> gives virtually every movie a 4 or 5. Every movie
> is incredibly awesome and he cant stop loving them
> all. He incredibly inarticulate and I don't think
> he knows much about film making (or being a
> critic) at all.

I guess someone didn't find to be Twilight "hauntingly beautiful!"

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Arch Campbell ()
Date: March 26, 2012 10:58PM

Andrew Ryan Wrote:
> ChadIsFat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Kevin McCarthy is the fucking worst. It's like
> he
> > gives virtually every movie a 4 or 5. Every
> movie
> > is incredibly awesome and he cant stop loving
> them
> > all. He incredibly inarticulate and I don't
> think
> > he knows much about film making (or being a
> > critic) at all.
> I guess someone didn't find to be Twilight
> "hauntingly beautiful!"

And really...what ARE McCarthy's credentials as a movie critic?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: lolz ()
Date: March 27, 2012 06:06AM

must be nice Wrote:
> Yes they suck..But who is laughing at payday?
> Making 250k a year for that shit? could you
> imagine getting paid that amount of money for a
> show that you don't put effort into.
> Must be nice. And think of how many years they are
> pulling in that salary!!
> it's getting re-goddamn-diculous!

this is EB

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: JP Lame ()
Date: March 27, 2012 07:05AM

I can't put my finger on one particular thing they did to make me turn them off in the morning, but I do remember being disgusted hearing EB yell at the interns "Show me your W2, let's compare W2's!!!!!!". I get it, you make a lot of money. You also seem to hate coming to work every day and you hate the people you work with and hate the fact you are actually asked to do something for a living. Try a "joe-job" for awhile, then you can complain.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Bodega Bob ()
Date: March 27, 2012 09:39AM

JP Lame Wrote:
> ...I
> do remember being disgusted hearing EB yell at the
> interns "Show me your W2, let's compare
> W2's!!!!!!". I get it, you make a lot of money...

More than anything else it was the attitude that these idiots were due free stuff and they were also better than the masses that listen to them because of the money the make that caused me to tune out 99% of the time.

These tools don't know what a bitch karma is, they need to talk to O'Meara a learn how fast and far you can fall in radio with little hope of recovery.

These dolts face the potential of having to start over at age 40-something with empty resumes.

That being said, I get great joy of seeing a future EB driving around Montgomery County making cold calls in an attempt to sell Thompson Creek windows.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Nogoats ()
Date: March 27, 2012 09:58AM

Sports talk on terrestrial radio? You guys know you are listening to shows that are commercials with interruptions of "hosts" talking right?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: lolz ()
Date: March 27, 2012 10:39AM

I have started many "fire the junkies" threads on FFXU

all have fizzled out due to lack of interest. i dont think anyone really cares about this show anymore

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: JP Lame ()
Date: March 27, 2012 10:46AM

"i dont think anyone really cares about this show anymore"

Agreed. People are ambivalent to their existence. As much as I would love to see them fired, and watch as they try to figure out what to do with their lives, it's not happeneing any time soon.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hiram "Jewboy" Weinstein ()
Date: March 27, 2012 10:59AM

Terrestial radio is dying anyway. Satellite is the way to go. The junks would do great on SiriusXM. I hate bland radio that you get from typical FM/AM Stations. If the Junks were smart, they would have their agent shop for a satellite gig or at least do a sponsored, legit podcasts. The ratings are down because of people like me...former listeners who pay for satellite and enjoy a few f-bombs and cunt jokes while riding to work (The Opie & Anthony Show)instead of the same old rehashed nonsense about Daniel Snyder and his Redskins, The lame Capitals, and the woeful Wizards. The Junks had a good run, but I wont be surprised if the show gets the axe. It happens to the best of them. I hope these guys have saved their sheckles, because none of them has a talent or charisma to host their own show solo.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:03PM

lolz Wrote:
> I hope this thread reaches 1M+ views!
> The junkies suck big time. If you don't think so
> you are either a felted donk or 14 years old.
> I used to find their lack of knowledge
> charming..........................................
> ...

This thread will probably never hit 1,000,000 views unless somebody uploads a reloading script like the MOM thread.

That said, this site definitely needs a Junkies thread. This should be it. Its long overdue.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: lolz ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:26PM

TheNorthman Wrote:
> lolz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I hope this thread reaches 1M+ views!
> >
> > The junkies suck big time. If you don't think
> so
> > you are either a felted donk or 14 years old.
> >
> > I used to find their lack of knowledge
> >
> charming..........................................
> > ...
> This thread will probably never hit 1,000,000
> views unless somebody uploads a reloading script
> like the MOM thread.
> That said, this site definitely needs a Junkies
> thread. This should be it. Its long overdue.

would be sweet if you googled the sports junkies this thread was on the first page

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:39PM

Well give it some time; see if FFXU can't make that happen. If there's one thing this site excels at, its attracting google search results. Just check out the other 2 radio thread in FFXU general.

I read the OP and while I agree that the Junkies are not very good, I didn't see a shed of evidence that they are going to be replaced or what not. We've known for years what type of ratings they get and CBS resigned them anyway.

I didn't see any new information there.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hey, how about this ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:02PM

Team Lurch with Frank Hanrahan

let EB go to WMAL and join the morning team

cakes and jp can do whatever

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:37PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> Hunter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WTL is a negative fuck you finds the time to
> sit
> > and shit on WJFK all day. Get a job, loser ! If
> > you hate the Junkies so much, dont start a
> raging
> > thread, turn the dial jerk-off !!!!!!!
> LOL!
> Being a hater doesn't make me wrong. I know you
> wish that was the case, but it's not.

Just like they were going to be fired when the formats flipped right and instead they were made the premiere show on the station? Just like they were getting fired when their contracts were up and instead they got resigned for enormous deals?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:39PM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> Remember the time they read that post on here with
> all the "inside dirt" from someone who claimed to
> be an intern on their show on the air? Good times.

Can anyone repost that?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:39PM

ChadIsFat Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hunter Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > WTL is a negative fuck you finds the time to
> > sit
> > > and shit on WJFK all day. Get a job, loser !
> If
> > > you hate the Junkies so much, dont start a
> > raging
> > > thread, turn the dial jerk-off !!!!!!!
> >
> >
> > LOL!
> >
> > Being a hater doesn't make me wrong. I know you
> > wish that was the case, but it's not.
> Just like they were going to be fired when the
> formats flipped right and instead they were made
> the premiere show on the station? Just like they
> were getting fired when their contracts were up
> and instead they got resigned for enormous deals?

Har! Silly me. The world is ending NEXT April...

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:42PM

JBass Wrote:
> ChadIsFat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Hunter Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > WTL is a negative fuck you finds the time
> to
> > > sit
> > > > and shit on WJFK all day. Get a job, loser
> !
> > If
> > > > you hate the Junkies so much, dont start a
> > > raging
> > > > thread, turn the dial jerk-off !!!!!!!
> > >
> > >
> > > LOL!
> > >
> > > Being a hater doesn't make me wrong. I know
> you
> > > wish that was the case, but it's not.
> >
> > Just like they were going to be fired when the
> > formats flipped right and instead they were
> made
> > the premiere show on the station? Just like
> they
> > were getting fired when their contracts were up
> > and instead they got resigned for enormous
> deals?
> Har! Silly me. The world is ending NEXT April...


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 27, 2012 01:59PM

I LOVE THE JUNKIES! I look forward to listening everyday. :-(

I guess I'm on an island?


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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:16PM

That was a funny thread. If nobody has linked it I'll do it tonight. Some intern posted all the behind the scenes dirt on a bunch of people at the station. Just search it out here. It shouldn't be that hard to find.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: JP Lame ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:18PM

> I LOVE THE JUNKIES! I look forward to listening
> everyday. :-(
> I guess I'm on an island?

Yes, yes you are.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: chadreallysucks ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:34PM

Well their show is pretty terrible, but at the same time it would be very unusual for them to be let go so soon after signing a new deal without a shake up at CBS headquarters. If someone new has taken over from them being disappointed with the overall performance of the station a switch could be entirely possible. Maybe not being fired but a time switch or something like that at least. Again though I am not aware of any changes at CBS headquarters.

For what its worth they have had a recent shake up with Holder and Danny R now on from 10-12 since 4 hours a day was to much on air time for Wise to do his post job and spend time with his family. So far so good on the new show. Wouldnt mind seeing it eat into some of the Junkies show

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 27, 2012 04:46PM

I agree that "terrestrial radio" is dead/dying. And no way could the Junks get anything on XM. They're just not that interesting anymore. But good for them to be able to ride their gravy train while they can.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 27, 2012 05:17PM

TheNorthman Wrote:
> That was a funny thread. If nobody has linked it
> I'll do it tonight. Some intern posted all the
> behind the scenes dirt on a bunch of people at the
> station. Just search it out here. It shouldn't
> be that hard to find.

I took a brief look but didn't see it. If you can find it that would be great.

I wasn't sure if it was real or not but it was still funny.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Hola! ()
Date: March 27, 2012 05:21PM

Hello all.

I think one major aspect is the TYPE of audience that listens to the junkies, rather than the number. You basically have a group of men who are 18-45, who make decent salaries and are in a target group that advertisers pay a premium for. I mean, who would you rather target for an entry level luxury vehicle- 25,000 listeners from the above group or 50,000 listeners from an urban hip-hop station

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 27, 2012 05:53PM

Those listeners with an "entry level luxury vehicle" will have XM or Pandora or whatever is next. Not many will/would/have chosen to continue to listen to the Junks. I didn't.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: junks are hurting. ()
Date: March 27, 2012 07:43PM

SiriusXM just smokes regular radio, once you listen to it, you can't listen to regular radio anymore. and the junkie's are way overpaid.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: March 27, 2012 07:57PM

junks are hurting. Wrote:
> SiriusXM just smokes regular radio, once you
> listen to it, you can't listen to regular radio
> anymore.

Truer word have never been written. I borrowed the wife's car (terrestrial radio only) on Saturday and this is what I heard - commercial, commercial, commercial, Eve 6, Creed, commercial, commercial. Almost all of her presets were commercials for my 10 min drive. 101.1, 100.3, 94.7, 97.9, 99.5, etc.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: March 27, 2012 08:26PM

ChadIsFat Wrote:
> Johnny Walker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Remember the time they read that post on here
> with
> > all the "inside dirt" from someone who claimed
> to
> > be an intern on their show on the air? Good
> times.
> Can anyone repost that?

Here is the link to the thread:

Here is the post:

Re: The Sports Junkies
Posted by: The Ex-Intern ()
Date: February 26, 2010 12:59PM

Ok since I'm wanted and my time is short, I'll give you a run down of the talent there from my experience, your mileage may vary.

Ms. Receptionist. Very nice lady, talks on her cell all the time. Concerned about the state of her nails. I love ya B/

Bear. Nice guy. Solid, genuine. Works with a smile. Would never do a softshoe on Main wearing spats dancing with a parasol and a toothy grin.

JP, serious guy. I think is intensity may be mistaken for being somewhat snobbish. Seems to have a lot on his mind. Least appreciated of the 4, but does most of the heavy lifting for the other 3. Cares about the show.

Jason B.- jock sniffer from way back. The boy loves his sports. He can be curt, and somewhat gruff. Would phone it in if he could. Would not want to be in a lifeboat scenario with the guy. Degenerate gambler. Big on getting what he can, when he can get it. Likes high profile cronies. God knows what his home life is like.

Cakes. Aloof, likes to work on his vocabulary. Speaks in an annoying staccato cadence. Most likely to actually employ that absurd pidgin they speak in to the point of grating. Cheap. His dark side vibes nasty. The type that would smile as he turns the knife and twists. Cheap. Most likely (close with EB though) to use Maxim magazine to guage what is hip. Most likely has the most stable home life.
Not as intellegent as he thinks. Cakes, you were at the right place at the right time, and fate smiled upon you. Count your blessings.

EB. Selfish. K-mart taste with Nieman Marcus wallet. No wonder he is think with OliveriA (yes I know you hate that Brett). Like to think he is somewhat cultured. Most likely to misuse a word. Can be affable, but always leaves you wondering of his sincerity. Trash taste. Would dump Sports format in a heartbeat. You can take the boy out of P.G.... Another cat who should be thanking God every 5 seconds.

Brett. Uh. Borderline Aspberger's... dense as spent uranium. Has as many get rich schemes as Ralph Kramden. Deviant. Most likely to enjoy scat. Would be a social embarrassment in a NASCAR infield meet-n-greet. Thinks hipness can be bought. Star-fucker, hung up on trash culture. Perhaps cloned from Bickle's DNA. Those 2 should marry. Fancies himself a ladies man. Another lucky boy. Destined for a low level Public Works gig if not for hitting the fate pick six.

Mike Wise. Surprised his ego fits in the building. Has this delusion that he has street cred. Anothe rguy who wants you to think that in his past he had to beat pussy off with a stick. This vibe of Lady Killer runs riot through the station. Wants to be Tony K., and you can tell he covets K's Q rating.

Wise's Minion-all yes men. Mike says something and they all agree. During the snowstorm one of those idiots was gabbing it around the station about borrowing his mommy's car, and actually went on the air sounding like it was OK to drive around when the police were telling people to stay home. I think it was CJ, I heard it second hand. Bunch of idiots who take up too much room.

Matt Cahill (drab)... nice guy who takes a lot of shit. Under appreciated. Most likely to help a stranger and tell no one about it.

Chad Scisson Dukes. Charismatic. Huge ego despite claiming otherwise. Steals O&A material- has a Jim Norton complex. Sexual degenerate. Would stick it any hole that radiated a little heat. Actually nice to his fans. I have a feeling the Junkies are surprised how his star has risen, and a couple resent it. Nothing is as pat on the back friendly as they would have you think. Chad is in all a nice guy. Complex individual. Most likely to go through several divorces. Can't imagine living with the cat.

Arrington. What you hear on air is close to reality. You can tell he is used to getting his way. Ego. Big. He should listen to Springsteen's 'Glory Days'. More upset by Portis than he copped to. Despite trying to make you think otherwise, vulnerable in that he is very careful of the public persona he cultivated and is desperate to maintain. I have a feeling his greatest fear is becoming a footnote in NFL history.

Kushner. Nicest guy at the station.


If you want more, let me know. I have to stop now.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 27, 2012 09:29PM

I don't remember which junk is which... who's the one who dumped his wife for the bikini model? And that's the same one who failed the bar exam, right? Which one if the dumb bald one?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: ChadIsFat ()
Date: March 27, 2012 11:50PM

I thought that post was pretty much confirmed to be a fake intern?

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: daryl porn ()
Date: March 28, 2012 01:37AM

Yeah it turned out to be Rob(b) spewak who wrote the inside dirt. Rob(b) can be as bitter and mean as McMeara but can hide it with a smile and a cordial slap on the back

cakes is dumb bald one but i bet would make great doorman at a strip club

JP is the winner of the chicken dinner leaving wife for a junkette(thanks again tool from the fans) and failing the bar exam several times. jp said the other day when eb screamed at him about a legal question that he,jp, really doesn't remember much of his legal studies
uh oh what to do if junkies do get cancelled
oh yeah immigration law

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: March 28, 2012 11:29AM

How was it determined that Robb Spewak wrote all of that? I guess he has a lot of time on his hands considering he just does the failcast for a few hours every afternoon.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: daryl porn ()
Date: March 28, 2012 12:31PM

Rob(b), known as the Listeners friend, can be a bit of a backstabber

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: sCary ()
Date: March 30, 2012 06:49AM

see what i mean? this thread is already dying! no one cares about the junkies, not even enough to hate them

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Date: March 31, 2012 07:06PM

They're not even interesting enough to hate on... All I can muster is soft "meh", no shoulder shrug with that either...

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: f-the bishop ()
Date: March 31, 2012 07:23PM

yeah, nobody gives a fuck about em. the show sucks and so do they.
The format will change,and nobody will care. I listen to satellite radio anyways.
Regular radio sucks beyond belief.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: horsey ()
Date: April 01, 2012 04:43AM

bump I found the junkies interesting the first few years but eventually found their act to be tiresome and their knowledge base and ability to discuss with some intelligence and wit a big shortcoming. coupled with the big heads they've gotten just don't like. Only thing they were worth for me in last few years was the eye candy of the junkettes. speaking of which saw the junkette pictured below at Mike O'Meara show at State theatre. Pretty cute in person.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: horsey ()
Date: April 01, 2012 04:45AM

bump again
junkette ..jpg

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: What ()
Date: April 01, 2012 05:03AM

Hola! Wrote:
> Hello all.
> I think one major aspect is the TYPE of audience
> that listens to the junkies, rather than the
> number. You basically have a group of men who are
> 18-45, who make decent salaries and are in a
> target group that advertisers pay a premium for.
> I mean, who would you rather target for an entry
> level luxury vehicle- 25,000 listeners from the
> above group or 50,000 listeners from an urban
> hip-hop station

I think you might get more money out of the jigaboos, because they love their "rides".

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: What ()
Date: April 01, 2012 05:08AM

I would like to make the sex intercourse with Junkette Lauren.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: unreals ()
Date: April 01, 2012 10:34AM

The Junkies are horrid, but then so is virtually all of the on air "talent" at WJFK. Have you heard Kevin and Rock? Wigger and...you know. Embarrassing. How about this guy Mark Gray who's now on way too much? He is hands down the most inarticulate clown I've ever heard on the radio. You can literally find thousands of Mark Grays walking the streets of D.C., and each is more interesting. Who is that woman who does the early Sunday morning "broadcast?" She is so boring, so utterly unqualified for any kind of D.J. job, and her "show" appears to consist of reading local news stories, with no humor or even any kind of original input.

Arrington is a pompous fool with an IQ of 80. Dukes is a Junkie light. "Funny" Danny isn't funny. I listen to this station sporadically because all the music stations are even worse. Talk radio is a disgrace, at least in this area.

If you ever listened to the Junkies when they first went on air, on the weekends, with their Priest "Homes" Maryland white trash accent, you have to question who they knew. Lurch's mom had a big government job, I think, so maybe that's the connection. No way did anyone give them a break because of their "talent." It's frightening to consider that EB used to be a high school guidance counselor. Can you imagine children getting "guidance" from this juvenile, out of control, borderline psycho?

The one good point about the Junkies used to be the fact they didn't take themselves seriously. They actually seemed to realize how lucky they were. Now they don't put any effort into the show, and seem to really believe their "talent" is the reason for their success.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: spicking of sports ()
Date: April 01, 2012 12:01PM

unreals said,"Who is that woman who does the early Sunday morning "broadcast?" She is so boring, so utterly unqualified for any kind of D.J. job, and her "show" appears to consist of reading local news stories, with no humor or even any kind of original input."

Dude I thought I was the only person on planet to have ever heard that show! I enjoy the humor of Ben Maller on Fox Sports Radio Friday and Saturday overnites. He makes me laugh( I can't stand JT the Brick same time slot weeknites, that guy is an uber asshole) I awaken sometimes and suddenly its that women who does some smokers cough ridden laugh at everything she says. She's been doing that show for years. I think it somehow fulfills WJFK local content requirement.

Its an awful show in a train wreck way. She must love the air time cause I think she lives in Manassas and still does the show even though WJFK has moved to Lanham Maryland. Its so bad its good. Well maybe one time.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Dictater ()
Date: April 02, 2012 02:33AM

"I would like to make the sex intercourse with Junkette Lauren"

Me 2, but not at same time.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: Lurch ()
Date: April 02, 2012 07:35AM

I so wish I had won the lottery this weekend so I could be done with this God-awful show.

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Re: Is CBS Finally Waking Up to the Fact The Junkies Suck?
Posted by: dan z ()
Date: April 02, 2012 08:02AM

they do suck why is this even an issue

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