Decent Wrote:
> skanky sluts Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Also that weird scene queen Lana Fleming who
> > is/was a Marilyn Monroe impersonator because
> she
> > falsely believes she's prettier than everyone.
> She
> > went to LA for a few years and tried to hook up
> > with different rock stars like David Cook and
> > Brendon Urie, but failed miserably. Now she's
> back
> > in Herndon, living at home, going to beauty
> school
> > and is a single mom.
> Just going through the site saw this post. I had
> no idea who this girl was but she is attractive
> Not saying she is prettier than everyone but there
> a a lot of hot girls out west. She still won't
> have a super tough life. Hot girls generally have
> it much easier. Howard Stern has made that
> statement for years and I agree. There is not one
> guy on here that would kick her out of bed.
That's true, nobody has kicked her out of bed! Of course she is pretty, but she's made some very poor choices and placed her self respect on the back burner. That's why she's where she's at now. Back at her parents house with a baby and no man. That poor kid will have lots of different "uncles!"
WilliamRobert--I feel for you. We can only hope. I'll keep my fingers crossed for YOU!