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Posted by: Raven Mad ()
Date: October 09, 2005 09:07PM

Anybody else think it is time to pull the plug on our old friend Brian Billick? The Defense is old and pourous. He got rid of the only decent QB the team ever had when he crapped all over Dilfer. The offense now is a complete mess. You can't run J. Lewis every friggin' down. What a disaster!

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: from the 757 ()
Date: October 09, 2005 11:01PM

Yeah, they're very boring to watch too.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Bballr ()
Date: October 10, 2005 06:54PM

J. Lewis sucks this year. C. Taylor has looked a lot nicer. T. Heap has been injured for too long. Boller has sucked for too long. C. Moore has no hands. Defense hasn't been playing good enough.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Cm ()
Date: October 11, 2005 03:37PM

Though, you have to admit, it was fun watching them fall apart this weekend.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: October 11, 2005 05:32PM

so how bout that ben rothlisburger.. ouch he got hurt last night any1 see that hit? i saw his leg bend the way it shouldnt

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: October 11, 2005 05:58PM

just a hyperextension and a bone bruise, he may start next week. not as bad as it looked. good thing I have brady as a backup.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Bballr ()
Date: October 11, 2005 09:50PM

You should have been starting Brady. Rothlisburger only throws the ball like 18 time a game. Brady's stats are way better. I have Brady and Bledsoe, that is a hard decision, because Bledsoe has been killing this year.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: October 11, 2005 10:17PM

my league has -3 for ints, which wipes out 450 passing yards. roethlisberger doesn't throw them and brady does. and I have hines ward so i usually get double points on passing tds. this week brady picked it up, but roth has been outscoring him.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2005 10:41PM by mad max, JD.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: October 11, 2005 10:33PM

+1 for ward

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Bballr ()
Date: October 12, 2005 12:17AM

I'll take 3 TDs and 1 Int with 300+ yards over 1 TD and 150 yards.

If Ben and Ward don't hook up you'll be screwed, I try not to put myself in situations like those.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: October 12, 2005 12:33AM

but ben ran for one also. regardless, I won this week and am 4-1, only b/c my team fell apart last week with the steelers bye and injuries to cadillac and darrell jackson.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: What Can Browns Do For You ()
Date: October 18, 2005 09:51AM

What can Browns do for you? Choke, apparently. Considering the sheer impotence of the Ravens these days, Cleveland should be seriously embarrassed.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Raven Mad ()
Date: November 08, 2005 08:29AM

Can anyone explain to me how Brian Billick was ever tagged as an offensive genius? Here his "franchise quarterback" Kyle Boller is out. He has Kordell Stewart as a back-up, so he uses Anthony Wright instead. WTF? Granted, Stewart isn't Air McNair, but he is a capable, seasoned journeyman quarterback. If Boller is your go-to guy, and Wright isn't significantly better than Boller (more likely worse), why aren't you using a quality veteran as the 2nd string QB like most NFL teams do? (Kitna in Cinci, Brad Johnson in Minnesota). Billick is an idiot.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Sup ()
Date: November 08, 2005 11:27AM

I have to agree with that, Im not a ravens fan but if there on I will watch them , but Stewert gave them a spark on Sunday , he did what he had to to get 1st downs and it was working, And that trick play they did , didnt work but he looked like the best receiver on the team,

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: JC ()
Date: November 09, 2005 04:44PM

Can anyone tell me why we're discussing the status of this shitty Baltimore team? Seriously, I really do want to know.... anyone?

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Sup ()
Date: November 09, 2005 06:37PM

I was Drunk

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: November 09, 2005 08:49PM

You mean, that team that was the last in the region to win a championship? And the last to go to the playoffs, and the next-to-last, and so on.

The Ravens have earned fan interest so don't be bitter because the Skins haven't.

Billick is still a homo, tho.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: November 10, 2005 09:28AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2015 04:19AM by darbrewe.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Raven Mad ()
Date: December 28, 2005 09:44AM

I love Brian Billick if only for the fact his hapless Ravens knocked the Vikings out of the playoffs. However, I think it is time the Ravens's new owners got a new coach.

First, Billick never had a good offense. Now he is letting his defense get old and creaky. Ed Reed is great, but mostly because the pass rush has slowed down, giving Reed plenty of pass attempts to go after, which isn't a good thing. Ray Lewis isn't the player he used to be and Billick has really done nothing to help him out on the personnel front.

Second, I will actually give Kyle Boller some credit. The team's record sucks this year because Boller was out. He isn't a great quarterback but, like Trent Dilfer before him, he is capable of not losing the game for the team. Boller could grow into the role, but he needs a running back who gives a fuck to help him out. Jamal Lewis was great once, but it is obvious between injuries, his problems off the field and the whole contract issue that he simply doesn't give a shit if he contributes to the Ravens or not. Time to send that dude packing.

Third, Matt Stover kicks ass. If he were on a team with a better offense, he would be on par with Elam and Vinateri. Too bad his team sucks.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: jao ()
Date: December 28, 2005 01:40PM

they still have a knack for developing impressive defensive players...suggs, thomas come to mind.

too bad that 2000 yard season lewis had was the exception and not the rule

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: Raven Mad ()
Date: December 29, 2005 05:59PM

The Ravens's new owner is keeping Brian Billick...


I wonder when it is going to occur to people in Baltmore that the Ravens won the Superbowl because of Marv Lewis's defense and not because of Brian Billick's coaching greatness. Maybe next year.

Having Anthony Wright QB for Boller instead of Kordell Stewart. Say what you will about Dan Snyder, but if he were the Ravens's owner he would have canned Billick right then and there.

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Re: Ravens
Posted by: His Next Move ()
Date: August 24, 2015 05:40PM

Next Redskin game that RG III will fumble the ball in will be against the Ravens

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