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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Meds ()
Date: February 21, 2013 10:22PM

Mc has probably passed out in his recliner with his Cheetos, Bon bons, Xanax, and pain meds ha ha.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: GoToTheAD! lololol ()
Date: February 21, 2013 11:02PM

Meds Wrote:
> Mc has probably passed out in his recliner with
> his Cheetos, Bon bons, Xanax, and pain meds ha ha.

Just stop mentioning that guy..PLEASE! let him slip away to his other threads. pain meds...??? oh from the weight of the oversized brain that knows all things

It is crazy though that He posts a link from West Springfield about how these Lake Braddock posters coud learn something and it talks about going to the AD and the AD would address the issue !!! How dang funny is THAT! That is one of the main points of the 13 pages now of frustration (and craziness and valid points) ! The AD and his unchecked power is at the core of the problems!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Dr. Fill ()
Date: February 21, 2013 11:06PM

The AD excels at CYA and cover ups. The coach is immature and in over her head, but given time and the right position, she could evolve into a decent coach and...more importantly...a decent person/motivator/supporter. Nobody is going to get a full ride playing basketball for LBSS, except if you are a 6-foot plus phenom...remember, you can't coach or deny height. So people, puh-lease relax, take a chill pill, go volunteer, help the homeless, tutor, do something beneficial before you post again on this WHINE LINE.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: BlackFeet ()
Date: February 22, 2013 08:21AM

I have been reading this post for over a year now, this is some very entertaining stuff. From the beginning to the end the majority of you folks are living in a dream world, I really don't know what you folks are watching when and if you go to LBSS girl's games. Do you really believe if they had a different coach they would win more games? They had a winning season this year and you folks are still complaining. Janis is doing the best she can with the talent that is given to her, NONE of those girls are any good. She is trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit every year. I don't care if the big girl is going to GTown next yesterday, SHE WILL NEVER PLAY there, and is only going there because she is tall. She is slow of foot, has no athletic ability and if she can't just turn around and lay the ball in she is useless, look at the Mount Vernon game they just played. Here is a better idea YOU APPLY FOR THE COACHING JOB IF YOU CAN DO BETTER.

I think this was all started by some delusional parent that felt their child should have been playing and got mad. This is the problem with high school sports, parent are trying to live their hoop dreams through their child. I think all of you folks need to sit back relax, and do the following things.
1. Stop making your child believe they are better than they are? Most of you haven't played a sport in your life so you don't know anything. Put them against all kinds of players and allow them to fail. When they fail don't make excuses and point fingers like you folks are now.
2. Stop believing AAU success. AAU and High School sports are different, just because your child may have had some success in the summer that doesn't mean it will translate to high school team. AAU is just for traveling and having a good time with your friends, it's not for anything else.
3. Allow your child to earn their way. Stop bitching and complaining to AD's and principles about your childs playing time. If they don't play it's the coaches decision the coach doesn't believe your child is good enough, if you don't agree TRANSFER. If your child is so good take them somewhere that will recognize the talent you see that the coach is missing.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Missed ()
Date: February 22, 2013 08:28AM

You have missed the whole point! This is not about playing time or winning games its about behind closed doors. It looks to me that every girl on that team had playing time this year. So im not sure what dream you are having at night.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: February 22, 2013 08:32AM

Anybody have pics of girls in the shower?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: BlackFeet ()
Date: February 22, 2013 09:21AM

That's exactly the point Missed...YOU HAVE NO POINT!!! You want her Fired thats basically it, because if its not about winning or playing time than what is the fuss. Isn't winning the important thing here? What behind closed doors actions has she done, and if it's behind closed doors how do you folks know about it.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Ignorance ()
Date: February 22, 2013 09:25AM

Ignorance is bliss!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Good Coaches ()
Date: February 22, 2013 12:20PM

Ignorance Wrote:
> Ignorance is bliss!

totally agree because Blackfeet has absolutely NO clue about basketball and how it works if this is this persons thought: "2. Stop believing AAU success. AAU and High School sports are different, just because your child may have had some success in the summer that doesn't mean it will translate to high school team. AAU is just for traveling and having a good time with your friends, it's not for anything else." Clearly if you or your child played AAU then you did not do so on a level that had a clue what it is all about. You must be the parent of one of the point guards who turns it over 20 times a gme for LB . That said...AAU is THE platform where college coaches attend and do their evaluations.

As regards to the silly comment "YOU APPLY FOR THE COACHING JOB IF YOU CAN DO BETTER." 5 other VERY qualified candidates did apply and they decided to go with the pretty unqualified unprofessional girl who coached the ADs daughters so your point is just ridiculous!!

Now, please share this with your buddy Ms Janis or with daddy Classy to pass on ( since we know he is a primary poster here)...


--- It gives 60 qualities of what makes a great coach. She fails the test miserably

Here is an example of a great coach in the area... she started with a slew of underclassmen freshmen and sophomores and they were getting slaughtered in the fsll lessgue pre-season games but she has motivated developed and tapped their talents. Last night their freshman point guard scored 20 points to beat Centerville. Every other player on the floor contributd an even amount of points. The center Sherrill was unselfish and set picks when she was double teamed and her teammates were allowed to score. The underclassmen were not yelled at for not getting the senior best player the ball. It was TEAM ball. Share this with your buddy Janis as well. It highlights how she gets to know EVERY player and taps into their strengths and their motivations. She does not curse them out, concentrate all energy on one standout player.. she practices fundamentals and develops her TEAM!


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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Funnier and funnier ()
Date: February 22, 2013 12:37PM

Did not think thus could get funnier.
I was wrong

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: AlanSteinNikeGuy ()
Date: February 22, 2013 12:56PM

Now THAT is an awesome blog!!!


--- It gives 60 qualities of what makes a great coach.

Would have to agree as I have watched her hotness coach... I say 'hotness' not from her looks but from her on edge short fuse personality!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Welcome Nike ()
Date: February 22, 2013 01:04PM

Welcome Nike

More complete, are you gone. Was it too hit in kitchen?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: NikeGuy ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:04PM

Welcome Nike Wrote:
> Welcome Nike
> More complete, are you gone. Was it too hit in
> kitchen?

Alan Stein Nike Guy is not on here silly...he is out doing training for Nike, motivational speaking, etc etc read about him... stop bringing up More Complete...he went back to his 116 full pages (how SAD is that !!!??) of FU other posts amounting to nearly 3,500 posts on here Just let him die a peaceful death

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Same folks ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:13PM

interesting Wrote:
> I am fascinated that an issue with a girls
> basketball team could bring us 12 pages of posts.

It's not really fascinating, it's the same 2 maybe 3 people posting the same things and more complete calling them out on it. Rinse and repeat.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: ... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:13PM

I will preface this post by saying I do not know neither the coach or the father. What he did was very unprofessional, morally and ethically wrong. I am not condoning his behavior. With that said though, even if he is the primary poster on here, I do not blame him. She is somebody's daughter. I coached for many years and know that if somebody had dedicated so much time to negativity towards me, my father would be the first person to stick up for his daughter. It blows my mind that most of you are here to defend your daughters not being talked to in a particular manner, yet you can bash another female (who is somebody's daughter) and attempt to deflate her credibility. If your daughters came home and said some students started a facebook page to bash her, you would be fuming!! I would expect more from men that have daughters. You are on here defending yours, so what makes the coaches father so wrong for doing the same? This is totally aside from the picture, that was wrong. Come on people. This is ridiculous! Everyone on here should show more class.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: MC is that you? ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:20PM

BlackFeet Wrote:
> I think this was all started by some delusional
> parent that felt their child should have been
> playing and got mad.

What? No way!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: GhettoChild ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:26PM

BlackFeet Wrote:
> That's exactly the point Missed...YOU HAVE NO
> POINT!!! You want her Fired thats basically it,
> because if its not about winning or playing time
> than what is the fuss. Isn't winning the
> important thing here? What behind closed doors
> actions has she done, and if it's behind closed
> doors how do you folks know about it.

GhettoChild Please.... It is not about winning and losing It is about how you play the game. Some people actually care about character development (see story about Edison coach above..thanks for that...a good read) Granted there were or are some parents on here who were upset about the clueless guards getting more playing time after the better parents players said something to the coach and she benched their kids. It has been her MO since the beginning but the lesser talent was never developed either. She does not develop or treat girls as humans but as her chattel.."Stop Fucking embarrasing ME!" WOWWww
GhettoChild, pay attention, the GIRLS know what goes on behind closed doors cause they are the ones cursed at and belittled or told to quit cause it is her way or the highway...the parents know what goes on behind closed doors because they went behind her closed door to try and talk and were screamed at.

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
John Wooden

Coach has a 'reputation' now to those who have not lived the nightmare as a Coach of the Year due to Wins and Losses. But those in the know or who have taken the time to watch her in action know the character is lacking immensely.

However that said, the primary issue HAS been bout the good ol boy network at Lake Braddock and the FCPS system that allows the AD to hand pick his cronies who are completely inexperienced. This entire thread started out asking about WHY the high GBB program coach turnover... not about Why isnt my kid getting playing time. Let's not overlook this. One thing is clear. When Janis is gone which she will be as she cant get or develop any talent, the AD will NOT get away with another hand picked Vogues buddy. That in an of itself was an accomplishment of this thread. I am SURE future parents will assure the process gets a review

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: its... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:36PM

...like fucking ground hog day here in this rubber room.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Lots of people ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:38PM

its... Wrote:
> ...like fucking ground hog day here in this rubber
> room.

but it's lots of different people, like 25 at least!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: tons of people ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:38PM

yes, many people who all feel the same way

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: not just one ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:40PM

I heard there were like at least two

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: not the same ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:40PM

Different poster here, make that three

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: people and more people ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:42PM

I agree with the person above, there are lots of people in here, just look at all the differn postings and blogings

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: stinks in here ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:43PM

Hi. I am a different poster and I feel the same way. Did you guys hear about the stinky finger?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Date: February 22, 2013 02:44PM

Yes, I heard about that, you mean the stinky finger that smelled like poo?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: how... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:44PM

...many personalities can you fit in one head? You really need to get some professional help.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Poo stink ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:45PM

I am so glad so many people feel the same as I do. Because Im not the same person repeating myslf.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: good question ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:45PM

but with all these different people, why does the finger still stink?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Not same poster ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:46PM

This is the FIRST TIME i have ever posted and I agree with all the other people.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Me too, not same ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:48PM

Why would anyone accuse us of being the same person? must be losers to think that.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Lots of people here ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:49PM

I don't know but stinky fingers should be fired.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: smelling good ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:51PM

I smelled the finger myself and it smelled really really bad and with all these people saying the same thing, the finger needs to go.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: new in town ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:52PM

New blogger here. I agree.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: and... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:55PM

...i suppose you "have no dog in the fight" as well lady. You would fit right in over in Off Topic.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: interesting points ()
Date: February 22, 2013 02:59PM

Well I don't know about all the other boglers, because this is the first time I have ever posted,and no, I have no dogs in any fights, I just wanted to say I agree with mysel... the other bloggings on this blog. I they make interesting points. Just think aboutit.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: agree ()
Date: February 22, 2013 03:01PM

i don't have a god in the fight either but if all these people are saying the same thing than there has to be true

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: I... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 03:16PM

...see what you did there...nice work!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Cesar ()
Date: February 22, 2013 03:35PM

I... Wrote:
> ...see what you did there...nice work!

What time is the dog fight? I want to get a dog in the fight. Actually, I want my dog to bite the same fucker who's bound and determined to stay after the Coach of the Year for the whole OFF-season.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: IsThatYou? ()
Date: February 22, 2013 04:04PM

Mark?? Martino? Did you snap when that poster suggested you would be checked on for next coaching choice?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Mark and mark ()
Date: February 22, 2013 04:20PM

When your name is Mark
You are like a shark
You rule the roost
Give egos a boost
The children don't matter
The cat gets fatter

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Your poem ()
Date: February 22, 2013 04:34PM

Your poem sucks
go volunteer
watch it's academic
you are still a loser
how sad
frowny frown frown
bo hoo hoo
wah wah wah

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: GoodOne!1 ()
Date: February 22, 2013 04:36PM

IsThatYou? Wrote:
> Mark?? Martino? Did you snap when that poster
> suggested you would be checked on for next
> coaching choice?
> ?


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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Poems R Us ()
Date: February 22, 2013 04:41PM

kid can't play
make a thread today
talk to self
blame everyone else
not your fault
just born loser
kid is too
what to do
just keep posting

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: GoodTwo2!... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 04:55PM

Poems R Us Wrote:
> kid can't play
> make a thread today
> talk to self
> blame everyone else
> not your fault
> just born loser
> kid is too
> what to do
> just keep posting


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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: poop poop poop ()
Date: February 22, 2013 05:15PM

i pooped my pants
boo hoo hoo
poop smells bad
fire my butt
need a new butt
brain wont listen
must post about it

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: pee pee pee ()
Date: February 22, 2013 05:34PM

pee in my pants
warm and wet
run down leg
make big spot
it no fair
not my fault
fire underwear
no one listen
make more blogs

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: More com,tee ()
Date: February 22, 2013 05:42PM

Now more complete using aliases. Lol

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Riddle... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 05:51PM

...me this Batshit crazy lady...Do you think that it could possibly be more than 2 posters aiding and abetting your psychotic behavior?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Morecompete ()
Date: February 22, 2013 06:14PM

more compete probably eating Cheetos and bin bombs

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Troll yr boat ()
Date: February 22, 2013 06:30PM

Don't feed the trolls. This is serious business. There is still a coach of the year to be fired.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: shh... ()
Date: February 22, 2013 06:48PM

...hhhh dude...you are gonna' ruin it.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: LB LB ()
Date: February 22, 2013 07:17PM

Does anyone on here have a kid playing

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Playing? ()
Date: February 23, 2013 08:24AM

LB LB Wrote:
> Does anyone on here have a kid playing

Well, the main dimwit coach-killer appears to have a kid NOT playing . . .

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: MC over ()
Date: February 23, 2013 10:02AM

More complete is changing his names
Congrats to him

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Kid playing ()
Date: February 23, 2013 10:33AM

I started this thread. My kid played last year but not enough. I was mad that she got sat on the bench. She is not there this year but I still want the coach fired. I figured the best thing to do would be start a blog and change my aliases but people figured out that it was only me and one other blogster blogging on this blog so I got mad again because they have not life since they notice this. Also, I just pooped my pants. Oops. Fire the coach!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: another name change ()
Date: February 23, 2013 11:08AM

Kid playing is MC trying to stir pot

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: February 25, 2013 09:38AM

Not LB Wrote:
> Poor More Complete has been silenced.

Not so fast! When I post I need to shut up, and when I don't post, everyone wonders where I am. Can't win with you folks! Sheesh! Good thing I'm apparently on Xanax and pain meds. Goes well with the Cheetos and bon bons and keeps me regular. Anyway, it’s nice to be missed. This thread never fails to entertain. Keep up the good work everyone!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: STAYaway ()
Date: February 25, 2013 02:55PM

No one gives a crap where you were...they/we seemed to be saying...there he is changing his names again. Noone said PLEASE come back we miss you !!! now go troll back to your other boards. You seem to at least have some knowledge about hockey unlike here where you never even attended a game. I had actually hoped you listeend to us and went out and did some volunteer work to leave some sort of legacy on this earth other than your 116 pages of FU comments

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: February 25, 2013 03:07PM

STAYaway Wrote:
> I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore

You seem very upset. I guess things are better when you can post 500 times about the same thing before someone notices it's all the same person huh? Here I come along and point out how blatantly obvious it is and then on top of that the coach you want fired gets coach of the year! Things just don’t seem to be going your way. Ever think it may just be you? Hope things take a turn for the better soon. Toodles!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: they/we... ()
Date: February 25, 2013 03:40PM

...I think you really mean...ME. Unless of course you are counting the extra people in your head. Whacka...Whacka Job! I can smell your crazy through the interweb.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: DwokkaDwokka ()
Date: February 25, 2013 03:57PM

they/we... Wrote:
> ...I think you really mean...ME. Unless of course
> you are counting the extra people in your head.
> Whacka...Whacka Job! I can smell your crazy
> through the interweb.

No, that's your rage and bile coming out against the Coach of the Year. Somebody,she'll leave or get fired. Do you intend to shake your fists at the sky until that happens?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: you... ()
Date: February 25, 2013 05:31PM

DwokkaDwokka Wrote:
> they/we... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ...I think you really mean...ME. Unless of
> course
> > you are counting the extra people in your head.
> > Whacka...Whacka Job! I can smell your crazy
> > through the interweb.
> No, that's your rage and bile coming out against
> the Coach of the Year. Somebody,she'll leave or
> get fired. Do you intend to shake your fists at
> the sky until that happens?

...missed the point DwokkaDwokka. I was referencing STAYaway's post when batshit crazy lady seems to think anyone is falling for the "they/we" part...when we all know its just one lady with a strap-on hard-on that is trying to get the "Coach of the Year" burned at the stake. Its seems as though we are on the same page Dwakka Dwokka.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: DwakkaDwokkaMoreComplete ()
Date: February 25, 2013 08:46PM

We..me...they..he..she.. it... I am (all) tired of you and your posts of which you have no clue what you are talking about...GET A LIFE !!!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: DwokkaDwokka ()
Date: February 25, 2013 09:08PM

DwakkaDwokkaMoreComplete Wrote:
> We..me...they..he..she.. it... I am (all) tired
> of you and your posts of which you have no clue
> what you are talking about...GET A LIFE !!!

Get a coach who wins Coach of the Year.

Oh, wait, you HAVE one.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Chasing... ()
Date: February 25, 2013 09:46PM

...ghosts again, are we? How is that working out for you?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Everyone just shut up ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:19PM

I have not posted in weeks. But I have posted before.
Tnis is all so needless.
So useless.

All the daughters hurt in this are someone's daughters.

The ones hurt by temper flare ups and vindictiveness are people too. So is the coach.

LB leadership should have acted long ago. That is who needs to be taken to task.

She made mistakes early on. Lots of them. To help someone develop as a coach a good AD works with them. You don't defend mistakes. You help fix them. You don't bash parents or the girls trying to find a way to make it better. That happened. That is reason this thread exists. Parents in this county will not accept that old school, my way or highway. Plus that is not leadership.

How about fixing the problems so thus blog can retire. Or does that make too much sense. I know for a FACT that numerous girls and parentsvtried to reach out. Tried to communicate. Tried to do right thing.

Many posted here because normal channels failed.

The finger incident was icing on cake.


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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Who... ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:26PM

...you gonna' call?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: That... ()
Date: February 25, 2013 10:28PM

...would be Ghostbusters! cue music

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Why... ()
Date: February 26, 2013 01:09AM

That... Wrote:
> ...would be Ghostbusters! cue music

.....you have such a pathetic life More Complete DwakkaDwokka ...the post was to you not to or about the LB coach... you at 3500 posts yet under just the one registered name?...then the gazillion other pseudonyms


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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: I... ()
Date: February 26, 2013 01:16AM

...am not MC...hence you chasing ghosts...

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: DwokkaDwokka ()
Date: February 26, 2013 07:31AM

I... Wrote:
> ...am not MC...hence you chasing ghosts...

Nor am I, unless MC's been wasting a lot of time on the Mike O'Meara thread. However, I haven't registered this name, because I just don't give a flying bleep.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: February 26, 2013 09:06AM

I am More Complete, and I approve this message.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Legend ofMC ()
Date: February 26, 2013 05:48PM

More Complete Wrote:
> I am More Complete, and I approve this message.



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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: parent101 ()
Date: February 26, 2013 07:55PM

i think its a bit ridiculous seeing all the parents on here back up a coach that had the kids lose confidence in themselves. she was a sucky coach that DID NOT deserve coach of the year. the AD himself does not deserve to have a job. you have amazing coaches that were lined up for this job and he took the young, blonde girl. Martino thinks lake braddock is some wonderful school but little does he know kids dread going to practice because of this physco lady. the seasons over and something needs to be done. kids should not be playing for a team that they don't learn anything from. when Janis was gone with her son the team finally came together as a team and that's how they started winning. if Janis isn't fired... Martino is the most ignorant person out there and he will regret it because there WILL BE a season where 5 girls show up because nobody else wanted to try out...GOODLUCK TO THE FUTURE BRUINS WITH A "WONDERFUL" COACH.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: You... ()
Date: February 26, 2013 08:36PM

...got it all wrong. We are not backing up the coach as you state...we are just against you and your tactics...pretty simple concept.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Honey Boo Boo 2 ()
Date: February 26, 2013 08:55PM

The LB situation much more entertaining than Honey Boo Boo. Coach reminds me of honey boo boo.

Shut up about tactics.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: I... ()
Date: February 26, 2013 09:06PM

...told you before, your "fuck you time card" is about to be pulled. I control all of the "fuck you time" and you are in direct violation. You are allowed to kill the horse but NOT beat it after. You may even use the meat in your meatballs but...never beat it!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: February 27, 2013 10:12AM

Honey Boo Boo 2 Wrote:
> The LB situation much more entertaining than Honey
> Boo Boo.

Honey Boo Boo is entertaining?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: AAU ()
Date: March 09, 2013 06:08PM

Where is everyone playing AAU

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Coach out ()
Date: March 12, 2013 03:43PM

Coach quit I hear!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Shout out to MC re breaking news ()
Date: March 12, 2013 04:54PM

More complete has free time now

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: TrueStoryThen? ()
Date: March 12, 2013 05:10PM

Wow !! I just heard and had to check this thread! Good Luck to her and her new baby!

That said--- She will make a wonderful mommy cursing out her child if she F-en embarrases her soiling her diaper, then grandaddy can flip her off in her pre-school graduation pic? she knew she had developed no one and with Natalie gone, next year looks dismal indeed. Now it is time to assure the AD does not bring in another hand picked inexperienced Vogues buddy. Someone start a new thread for next season and to let us know how the process goes ! Good luck!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Kind of mean ()
Date: March 12, 2013 06:02PM

Ok, be nice people

Let's hope for better days

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Mean ()
Date: March 12, 2013 08:14PM

Guess your kid didnt get called names etc... The EX coach is what you call a piece of work.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: moce on ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:07PM

Mean Wrote:
> Guess your kid didnt get called names etc... The
> EX coach is what you call a piece of work.

What are you 5??? It's competitive HS sports, you and daughter need to grow some thicker skin. 16-7 record shows me that coach knew her stuff no matter how many 6'4" gargantuans she had on the team. If you think your daughter doesn't go around talking about people in vile ways and also discussing her next 3-some or whose dick she plans to suck this weekend, then you are sadly blinded in life. At least the coach did it to their faces and not behind their backs and still produced wins. If you didn't like the coach and what she said, then you should have pulled your kid off the team. If you did that, then it sounds like sour grapes that she still won without your daughter and got the best of you. Whatever the case, you lose in both scenarios.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Let it go ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:15PM

Let it go.

She resigned.

As in quit the job.

The last poster is crude and rude.

It was not a good situation so perhaps now everyone can find another topic.

Global warming?

Recipes for Easter Dinner?

Stop defending the situation. Stop talking bad about it.

Just Stop.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Daddy ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:32PM

Daddy warbucks is back! He flips the bird now talks about kids doing nasty stuff. Maybe he should have a back ground check.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Sinky fingers ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:42PM

Daddy Wrote:
> Daddy warbucks is back!

I wonder if his finger still stinks?

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Yes, it still does ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:43PM

Yes. Finger still stinky. This is a different blogger by the way. I'm not answering my own question. I'm a different blogger blogging away.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: I know ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:44PM

I know the person who said the finger was stinky and they are not me. I also heard the sink on the dads finger will not go away.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Wow! Amazing ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:45PM

All these people saying his finger stinks, must be true. This is a different blogger by the way.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Must be true ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:46PM

This is a different blogster also. Heard the same thing. Background check the finger, you'll see. Something must be done!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Stupid. Ness ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:54PM

Old news

Move on

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: But but but... ()
Date: March 12, 2013 09:59PM

What about all these different bloggers saying his finger smells like poo? There should be an inverstigation. I bet there is fecal matter under his fingers nails. Would you want someone with poo poo under finger nails pointing it at you? No. No you would not. No one would.

This is a different blogger by the way. I am outraged.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: All these bloggings ()
Date: March 12, 2013 10:02PM

All these different bloggings got me thinking. Can he be arrested for having poo on his finger and then he touches someone? There are too many bloggers to ignore. It's not just me either. Look at all these bloggings!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Pat Summitt ()
Date: April 18, 2013 04:16PM

Posting from LB Sports website:

New Lake Braddock Coach
Posted on: Monday, April 15, 2013

Dear Student-Athletes and Parents,

The purpose of this letter is to briefly introduce myself as the new Lake Braddock Head Girls Varsity Coach. I have had the pleasure of coaching basketball for the past 15+ years and I look forward to leading this great program. While I know the families from the past year, I am also eager to begin working with those families that I have yet to meet.

I look forward to building a program that this community and school can be proud of. My goal is to provide a supportive environment for the girls to grow strong character through healthy competition, and to develop their individual and team skills.

I am looking forward to a fun-filled season where the girls will learn and improve their skills as well as the values of teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play. I demand that each girl is respectful to coaches, fellow players, opponents, officials and those they come in contact with throughout the season.

I will be in contact with you regarding the summer and fall teams as well as the off-season conditioning program. There will be a basketball interest meeting after school as soon as possible to discuss the future plans for the program with the girls.

I look forward to having open communication amongst my players and parents. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me via email at jgiannelli3@msn.com.

John Giannelli

Girls Head Basketball Coach

Lake Braddock Secondary School

Go Bruins!

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Wonderful ()
Date: April 18, 2013 06:25PM

That man is an amazing person, coach etc... Should of been the coach last 3 years.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: until you sit on the bench ()
Date: April 18, 2013 09:41PM

Until you or your daughter is sit on the bench and you stupidly decide to pretend to be 20 different bloggers on this site. Then all hell breaks loose when you are called out for it. Boo hoo hoo.

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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: April 20, 2013 11:11PM

Glad to see people seem to have some respect for the new guy. Let's hope it stays that way. Go Bruins!


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Re: Lake braddock girls basketball
Posted by: Coming Soon ()
Date: April 21, 2013 10:12AM

More Complete Wrote:
> Glad to see people seem to have some respect for
> the new guy. Let's hope it stays that way. Go
> Bruins!
> :)

Middle of next season:

"Whaaaa, my kid's not playing enough, this guy is a jerk, he doesn't listen to the parents, he's mean to the girls, it's a conspiracy . . . "

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