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Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: alive ()
Date: April 12, 2005 03:58PM

I'm interested in getting a colocated FreeBSD server to run network services on, preferably somewhere in the area so I could go visit it. Anyone have any suggestions on a fairly affordable, decent colo provider around here that I could use?

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 12, 2005 04:28PM

alive -
My company (link: http://www.patriot.net/ ) used to do it, but we got tired of people wanting in to our colo facility at all hours of the night.
Now we do "leased server" so we technically own the box, but it's yours to administer.
We might be doing colo again soon at our actual offices, not at our AboveNet facility, but it would only be on a T1.

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 12, 2005 04:49PM

how much are you looking to spend max per month?

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: asnpcwiz ()
Date: April 14, 2005 10:53AM

A price range would help with this sort of thing.

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: alive ()
Date: April 15, 2005 09:07PM

As little as possible? I'm not sure exactly how much money I'll have at my disposal, but $150 or so a month is probably the max, and something like $99 would be more likely.

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 15, 2005 09:46PM

don't mean to be discouraging but for that kind of money, good luck finding a place that will let you on site any meaningful amount or frequency.

I'll ask around though

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: alive ()
Date: April 15, 2005 10:43PM

Oh... well, I'd only need to visit if the server became FUBARed due to my own incompetence.

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: kts ()
Date: April 23, 2005 01:31PM

check out http://www.vix.com/personalcolo/

there are a few in the VA/MD area listed and some are $50-$100/mo for a decent amount of bandwidth.

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: Mr_Chantilly ()
Date: April 28, 2005 11:13PM

Good luck getting past the install script of FreeBSD. Hopefully you're not a novice. You'll probably have to do some tweaking to that install script....I did.

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: raplph ()
Date: May 06, 2005 09:37PM


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Why FreeBSD?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 07, 2005 10:15AM

I know this is perhaps a topic talked about too much but why choose FreeBSD? I know it is supposed to be secure but I don't think it would be anymore secure than another distrobution with the NSA security patches and perhaps a program called Harden. I personally like Debian because you can do all this without upgrading your system package by package. A few clicks and you can have all this done. Even better, if you fuck up the box, you can reinstall everything from scratch using a file that can be generated containing the list of apps. There is even automatic updating or manual if you choose. Just my thoughts.

unfairfax [at] adaptivetime [dot] com

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Re: Good places to colocate a server?
Posted by: sdkjald ()
Date: December 26, 2010 09:58PM

i duuno lemme know if you find out

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