The Pole.
Date: April 13, 2005 05:26PM
I am a dell technician, and today I was doing some cleanup from another tech's work...fixing some issues and whatnot. He had been fired so it fell on me as the lone area rep.
anyway, I went into this lady's apartment and she was very attractive, so I was like "cool" to myself...
and then I saw the pole. She had a stripper pole right in her living room!!! Complete with a 5X5 stage.
She told me she worked at Camelot...I never said one word, she volunteered all.
I guess my question is, do all strippers have a practice pole with a little stage made of 2X4's??? Right in the living room? And naked/bikini pics of themselves just laying around??? (special thanks to you, lady, for not leaving it to my imagination)
Needless to say I was ipmressed, and needless to say I don't know any strippers.